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Caine T. A. and Lyman W. A. 1904 SUPERIOR SHEET, WISCONSIN-MINNESOTA USDA soil survey map, folding colored map, measuring approx. 24 x 48 inches, vg condition.                 Price: $35.00            (stock#WIsoilsSuperior)


Carlson J. E. 1961 GEOLOGY OF THE MONTFORT AND LINDEN QUADRANGLES WISCONSIN USGS Bull. #1123-B wraps ex-lib else light wear vg, 44 pp., 2 plts, 3 figs.                                           

                                                                                         Price: $20.00                                  (stock#USGSB1123B)


Chamberlain, T. C. 1888 THE ROCK SCORINGS OF THE GREAT ICE INVASIONS from 7th USGS Annual Report, 4to, tape on spine, contents vg with  102 pp., 1 plate and 50 figures. With beautiful engravings. Price: $30.00        (GLAC34)


Irving R. D. 1885 PRELIMINARY PAPER ON AN INVESTIGATION OF THE ARCHEAN FORMATIONS OF THE NORTHWESTERN STATES from UGS 5th Ann Rpt., 4to, cloth tape to spine, light wear, contents good with 68 pp., 10 plates most of which are colored maps or scenic geologic views from the Lake Superior region including Minnesota and Michigan.                 Price: $30.00                              (stock#MI99)


Irving, R. D. 1888 ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE EARLY CAMBRIAN AND PRE-CAMBRIAN FORMATIONS 7th USGS Annual Report, 4to, tape on spine, contents vg with 90 pp., 21 plates and 33 figures and one of the early core references for defining the Precambrian - Cambrian boundary in North America.  

                                                                                                            Price: $30.00                          (stock#MI22)


Irving R. D. and Van Hise C. R. 1891 THE PENOKEE IRON BEARING SERIES OF MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN from 10th USGS Annual Rpt, 4to, spine neatly bound clean copy with light wear, contains 168 pp., 23 plats including colored maps 5 figs. colored maps, 5 figs.                       Price: $30.00                         (stock#MI057)


Kennedy V. C. 1956 GEOCHEMICAL STUDIES IN THE SOUTHWESTERN WISCONSIN ZINC-LEAD AREA USGS Bull. #1000-E wraps, some external wear, contents vg, 37 pp., 11 plts, 8 figs.        Price: $15.00         (stock#USGSB1000Er)


Klemic H. and West W. S. 1964 GEOLOGY OF THE BELMONT AND CALAMINE QUADRANGLES WISCONSIN USGS Bull. #1123-G wps light wear ex-lib else vg, 75 pp., 3 plates (folding map is nice), 4 figs.                                                                           Price: $20.00                            (stock#USGSB1123G)


Marshall R. B. 1914 RESULTS OF SPIRIT LEVELING IN WISCONSIN 1897 TO 1914 INCLUSIVE USGS Bull. #570 wps, light wear, ex-lib else vg, 81 pp., 1 plt. Includes bench markand elevation data for the State by quadrangle or county with mention of many now-obscure place and business names and railroad lines.                                                                                     Price: $15.00                                (stock#USGSB570)


Morey G. B. and Sims P. K. 1988 CORRELATION OF PRECAMBRIAN ROCKS OF THE LAKE SUPERIOR REGION UNITED STATES USGS Prof. Paper #1241-F wps light wear vg 31 pp., 1 plt, 9 figs. 

