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#712  Martin G. C. 1920 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA REPORT ON PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATIONS IN 1918 no wps, tape on spine, faded stamp on title page else vg, 204 pp., 6 plts, 10 figs. Includes coverage of gold lodes and/or placers at Willow Creek, Tolovana Districts and  elsewhere.                      

                                                                                                               Price: $30.00                      (stock#USGSB712)


#713  Mansfield and Heroy 1920 GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY, AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE FORT HALL INDIAN RESERVATION IDAHO WITH A CHAPTER ON WATER RESOURCES USGS Bull. #713 wraps with short tear to paper spine top, private name stamp else light wear, contents vg, 152 pp., 13 plts, 4 figs.         

                                                                                                                Price: $25.00                          (stock#USGSB713)


#714  Brooks A. H. 1921 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA REPORT ON PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATIONS 1919 no wps, tape on spine, contents clean and vg, 244 pp., 7 plts, 2 figs. With diverse reports including Brooks A. H. and Martin G. C. 1921 THE FUTURE OF ALASKA MINING AND THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1919; Mertie J. B. LODE MINING IN THE JUNEAU AND KETCHIKAN DISTRICTS; Chapin T. LODE DEVELOPMENTS IN THE WILLOW CREEK DISTRICT and more.                                         Price: $30.00                       (stock#USGSB714)


#715-K  Knopf A. 1921  THE DIVIDE SILVER DISTRICT NEVADA original report in archival folder, vg copy with 24 pp., 1 plt 1 fig.                                                                                      Price: $15.00                     (stock#USGSB715K)


#715-L  Ferguson H. G. 1921 THE MOGOLLON DISTRICT NEW MEXICO USGS Bull. #715-L title wps as issued, faded stamp else light wear, vg, 35 pp., 6 plts, 2 figs including folding map.              Price: $15.00             (stock#USGSB715L)


Condit D. D. 1923 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY OF THE SUMMERFIELD AND WOODSFIELD QUADRANGLES, OHIO WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF COAL AND OTHER MINERAL RESOURCES, EXCEPT OIL AND GAS USGS Bull. #720 wraps with stamp else light wear, vg, 155 pp., 12 plts, 5 figs. Scarce.                       Price: $20.00                      (stock#USGSB720)


#722-F  Cathcart S. H. 1922 METALLIFEROUS LODES IN SOUTHERN SEWARD PENINSULA ALASKA USGS Bull. #722-F title wps with stamp, some creases, contents with some wear, but clean. Contains 98 pp., 13 figs.

                                                                                                             Price: $15.00                         (stock#USGSB722F)


#724  Noble L. F. et al. 1922 NITRATE DEPOSITS IN AMARGOSA REGION SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA USGS Bull. #724 wps with chips to much of paper spine, else some external wear, contents good with 99 pp., 35 plts and 7 figs. Scarce.                                                                                Price: $25.00                            (stock#USGSB724)


#725 Ransome F. L. et al. 1922 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1921 PART 1- METALS  AND NON-METALS EXCEPT FUELS no wps, small stamps on title page else light wear vg, 440 pp., 19 plts, 47 figs and  diverse papers including CHROMITE IN THE KLAMATH MOUNTAINS OF CALIFORNIA AND OREGON  By J. S. Diller; CHROME ORES OF SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA AND MARYLAND By E. B.  Knopf; ORE DEPOSITS OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN MINERAL COUNTY NEVADA By A. Knopf; ORE DEPOSITS OF THE SIERRITA MOUN-TAINS PIMA COUNTY ARIZONA By Ransome F. L. and more.    Price: $30.00                       (stock#USGSB725)


#727 Mansfield G. F. 1922 POTASH IN THE GREENSANDS OF NEW JERSEY wraps with faded stamp, rear wrap loose but present with map in pocket, contents vg,146 pp., 10 plts, 9 figs. With much on the Cretaceous rocks of the New Jersey Coastal Plain.                                                                                       Price: $25.00                (stock#USGSB727) 


#729  Winchester D. E. 1923 OIL SHALE OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION USGS Bulletin #729 wraps and some plates with small private ownership stamp, some exterior wear, contents good to very good with 204 pp., 18 plts, 4 figs. The classic report on the Green River Formation by Dean Winchester. Scarce.    

                                                                                                                         Price: $25.00                 (stock#USGSB729)


#735  Ransome F. L. et al. 1923 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1922 PART 1- METALS AND NON-METALS EXCEPT FUELS wps with small chips at spine ends, light+ wear, contents are vg with 336 pp., 15 plts, 67 figs.  With papers on the Comstock Lode, Silver ores at Wickenburg, Arizona, Candelaria District Nevada, and the San Juan Mountains of Colorado,  Diamonds from Arkansas  and more.                 Price: $35.00              (stock#USGSB735) 


#735-E  Bastin E. S. 1923 PRIMARY NATIVE SILVER SILVER ORES NEAR WICKENBURG, ARIZONA AND THEIR BEARING ON THE GENESIS OF THE SILVER ORES OF COBALT ONTARIO no wps, tape on spine, light wear, vg, 26 pp., 14 figs.                                                                                                  Price: $15.00                  (stock#USGSB735E)


#739-B  Buddington A. F. 1922 MINERAL DEPOSITS OF THE WRANGELL DISTRICT SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA USGS Bulletin #739-B title wraps as issued, small ownership stamps else some wear, contents vg, 24 pp., 1 plt + figs.                                                                                                                  Price: $15.00                 (stock#USGSB739B)


#777 Hunter J. F. 1925 PRE-CAMBRIAN ROCKS OF THE GUNNISON RIVER COLORADO wraps with stamps, ex-lib, contents with light wear, very good copy with 94 pp., 15 plates, 5 figures.     Price: $25.00                (stock#USGSB777)


#794  Darton N. H. 1928 REDBEDS AND ASSOCIATED FORMATIONS IN NEW MEXICO USGS Bull. #794 wraps with private name stamp, some plates with same stamp else some exterior wear, contents very good with 356 pp., 62 plts, 173 figs. A solid copy of Darton’s classic resume of New Mexico geology. A must have for anyone interested Permian and Triassic rocks and Southwest geology, and complete with all the maps.     Price: $35.00             (stock#USGSB794)


