Phillip Huber, Bookseller/Geologist
PO Box 1036, Faribault, Minnesota 55021

#13 Tight W. G. 1903 DRAINAGE MODIFICATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN OHIO AND ADJACENT PARTS OF WEST VIRGINIA AND KENTUCKY USGS Prof. Paper #13 wps with archival repairs to margins, a bit dust soiled, ex-lib, contents vg with 111 pp., 17 plts and 1 fig, colored fold out map. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP13)

#33 Plummer F. G. & Goswell N. B. 1904 FOREST CONDITIONS IN THE LINCOLN FOREST RESERVE NEW MEXICO USGS Prof. Paper #33 archival wps, ex-royal soc. lib. else vg, 47 pp. 12 plts. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP33)

#39 Rixon T. F. 1905 FOREST CONDITIONS IN THE GILA RIVER FOREST RESERVE NEW MEXICO USGS Prof. Paper #39 archival wraps, cloth tape along spine, ex-lib else contents vg, 89 pp., 2 plts including fold out map.
Price: $30.00 (stock#PP39)

#67 Howe E. 1909 LANDSLIDES IN THE SAN JUAN MOUNTAINS COLORADO INCLUDING A CONSIDERATION OF THEIR CAUSES AND CLASSIFICATION wraps With some wear, contents clean and vg, 58 pp., 20 plts, 4 figs.
Price: $30.00 (stock#PP67)

#98 P-S Bauer C. M., Gilmore C. W. and others 1916 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF SAN JUAN COUNTY NEW MEXICO PARTS 1-4, USGS Prof. Papers 98 P-S, 4to, in archival wrap with label, contents with light wear, vg and includes the following four (4) reports: (1) #98-P STRATIGRAPHY OF A PART OF THE CHACO RIVER VALLEY with 6 pp., 8 plts focused on Bisti Badlands and adjacent areas of San Juan basin and its Cretaceous – Tertiary boundary strata; (2) #98-Q CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF SAN JUAN COUNTY NEW MEXICO with 29 pp., 8 plates mostly of fossil dinosaurs, turtles, etc… and 15 figs. On the famous Cretaceous and Tertiary boundary vertebrate fauna of the Bisti Badlands and adjacent areas of the San Juan basin.; (3) #98-R NONMARINE CRETACEOUS INVERTEBRATES OF THE SAN JUAN BASIN with 17 pp., 5 plts.; and (4) #98-S FLORA OF THE FRUITLAND AND KIRTLAND FORMATIONS with 27 pp., 7 plts of fossil plants from K-T Boundary strata. Price: $40.00 (stock#PP98P-S)
#11 Ries H. 1903 THE CLAYS OF THE UNITED STATES EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER spine with cloth tape, marginal chips to wps, contents with light wear, vg with 298 pp., 9 plts, figs. With State by State summary and description of clay deposits. Price: $40.00 (stock#PP11)
#13 Tight W. G. 1903 DRAINAGE MODIFICATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN OHIO AND ADJACENT PARTS OF WEST VIRGINIA AND KENTUCKY wps with small chips to spine else ex-lib, vg, 111 pp., 17 plts and 1 fig, colored fold out map. Price: $40.00 (stock#PP13)
#16 Girty G. H. 1903 THE CARBONIFEROUS FORMATIONS AND FAUNAS OF COLORADO USGS Prof. Paper #16 no wps, cloth tape to spine, royal society stamp else light wear, vg, 546 pp., 10 plts. One of Girty’s classic studies. Price: $50.00 (stock#PP16)
#17 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES OF NEBRASKA WEST OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD MERIDIAN By Darton, N. H. 1903 in archival boards, light wear and very good with 69 pp., 43 plates and 23 figs and covering the Nebraska badlands and their famous fossil mammal fauna of Titanotheres and other critters of Cenozoic –Tertiary. With many maps and plates.