                                                                                                         Price: $15.00                              (stock#PP1241Fmn)


Taylor A. R. 1964 GEOLOGY OF THE REWEY AND MIFFLIN QUADRANGLES WISCONSIN USGS Bull. #1123-F wps light wear ex-lib else vg, 81 pp., 2 plates (including large colored folding map is nice), 4 figs.                                                                                          Price: $20.00                          (stock#USGSB1123F)


Thwaites F. T. 1943 PLEISTOCENE OF PART OF NORTHEASTERN WISCONSIN offprint Geol. Soc. America Bull. wps light+ wear, vg, 58 pp., 10 plts, 22 figs including 2 lg folding maps.            Price: $20.00                   (stock#WI05)



SOIL SURVEY OF ADAMS COUNTY WISCONSIN By Geib W. J. et al. 1920 8vo disbound, some wear, marginal short tears to first page, rest of text good with 30 pp. + huge fold out colored soils map of this area of central Wisconsin.                                                                        Price: $30.00                                 (stock#WI044)


SOIL SURVEY OF THE BAYFIELD AREA WISCONSIN By Maynadier G. B. et al. 1910 8vo, disbound, light wear, 23 pp. and large colored soil map of this region around the Lake Superior shore.

                                                                                                             Price: $50.00                                (stock#WI045)


SOIL SURVEY OF BUFFALO COUNTY WISCONSIN By Geib W.J. et al. 1913 8vo disbound, light wear, vg, 45 pp. + huge foldout colored soils map of this region of the Mississippi River Valley.     

                                                                                                             Price: $35.00                                (stock#WI046)


Geib W. J. et a. 1925 SOIL SURVEY OF CALUMET COUNTY WISCONSIN published by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 8vo, in wraps as issued, some external wear, stamp to wrap, contents good with 28 pp., 1 plate, 1 figure and the large colored folding map of Calumet County. Scarce.                                            Price: $40.00                        (stock#WI32)


SOIL SURVEY OF COLUMBIA COUNTY WISCONSIN By Geib W. J. et al. 1911 8vo disbound, light wear, vg, 57 pp. + hugefold out colored soils map of this area of south-central Wisconsin. Very scarce. 

                                                                                                             Price: $30.00                               (stock#WI047)


Geib W. J. et al. 1918 SOIL SURVEY OF JACKSON COUNTY WISCONSIN published by the U. S. Dept. Agriculture, 8vo, text with 40 pp., disbound or coming so, the large folding colored soils map of the County, located in west-central Wisconsin, is present and in very good condition. Scarce.                                Price: $35.00                  (stock#WI59)

Geib W. J. et al. 1912 SOIL SURVEY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY WISCONSIN published by the U. S. Dept. Agriculture 8vo, text with 54 pp. disbound or coming so, the large folding colored soils map of the County, located in south-central Wisconsin, is present and in very good condition. Scarce.                                  Price: $40.00                   (stock#WI60)

SOIL SURVEY OF JUNEAU COUNTY WISCONSIN By Geib W. J. et al. 1911 8vo disbound, light wear, vg, 50 pp. + huge foldout colored soils map of this area of central Wisconsin.                           Price: $35.00                       (stock#WI055)

SOIL SURVEY OF LA CROSSE COUNTY WISCONSIN By Geib W. J. et al. 1918 8vo disbound, light wear, vg, 40 pp. + hugefold out colored soils map of this area of western Wisconsin along the Mississippi River and Minnesota border.     

                                                                                                                                Price: $50.00                 (stock#WI058)


Anderson A. C. et al. 1926 SOIL SURVEY OF MANITOWOC COUNTY WISCONSIN USDA wraps, ex-lib with stamp, light+ external wear, contents vg, 28 pp., large folding colored map fine, and measures 24 x 26 inches.                                                                                Price: $35.00                             (stock#WIsoilsManitowoc)


RECONNAISSANCE SOIL SURVEY OF MARINETTE COUNTY WISCONSIN By Weidman S. et al. 1909 8vo, disbound, very good with 34 pp., 4 plates and fold out colored soils map. Scarce.  

                                                                                                                  Price: $35.00                           (stock#WI059)


SOIL SURVEY OF PORTAGE COUNTY WISCONSIN By Meeker F. N. and Burke R. T. A. 1905 8vo disbound, light wear, vg, 27pp. + huge fold out colored soils map of this area of central Wisconsin.       