#700 Hillebrand W. F. 1919 THE ANALYSIS OF SILICATE AND CARBONATE ROCKS wraps with label, small chip to paper spine ends else ex-lib and vg, 285 pp., 23 figs.                           Price: $15.00                     (stock#USGSB700)

#701  Darton N. H. 1920 GEOTHERMAL DATA OF THE UNITED STATES, INCLUDING MANY ORIGINAL DETERMINATIONS OF UNDERGROUND TEMPERATURE 8vo, wps with small chip to spine else vg copy with 97 pp., 1 plate, 3 figures.                                                                                      Price: $15.00                      (stock#USGSB701)

#702  Schultz A. R. 1920 OIL POSSIBILITIES IN AND AROUND BAXTER BASIN, IN THE ROCK SPRINGS UPLIFT, SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYOMING wraps taped along spine, tear to rear wrap, ex-lib, some wear, 107 pp., 17 plts, 9 figs.                                                                                                       Price: $20.00                     (stock#USGSB702)

#703  Brooks A. H. and La Croix M. F. 1920 THE IRON AND ASSOCIATED INDUSTRIES OF LORRAINE, THE SAARE DISTRICT, LUXEMBURG, AND BELGIUM wps, ex-lib, some wear, rear wrap loose, contents vg, 131 pp., 2 plts, 12 figs.                                                                                                          Price: $15.00                      (stock#USGSB703)

#705  Lane, F. K. 1921 CONSERVATION THROUGH ENGINEERING light wear, vg, 35 pp.  

                                                                                                                 Price: $10.00                      (stock#USGSB705)

#706  Roesler M. 1921 THE IRON-ORE RESOURCES OF EUROPE rear wp loose, ex-lib, contents vg, 152 pp., 19 plts, 33 figs.                                                                                                     Price: $15.00                      (stock#USGSB706)

#709  Birdseye C. H. 1923 TRIANGULATION AND PRIMARY TRAVERSE 1916-1918 wp with small corner tear, chips to paper spine ends and stamp, contents vg with 914 pp., 2 plts.             Price: $20.00                      (stock#USGSB709)

#710  Ransome F. L. et al. 1920 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1919 PART I- METALS AND NONMETALS EXCEPT FUELS no wraps, ex-lib copy else vg with 248 pp., 10 plts, 39 figs. With diverse mining papers on New Mexico, Idaho, Arizona, California, Nevada and elsewhere.    Price: $20.00         (stock#USGSB710)


#710-A  Jones E. L. 1919 A RECONNAISSANCE OF THE PINE CREEK DISTRICT IDAHO USGS Bull. #710-A wps light wear vg 36 pp., 1 plt.                                                                               Price: $15.00                     (stock#USGSB710A)

#710-B  Jones E. I. 1919 DEPOSITS OF MANGANESE ORE IN NEW MEXICO wps with title with stamp, light wear, vg, 24 pp., 1 fig.                                                                                             Price: $10.00                     (stock#USGSB710B)

#710-D  Jones E. I. & Ransome F. L. 1919 DEPOSITS OF MANGANESE ORE IN ARIZONA archival wps, small stain to contents else vg, 90 pp., 4 plts 8 figs.                                                   Price: $15.00                     (stock#USGSB710D)

#710-E  Jones E. I. Jr. 1919 DEPOSITS OF MANGANESE ORE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA no wps, vg, 24 pp., 1 plts.                                                                                                                   Price: $15.00                    (stock#USGSB710E)

#710-F  Pardee J. T. & Jones E. I. 1920  DEPOSITS OF MANGANESE ORE IN NEVADA wps with sig. else vg copy, 39 pp 1 plt 2 figs.                                                                                         Price: $15.00                      (stock#USGSB710F)

#712  Martin G. C. 1920 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA REPORT ON PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATIONS IN 1918 no wps, cloth tape on spine, clean and vg, includes coverage of gold lodes and/or placers at Willow Creek, Tolovana Districts and  elsewhere.                                                       Price: $30.00                        (stock#USGSB712)

#712-B  Canfield G. H. 1919 WATER-POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA wps with signature else light wear, vg, 38 pp., tables.                                                                 Price: $10.00                      (stock#USGSB712B)

#712-C  Overbeck R. M. 1919 NICKEL DEPOSITS IN THE LOWER COPPER RIVER VALLEY ALASKA no wps, some wear, g-vg, 8 pp. 1 fig.                                                                            Price: $10.00                      (stock#USGSB712C)

#713  Mansfield and Heroy 1920 GEOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY, AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE FORT HALL INDIAN RESERVATION IDAHO WITH A CHAPTER ON WATER RESOURCES chips to paper spine, ex-lib else vg, 152 pp., 13 plts, 4 figs.                                                                                              Price: $25.00                       (stock#USGSB713)

#714  Brooks A. H. 1921 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA REPORT ON PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATIONS 1919 no wps, cloth tape on spine, contents clean and vg, 244 pp., 7 plts, 2 figs.    

                                                                                                               Price: $40.00                        (stock#USGSB714)

#714-A  Brooks A. H. and Martin G. C. 1921 THE FUTURE OF ALASKA MINING AND THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1919 wps with company stamp/notations else vg, 103 pp., 3 plts, 1 fig. 