Price: $40.00 (stock#PP17)
Price: $20.00 (stock#PP18)
#22 Leiberg J. B. et al. 1904 FOREST CONDITIONS IN THE SAN FRANCISCO MOUNTAINS ARIZONA archival wraps else light wear, vg, 95 pp., 7 plts. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP22)
#23 Plummer F. G. et al. 1904 FOREST CONDITIONS IN THE BLACK MESA FOREST RESERVE, ARIZONA archival wraps else light wear, vg, 62 pp. 7 plates. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP23)
#28 THE SUPERIOR ANALYSES OF IGNEOUS ROCKS FROM ROTH’S TABELLEN 1869 TO 1884 ARRANGED ACCORDINGTO THE QUANTITATIVE SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION By Washington H. S. 1904 . 4to no wps, light soiling to title page else light wear, vg, with 68 pp.
Price: $20.00 (stock#PP28)
#29 Leiberg J. B. 1904 FOREST CONDITIONS IN ABSAROKA DIVISION OF THE YELLOWSTONE FOREST RESERVE MONTANA AND THE LIVINGSTON AND BIG TIMBER QUADRANGLES wps with stamp, minor chips to paper spine cover else vg, 148 pp., 3 plts. Price: $40.00 (stock#PP29)
#30 Leiberg J. B. 1904 FOREST CONDITIONS IN THE LITTLE BELT MOUNTAINS FOREST RESERVE, MONTANA AND THE LITTLE BELT MOUNTAINS QUADRANGLE wraps with darkened/toned lower margin, some external wear, contents vg, 75 pp., 2 plts. Price: $35.00 (stock#PP30)
#32 Darton N. H. 1905 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON GEOLOGY AND UNDERGROUND WATER RESOURCES OF THE CENTRAL GREAT PLAINS worn copy in worn boards contents good 433 pp., 72 plts.
Price: $40.00 (stock#PP32)
#35 Smith G. O. and White D. 1905 THE GEOLOGY OF PERRY BASIN IN SOUTHEASTERN MAINE bound in cloth, ex-lib else vg copy, 107 pp., 6 plts most of which are Devonian age plant fossils.
Price: $30.00 (stock#PP35)
#36 Ulrich E. O. and Tangier W. S. 1905 THE LEAD ZINC AND FLUORSPAR DEPOSITS OF WESTERN KENTUCKY no wraps, ex-lib some wear, contents vg, 218 pp 15 plts 30 figs. Price: $40.00 (stock#PP36)
#39 Rixon T. F. 1905 FOREST CONDITIONS IN THE GILA RIVER FOREST RESERVE NEW MEXICO no wps, cloth tape to spine light wear, vg, 89 pp., 2 plts including fold out map. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP39)
#46 Veatch, A. C. 1906 GEOLOGY AND UNDERGROUNDWATER RESOURCES OF NORTHERN LOUISIANA AND SOUTHERN ARKANSAS archival wps, ex royal soc. lib with stamps else vg copy, 422 pp., 51 plts (including some fossils) and 22 figs. Perhaps one of the most comprehensive monographs published on the region's geology. Price: $50.00 (stock#PP46)
#48 Parker E. W. et al. 1906 REPORT ON THE OPERATIONS OF THE COAL-TESTING PLANT OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY AT THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION SAINT LOUIS MISSOURI, 1904 4to, bound in cloth, ex-royal society library copy, vg with 1,492 pp., plts, figs. Complete with parts 1 and 2. Price: $50.00 (stock#PP48)
#49 Ashley G. I. and Glenn L. C. 1906 GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF PART OF THE CUMBERLAND GAP COAL FIELD KENTUCKY bound in new cloth, light wear, vg to fine copy, 228 pp., 40 plts with pocket maps, 14 figs. Price: $45.00 (stock#PP49)
#52 Darton N. H. 1906 GEOLOGY & UNDERGROUND WATERS OF THE ARKANSAS VALLEY IN EASTERN COLORADO archival wps else vg copy, 90 pp., 26 plts. A classic monograph on where the High Plains meet the Rockies south of Denver Colorado. Price: $35.00 (stock#PP52)
#53 Fisher C. A. 1906 GEOLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES OF THE BIGHORN BASIN wps, some exterior wear, ex-lib contents vg, 72 pp., maps and figs. Price: $40.00 (stock#PP53)