                                                                                                            Price: $35.00                             (stock#WI062)


Caine T. A. and Lyman W. S. 1904  SOIL SURVEY OF THE SUPERIOR AREA WISCONSIN - MINNESOTA 8vo disbound, map with small crease else vg to fine, with 18 pp. + map.      Price: $35.00                   (stock#WI072)


Smith W. G. 1903  SOIL SURVEY OF THE VIROQUA AREA WISCONSIN 8vo, disbound, some wear, short tears to 1st page else g+ copy, map is fine. With 15 pp. + large colored fold out soils map. 

                                                                                                          Price: $30.00                                   (stock#WI066)


Geib W. J. et al. 1910  SOIL SURVEY OF WAUKESHA COUNTY WISCONSIN 8vo, disbound else vg with 44 pp. and large foldout colored soils map covering the county just west of Milwaukee.            

                                                                                                          Price: $35.00                                  (stock#WI069)


Nelson J. W. et al. 1909  SOIL SURVEY OF WAUSHARA COUNTY WISCONSIN 8vo partly disbound else vg, map fine.With 28 pp. + fine map.                                                 Price: $35.00                                     (stock#WI071)

Geib W. J. et al. 1915 SOIL SURVEY OF WOOD COUNTY WISCONSIN published by the U. S. Dept. Agriculture, 8vo, text with 47 pp. disbound or coming so, the large folding colored soils map of the County, located in central Wisconsin, is present and in very good condition. Scarce.                                                    Price: $35.00                         (stock#WI62)

Geib W. J. et al. 1914  RECONNOISSANCE SOIL SURVEY OF SOUTH PART OF NORTH-CENTRAL WISCONSIN 8vo partly disbound else vg, with 72 pp., 6 plates and large fold outcolored soils map. Scarce.      Price: $35.00           (stock#WI63)


                                                EARLY SURVEYS

Chamberlain T. C. et al. 1883 GEOLOGY OF  WISCONSIN VOLUME 1 1873-1879 royal 4to, orig. cloth with some wear, ex-lib and vg, contents clean with 725 pp. and Scores of figs.                Price: $60.00            (stock#WIV1)


                                                                                                                   Price: $25.00                       (stock#WIGSB3)

#5 Salisbury R. D. and W.W. Atwood W. W. 1900 THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE REGION ABOUT DEVIL’S LAKE AND THE DALLES OF WISCONSIN WITH SOME NOTES ON ITS SURFACE GEOLOGY 8vo, some external wear, gilt spine title faded, contents vg.                                               Price: $30.00                      (stock#WIGSB5)

#7 Buckley E, R. 1901 THE CLAYS AND CLAY  INDUSTRIES OF WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth as issued, gilt spine title faded, contents vg with 304 pp. and illustrations (Note Bulletin 7 is titled Part 1. Part 2 was never published).                                                                                                  Price: $30.00                    (stock# WIGSB7)

#8  Fenneman N. M. 1902 ON THE LAKES OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN orig. cloth, light wear, name on fep else vg, 179 pp., 36 plts, 38 figs.                                                        Price: $25.00                    (stock#WIGSB8)

#9 Grant U. S. 1903 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE LEAD AND ZINC DEPOSITS OF SOUTHWESTERN WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth as issued, gilt spine title faded else vg. With 103 pp. and illustrations covering the Wisconsin portion of the Upper Mississippi Lead and Zinc Mining District.    Price: $60.00      (stock#WIGSB9)

#10 Buckley E. R. 1903 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION IN WISCONSIN 8vo, cloth as issued, gilt spine title faded else very good copy with 339 pp. and illustrations.                               Price: $25.00                (stock# WIGSB10)

#11 Weidman S. 1903 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE SOILS AND AGRICULTURAL CONDITIONS OF NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN 8vo, cloth as issued, 68 pp. + soil map at scale of 1 inch = 3 miles.        