                                                                                                               Price: $15.00                      (stock#USGSB714A)

#714-B  Mertie J. B. and Canfield G. H. 1921 MINING DEVELOPMENTS AND WATER POWER INVESTIGATIONS IN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA wps, vg, 83 pp. 2 plts and covers Lode Mining in Juneau and Ketchikan Districts and ore deposits on Salmon–Unuk River region.                                               Price: $20.00                     (stock#USGSB714B)

#715  Gale H. S. et al. 1921 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, 1920 PART I, METALS AND NONMETALS EXCEPT FUELS wraps with small chip at spine tail else light wear, vg, 230 pp., 24 plts, 40 figs. With diverse mining contents including: Batesville Arkansas, Yellow Pine Idaho, Manganese Ores in Colorado and Wyoming, Divide Silver District Nevada, Mogollon District New Mexico and more.        Price: $35.00                        (stock#USGSB715)


#715-E  Larsen E. S. and Livingston D. C. 1920 GEOLOGY OF THE YELLOW PINE CINNABAR MINING DISTRICT IDAHO USGS Bull. #715-E title wps light wear vg, 11 pp., 2 figs.          Price: $10.00                       (stock#USGSB715E)


#715-G  Miser H. D. 1920 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE DEPOSITS OF MANGANESE ORE IN THE BATESVILLE DISTRICT ARKANSAS USGS Bull. #715-D archival wps else light wear, vg, 32 pp., 3 plts, 4 figs. including large folding map.                                                                                          Price: $10.00                       (stock#USGSB715G)


#715-K  Knopf A. 1921  THE DIVIDE SILVER DISTRICT NEVADA no wps as issued vg copy, 24 pp., 1 plt 1 fig.   
                                                                                                              Price: $15.00                        (stock#USGSB715K)

#716-B  Hancock E. T. 1920 THE UPTON - THORTON OIL FIELD WYOMING wps with stamp else vg, 18 pp., 1 plt, 1 fig.                                                                                                        Price: $10.00                         (stock#USGSB716b)

#716-C  Hancock E. T. 1920 THE MULE CREEK OIL FIELD WYOMING wps with signature, tidemark stain around content margins but light, overall good copy, 19 pp., 1 plt, 1 fig.        Price: $10.00                         (stock#USGSB716C)

#716-G  Bauer C. M. and Reeside J. B. Jr. 1921 COAL IN THE MIDDLE AND EASTERN PARTS OF THE SAN JUAN BASIN NEW MEXICO wps with short tears to paper spine cover, contents vg, 134 pp., 19 plts including folding maps of K-T boundary and associated strata of NW New Mexico.              Price: $15.00                         (stock#USGSB716G)

#717  Wells, R. C. 1923 SODIUM SULPHATE ITS SOURCES AND USES ex-lib else light wear, vg copy with 43 pp., 12 figs.                                                                                                      Price: $15.00                           (stock#USGSB717)
#720  Condit D. D. 1923 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY OF THE SUMMERFIELD AND WOODSFIELD QUAD-RANGLES, OHIO WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF COAL AND OTHER MINERAL RESOURCES, EXCEPT OIL AND GAS wraps with old repair across spine, ex-lib with stamps and notations, some wear, contents vg, 155 pp., 12 plts, 5 figs.                                                                                                                                    Price: $20.00                       (stock#USGSB720)

#722  Brooks A. H. et al. 1922 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA REPORT ON PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATIONS IN 1920 wps with minor chips to spine ends and faded stamps, contents vg, 266 pp. 3 plts, 19 figs. With diverse contents on Alaska gold and other precious metal mining including the Salmon River District, Tuxedni Bay, Kuskokwim District, Seward Peninsula & more.                                  Price: $40.00                         (stock#USGSB722)

#722-C  Westgate L. G. 1921  ORE DEPOSITS OF THE SALMON RIVER DISTRICT PORTLAND CANAL REGION ALASKA some wear, no wps as issued, 24 pp. 3 figs.                        Price: $15.00                       (stock#USGSB722C)

#724  Noble L. F. et al. 1922 NITRATE DEPOSITS IN AMARGOSA REGION SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA wps with chip to paper spine ends, else some wear, clean with 99 pp., 35 plts and 7 figs.    
                                                                                                             Price: $25.00                         (stock#USGSB724)

#725 Ransome F. L. et al. 1922 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1921 PART 1- METALS  AND NONMETALS EXCEPT FUELS chips to paper spine ends else vg, 440 pp., 19 plts, 47 figs and  diverse papers including CHROMITE IN THE KLAMATH MOUNTAINS OF CALIFORNIA AND OREGON  By J. S. Diller; CHROME ORES OF SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA AND MARYLAND By E. B.  Knopf; ORE DEPOSITS OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN MINERAL COUNTY NEVADA By A. Knopf; ORE DEPOSITS OF THE SIERRITA MOUN-TAINS PIMA COUNTY ARIZONA By Ransome F. L. and more.                                 Price: $35.00                       (stock#USGSB725)

#725-A Diller J. S. 1922 CHROMITE IN THE KLAMATH MOUNTAINS CALIFORNIA AND OREGON no wps as issued, some external wear, stamps to title wrap, contents good with 35 pp.,  5 plts, 6 figs.  

                                                                                                              Price: $15.00                      (stock#USGSB725A)

#725-B Knopf E. B. & Lewis J. V. 1921 CHROMITE ORES IN PENNSYLVANIA MARYLAND AND NORTH CAROLINA no wraps, sig. on title, vg, 54 pp. + figs., deals mostly with North Carolina mines and  deposits.
                                                                                                             Price: $15.00                        (stock#USGSB725B)

#725-D Hess F. L. and Larsen E. S. 1921 CONTACT METAMORPHIC TUNGSTEN DEPOSITS OF THE  UNITED STATES no wps else light wear, vg, 65 pp., 4 plts, 10 figs. Good CA, NV and NM coverage.            
                                                                                                             Price: $15.00                       (stock#USGSB725D)


#725-E  Hewitt D. F. 1921 MANGANESE DEPOSITS NEAR BROMIDE OKLAHOMA USGS Bull. #725-E wps with stamps, check mark notation else light wear, vg, 19 pp., 4 figs.          Price: $15.00                       (stock#USGSB725E)


#725-F  Schrader F. C. 1921 PYRITE AT THE HAILE MINE KERSHAW, SOUTH CAROLINA WITH A NOTE ON PYRITIZATION AT THE BREWER MINE NEAR JEFFERSON USGS Bull. #725-F title wps with stamps, check mark, contents vg, 15 pp., 1 plt.                                                                      Price: $15.00                       (stock#USGSB725F)


#725-H  Knopf A. 1921 ORE DEPOSITS OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN MINERAL COUNTY NEVADA USGS Bull. #725-H title wps with some wear, stamps, checkmark, contents vg with 22 pp., 5 figs.     

