Phillip Huber, Bookseller/Geologist
PO Box 1036, Faribault, Minnesota 55021

Cooper, W. S. 1958 COASTAL SAND DUNES OF OREGON AND WASHINGTON GSA Memoir #72 8vo gilt cloth, light wear, contents clean, fine, 169 pp. 22 plts, 12 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#GSAMEM72)

Darton N. H. 1905 PRELIMINARY LIST OF DEEP BORINGS IN THE UNITED STATES USGS Water Supply Paper #146 wps with tears, wear, contents vg with 267 pp. Price: $15.00 (stock#WSP146)

Das M. M. 1971 LONGSHORE SEDIMENT TRANSPORT RATES: A COMPILATION OF DATA Army Corps Engineers Misc. Paper 1-71 4to, wraps, light wear, vg, 75 pp., one page maps figs. with focus on a few areas including Silver Strand Beach near San Diego, Anaheim Bay and elsewhere.
Price: $15.00 (stock#SED40)

Dott R. H. Sr. (ed.) 1972 CARBONATE ROCKS I: CLASSIFICATIONS-DOLOMITE-DOLOMITIZATION. Selected Papers reprinted from AAPG Bulletin. AAPG Reprint Series #4 wps light wear, vg, 237 pp., scores of figs.
Price: $25.00 (stock#AAPGRS04)

Fischer A. G. et al. 1967 ELECTRON MICROGRAPHS OF LIMESTONES AND THEIR NANNOFOSSILS Princeton Unv., 8vo, in wraps, some external wear from removal of library label else contents vg, 141 pp., 94 figs., mostly of limestones in thin section. A classic reference on carbonate petrology. Price: $20.00 (stock#SED74P)

Friedman G. M. and Ali S. A. 1981 DIAGENESIS OF CARBONATE ROCKS: CEMENT-POROSITY RELATIONSHIPS sepm Reprint Series #10 8vo, wraps with signature light wear vg, 295 pp., scores of figs.
Price: $25.00 (stock#SEPMRS10)

Gilbert G. K. A NEW METHOD OF MEASURING HEIGHTS BY MEANS OF THE BAROMETER from Second Annual Report of the U. S. Geological Survey, and is G. K. Gilbert’s laborious explanation of his modified, barometer-based altitude measurement widely used in his, and other early USGS mapping endeavors. 4to, archival tape along spine, good copy with 164 pp., 8 plates. Price: $25.00 (stock#ENG30)

Groeber P. F. and Stipanicic P. N. 1953 TRIASSICO Buenos Aires 1953 8vo, wps with tear along margin with spine, stamp and signature on wrap, contents vg with 141 pp., several plates, some folding, figs.
Price: $20.00 (stock#SA101)

Longwell C. R. et al. 1964 SEDIMENTARY FACIES IN GEOLOGIC HISTORY GSA Memoir #39 8vo, gilt cloth, vg copy, 171 pp., numerous figures (contains individual papers which are paginated separately). With much on Colorado Plateau geology. Price: $20.00 (stock#GSAM39)

Montanez I. P. et al. (eds.) 1997 BASIN-WIDE DIAGENETIC PATTERNS – INTEGRATED PETROLOGIC, GEOCHEMICAL AND HYDROLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS Society Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Paper #57 4to, dust jacket, light wear, ownership signature on blank free end paper else very good clean copy with 302 pp., scores of figures. Price: $30.00 (stock#SEPMSP57)

McKenzie G. D. (ed.) 1987 GONDWANA SIX: STRATIGRAPHY, SEDIMENTOLOGY, PALENTOLOGY AGU Mono. #41 4to cloth light wear vg, 250 pp., scores of figs. Includes diverse papers ranging from the Paleozoic of Australia, Triassic of New Zealand, Tasmania, Antactica, Trematosauridie by Hammer and more. A standard reference vol. for Gondwana studies. Price: $25.00 (stock#AUS41)

Russell I. C. 1889 SUBAERIAL DECAY OF ROCKS AND ORIGIN OF THE RED COLOR OF CERTAIN FOMATIONS USGS Bull. #52 no wps, cloth tape on spine, some wear, contents with some wear, discolored page margins, plates generally good. With 65 pp. 5 plts, one of which is a fold out, of scenic views including Mount Mitchell North Carolina and Harpers Ferry West Virginia. Price: $20.00 (stock#USGSB052)