                                                                                                                Price: $30.00                  (stock#WIGSB11)

#15 Ries H. 1906 THE CLAYS OF WISCONSIN AND THEIR USES 8vo, in cloth as issued, some external wear, contents clean with 259 pp. + illustrations.                                              Price: $30.00                (stock#WIGSB15)

#16 Weidman S. 1907 THE GEOLOGY OF NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN 8vo, in gilt cloth as issued, some wear, internally clean and vg copy with 697 pp. and illustrations.        Price: $40.00                (stock#WIGSB16)

#17 Goldthwait J. W. 1907 THE ABANDONED SHORELINES OF EASTERN WISCONSIN 8vo in cloth as issued, light overall wear, vg copy with 134 pp., illus.                                           Price:  $25.00               (stock#WIGSB17)
#20  Smith L. S. THE WATER POWERS OF WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth as issued, light wear, spine title faded else vg copy with 354 pp. and illustrations.                                              Price: $30.00               (stock#WIGSB20)

#22 Birge E. A. et al. 1911 THE INLAND LAKES OF WISCONSIN orig. cloth, fraying to spine ends else vg, 259 pp., 10 plts, 42 figs.                                                                                       Price: $30.00               (stock#WIGSB22)
#23 Weidman S. et al. 1911 RECONNAISSANCE SOIL SURVEY OF PART OF NORTHWESTERN WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth as issued, overall light wear, spine title faded else good with 102 pp., figs + soil map, scale of 1 inch = 3 miles.                                                                                                Price: $30.00               (stock#WIGSB23)

#26 Whitbeck R. H. 1913 THE GEOGRAPHY AND INDUSTRIES OF WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth as issued, spine title faded else vg with 94 pp., illustrations.                                              Price: $25.00               (stock#WIGSB26)

#28 Whitson A. R. et al. 1913 SOIL SURVEY OF WAUSHARA COUNTY WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth as issued, some external wear, contents very good with 62 pp., illustrations and soil map at scale of 1 inch = 1 mile.      

                                                                                                               Price: $25.00              (stock#WIGSB28)
#33 Neuman J. J. 1914 THE POLYPORACEAE OF WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth, light Wear and very good copy with 206 pp. and illustrations.                                                                      Price: $20.00              (stock#WIGSB33)
#34  Hotchkiss W. O. and E. Steidtmann E. 1914 LIMESTONE ROAD MATERIALS OF WISCONSIN 8vo, cloth, some wear internally clean, 137 pp., illus.                                                   Price: $25.00              (stock#WIGSB34)

#35 Weidman S. and Schultz A. R. 1915 THE UNDERGROUND AND SURFACE WATER SUPPLIES OF WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth as issued, some external wear, internally very good, with 664 pp. and illustrations.                                                                                                                                          Price:  $35.00             (stock#WIGSB35)

#36 Martin B. L. 1916 THE PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF WISCONSIN 8vo, cloth, light wear, very good copy with 549 pp., illustrations + relief map of the State (scale 1:1,000,000).   
Price:  $30.00         (stock#WIGSB36)
#37  Whitson A. R. et al. 1914 SOIL SURVEY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth as issued with 85 pp. and map packet w/ soil map at scale 1:63,360.                      Price: $30.00             (stock#WIGSB37)
#41  Uglow W. L. 1914  A STUDY OF METHODS OF MINE VALUATION AND ASSESSMENT WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE ZINC MINES OF SOUTHWESTERN WISCONSIN 8vo, in boards, light wear, vg copy with 43 pp. and illustrations.                                                                 Price: $30.00                               (stock#WIGSB41)
#42 Whitbeck R. H. 1915 THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE FOX-WINNEBAGO 8vo in cloth as issued, light wear, vg with 105 pp. and illus.                                                                               Price: $25.00                   (stock#WIGSB42)
#44 Hotchkiss W. O. et al. 1915 Mineral LAND CLASSIFICATION SHOWING INDICATIONS OF IRON FORMATION IN PARTS OF ASHBURN SAWYER PRICE ONEIDA FOREST RUSK BARRON AND CHIPPEWA COUNTIES 8vo, in cloth as issued, some external wear, good copy, 378 pp. and illustrations.   
Price:  $40.00                 (Stock#WIGSB44)
#45 Huels F. W. 1915 THE PEAT RESOURCES OF WISCONSIN 8vo in cloth as issued, light wear, very good copy with 274 pp. and illus.                                                                      Price: $20.00                  (stock#WIGSB45)
#46 Hotchkiss W. O. et al. 1929 MINERAL LANDS OF PART OF NORTHERN WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth, light wear, vg with 212 pp. and illus.                                                                Price: $35.00                  (stock#WIGSB46)