                                                                                                              Price: $15.00                      (stock#USGSB725H)

#726 Hancock, E. T et al. 1922 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY rear wp lacking but  pocket maps all present, loose at back, a copy with external wear but internally good, generally clean  with diverse contents on coal fields from North Dakota, Oklahoma, Utah, N. H. Darton’s classic paper  on the STRUCTURE OF NEW MEXICO and more.                                                                                              Price: $35.00                        (stock#USGSB726)

#726-B Reeves F. 1921 GEOLOGY OF THE CEMENT OIL FIELD CADDO COUNTY OKLAHOMA wps, light  wear, vg, 46 pp., 7 plts, 4 figs.                                                                             Price: $10.00                       (stock#USGSB726A)

#726-C Bassler H. and Reeside J. B. 1921 OIL PROSPECTS IN WASHINGTON COUNTY UTAH no wps,  ex-lib. with spine taped, contents vg with 21 pp. 4 figs.                                         Price: $10.00                      (stock#USGSB726B)

#726-D Bauer C. M. and Herald F. A. 1922 LIGNITE IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE FORT BERTHOLD INDIAN RESERVATION SOUTH OF MISSOURI RIVER, NORTH DAKOTA wps, light wear, ex-lib, 63 pp., figs.                                                                                                                                           Price: $15.00                      (stock#USGSB726D)

#726-E Darton N. H. 1922 GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE OF PARTS OF NEW MEXICO archival wps else vg, 103 pp., 21 plts, 33  figs. Darton’s classic report on New Mexico geology.          Price: $20.00                       (stock#USGSB726E)

#726-G Ross C. S. 1921 THE LACASA AREA RANGER DISTRICT NORTH-CENTRAL TEXAS no wps  else light wear, vg, 12 pp., 2 plts, 2 figs.                                                                       Price: $10.00                       (stock#USGSB726G)

#727 Mansfield G. F. 1922 POTASH IN THE GREENSANDS OF NEW JERSEY spine taped, ex-lib copy  else vg with 146 pp., 10 plts, 9 figs. With much on the Cretaceous rocks of the New Jersey Coastal Plain.        
                                                                                                             Price: $20.00                         (stock#USGSB727)


#728  Soper and Osbon, 1922 THE OCCURRENCE AND USES OF PEAT IN THE UNITED STATES USGS Bull. #728 no wraps, cloth tape on spine else light wear, small lib. stamp, vg, 207 pp., 18 plts, 32 figs.            

                                                                                                              Price: $15.00                         (stock#USGSB728)

#729  Winchester D. E. 1923 OIL SHALE OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION wps, light wear vg, clean copy, 204 pp., 18 plts, 4 figs. The synthetic Winchester report on the Green River Formation.                              
                                                                                                             Price: $25.00                         (stock#USGSB729)
#730 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOGRAPHY OF THE UNITED STATES, 1922 rear wp lacking, minor  chips to front wrap, contents vg, 139 pp., 18 plts, 24 figs. With the following contents: (A)  PENEPLAINS OF THE FRONT RANGE AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK, COLORADO By  Lee, W. T.; (B) EROSION AND SEDIMENTAITION IN THE PAPAGO COUNTRY, ARIZONA, WITH A  SKETCH OF THE GEOLOGY By Bryan, K.; (C) A METHOD OF MEASURING AND PLOTTING THE  SHAPES OF PEBBLES By Wentworth, A. C. and (D)  PHYSIOGRAPHIC PROVINCES AND SECTIONS IN  WESTERN OKLAHOMA AND ADJACENT PARTS OF TEXAS By Fenneman, N. M. A scarce volume and  sought after for both Lee’s paper which includes portions of Rocky Mountain National Park and Wentworth’s ground breaking sedimentology paper.                        Price: $30.00                          (stock#USGSB730)

#731 Nickles J. M. 1922 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN GEOLOGY FOR 1919-1920 wraps  with short tears to spine, else vg, 282 pp.                                                                       Price: $8.00                             (stock#USGSB731)

#732 Umplebley J. B. and Jones E. I. 1923 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF SHOSHONE COUNTY IDAHO no wps, cloth tape on spine, contents clean, 154 pp., 16 plts 8 figs.      Price: $35.00                          (stock#USGSB732)

#733 Steidtmann E. and Cathcart S. H. 1922 GEOLOGY OF THE YORK TIN DEPOSITS ALASKA wps, vg copy,  130 pp., 12 plts and 23 figs.                                                                       Price: $15.00                           (stock#USGSB733)

#734 Miser H. D. and Crane W. R. 1924 DEPOSITS OF MANGANESE ORE IN THE BATESVILLE  DISTRICT, ARKANSAS, WITH A CHAPTER ON THE MINING AND PREPARATION OF THE ORES wps  with chips along paper spine cover else vg, 273 pp., 17 plts, 26 figs.                                     Price: $30.00                         (stock#USGSB734)

#735  Ransome F. L. et al. 1923 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1922 PART 1- METALS AND NONMETALS EXCEPT FUELS wps with minor chip at spine ends else vg, clean copy, 336 pp., 15 plts, 67 figs.  With papers on the Comstock Lode, Silver ores at Wickenburg, Arizona, Candelaria District Nevada, and the San Juan Mountains of Colorado,  Diamonds from Arkansas and more.           Price: $35.00                         (stock#USGSB735)

#735-A  Knopf A. 1923 THE CANDELARIA SILVER DISTRICT NEVADA from USGS Bull. #735 no wraps, tape along spine, light wear, vg, 22 pp., 2 figs.                                                    Price: $15.00                        (stock#USGSB735A)


#735-B Noble L. F. 1922 COLEMANITE IN CLARK COUNTY NEVADA no wps as issued, ex-lib, vg, 17 pp., 3 plts, 1 fig.                                                                                                              Price: $10.00                       (stock#USGSB735B)

#735-C  Bastin E. S. and 1923 BONANZA ORES OF THE COMSTOCK LODE, VIRGINIA CITY NEVADA no wps, tape on spine, light wear, vg, 25 pp., 9 figs.                                               Price: $15.00                        (stock#USGSB735C)


