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                    FEATURED ITEMS


#202  Park C. F. and Cannon R. S. 1943 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE METALINE QUADRANGLE WASHINGTON U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper #202 4to, wraps a bit faded, worn, rear wrap loose else contents with light wear, vg and complete with 6 pocket maps.                  Price: $35.00                         (stock#PP202)


#203  Williams J. S. 1943 STRATIGRAPHY AND FAUNA OF THE LOUISIANA LIMESTONE OF MISSOURI USGS Prof. Paper #203 wraps with stamp, light wear, contents vg, 133 pp. 9 plts, 9 figs. on the Devonian-Mississippian age fossils of this unit.                                                                                             Price: $20.00                    (stock#PP203)


Jahns R. H. and Lancaster F. W. 1950 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL SHEET MUSCOVITE IN THE SOUTHERN UNITED STATES U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper #225 4to, wraps, ex-Royal Society stamp else light wear, contents very good with 110 pp., 9 plates, 16 figs, and much on the industry and regional aspects of often associated pegmatite deposits.                                                                  Price: $25.00                             (stockPP225)


#256  Schwartz G. M. 1954 GEOLOGY OF THE SAN MANUEL COPPER DEPOSIT ARIZONA USGS Prof. Paper #256 wps, bumped corners else light wear, vg copy, 65 pp., 17 plts, 8 figs.           Price: $30.00                    (stock#PP256)


#265  Staatz M. H. and Trites A. F. 1955 GEOLOGY OF THE QUARTZ CREEK PEGMATITE DISTRICT GUNNISON COUNTY COLORADO USGS Prof. Paper #265 wps loose, some external wear contents vg, 111 pp., 8 plts (including folding pocket maps), 36 figs. Scarce.                                                                 Price: $25.00                             (stock#PP265)


#276  Nolan T. B. et al. 1956 STRATIGRAPHIC SECTION IN THE VICINITY OF EUREKA NEVADA USGS Prof. Paper #276 wps with signature, light wear, vg copy, 78 pp., 2 plts.                                   Price: $15.00             (stock#PP276)


#278  Anderson C. A. et al. 1955 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE BAGDAD AREA YAVAPAI COUNTY ARIZONA USGS Prof. Paper #278 signature to wps, bumped corner  vg copy, 103 pp., 6 plts, 33 figs.           

                                                                                                                         Price: $35.00                      (stock#PP278)

#203  Williams J. S. 1943 STRATIGRAPHY AND FAUNA OF THE LOUISIANA LIMESTONE OF MISSOURI wraps with light wear and a fine copy with 133 pp. 9 plts and 9 figs.                      Price: $25.00            (stock#PP203)

#204  Stose A. and Stose G. W. 1944 GEOLOGY OF THE HANOVER-YORK DISTRICT PENNSYLVANIA 4to, wps, ex-lib, some wear, contents vg, 84 pp., 18 plts, 29 figs.                        Price: $25.00            (stock#PP204)

#205-A  Wells R. C. 1943 RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF NICKEL IN THE EARTH’S CRUST wps with faded stamp, light wear, fine copy, 21 pp., 4 figs.                                                                 Price: $8.00          (stock#PP205A)


#205-D  Spieker E. M. 1946 LATE MESOZOIC AND EARLY CENOZOIC HISTORY OF CENTRAL UTAH USGS Prof. Paper #205-D wraps with small stamp else light wear, vg, 44 pp., 8 plts, 8 figs.      

                                                                                                                         Price: $15.00         (stock#PP205D)

#206  Cushman J. A. 1946 UPPER CRETACEOUS FORAMINIFERA FROM THE GULF COASTAL REGION OF THE UNITED STATES & ADJACENT AREAS some wear, damp stain else good with 241 pp. and 66 plts of fossil forams. One of Cushman’s seminal works.                                            Price: $15.00           (stock#PP206)

#208  Lasky S. G. 1947 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE LITTLE HATCHET MOUNTAINS HILDAGO & GRANT COUNTIES NEW MEXICO wps, light+ wear, vg, 101 pp., 27 plts, 18 figs. Includes discussion of gold silver copper zinc and other ore deposits of the region.                                Price:  $30.00         (stock#PP208)

#210  Cushman J. A. et al. 1947 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY 1946 bound in brown gilt cloth as issued by Survey, fine copy with 196 pp., 33 plts and 13 figs., contains the papers that follow this listing. This is the complete volume.                                                               Price: $40.00           (stock#PP210)