#58 Girty G. H. 1908 THE GAUDALUPIAN FAUNA bound in blue cloth, ownership stamp, light wear, fine copy of a massive treatise focused on the classic Permian reef fauna of West Texas & southern New Mexico. With 651 pp., 31 plts of fossils. Price: $60.00 (stock#PP58)
#64 Tarr R. S. and Butler B. S. 1909 THE YAKUTAT BAY REGION ALASKA – PHYSIOGEOGRAPHY AND GLACIAL GEOLOGY – AREAL GEOLOGY archival wps else vg copy, ex-royal soc. lib. with stamps. With 183 pp., 37 plts, 10 figs. Price: $40.00 (stock#PP64)
#67 Howe E. 1909 LANDSLIDES IN THE SAN JUAN MOUNTAINS COLORADO INCLUDING A CONSIDERATION OF THEIR CAUSES AND CLASSIFICATION wps with chips to spine ends, ex-lib else light wear, vg. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP67)
#69 Tarr R. S. et al. 1912 THE EARTHQUAKES AT YAKUTAT BAY ALASKA IN SEPTEMBER 1899 front wrap with stamp and signature, rear wrap lacking, spine ith cloth tape, contents vg ex-lib. copy with 135 pp., 33plts (including 5 fold out maps), 5 figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP69)
#72 Glen L. C. 1911 DENUDATION AND EROSION IN THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REGION AND THE MONONGAHELA BASIN 4to wps with small tape repairs across head and tail of spine, some external wear, ex-lib contents vg, 137 pp., 21 plts, 1 fig. covering West Virginia SW Pennsylvania Tennessee Alabama Virginia & North Carolina. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP72)
#79 Williams H. S. 1913 RECURRENT TROPIDOLEPTUS OF THE UPPER DEVONIAN IN NEW YORK wps, chips to head and tail of paper spine cover else light wear, vg, 103 pp., 6 plts 18 figs. A classic studyon Catskill Delta distal facies paleontology. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP79)
#85 various authors 1913 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY 1914 published in separate chapters but complete and all present, bound together, cloth tape along spine, vg set. With 83 pp., 14 plts, 7 figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP85)
#85-A Gale H. S. 1913 THE ORIGIN OF COLEMANITE DEPOSITS title wps, ex-lib, vg, 9 pp.
Price: $8.00 (stock#PP85A)
#85-C Gilbert G. K. 1914 INTREPRETATION OF ANOMALIES OF GRAVITY wps perforated along spine from prior binding else ex-lib, vg, 9 pp., figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP85C)
#85-E White D. 1914 RESINS IN PALEOZOIC PLANTS AND IN COALS OF HIGH RANK wps, ex-lib, vg, 19 pp., 6 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP85E)
#87 Wright C. W. 1915 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF COPPER MOUNTAIN AND KASAAN PENINSULA ALASKA archival wps else vg, 110 pp., 22 plts, 11 figs. Price: $45.00 (stock#PP87)
#90 White D. et al. 1915 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY 1914 wps with some wear, tear, taped along spine, contents vg with 199 pp., 21 plts, 20 figs with reports on diverse topics.
Price: $35.00 (stock#PP90)
#90-A Bastin E. S. 1914 GEOLOGY OF THE PITCHBLENDE ORES OF COLORADO front wp loose, ex-lib, some wear else g+-vg, 5 pp., 2 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP90A)
#90-C Cross W. 1914 DIKE ROCKS OF THE APISHAPA QUADRANGLE COLORADO wps with faded stamp else vg copy, 14 pp., 4 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP90C)
#90-D Clarke F. W. and Wheeler W. C. 1914 THE COMPOSITION OF CRINOID SKELETONS wps with stamp, cloth tape on spine,vg, 5 pp. Price: $6.00 (stock#PP90D)
#90-E Cross W. and Larsen E. S. 1914 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE STRATIGRAPHY OF SOUTHWESTERN COLORADO wps with some wear/soiling, damp stained, ex-lib. copy. With 12 pp.1 plate, 2 figs.