Walker R. G. (ed.) 1984 FACIES MODELS 4to, wraps light wear, very good with 317 pp., scores of figs. and one of the better references on sedimentary facies and their interpretation from the rock record.
Price: $25.00 (stock#SED74)

Strakhov N. M. 1967 PRINCIPLES OF LITHOGENESIS: VOLUMES 1-3 COMPLETE, translated from the orginal Russian, 8vo, cloth, dust jacket with some wear, contents vg. Mostly focused on rock weathering processes and products from different climatic zones and environments, a classic text. Price: $80.00 (stock#SED65)

Twenhofel W. H. and Tyler S. A. 1941 METHODS OF STUDY OF SEDIMENTS 1st ed., cloth light wear vg, 183 pp., scores of figs. A classic text focused on the petrologic and grain-size focused sedimentology of the time. Price: $25.00 (stock#SED37)
Bandy O. L. 1970 RADIOMETRIC DATING AND PALEONTOLOGIC ZONATION 8vo, wps, light wear, vg copy, 232 pp., plts, figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#GSASP124)
Berry W. B. N. and Boucot A. J. 1972 CORRELATION OF SOUTH AMERICAN SILURIAN ROCKS Geol. Soc. America Special Paper #133 8vo, light wear, fine copy, 59 pp., plts in pocket, figs.
Price: $14.00 (stock#GSASP133)
Berry W. B. N. and Boucot A. J. 1972 CORRELATION OF SOUTHEASTERN ASIAN AND NEAR EASTERN SILURIAN ROCKS Geol. Soc. America Special Paper #137 8vo, light wear, fine copy, 65 pp., plt in pocket,
figs. Price: $14.00 (stock#GSASP137)
Berry W. B. N. and Boucot A. J. 1973 CORRELATION OF AFRICAN SILURIAN ROCKS 8vo, wps, light wear, vg clean copy, 74 pp., plt. Price: $14.00 (stock#GSASP147)
OF SOUTHEN NEVADA 8vo, cloth as issued, very good and clean copy with newspaper clipping about author affixed to free end paper. With 27 pp. text and 82 plates, and on the lower Triassic Moenkopi Formation Virgin Limestone in the region just east of Las Vegas. A scarce and classic monograph.
Price: $35.00 (stock#SED34)
Bucher W. H. 1919 ON RIPPLES AND RELATED SEDIMENTARY SURFACE FORMS AND THEIR PALEO-GEOGRAPHIC SIGNIFICANCE offprint Amer. Jour. Science wps with light+ wear, small chips, contents with light+ wear, good, 121 pp. and figs. One of the early and more concise investigations of certain sedimentary structures in the ripple to dune to wave spectrum. A classic sedimentology paper.
Price: $20.00 (stock#SED10)
Clark W. B. 1891 CORRELATION PAPERS- EOCENE USGS Bull. #83 8vo, wraps with spine neatly rebound, light wear, private ownership label inside wrap, very good with 173 pp., 2 pls. Scarce.
Price: $30.00 (stock#USGSB083)
Cook H. E. and Enos P. (eds.) 1977 DEEP-WATER CARBONATE DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS SEPM Spec. Publ. #25 cloth with gilt titles, ex-lib else light wear, vg, 336 pp., scores of figs.
Price: $25.00 (stock#SEPMSP25)
Cooper G. A. et al. 1942 CORRELATION OF THE DEVONIAN SEDIMENTARY FORMATION OF NORTH AMERICA offprint GSA Bull., wraps, light wear, vg, 66 pp., 1 plate (folding chart), 1 fig.
Price: $15.00 (stock#SED19P)
Dall W. H. and Harris G. D. 1892 CORRELATION PAPERS – NEOCENE USGS Bull. #84 8vo original wraps, light wear, fine copy with 349 pp., 3 pls, 43 figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#USGSB084)
