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ANNUAL REPORT OF THE STATE GEOLOGIST 1903–1904 (Vol. 4), cloth, small tear to corner of rear board, inner front hinge split but board firm. Contents proper with light wear contents vg, 236 pp., 81 pltes, 7 figs. Contents include SKETCH OF THE LIFE AND WORK OF C. B. ADAMS; MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE STATE; GLACIATION OF THE GREEN MOUNTAIN RANGE; GEOLOGY OF GRAND ISLE COUNTY; HYDROLOGY OF VERMONT and more.

                                                                                                                         Price: $35.00                   (stock#VTAR03-04)


Chang P. H. et al. 1965 BEDROCK GEOLOGY OF THE WOODSTOCK QUADRANGLE VERMONT VT Geol. Surv. Bull. #29 wps with stamp, small spot else light wear, vg, 65 pp., 9 plts, 8 figs.          

                                                                                                                Price: $25.00                            (stock#VTGSB29)


Connally C. G. 1970 SURFICIAL GEOLOGY OF THE BRANDON-TICONDEROGA 15-MINUTE QUADRANGLE 4to, wps light wear, vg, 45 pp., 6 plts, 6 figs.                                        Price: $15.00                             (stock#VTStudies2)


Doll C. G. 1951 THE MEMPHREMAGOG QUADRANGLE AND THE SOUTHEASTERN PORTION OF THE IRASBURG QUADRANGLE VERMONT VT Geol. Surv. Bull. #3 wps with stamps else light wear, vg, 113 pp., 17 plts, 6 figs.                                                                                           Price: $20.00                              (stock#VTGSB03)


Ern E. H. Jr. 1963 BEDROCK GEOLOGY OF THE RANDOLPH QUADRANGLE VERMONT VT Geol. Surv. Bull. #21 wps with stamp else some wear contents and folding map vg, 96 pp., 28 plts, 6 figs.        

                                                                                                             Price: $20.00                                (stock#VTGSB21)


Hudson G. H. 1909 SOME ITEMS CONCERNING A NEW AND AND OLD COAST LINE OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN offprint from  5th Rpt of the Director, NY State Museum. wps with some wear, stamps, contents vg, 5 pp., 9 plates.

                                                                                                                     Price: $15.00                        (stock#VT21)


Kemp J. F. and Marsters V. R. 1893 THE TRAP DIKES OF THE LAKE CHAMPLAIN REGION USGS Bull. #107 original wraps with period faded stamp, marginal chips, contents vg, pages unopened/uncut with 62 pp., 4 plts, 10 figs.

                                                                                                  Price: $20.00                                    (stock#USGSB107)


Osberg P. H. 1952 THE GREEN MOUNTAIN ANTICLINORIUM IN THE VICINITY OF ROCHESTER AND EAST MIDDLEBURY VERMONT VT Geol. Surv. Bull. #5 wps light wear, vg 127 pp., 2 plts.          

                                                                                                              Price: $20.00                               (stock#VTB05/N)


Skehan J. W. 1961 THE GREEN MOUNTAIN ANTICLINORIUM IN THE VICINITY OF WILMINGTON AND WOODFORD VERMONT Vermont Geological Survey Bulletin #17 wps signed by author, with department stamp else light wear, vg, 159 pp., 3 plts (folding maps in rear pocket), and figs.   Price: $20.00            (stock#VTGSB17)


Vermont Geology. Four (4) Reports. They are: (1) Chapman R. W. and Chapman C. A. 1940 CAULDRON SUB-SIDENCE AT ASCUTNEY MOUNTAIN VERMONT offprint GSA Bull., 22 pp., 1 plt, 1 fig.; (2) Perry E. L. 1929 GEOLOGY OF BRIDGEWATER AND PLYMOUTH VERMONT offprint VT Geol. Surv. wps with stamp else vg, 64 pp., 7 figs; (3) Doll C. G. 1937 A GLACIAL POTHOLE ON THE RIDGE OF THE GREEN MOUNTAINS NEAR FAYSTON VERMONT offprint, VT Geol. Surv. wps with stamps, signed by author, 6 pp., 2 figs; and (4) Dodge H. W. Jr. THE GEOLOGY OF BUTTON BAY STATE PARK wps with stamp else vg, 24 pp., 12 figs.                                           Price: $20.00                           (stock#VT04)


White W. S. and Billings M. P. 1951 GEOLOGY OF THE WOODSVILLE QUADRANGLE VERMONT-NEW HAMPSHIRE offprint GSA Bull., wps with signature, contents vg with 50 pp., 3 plts, 21 figs including large folding map and cross section sheets.                                                                                              Price: $15.00                           (stock#VT30) 