#735-G  Bayley W. S. 1922 GENERAL FEATURES OF THE MAGNETITE ORES OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA AND EASTERN TENNESSEE USGS Bull. 735-G 8vo, no wps as issued, spine with cloth tape, overall vg, 62 pp., figs.                                                                                                                        Price: $15.00                       (stock#USGSB735G)

#736 Heald K. C. et al. 1923 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY (SHORT PAPERS AND PRELIMINARY REPORTS) 1922 PART II. - MINERAL FUELS wraps with some wear, ex-lib, contents vg and include 254 pp., 24 plts, 12 figs. With diverse contents including: EL DORADO OIL FIELD, ARKANSAS; BROOKS, STEEN, AND GRAND SALINE SALT DOMES, SMITH AND VAN ZANDT COUNTIES, TEXAS; POSSIBILITY OF FINDING OIL IN LACCOLITHIC DOMES SOUTH OF THE LITTLE ROCKY MOUNTAINS, MONTANA; GEOLOGY OF THE RANGER OIL FIELD, TEXAS and more.                                                                     Price: $35.00                         (stock#USGSB736)

#736-B  Thom W. T. Jr. 1922 OIL AND GAS PROSPECTS IN AND NEAR THE CROW INDIAN RESERVATION MONTANA title wps with notations else light wear, 19 pp., folding map.    Price: $10.00              (stock#USGSB736B)

#736-D Collier A. J. 1923 THE OSAGE OIL FIELD WESTON COUNTY WYOMING no wps else light soiling to title page margin, contents vg, 40 pp., 5 plts, 1 fig.                                   Price: $10.00                        (stock#USGSB736D)

#736-F  Collier A. J. and Cathcart S. H. 1922 POSSIBILITY OF FINDING OIL IN LACCOLITHIC DOMES SOUTH OF THE LITTLE ROCKY MOUNTAINS MONTANA title wps with short tears, notation, some wear, overall fair to good, 8 pp., 2 figs.                                                                                           Price: $8.00                          (stock#USGSB736F)

#736-G  Powers S. and Hopkins O. B. 1922 THE BROOKS, STEEN AND GRAND SALINE SALT DOMES SMITH AND VAN ZANDT COUNTIES TEXAS title wps, light dust soiling, contents vg 61 pp., 4 plts, 2 figs.

                                                                                                            Price: $15.00                        (stock#USGSB736G)

#736-H Gilluly J. and Heald K. C. 1923 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE EL DORADO OIL FIELD ARKANSAS AS DETERMINED BY DRILL CUTTINGS no wps, soiling to margin of title page else some wear,  contents clean with 8 pp., 1 plt.                                                                                             Price: $8.00                          (stock#USGSB736H)

#737 Stose G. W. and Schrader F. C. 1923 MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF EAST TENNESSEE wps, ex-lib, vg, 154 pp., 30 plts, 45 figs. One of the classic refs on eastern  Tennessee geology, and complete with large, folding colored map.                                                                                                   Price: $25.00                           (stock#USGSB737)

#739-A Brooks A. H. et al. 1923 THE ALASKAN MINING INDUSTRY IN 1921 archival wps else vg copy, 50 pp. With descriptions and summaries of gold copper silver and other precious metal mining  districts of Alaska.
                                                                                                           Price: $15.00                          (stock#USGSB739A)

#741 Schrader F. C. 1923 THE JARBRIDGE MINING DISTRICT NEVADA no wps cloth tape one spine, vg clean copy, 86 pp., 20 plts, 19 figs.                                                                      Price: $30.00                            (stock#USGSB741)

#742 Gill A. C. 1922 CHROMITE OF KENAI PENINSULA ALASKA wps, ex-lib else fine copy, 52 pp., 4 plts.

                                                                                                           Price: $15.00                            (stock#USGSB742)

#743  Ransome F. L. 1923 GEOLOGY OF THE OATMAN GOLD DISTRICT, ARIZONA no wps cloth tape one spine, vg clean copy, 58 pp., 12 plts, 7 figs.                                                     Price: $35.00                            (stock#USGSB743)

#745 Moffit F. H. and Mertie J. B. 1923 THE KOTSINA – KUSKULANA DISTRICT ALASKA wps, ex-lib, vg, 149 pp., 19 plts, 8 figs. including large fold out bedrock and topographic maps  in rear pocket. Contains discussion of the gold mining districts of the region including Benito and  Berg Creek with much more on the Copper mining ventures.                                                                                                                  Price: $35.00                           (stock#USGSB745)

#748 Campbell M. R. 1923 THE TWENTYMILE PARK DISTRICT OF THE YAMPA COAL FIELD, ROUTT  COUNTY COLORADO wps, ex-lib, vg, 82 pp., 13 plts, 11 figs.                           Price: $20.00                           (stock#USGSB748)

#749 Rogers G. S. and Lee W. T. 1923 GEOLOGY OF THE TULLOCK CREEK COAL FIELD ROSEBUD  AND BIG HORN COUNTIES MONTANA wps with light+ wear, vg, 181 pp., 16 plts and 5  figs, nice map in rear pocket.                                                                                                                           Price: $20.00                          (stock#USGSB749)

#750 Ransome F. L. et al. 1925 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1923-1924 PART 1- METALS AND NONMETALS EXCEPT FUELS spine with tape repair, ex-lib, contents vg with ORIGIN  OF CERTAIN RICH SILVER ORES AT KINGMAN ARIZONA and OBSERVATIONS ON THE RICH SILVER  ORES AT ASPEN COLORADO By Bastin E. S. and more. With 148 pp., 12 plts, 30 figs.                                     Price: $35.00                          (stock#USGSB750)

#750-D Hess F. L. 1924 NEW AND KNOWN MINERALS FROM THE UTAH - COLORADO CARNOTITE REGION no wps ex-lib else vg, 16 pp., 8 plts.                                                        Price: $10.00                       (stock#USGSB750D)

#750-E Hewett D. F. 1924 DEPOSITS OF MAGNESIA ALUM NEAR FALLON NEVADA no wps as  issued, some wear, spine repaired, good copy, 8 pp., 2 figs.                                            Price: $8.00                         (stock#USGSB750E)