Price: $10.00 (stockSPP90E)
#90-F Loughlin G. F. 1914 A RECONNAISSANCE IN CANYON RANGE WEST-CENTRAL UTAH wps with stamp else vg, 10 pp.1 plt, 5 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP90F)
#90-G Stebinger E. 1915 THE MONTANA GROUP OF NORTHWESTERN MONTANA wps with darkened/toned margins else light wear, vg 8 pp., figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP90G)
#90-J Stephenson W. L. 1915 THE CRETACEOUS – EOCENE CONTACT IN THE ATLANTIC AND GULF COASTAL PLAIN wps with tape across spine, light wear, vg, 28 pp., 9 plts, 8 figs. A classic Coastal Plain reference. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP90J)
Price: $10.00 (stock#PP90K)
#90-L Clarke F. W. and Wheeler W. C. 1915 THE INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF ECHINODERMS 4to, wps loose else, some wear, vg, 9 pp. Price: $8.00 (stock#PP90L)
#95 var. authors 1916 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY 1915 wps with cloth tape, ex-lib, contents vg, 120 pp., 7 plts including fold out map and 35 figs. Hard to find the complete volume intact
Price: $30.00 (stock#PP95)
#95-A Hicks W. B. 1915 THE COMPOSITION OF MUDS FROM COLUMBUS MARSH NEVADA wps w/ stamp, soiled, contents vg, 11 pp., 1 fig. Price: $8.00 (stock#PP95A)
#95-B Atwood W. W. 1915 EOCENE GLACIAL DEPOSITS IN SOUTHWESTERN COLORADO 4to, wraps, vg copy, 14 pp., 4 plates, 10 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP095B)
#95-C Lee W. T. 1915 RELATION OF THE CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS TO THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS IN COLORADO AND NEW MEXICO 4to, no wps else vg copy with 58 pp. 1 plate, 11 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP95C)
#95-D Capps S. R. 1915 AN ANCIENT VOLCANIC EURPTION IN THE UPPER YUKON BASIN 4to, archival wps, vg, 5 pp., 1 plt, 1 fig. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP95D)
#95-E Hicks W. B. 1917 EVAPORATION OF POTASH BRINES wrap with chipped corner else light wear, good copy, 8 pp., 3 figs. Price: $8.00 (stock#PP95E)
#95-G Van Orstrand C. E. and Dewey F. P. 1915 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE DIFFUSION OF SOLIDS no wps, ex-lib, g+-vg copy, 15 pp., 2 figs. Price: $8.00 (stock#PP95G)
#95-H Smith P. S. 1914 NOTES ON THE GEOLOGY OF GRAVINA ISLAND ALASKA 4to, archival wps, vg, 9 pp., 1 plt, 1 fig. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP95H)
#97 Umpleby J. B. 1917 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE MACKAY REGION IDAHO U. S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper #97 wraps, some external wear, minor chips, contents vg with with 128 pp., 21 plates (including 3 maps in pocket), 14 figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#PP97)
#98 various authors 1917 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY 1916 hardbound in cloth, wear to corners else vg, clean copy ex-lib with royal soc. stamps. With 395 pp., 102 plts and includes Gilmore’s San Juan basin vertebrate paleontology papers and those in the immediate following listings. Price: $60.00 (stock#PP98)
#98-A Hicks W. B. 1916 EVAPORATION OF BRINE FROM SEARLES LAKE CALIFORNIA USGS Prof. Paper #98-A wraps with notation, some wear, contents vg, 8 pp., 2 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP098A)