Zen E-an. 1964 TACONIC STRATIGRAPHIC NAMES: DEFINITIONS AND SYNONOYMIES U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #1174 wps light wear, name stamp else very good copy with 95 pp., 1 fig. One of the more important references on the Taconic Orogeny and the long history of geologic debates surrounding it.                                                                                                                                                      Price: $15.00                       (stock#USGSB1174)

ANNUAL REPORT OF THE STATE GEOLOGIST 1903 – 1904 (Vol. 4), brown cloth, some wear with corner rubbed through, inner front hinge giving but boards firm, overall vg.     Price: $40.00             (stock#VTAR03-04)


#1 Hadley J. V. 1950 GEOLOGY OF THE BRADFORD – THETFORD AREA ORANGE COUNTY VERMONT wps, vg  36 pp., 2 plts.                                                                                       Price: $20.00                             (stock#VTB01)
#2  Fowler P. 1950 GEOLOGY OF THE CASTLETON AREA VERMONT wps, vg copy with 83 pp., 2 plts.                                                                                                              Price: $20.00                            (stock#VTB02)
                                                                                                                     Price:$20.00                            (stock#VTB03)
#5  Osberg P. H. 1952 THE GREEN MOUNTAIN ANTICLINORIUM IN THE VICINITY OF ROCHESTER AND EAST MIDDLEBURY VERMONT wps light wear, vg 127 pp., 2 plts.               Price: $25.00                           (stock#VTB05)
#6  Brace W. F. 1953 THE GEOLOGY OF THE RUTLAND AREA, VERMONT wps, light wear, vg copy with 120 pp., 3 plts.                                                                                                           Price: $25.00                           (stock#VTB06)
#8  Dennis J. G. 1956  GEOLOGY OF THE LYNDONVILLE AREA VERMONT wraps vg copy with 98 pp., 3 plts.                                                                                                              Price: $20.00                            (stock#VTB08)
#10  Murthy, V. R. 1957 BED ROCK GEOLOGY OF THE EAST BARRE AREA VERMONT wps vg copy with 121 pp., 3 plts.                                                                                                           Price: $20.00                            (stock#VTB10)
#11   Eric J. H. and Dennis J. G. 1958 GEOLOGY OF THE CONCORD –WATERFORD AREA VERMONT wps vg  including part of Littleton New Hampshire region. With 66 pp., 3 plts.         Price: $20.00                 (stock#VTB10)
#12  Christman R. A. 1959 GEOLOGY OF THE MOUNT MANSFIELD QUADRANGLE VERMONT wps, vg copy with  75 pp., 3 plts.                                                                                     Price: $20.00                            (stock#VTB12)
#13  Hall L. M. 1959 THE GEOLOGY OF THE ST. JOHNSBURY QUADRANGLE VERMONT AND NEW HAMPSHIRE wps, vg copy and includes portions of adjacent New Hampshire. With 105 pp., plts, figs.     
                                                                                                                     Price: $20.00                            (stock#VTB13)

#16 Konig R. H. 1961 GEOLOGY OF THE PLAINFIELD QUADRANGLE VERMONT wps light wear, good copy with 86 pp., 1 plt.                                                                                                 Price: $20.00                            (stock#VTB16)
#17 Skehan J. W. 1961 THE GREEN MOUNTAIN ANTICLINORIUM IN THE VICINITY OF WILMINGTON AND WOODFORD VERMONT wps, light wear, vg, 159 pp., 3 plts.               Price: $25.00                            (stock#VTB17)
#18 Hewitt P. C. and LaBrake R. F. 1961 THE GEOLOGY OF THE EQUINOX QUADRANGLE AND VICINITY VERMONT wps light wear, vg copy with 83 pp., 6 plts.                        Price: $20.00                            (stock#VTB18)
#20 Goodwin B. K. 1963 GEOLOGY OF THE ISLAND POND AREA VERMONT wps, light wear, vg copy with 111 pp., 3 plts.                                                                                                    Price: $25.00                           (stock#VTB20)
#21 Ern E. H. Jr. 1963 BEDROCK GEOLOGY OF THE RANDOLPH QUADRANGLE VERMONT wraps, vg copy, 96 pp., 2 plts.                                                                                                    Price: $20.00                            (stock#VTB21)
#22 Johansson W. I. 1963 GEOLOGY OF THE LUNENBURG – BRUNSWICK – GUILDHALL AREA VERMONT wps, very good copy 86 pp., 2 plts.                                                         Price: $20.00                           (stock#VTB22)
#23 Dennis J. G. 1964 THE GEOLOGY OF THE ENOSBURG AREA VERMONT wps, vg copy with 56 pp., 3 plts.