#750-G  Burchard E. F. 1925 BAUXITE IN NORTHEASTERN MISSISSIPPI title wps ex-lib light wear, vg, 46 pp., 3 figs.                                                                                                              Price: $10.00                      (stock#USGSB750-G)

#751 Heald K. C. et al. 1925 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1923-1924 PART 2  MINERAL FUELS rear wrap with map pocket loose else some wear, contents vg, clean, complete with all maps. Contains the following papers: (A) CONTINUITY OF SOME OIL-BEARING SANDS OF COLORADO AND WYOMING By Lee, W. T.; (B) PROGRESS REPORT ON A SUBSURFACE  STUDY OF THE PERSHING OIL AND GAS FIELD, OSAGE COUNTY, OKLAHOMA By Ruby, W. W.; (C)  GEOLOGY AND POSSIBLE OIL AND GAS RESOURCES OF THE FAULTED AREA SOUTH OF THE BEARPAW MOUNTAINS, MONTANA By Reeves, F.; (D) GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE OF SAN JUAN  CANYON AND ADJACENT COUNTRY, UTAH By Miser, H. D.; (E) THE SCOBEY LIGNITE FIELD,  VALLEY, DANIELS, AND SHERIDAN COUNTIES, MONTANA By Collier, A. J.; (F) THE EKALAKA LIGNITE FIELD, SOUTHEASTERN MONTANA By Bauer B. M.; (G) GEOLOGY AND OIL AND GAS  PROSPECTS OF PART OF MOFFAT COUNTY, COLORADO, AND SOUTHERN SWEETWATER  COUNTY, WYOMING By Sears, J. D.                                                                                                                                                        Price: $35.00                          (stock#USGSB751)

#751-A Lee W. T. 1924 CONTINUITY OF SOME OIL BEARING SANDS OF COLORADO AND WYOMING no wps, title page loose, some wear, good copy, clean, 22 pp., 6 plts, 3 figs. on the Dakota Hogback  along the Front Range.                                                                                                                   Price: $10.00                        (stock#USGSB751A)

#751-B Rubey W. W. 1923 PROGRESS REPORT ON A SUBSURFACE STUDY OF THE PERSHING OIL AND GAS FIELD OSAGE COUNTY OKLAHOMA no wps, light+ wear, vg with 48 pp., 3 plts, 8 figs. 

                                                                                                           Price: $15.00                          (stock#USGSB751B)

#751-C Reeves F. 1924 GEOLOGY AND POSSIBLE OIL AND GAS RESOURCES OF THE FAULTED  AREA SOUTH OF THE BEARPAW MOUNTAINS MONTANA wps with light dust soiling else vg, 114 pp., 5 plts, 5 figs.                                                                                                                                          Price: $15.00                          (stock#USGSB751C)

#751-D Miser H. D. 1924 GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE OF SAN JUAN CANYON AND ADJACENT  COUNTRY UTAH wps, light wear, vg, 41 pp., 6 plts, 1 fig. incl. f/o pocket map.                    Price: $15.00            (stock#USGSB751D)

#751-E Collier A. J. 1924 THE SCOBEY LIGNITE FIELD VALLEY DANIELS AND SHERIDAN COUNTIES  MONTANA no wps, signature to title page else vg, with 74 pp., 9 plts, 3 figs.        Price: $15.00                         (stock#USGSB751E)

#751-F Bauer B. M. 1924 THE EKALAKA LIGNITE FIELD SOUTHEASTERN MONTANA wps with  signature, toning at edges, short tear to paper spine, contents vg, clean with 36 pp., 5 plts, 1 fig.    
                                                                                                          Price: $10.00                           (stock#USGSB751F)

#752 Lee W. T. 1924 COAL RESOURCES OF THE RATON COAL FIELD COLFAX COUNTY NEW MEXICO wps, ex-lib, spine ends chipped else light+ exterior wear, contents vg,
254 pp., 22 plts, 18 figs. The pocket map is especially nice, and the field area is one of the few that preserves the K-T Boundary layer.      

                                                                                                          Price: $25.00                            (stock#USGSB752)

#754 Mertie J. B. et al. 1924 THE RUBY-KUSKOKWIM REGION no wps, cloth tape on spine, contents clean and vg, 129 pp., 9 plts, 2 figs, much on gold mining.                                    Price: $30.00                           (stock#USGSB754)

#755 Brooks A. H. et al. 1924 MINERAL RESOURCES OF ALASKA- REPORT ON PROGRESS OF INVESTIGATIONS IN 1922 wps, light wear, vg, 22 pp., plts figs, Including folding maps. With discussion of THE ALASKA MINING INDUSTRY IN 1922; THE METALLIFEROUS DEPOSITS OF CHITINA VALLEY; GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE REGION TRAVERSED BY THE ALASKA RAILROAD; THE COLD BAY-CHIGNIK DISTRICT.                                                                                                                                           Price: $40.00                           (stock#USGSB755)

#756 Fath A. E. and Moulton G. F. 1924 OIL AND GAS FIELDS OF THE LOST SOLDIER-FERRIS  DISTRICT, WYOMING wps, light wear, vg, 57 pp., 7 plts 2 figs.                         Price: $25.00                           (stock#USGSB756)

#757 Hancock, E. T. 1925 GEOLOGY AND COAL RESOURCES OF THE AXIAL AND MONUMENT  BUTTE QUADRANGLES, MOFFAT COUNTY COLORADO no wps, cloth tape on spine, contents fine and pocket map fine, 134 pp., 19 plts, 6 figs.                                                                        Price: $25.00                           (stock#USGSB757)

#758  Nickles J. M. 1924 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICAN GEOLOGY FOR 1921-22 no wps, cloth tape on spine, contents fine, 273 pp.                                                             Price: $8.00                             (stock#USGSB758)

#759 Fath A. E. 1925 GEOLOGY OF THE BRISTOW QUADRANGLE CREEK COUNTY OKLAHOMA  WITH REFERENCE TO PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS no wps, cloth tape on spine, contents fine, 63 pp., 13 plts, 3 figs.                                                                                                            Price: 25.00                             (stock#USGSB759)

#761 Hess F. L. 1924 MOLYBDENUM DEPOSITS no wps, cloth tape on spine, contents fine, 35 pp., plt, figs. 