#47 Whitson A. R. 1916 RECONNAISSANCE SOIL SURVEY OF NORTH EASTERN WISCONSIN 8vo in cloth as issued with envelope of maps to accompany report. With 87 pp., illustrations soil maps at scale of 1 inch = 3 miles.                                                                                                           Price:  $30.00                  (stock#WIGSB47)
#52A Whitson A. R. et al. 1918 RECONNAISSANCE SOIL SURVEY OF SOUTH PART OF NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN 8vo cloth as issued, some external wear, internally clean, 108 pp., illustrations and soil map at scale of 1 inch=3 mil                                                                                  Price: $25.00                (stock#WIGSB52A)
54A-D (complete) Whitson A. R. et al. 1917-1923 8vo in cloth, includes the following: #54A SOIL SURVEY OF BUFFALO COUNTY WISCONSIN 76 pp., illustrations and soil map at scale of 1:63,360; #54B SOIL SURVEY OF JACKSON COUNTY Wisconsin with 85 pp., illustrations and soil map at same scale; #54C SOIL SURVEY OF WAUPACA COUNTY, WISCONSIN 84 pp. and soil map at same scale; and #54D SOIL SURVEY OF OUTAGAMIE COUNTY with 78 pp. and soil map at scale of 1 inch = 1 mile.   
Price: $50.00      (stock#WI54set)
#55 Whitson A. R. et al. 1919 THE SOILS OF NORTHERN WISCONSIN 8vo in cloth as issued, light wear, vg copy with 45 pp. and illus.                                                                       Price: $20.00                   (stock#WIGSB55)

#56A-D Whitson A. R. et al. 1919-1924 complete as follows: #56A SOIL SURVEY OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth, 63 pp. with soil map at scale of 1:62,500; #56B SOIL SURVEY OF RACINE AND KENOSHA COUNTIES WISCONSIN 94 pp. and soil map  at scale of 1:63,360; and #56C SOIL SURVEY OF WALWORTH COUNTY WISCONSIN 8vo, in wraps, wraps chipped, wear, contents with 98 pp., soil map at scale of 1:63,360.                                                                                     Price:  $75.00             (stock#WIGSB56A-D)
277 pp. and illustrations. Both volumes 8vo, in cloth, small tear to lower spine cloth on Part One else vg set.                                           Price:  $40.00              (stock#WIGSB57set)

#63 Thwaites F. T. 1921 EDUCATIONAL COLLECTION OF WISCONSIN ROCKS 8vo, in wraps, rear wrap loose, contents clean, good copy,  33 pp.                                           Price:  $10.00                    (stock#WIGSB63)
#64 Birge E. A. and Juday C. 1922 THE INLAND LAKES OF WISCONSIN: THE PLANKTON I. ITS QUANTITY AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION  8vo, in cloth, 222 pp., illustrations.    Price:  $25.00            (stock#WIGSB64)

#65 Blanchard W. O. 1924 THE GEOGRAPHY OF SOUTHWESTERN WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth as issued, light overall wear, vg copy with 117 pp., illustrations.                                   Price:  $25.00                  (stock#WIGSB65)

#66  Steidtmann E. et al. 1924  LIMESTONES AND MARLS OF WISCONSIN 8vo, cloth vg copy with 208 pp. and illustrations.                                                                                        Price: $30.00                   (stock#WIGSB66)