Dott R. H. Jr. and Shaver R. H. (eds.) 1974 MODERN AND ANCIENT GEOSYNCLINAL SEDIMENTATION SEPM Special Publ. #19 8vo, cloth, light wear, vg, 380 pp., figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#SEPMSP019)
Goldman M. I. 1915 PETROGRAPHIC EVIDENCE ON THE ORIGIN OF THE CATAHOULA SANDSTONE OF TEXAS offprint American Jour. Science wps with ownership markings, signed by author to D. D. Condit, contents vg with 27 pp., figs. Price: $8.00 (stock#SED15)
Grabau A. W. 1899 THE RELATION OF MARINE BIONOMY TO STRATIGRAPHY offprint from Bull Buffalo Soc. Nat. Hist. 6(4), 49 pp., errata slip, wps with spine rebound by acid-free archival cloth tape, vg.
Price: $10.00 (stock#SPM02)
Grunau H. R. 1959 MIKROFAZIES UND SCHITCHTUNG AUSGEWAHLTER, JUNGMESOZOISCHER, RADIOLARIT FUHRENDER SEDIMENTSERIEN DER ZENTRAL ALPEN 8vo, cloth, gilt titles, private name stamp else vg, 179 pp., 11 plts, figs, some fold out sections. Price: $25.00 (stock#EUR083)
Hayes C. W. 1897 SOLUTION OF SILICA UNDER ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS bound with Campbell M. R. 1897 EROSION AT BASELEVEL both in wraps, offprints from GSA Bulletin, vol. 8, with 14 pp., 4 plts. Scarce. Price: $10.00 (stock#SED09)
Houseknecht D. W. and Pittman E. D. 1992 ORIGIN, DIAGENESIS AND PETROPHYSICS OF CLAY MINERALS IN SANDSTONES SEPM Spec. Publ. #47 4to, cloth with gilt embossment and title, light wear, vg-fine copy, 282 pp., scores of figs. A nice copy. Price: $30.00 (stock#SEPMSP47)
Hubbell D. W. and Matejka D. Q. 1959 INVESTIGATIONS OF SEDIMENT TRANSPORTATION MIDDLE LOUP RIVER AT DUNNING NEBRASKA USGS Water Supply Paper #1476 8vo, wps some wear, corner bump, short tear to blank end paper page else vg, 121 pp., 12 plts, 38 figs. Classic sedimentology study.
Price: $15.00 (stock#WSP1476NE)
Jaggar T. A. Jr. 1908 EXPERIMENTS ILLUSTRATING EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION MCZ Bull. 8(6) 8vo, wps light wear, pages unopened, untrimmed, vg copy, 17 pp., 6 plts. A classic and early work on
experimental sedimentology and structures. Price: $15.00 (stock#SED07)
Land L. S. 1985 DOLOMITIZATION AAPG Ed. Course Note Series #24 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 20 pp., figs. Price: $10.00 (AAPGCN024)
Le Blanc R. and Breeding J. G. 1957 REGIONAL ASPECTS OF CARBONATE DEPOSITION SEPM Spec. Publ. #5 8vo, wps, vg copy, 188 pp., 22 plts, 66 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#SEPMSP05)
Lerman A. 1979 GEOCHEMICAL PROCESSES WATER AND SEDIMENT ENVIRONMENTS 8vo, cloth, as new still in original publishers shrink wrap, with 479 pp., numerous figs.
Price: $25.00 (stock#SED12)
MacDonald D. I. M. 1991 SEDIMENTATION TECTONICS AND EUSTASY (Blackwell, publisher) wps light wear, vg, 518 pp., scores of figs and now a classic. Price: $30.00 (stock#SED013)
Miller M. 1975 PROBABLE INORGANIC ZOOPHYSCUS LIKE STRUCTURE FROM A LOWER PALEOZOIC QUARTZARENITE offprint Jour. Paleont. 3 pp., figs. Price: $6.00 (stock#SED006)
Morgan J. P. (ed.) 1970 DELTAIC SEDIMENTATION MODERN AND ANCIENT SEPM Special Publ. #15 8vo, cloth, ex-industry library copy else light wear, vg, 312 pp., figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#SEPMSP15)
Moslow T. F. 1983 DEPOSITIONAL MODELS OF SHELF AND SHORELINE SANDSTONES AAPG Ed. Course Note Series #27 4to, wps, as new in original publishers shrink wrap.