                                                                                                           Price: $20.00                        (stock#USGSB761)

#762 Knopf A. 1924 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE ROCHESTER DISTRICT NEVADA wps, light wear, vg, 78 pp., 4 plts, 5 figs.                                                                          Price: $30.00                           (stock#USGSB762)

#763  Ross C. P. 1925 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE ARAVAIPA AND STANLEY MINING DISTRICTS, GRAHAM COUNTY, ARIZONA front wp with a few spots, coming loose, contents clean and vg, 120 pp., figs.                                                                                                                        Price: $35.00                           (stock#USGSB763)

#764 Condit, D. D. 1924 PHOSPHATE DEPOSITS IN THE WIND RIVER MOUNTAINS, NEAR LANDER, WYOMING some wear to wraps, ex-lib, contents vg,
39 pp., 3 plts, 1 fig.          Price: $20.00                           (stock#USGSB764)

#766 Birdseye C. H. 1925 SPIRIT LEVELING IN CALIFORNIA 1896-1923 in cloth light wear, vg copy  with 748 pp., 2 plts incl. f/o map, 1 fig. With place names and benchmark data for the State by  quadrangle and with reference to many now-obscure place names.                                                        Price: $30.00                         (stock#USGSB766)

#769 Wilmarth M. G. 1925 THE GEOLOGIC TIME CLASSIFICATION OF THE UNITED STATES  GEOLOGICAL SURVEY COMPARED WITH OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS ACCOMPANIED BY THE  ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS OF ERA, PERIOD AND EPOCH TERMS wps sunned at margins else vg copy, 138 pp. A very scarce bulletin and convenient reference that  provides verbatim excerpts of the original definitions of the divisions of the geologic timescale (e. g.  Devonian By Sedgewick and Murchison, 1839; Cretaceous Period By D’Halloy, 1822, etc…).                                                                                                                              Price: $20.00                       (stock#USGSB769)

#770 Clarke F. W. 1924 THE DATA OF GEOCHEMISTRY wps, ex-lib, light wear vg 841 pp.  

                                                                                                               Price: $15.00                       (stock#USGSB770)

#771 Ross C. P. 1925 ORE DEPOSITS OF THE SADDLE MOUNTAINS AND BANNER MINING DISTRICTS ARIZONA no wps, cloth tape on spine, contents fine, 72 pp., 17 plts, 6 figs.             Price: $30.00                        (stock#USGSB771)

#772 Paige S. et al. 1925 A RECONNAISSANCE OF THE POINT BARROW REGION ALASKA wps, ex-lib, vg, 33 pp., 9 plts, 4 figs.                                                                                              Price: $25.00                       (stock#USGSB772)

#774 Ross C. P. 1925 THE COPPER DEPOSITS NEAR SALMON IDAHO wps with light+ wear, spine  covered by cloth archival tape, contents vg, 43 pp., 5 plts, 7 figs.                                   Price: $20.00                       (stock#USGSB774)

#775 Hares C. J. 1928 GEOLOGY AND LIGNITE RESOURCES OF THE MARMARTH FIELD SOUTHWESTERN NORTH DAKOTA wps with signature, taped across spine but overall vg, 110 pp., 14 plts, 1 fig. 

                                                                                                                Price: $20.00                       (stockUSGSB775)

#776 Martin G. C. 1926 THE MESOZOIC STRATIGRAPHY OF ALASKA wraps, fine copy with light wear. With 493 pp., 13 figs. A classic Alaska geology reference.                                          Price: $25.00                      (stock#USGSB776)

#778  Wells R. C. 1925 CHEMISTRY OF DEPOSITION OF NATIVE COPPER FROM ASCENDING SOLUTIONS wps, light wear, vg, 71 pp., 2 figs.                                                                   Price: $20.00                      (stock#USGSB778)

#780  Loughlin G. F. et al. 1926 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY PART 1- METALS AND NONMETALS EXCEPT FUELS 1925 wps, some wear, light marginal corner stain to some pp. else vg, 165 pp., 19 plts, 8 figs. With papers on Centennial Wyoming Platinum District, Yellow Pine District Of Idaho, Hoot’s classic report on the geology of the Texas Panhandle and adjacent New Mexico, and more.     Price: $35.00               (stock#USGSB780)

#780-B Hoots H. W. 1925 GEOLOGY OF A PART OF WESTERN TEXAS AND SOUTHEASTERN NEW MEXICO wps, ex-lib, vg, 126 pp., 17 plts, 3 figs. A classic with much on the lower Dockum Group and underlying Permian Quartermaster and related units of  the Panhandle to Midland area and adjacent parts of New Mexico.                                                                                                                                       Price: $25.00                    (stock#USGSB780B)

#781 Thom W. T. Jr. et al. 1926 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1925 PART II- MINERAL FUELS in wps, light wear, vg, 29 pp., 6 plts, 1 fig.                                                          Price: $35.00                       (stock#USGSB781)

#781-B Sears J. D. 1926 GEOLOGY OF THE BAXTER BASIN GAS FIELD SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYOMING wps, light wear, vg, 29 pp., 5 plts 1 fig.                                                           Price: $15.00                    (stock#USGSB781B)

#785-D Noble L. F. 1926 NOTES ON A COLEMANITE DEPOSIT NEAR SHOSHONE CALIFORNIA WITH A SKETCH OF THE GEOLOGY OF A PART OF AMARGOSA VALLEY no wps as issued, sig. on title else light wear, vg, 11 pp., 1 fig.                                                                                                                   Price: $10.00                    (stock#USGSB785D)

#786 Thom W. T. et al. 1927 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1926 PART II- MINERAL FUELS. Bound in green buckrum, light wear, vg, 98 pp. 2 plts, 5 figs. Contains the following papers: (A) The geology of the Ingomar  anticline, Treasure and Rosebud counties, Montana By Heald, K. C.; and (B) Geology of the Cat Creek and Devils Basin oil fields and adjacent areas in Montana By Reeves, F.              Price: $35.00                      (stock#USGSB786)