#67 Hotchkiss W. O. and Bean E. F. 1925 A BRIEF OUTLINE OF THE GEOLOGY, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY GEOGRAPHY AND INDUSTRIES OF WISCONSIN 8vo, in  wraps as issued, some wear, internally very good, 60 pp. and illustrations.                                                                            Price:  $20.00                  (stock#WIGSB67)
#68 Whitson A. R. 1927 SOILS OF WISCONSIN 8vo, in wps, small tear, some wear to wraps else vg copy with 270 pp. and illustrations.                                                                           Price: $25.00                 (stock#WIGSB68)
#69 Trainer D. W. Jr. 1928 MOLDING SANDS OF WISCONSIN 8vo, in cloth as issued, light wear, vg copy with 103 pp.                                                                                                          Price: $20.00                 (stock#WIGSB69)

                              U. S. BUREAU OF MINES PUBLICATIONS

Schaus O. M. 1930 MINING METHODS AND COSS AT THE MONTREAL MINE, MONTREAL, WISCONSIN US Bur. Mines Circ. #6369 wps light wear vg 27 pp., 51 figs.                   Price: $25.00            (stock#USBMIC6369)


#273  Alden W. C. 1905 THE DRUMLINS OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN wraps with archival tape on spineelse vg, 46 pp.,  9 plts, 8 figs.                                                         Price: $25.00               (stock#USGSB273)

#570  Marshall R. B. 1914 RESULTS OF SPIRIT LEVELING IN WISCONSIN 1897 TO 1914 INCLUSIVE archival else vg, 81 pp., 1 plt.                                                                                   Price: $15.00                (stock#USGSB570)

#1242-A  Heyl A. V. and King E. R. 1966 AEROMAGNETIC AND TECTONIC ANALYSIS OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ZINC-LEAD DISTRICT wps, ex-lib,vg, 16 pp., 1 plt, 2 figs.                                                     

                                                                                                                      Price: $15.00            (stock#USGSB1242A)

#1312-G  Cannon R. S. and Pieerce A. P. 1969 LEAD ISOTOPE STUDIES FOR MISSISSIPPI VALLEY LEAD-ZINC EXPLORATION ps, ex-lib, vg, 20 pp., 13 figs.                                         Price: $10.00             (stock#USGSB1312G)

#1460  Schmidt R. G. 1980 THE MARQUETTE RANGE SUPERGROUP IN THE GOGEBIC IRON DISTRICT MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN wraps, ex-lib, light+ wear and stamps else contents vg, 96 pp., 12 figs.

                                                                                                                      Price: $15.00              (stock#USGSB1460)

#1511  Cannon W. F. et al. 1981 MINERAL RESOURCESOF THE RAINBOW LAKE WILDERNESS STUDY AREAAND THE FLYNN LAKE WILDERNESS STUDY AREABAYFIELD COUNTY WISCONSIN wps, light wear, vg, 19 pp., 1 plt, 2 figs.                                                                                Price: $10.00                (stock#USGSB1511)

#1512  Cannon W. F. et al. 1981 MINERAL-RESOURCE EVALUATION OF THE ROUND LAKE WILDERNESSSTUDY AREA PRICE AND VILAS COUNTIES WISCONSIN wps, light wear, vg, 23 pp., 1 plt, 9 figs.                                                                                                               Price: $10.00               (stock#USGSB1512)


                                              PROFESSIONAL PAPERS

#106  Alden W. C. 1918 THE QUATERNARY GEOLOGY OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN WITH A CHAPTER ON THE OLDER ROCK FORMATIONS no wps, some external wear, ex-lib else vg with 365 pp., fold out pocket maps, plts and figs. Scarce.                                                                      Price: $50.00                                    (stock#PP106)

#154-A  Leverett F. 1929 MORAINES AND SHORE LINES OF THE LAKE SUPERIOR REGION 4to, wrps with spine archivally- taped else vg copy, 72 pp., 8 plts, 10 figs. Scarce to find complete with fold out map.