                                                                                                                      Price: $20.00                           (stock#VTB23)
#24 Konig R. H. and Dennis J. G. 1964 THE GEOLOGY OF THE HARDWICK AREA VERMONT  wps vg copy with 57 pp., 2 plts.                                                                                              Price: $20.00                           (stock#VTB24)
#25 Zen E. 1964 STRATIGRAPHY AND STRUCTURE OF THE A PORTION OF THE CASTLETON QUADRANGLE VERMONT wps light wear, vg copy with nice maps. With 70 pp., 2 plts.      Price: $20.00                (stock#VTB25)
#26 Stone S. W. and Dennis J. G. 1964 GEOLOGY OF THE MILTON QUADRANGLE VERMONT wps, vg copy, 79 pp., 1 plt.                                                                                                      Price: $20.00                         (stock#VTB026)
#27 Myers P. B. 1964 GEOLOGY OF THE VERMONT PORTION OF THE AVERILL QUADRANGLE VERMONT wps, vg 69 pp., 2 plts.                                                                               Price: $20.00                            (stock#VTB27)
#28 Woodland B. G. 1965 GEOLOGY OF THE BURKE QUADRANGLE VERMONT wps, light wear, vg copy, 151 pp., 5 plts                                                                                                    Price: $20.00                            (stock#VTB28)
#29 Chang P. H. et al. 1965 BEDROCK GEOLOGY OF THE WOODSTOCK QUADRANGLE VERMONT wps, vg copy,  65 pp., 2 plts.                                                                                 Price: $25.00                             (stock#VTB29)
#30 Shumaker R. C. and Thompson, J. B. Jr. 1967 BEDROCK GEOLOGY OF THE PAWLET QUADRANGLE VERMONT wps, vg, 98 pp. + plt.                                                             Price: $20.00                            (stock#VTB30)


                              U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PUBLICATIONS


#107 Kemp J. F. and Marsters V. R. 1893 THE TRAP DIKES OF THE LAKE CHAMPLAIN REGION archival wps, some wear, contents clean, good copy, 62 pp., 4 plts, 10 figs.          Price: $20.00                      (stock#USGSB107)

#209 Daly R. A. 1903 THE GEOLOGY OF ASCUTNEY MOUNTAIN VERMONT in archival boards, contents very good with 122 pp., 7 plts and 1 fig. Nice plates and the volume covers the geology of this famous landmark of southeastern Vermont.                                                                             Price: $20.00                    (stock#USGSB209)

#589 Dale, T. N. 1915 THE CALCITE MARBLE AND DOLOMITE OF EASTERN VERMONT wps with small lib. label else vg copy, 67 pp., 2 plts, 11 figs. Very scarce with good outcrop and rock and stone quarry info.       
                                                                                                                     Price: $20.00                   (stock#USGSB589)

#1174  Zen E-an. 1964 TACONIC STRATIGRAPHIC NAMES: DEFINITIONS AND SYNONOYMIES wps, light wear, ex-lib else vg, 95 pp., 1 fig.                                                                       Price: $15.00                     (stock#USGSB1174)


Chidester A. H. et al. 1951  TALC INVESTIGATIONS IN VERMONT USGS Circ. #95 light wear, vg, 33 pp 1 plt, 1 fig.                                                                                                                Price: $15.00                     (stock#USGSC095)

Kapp U. S. 1974 MODE OF GROWTH OF MIDDLE CHAZYAN (ORDOVICIAN) STROMATOPORIDS VERMONT offprint from Jour. Paleont. wps with stamp, light wear, very good with 6 pp. and 8 figs.   

                                                                                                       Price: $5.00                                             (stock#PB030)

Latimer W. J. 1930 SOIL SURVEY (RECONNAISSANCE) OF VERMONT 8vo, wraps with stamp, foxing to outer margin of last page of text else light wear, vg, 80 pp., 2 large folding colored maps. Scarce.  

                                                                                                       Price: $45.00                                          (stock#VT002)

Sheldon J. M. Arms 1900  CONCRETIONS FROM THE CHAMPLAIN CLAYS OF THE CONNECTICUT VALLEY Boston:  By Author, small folio, corners rubbed else vg, 45 pp., 14 plts on clay concretions from the Lake Champlain area.                                                                          Price: $45.00                                      (stock#VTMisc01)

Traverse A. 1955 POLLEN ANALYSIS OF THE BRANDON LIGNITE OF VERMONT USBM Rpt. Invest. #5151 4to, some wear, contents vg, 107 pp., 13 figs (most are plts of palynomorphs).    Price: $20.00            (stock#PBp020)

Whitfield R. P. 1889 OBSERVATIONS ON SOME IMPERFECTLY KNOWN FOSSILS FROM THE CALCIFEROUS SANDROCK OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN AND DESCRIPTIONS OF SEVERAL NEW FORMS AMNH Bulletin 2(2) in wps which are marked and notated indicating the report was a gift to Theodore White from H. W. Seeley before ending up in the library of Henry Shaler Williams in whose hand are some marginal annotations in the text. Spine rebound with acid-free cloth archival tape, else very good copy with nice plates of trilobites and other
fossils.                                                                                             Price: $20.00                                      (stock#IPAR017)


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