#786-B Reeves F. 1927 GEOLOGY OF THE CAT CREEK AND DEVILS BASIN OIL FIELDS AND ADJACENT AREAS IN MONTANA wps, ex-lib, vg, 58 pp., 3 plts 6 figs.                                    Price: $20.00                    (stock#USGSB786B)

#788 Birdseye C. H. et al. 1928 TOPOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY wps with signature, light wear, vg, 432 pp., 29 plts, 18 figs.                  Price: $35.00                      (stock#USGSB788)

#788-E Beaman W. M. 1928 TOPOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PART E- TOPOGRAPHIC METHODS wraps with signature else light wear, vg, 218 pp., 16 plts, 8 figs.                                                                                                                                                     Price: $15.00                     (stock#USGSB788E)

#789  Moffitt F. H. 1927 THE INISKIN-CHINITNA PENINSULA AND THE SNUG HARBOR DISTRICT U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #789 wraps, light wear,  ex-lib else contents vg with 71 pp., 11 plates including large folding pocket map, 1 figure.                                                                                           Price: $25.00              (stock#USGSB789)

#791 Capps S. R. 1927 GEOLOGY OF THE UPPER MATANUSKA VALLEY ALASKA WITH A SECTION ON THE IGNEOUS ROCKS wps, ex-lib, vg, 92 pp., 16 plts, 15 figs.                     Price: $25.00                        (stock#USGSB791)

#793 Clark F. R. 1928 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY OF THE CASTLEGATE WELLINGTON AND SUNNYSIDE QUADRANGLES CARBON COUNTY UTAH rear wp loose else vg with 165 pp., 22 plts and 3 figs.               
                                                                                                                Price: $20.00                      (stock#USGSB793)

#794 Darton N. H. 1928 REDBEDS AND ASSOCIATED FORMATIONS IN NEW MEXICO wps, ex-lib, vg, 356 pp., 62 plts, 173 figs. A vg copy of Darton’s classic resume of New Mexico geology. A must have for anyone interested Permian and Triassic rocks and Southwest geology complete with all maps.   Price: $35.00         (stock#USGSB794)

#795 Loughlin G. F. and Mansfield G. R. 1928 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1927 PART 1- METALS AND NONMETALS EXCEPT FUELS wps, some external wear, chips to wraps, ex-lib, contents vg, 
221 pp., 12 plts, 12 figs. With papers on the GILBERT DISTRICT NEVADA; PILOT MOUNTAINS IN MINERAL COUNTY NEVADA; POTASH BRINES OF THE GREAT SALT DESERT.                                                 Price: $35.00                      (stock#USGSB795)

#795-B Nolan T. B. 1927 POTASH BRINES IN THE GREAT SALT LAKE DESERT UTAH no wps as issued, small spot to title page else vg-fine copy, 20 pp., 1 plt.                                          Price: $15.00                     (stock#USGSB795B)

#795-C  Lovering T. S. 1927 ORGANIC PRECIPITATION OF METALLIC COPPER title wps, some wear, contents good, 8 pp. On native copper found near Cooke Montana believed to have been precipitated in a bog-swamp.                                                                                                                          Price: $10.00                   (stock#USGSB795C)

#795-D Burchard E. F. 1927 THE BROWN ORES OF WEST-MIDDLE TENNESSEE no wps as issued else vg, 60 pp., 5 plts, 4 figs.                                                                                               Price: $15.00                    (stock#USGSB795D)

#795-E Foshag W. F. 1927 QUICKSILVER DEPOSITS OF THE PILOT MOUNTAINS MINERAL COUNTY NEVADA no wps, title p. and verso of last p. soiled/ dust marks else contents clean, vg, 11 pp., 1 plt, 2 figs.                                                                                                                                                       Price: $10.00                    (stock#USGSB795E)
#795-F Ferguson H. G. 1927 THE GILBERT DISTRICT NEVADA no wps as issued small corner stain to title page else clean, vg, 21 pp., 2 figs.                                                                            Price: $10.00                     (stock#USGS795F)

#796 Thom W. T. Jr. et al. 1928 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1927 PART II- MINERAL FUELS green buckrum, vg, 201 pp., 27 plts, 12 figs. Contains the following: (A) THE GILLETTE COAL FIELD, NORTH-EASTERN WYOMING. THE MINTURN DISTRICT AND THE NORTHWESTERN PART OF THE GILLETTE FIELD, WYOMING By Dobbin and Others; (B) GEOLOGY AND OIL AND GAS PROSPECTS OF NORTHEASTERN COLORADO; (C) GEOLOGY AND COAL RESOURCES OF THE SALINA CANYON DISTRICT SEVIER COUNTY, UTAH; (D) GEOLOGY AND OIL AND GAS POSSIBILITIES OF THE BELL SPRINGS DISTRICT, CARBON COUNTY WYOMING.                                                                                                                                           Price: $35.00                     (stock#USGSB796)

#796-B Mather K. E. et al. 1928 GEOLOGY AND OIL AND GAS PROSPECTS OF NORTHEASTERN COLORADO archival wraps, vg, complete with pocket map which is usually lacking. Contains 61 pp., 3 plts + figs.                                                                                                                                           Price: $20.00                  (stock#USGSB796B)

#796-C  Spieker E. M. and Baker A. A. 1928 GEOLOGY AND COAL RESOURCES OF THE SALINA CANYON DISTRICT, SEVIER COUNTY UTAH title wps with stamp tape along spine and repair to last page else light wear, vg, 45 pp., 4 plates (including folding map), 2 figs.                                      Price: $15.00                   (stock#USGSB796C)

#797-A 1929 Smith P. S. MINERAL INDUSTRY IN ALASKA IN 1926 no wps, some wear, contents clean, 66 pp.

                                                                                                                 Price: $15.00                    (stock#USGSB797A)

                                                                                                                 Price: $25.00                     (stock#USGSB798)

#799 Knopf E. B. and Jonas A. I. 1929 GEOLOGY OF THE MCCALLS FERRY QUARRYVILLE DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA wps, fine copy, 156 pp., 8 plts, 15 figs.                         Price: $20.00                    (stock#USGSB799)


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