                                                                                                         Price: $25.00                                 (stock#PP154A)

#274-K  Agnew A. F. et al. 1956  STRATIGRAPHY OF MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN ROCKS IN THE ZINC LEAD DISTRICT OF WISCONSIN ILLINOIS AND IOWA 4to, wps with some wear, contents vg, 63 pp., 24 figs.                                                                                                                                               Price: $20.00                                (stock#PP274K)

#633  Dutton C. E. 1971 GEOLOGY OF THE FLORENCE AREA WISCONSIN AND MICHIGAN wraps some wear, ex-lib, contents vg, 54 pp., 8 plts, 12 figs.                                            Price: $20.00                                  (stock#PP633)

#1292-C  Sims P. K. et al. 1985 GEOLOGY AND GEOCHRONOLOGY OF GRANITOID AND METAMORPHIC ROCKS OF LATE ARCHEAN AGE IN NORTHWESTERN WISCONSIN wps, ex-lib else vg, 17 pp., 9 figs.                                                                                                                                              Price: $10.00                               (stock#PP1292C)


                                           WATER SUPPLY PAPERS

#1229  Foley F. C. et al. 1953 GROUND-WATER CONDITIONS IN THE MILWAUKEE-WAUKESHA AREA WISCONSIN wps, light wear, vg, 96 pp., 8 plts, 27 figs.                                       Price: $15.00                             (stock#WSP1229)

#1499-G  Knowles D. B. et al. 1964 WATER RESOURCES OF THE GREEN BAY AREA WISCONSIN wps, ex-lib else vg, 67 pp., 1 plt, 26 figs.                                                                    Price: $15.00                           (stock#WSP1499G)


#1619-K  LeRoux E. F. 1963 GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF ROCK COUNTY WISCONSIN U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water SUpply Paper #1619-K wraps, corner bump else contents very good with 50 pp., 5 plates (folding maps and charts in rear pocket), 15 figures on this area centered around Beloit and the
Wisconsin-Michigan border along I-90.                                             Price: $20.00                      (stock#WSP1619Kwi)

#1669-B  Collier C. R. 1963 SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS OF SMALL STREAMS IN SOUTHERN WISCONSIN 1954-59 wps, light blotch stain to last few pp., overall vg, 34 pp., 14 figs.    Price: $10.00             (stock#WSP1669B)

#1669-J  Knowles D. B. 1964 GROUND-WATER CONDITIONS IN THE GREEN BAY AREA WISCONSIN 1950-60 wps, light wear, ex-lib, 37 pp., 6 plts, 9 figs.                                              Price: $10.00                          (stock#WSP1669J)

#1669-U  Berkstresser C. F. Jr. 1964 GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF WAUPACA COUNTY WISCONSIN wps, light wear, vg, 38 pp.,4 plts, 7 figs.                                                    Price: $10.00                          (stock#WSP1669U)

#1796  Holt C. L. R. Jr. 1965 GEOLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES OF PORTAGE COUNTY WISCONSIN wps, ex-lib, vg, 77 pp., 2 plts, 20 figs.                                                                   Price: $10.00                            (stock#WSP1796)

#1809-B  Summers W. K. 1965 GEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF WAUSHARA COUNTY WISCONSIN wps, ex-lib else vg, 32 pp., 3 plts, 11 figs.                     Price: $10.00                          (stock#WSP1809B)

#1811 Weeks E. P. et al. 1965 HYDROLOGY OF THE LITTLE PLOVER RIVER BASIN PORTAGE COUNTY WISCONSIN AND THE EFFECTS OF WATER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT wps with surface tear, ex-lib, contents vg, 76 pp., 8 plts, 25 figs.                                                                                       Price: $10.00                              (stock#WSP1811)