Price: $20.00 (AAPGCN27)
Nevin C. 1946 COMPETENCY OF MOVING WATER TO TRANSPORT DEBRIS offprint GSA Bull. wraps with faded stmaps else light wear, vg, 24 pp., figs. Price: $8.00 (stock#SED35)
Pugh W. E. 1950 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ORGANIC REEFS BIOHERMS AND BIOSTROMES Seismograph Serv. Corp., (publisher) 8vo, wraps with signature else light wear, vg, 139 pp. Price: $15.00 (stock#SED08)
Resser C. E. 1933 PRELIMINARY GENERALIZED CAMBRIAN TIME SCALE offprint GSA Bull. wps with owner stamp else vg, 21 pp., table. Important reference for North American Cambrian workers.
Price: $10.00 (stock#SC015)
Rettger R. E. 1935 EXPERIMENTS ON SOFT-ROCK DEFORMATION offprint AAPG Bull. wp with light pencil signature, vg, 21 pp., 16 figs. Price: $6.00 (stock#SED11)
Rigby J. K. and Hamblin W. K. 1972 RECOGNITION OF ANCIENT SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENTS SEPM Special Publ. #16 8vo gilt cloth light wear, vg, 340 pp., scores of figs. A classic text.
Price: $20.00 (stock#SEPMSP16)
Russell I. C. 1895 LAKES OF NORTH AMERICA New York, Ginn and Company, publishers 8vo, blue cloth as issued, small nick to edge of cloth, ex-lib with small number on gilt-titled spine, bookplate on paste down. Contents vg with 125 pp., 23 plates, 9 figures. Scarce. Price: $30.00 (stock#SED05)
Schuchert C. 1913 THE DELIMITATION OF THE GEOLOGIC PERIODS ILLUSTRATED BY THE PALEOGEOGRAPHY OF NORTH AMERICA extract or offprint from 12th Intern. Geol. Congr. Proceedings, no wps, spine rebound with acid-free archival cloth tape, vg, 37 pp., f/o table. Scarce.
Price: $10.00 (stock#SC06)
Schuchert C. 1916 CORRELATION AND CHRONOLOGY IN GEOLOGY ON THE BASIS OF PALEO-GEOGRAPHY offprint from GSA Bulletin 27: 491-514, 1 pl., 8vo, wps, spine covered with acid-free archival tape else vg and an earlier work on defining global eustatic cycles. Price: $8.00 (stock#SC08)
Schuchert C. 1916 ON PRE-CAMBRIAN NOMENCLATURE offprint from Amer. Jour. Science [3rd Ser.] 42: 475-485, 8vo, wps, spine covered with acid-free archival tape else vg and on defending Shuchert’s version of Precambrian stratigraphy. Price: $8.00 (stock#SC07)
Schuchert C. 1920 DIAGENESIS IN SEDIMENTATION offprint from GSA Bull. 31: 425-429 8vo, wps, vg copy. Price: $6.00 (stock#SED01)
SEDIMENTOLOGY This lot consists of five (5) publications on various aspects of fluvial sedimentology,
a few of which are classic studies. All are U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Papers, all are ex-
ibrary copies else vg with light wear. They are as follows: (1) Simons D. B. et al. 1961 FLUME STUDIES
USING MEDIUM SAND (0.45 mm), USGS WSP #1498-A, 76 pp., 28 figs; (2) Dawdy D. R. 1961 DEPTH-DISCHARGE RELATIONS ON ALLUVIAL STREAMS –DISCONTINUOUS RATING CURVES USGS WSP #1498-C, 16 pp., 11 figs.; (3) Simons D. B. and Richardson E. V. 1962 THE EFFECT OF BED ROUGHNESS ON DEPTH-DISCHARGE RELATIONS IN ALLUVIAL CHANNELS USGS WSP #1498-E, 26 pp., 9 figs; (4) Colby B. R. 1961 EFFECT OF DEPTH OF FLOW ON DISCHARGE OF BED MATERIAL USGS WSP #1498-D, 12 pp., 4 figs; and (5) Simons D. B. et al. 1963 SOME EFFECTS OF FINE SEDIMENT ON FLOW PHENOMENA USGS WSP #1498-G, 47 pp., 23 figs. Price for lot of five (5) vols: $15.00 (stock#WSP1498lot)