#98-B Bliss E. F. and Jonas A. I. 1916 RELATION OF WISSAHICKON MICA GNEISS TO THE SHENANDOAH LIMESTONE AND OCTORARO SCHIST OF THE DOE RUN AND AVONDALE REGION CHESTER COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA no wps, spine done with cloth archival tape, vg, 29 pp., 3 plts, 4 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP98B)
#98-C Johnson B. L. 1916 RETREAT OF BARRY GLACIER PORT WELLS PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND ALASKA BETWEEN 1910 AND 1914 wps with stamp, light wear, vg, 2 pp., 3 plts. Price: $8.00 (stock#PP98C)
#98-F Berry E. W. 1916 THE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS INDICATED BY THE FLORA OF THE CALVERT FORMATION no wps else vg, 14 pp., 2 plts of fossil plants and a classic paleobotany and Chesapeake Bay - Calvert Cliff region reference. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP98F)
#98-G Mansfield G. H. and Roundy P. V. 1916 REVISION OF THE BECKWITH AND BEAR RIVER FORMATIONS OF SOUTHEASTERN IDAHO 4to in wps, ex-private library copy, small marginal tear to rear wrap and last page else vg with 10 pp., 2 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP98G)
#98-H Berry E. W. 1916 THE FLORA OF THE FOX HILLS SANDSTONE wps with signature else vg, 9 pp., 4 plts of fossil plants from this famous Cretaceous age formation of the Black Hills region & Western Interior. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP98H)
#98-I Noble L. F. and Hunter J. F. 1916 A RECONNAISSANCE OF THE ARCHEAN COMPLEX OF THE GRANITE GORGE GRAND CANYON ARIZONA USGS Prof. Paper #98-I no wps light wear vg, 14 pp., 1 plt, 1 fig. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP98I)
#98-K Ransome F. L. 1916 SOME PALEOZOIC SECTIONS IN ARIZONA AND THEIR CORRELATION 4to, wraps with minor tear else vg copy, 34 pp., 8 plates and 4 figures. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP98K)
#98-L Matson G. C. 1916 THE PLIOCENE CITRONELLE FORMATION OF THE GULF COASTAL PLAIN no wps, clean copy, spine done with archival cloth tape, 26 pp., 1 plt. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP98I)
#98-M Matson G. C. 1916 THE CATAHOULA SANDSTONE no wps and spine bound with cloth archival tape, very good, clean 15 pp., 8 plts. on Gulf Coast region Oligocene. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP98M)
#98-N Becker G. P. 1916 MECHANICS OF PANAMA CANAL no wraps else vg, with 9 pp., 3 figs on the Panama Canal and engineering geology aspects of its construction and problems.
Price: $10.00 (stock#PP98N)
#98-O Condit D. D. 1916 RELATIONS OF THE EMBAR AND CHUGWATER FORMATIONS IN CENTRAL WYOMING wps, light wear, fine copy, 8 pp., 3 plts, 2 figs. On the Permo-Triassic redbeds of Wyoming.
Price: $10.00 (stock#PP98O)
#98-T Vaughn T. W. 1917 THE REEF CORAL FAUNA OF CARRIZO CREEK IMPERIAL COUNTY CALIFORNIA no wps light wear, vg, 31 pp., plts, figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP98T)
#99 Washington H. S. 1917 CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF IGNEOUS ROCKS PUBLISHED FROM 1884 TO 1913 INCLUSIVE WITH ACRITICAL DISCUSSION OF THE CHARACTER AND USE OF ANALYSIS… in cloth, light wear, vg copy, ex-royal society library with stamp, contains 1201 pp. A classic and standardigneous petrology and mineralogy reference. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP99)
#100 Bownocker J. A. 1922 COAL FIELDS OF THE UNITED STATES PART 1 INTRODUCTION and PART 2 OHIO wps some wear, Curt Teichert's copy, 101 pp., 9 plts, 49 figs including the folding maps.
Price: $35.00 (stock#PP100)