#1878  Hutchinson R. D. 1970 WATER RESOURCES OF RACINE AND KENOSHA COUNTIES SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN wps, light wear, vg, 62 pp., 4 plts, 20 figs.                   Price: $10.00                            (stock#WSP1878)

#1999-I  Hamilton L. J. 1971 WATER FOR CRANBERRY CULTURE IN THE CRANMOOR AREA OF CENTRAL WISCONSIN wps, light wear, vg, 120 pp., 2 plts, 2 figs.                    Price: $10.00                           (stock#WSP1999I)

#2006  Oakes E. et al. 1973 THE PINE-POPPLE RIVER BASIN – HYDROLOGY OF A WILD RIVER AREA NORTHEASTERN WISCONSIN wps, light wear, vg, 57 pp., 2 plts, 16 figs.   Price: $10.00               (stock#WSP2006)

#2022  Bell E. A. and Sherrill M. G. 1974 WATER AVAILABILITY IN CENTRAL WISCONSIN- AN AREA OF NEAR-SURFACE CRYSTALLINE ROCK wps, ex-lib, light+ wear, vg, 32 pp., 6 plts, 9 figs.

                                                                                                            Price: $8.00                          (stock#WPS#2022)

#2069 Batten W. G. and Hindall S. M. SEDIMENT DEPOSITION IN THE WHITE RIVER RESERVOIR NORTHWESTERN WISCONSIN wps with speckled soiling, contents clean, 30 pp., 1 plt, 13 figs.  

                                                                                                            Price: $8.00                            (stock#WSP2069)

                            U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAPS

                      HA (HYDROLOGIC ATLAS SERIES) MAPS


                                                                                                                       Price: $10.00             (stock#mapHA321)

                                                                                                                        Price: $10.00            (stock#mapHA360)
Devaul R. W. and Green J. H. 1971  WATER RESOURCES OF WISCONSIN–CENTRAL WISCONSIN RIVER BASIN USGS Map HA-367                                                                                         Price: $10.00            (stock#mapHA367)

                                                                                                                        Price: $10.00             (stock#mapHA376)

                                                      MF SERIES

#1097  Ketner K. B. 1979 MAP SHOWING HIGH PURITY SILICA SAND OF MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN AGE IN THE MIDWESTERN STATES map in sleeve, vg.                                                     Price: $10.00           (stock#mapMF1097)



Lavery N. G. and Barnes H. L. 1971 ZINC DISPERSION IN THE WISCONSIN ZINC-LEAD DISTRICT offprint Econ. Geol. wraps with signature, corner bump, contents vg, 16 pp., 5 figs.    Price: $10.00          (stock#WI23)

Paul C. R. C. 1967 HALLICYSTIS ATTENUATA, A NEW CALLOCYSTITID CYSTOID FROM THE RACINE DOLOMITE OF WISCONSIN Unv. Michigan Cont. Paleont. 21(11) title wps light wear, vg, 22 pp., 4 plts.           

                                                                                                                         Price: $10.00             (stock#UMCP21(11)

Ruedemann R. 1933 THE CAMBRIAN OF THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY Bull. Milwaukee Museum 12(3) wraps with stamp and faded presentation from author, some external wear, contents vg, 41 pp., 10 plts, 4 figs. Scarce.                                                                                                    Price: $20.00                     (stock#WI22)

Upham W. 1900 PLEISTOCENE ICE AND RIVER EROSION IN THE SAINT CROIX VALLEY OF MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN offprint from GSA Bull., wps with signature else vg, 32 pp., 1 plt. Price: $10.00  (stock#WI01)

Wilson L. R. 1936 FURTHER FOSSIL STUDIES OF THE TWO CREEKS FOREST BED, MANITOWOC COUNTY WISCONSIN offprint Bull. Torrey Botanical Club, wraps with some wear, soiling, contents vg, 8 pp., 1 fig. On glacial age fossil wood.                                                                                  Price: $10.00                      (stock#PB71)

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