Seibold E. and Meulenkamp J. D. 1982 STRATIGRAPHY QUO VADIS AAPG Studies In Geology #16 8vo, wps, light wear, vg, 69 pp., figs. Price: $10.00 (AAPG10)
Shirley M. L. and Ragsdale J. A. 1968 DELTAS AND THEIR GEOLOGIC FRAMEWORK Houston Geol. Soc.,
ownership sig. on paste down else light wear, vg, 251 pp. Price: $20.00 (stock#SED27)
Silberling N. J. and Tozer E. T. 1968 BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC CLASSIFICATION OF THE MARINE TRIASSIC IN NORTH AMERICA 8vo, wps, ex-lib. else vg copy, 63 pp., 1 plt, 1 fig. Price: $25.00 (stock#GSASP110)
Swinton W. E. 1951 THE CORRELATION OF CONTINENTAL VERTEBRATE BEARING BEDS IGC 18th Meeting wps with signature light wear, vg, 93 pp. With diverse short papers by Westoll, White, Louis Leaky and others. Scarce. Price: $15.00 (stock#SED030)
Teleki P. G. 1972 WAVE BOUNDARY LAYERS AND THEIR RELATION TO SEDIMENT TRANSPORT offprint stamps else vg, 59 pp., figs. Price: $5.00 (stock#SED11)
Tourtelot H. A. 1968 HYDRAULIC EQUIVALENCE OF GRAINS OF QUARTZ AND HEAVIER MINERALS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THE STUDY OF PLACERS 4to, USGS Prof. Paper 594-H wps with light soiling, corner of title and contents pages torn else good copy, with 13 pp., 6 figs.
Price: $10.00 (stock#PP594H)
Van Hise, C. R. 1892 CORRELATION PAPERS- ARCHEAN AND ALGONKIAN USGS Bull. #86 8vo, wraps pasted on boards with spine bound, presentation copy from author to G. H. Williams, the noted paleontologist, some wear but overall very good. With 549 pp., 12 plates. Loosely inserted is a one page article from Science by Lane and Houghton questioning the definition of Archean as applied to Michigan Precambrian rocks. Nice association. Price: $35.00 (stock#USGSB86)
Weller J. M. et al. 1944-48, two publications on correlation of American Carboniferous rocks, both offprints from GSA Bull., some wear, contents vg. They are: (1) CORRELATION OF PENNSYLVANIAN FORMATIONS OF NORTH AMERICA, 50 pp., folding chart; and (2) CORRELATION OF THE MISSISSIPPIAN FORMATIONS OF NORTH AMERICA, 106 pp., 2 plates, 2 figs.
Price: $20.00 (stock#SED29)
White C. A. 1892 CORRELATION PAPERS – CRETACEOUS USGS Bull. #82 8vo, wrap margins repaired, age toning else very good, clean with 273 pp., 3 pls, 7 figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#USGSB82)
Wilmarth M. G. 1925 THE GEOLOGIC TIME CLASSIFICATION OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY COMPARED WITH OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS ACCOMPANIED BY THE ORIGINAL DESCRIPTIONS OF ERA, PERIOD AND EPOCH TERMS USGS Bull. #769 wraps with some wear, stamp, tape along spine, contents vg with 138 pp. A convenient reference that provides verbatim excerpts of the original definitions of the divisions of the geologic timescale (e. g. Devonian By Sedgewick and Murchison, 1839; Cretaceous Period By D’Halloy, 1822, etc…). Price: $20.00 (stock#USGSB769)
Zenkovich V. P. (edited by Steers J. A. and King C. A. M.) 1967 PROCESSES OF COASTAL DEVELOPMENT tall 8vo, cloth with a few light spots on cover else vg and clean copy, 738 pp., numerous figs. A landmark reference, translated from original Russian, on coastal geomorphology and processes. Price: $40.00 (stock#SED028)