#210-A  Cushman J. A. and Cederstrom D. J. 1946 TERTIARY FORAMINFERA FROM ST. CROIX VIRGIN ISLANDS wps with stamp else light wear, vg, 17 pp., 2 figs.                           Price: $10.00          (stock#PP210A)
#210-B  Read C. B. 1946 A PENNSYLVANIAN FLORULE FROM THE FORKSTON COAL IN THE DUTCH MOUNTAIN OUTLIER NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA wps with some wear, contents vg, 12 pp., 2 plts, 1 fig. An important reference that correlates the Anthracite to Allegheny coal fields in Pennsylvania.

                                                                                                                         Price: $10.00          (stock#PP210B)

#210-C  REPTILIAN FAUNA OF THE NORTH HORN FORMATION OF CENTRAL UTAH wraps with small stamp else fine copy, 24 pp., 12 plts and 12 figs of dinosaur fossils.                        Price: $25.00         (stock#PP210C)

#210-D  Cushman J. A. and Parker F. L. 1947 BULIMINA AND RELATED FORAMINIFERAL GENERA wps, fine copy.                                                                                                                Price: $8.00           (stock#PP210D)

#210-E  Stephenson W. L. 1947 NEW UPPER CRETACEOUS FOSSILS FROM MISSISSIPPI AND TEXAS wps w/ signature, small spot else light wear, contents fine, 36 pp., 3 plts.               Price: $15.00           (stock#PP210E)

#212  Bramlette M. N. 1946 MONTEREY FORMATION OF CALIFORNIA AND ORIGIN OF ITS SILICEOUS ROCKS USGS Prof. Paper #212 wps, some wear, contents vg, 57 pp., 19 plts.  Price:  $20.00      (stock#PP212)

#214-A  Reeside J. B. Jr. 1947  UPPER CRETACEOUS AMMONITES FROM HAITI wps with stamp, vg 11 pp., 3 fossil plates.                                                                                                    Price: $10.00           (stock#PP214A)

#214-C  Yen T. C. 1948 PALEOCENE FRESH WATER MOLLUSKS FROM SOUTHERN MONTANA wps, light wear, vg, copy, 16 pp., 1 plt of fossils.                                                           Price: $10.00            (stock#PP214C)

#215  King P. B. 1948 GEOLOGY OF SOUTHERN GUADALUPE MOUNTAINS TEXAS moderate wear to wps, a few short tears, good copy, 183 pp., 23 plts, 24 figs.                                   Price: $30.00              (stock#PP215)

#216  Ferguson H. G. and Muller S. W. 1949 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY OF THE HAWTHORNE AND TONOPAH QUADRANGLES NEVADA wps with some wear, vg with 55 pp., 15 pls, 10 figs.   

                                                                                                                      Price:  $35.00              (stock#PP216)

#220  Gregory H. E. 1950 GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY OF THE ZION PARK REGION UTAH AND ARIZONA rear wp loose else ex-lib, vg, 200 pp., 5 plts, 133 figs.                               Price: $30.00              (stock#PP220)

#221-A  Cushman J. A. 1949 THE FORAMINIFERAL FAUNA OF THE UPPER CRETACEOUS ARKADELPHIA MARL OF ARKANSAS wps, light wear, fine copy, 19 pp., 4 plts of fossils.      Price: $10.00         (stock#PP221A)

#221-B  Cole W. S. 1950 LARGE FORAMINIFERA OF THE PALAU ISLANDS wraps with light wear, vg+ copy, 5 pp. 2 plts of fossils, 1 fig.                                                                              Price: $8.00               (stock#PP221B)

#221-C  Sohn I. G. 1950 GROWTH SERIES OF OSTRACODES FROM THE PERMIAN OF TEXAS wraps with small stamp else light wear, vg, 5 pp 2 plts.                                               Price: $10.00              (stock#PP221C)

#221-E  Hendricks T. A. and Parks B. 1950 GEOLOGY OF THE FORT SMITH DISTRICT ARKANSAS wps with light wear, private ownership stamp, contents vg, 28 pp. 6 plts, 6 figs.    Price: $20.00              (stock#PP221E)

#221-G  Hunt C. B. and Sokoloff V. P. 1950 PRE-WISCONSIN SOIL IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION- A PROGRESS REPORT light wear, vg, 15 pp., 4 figs.                                      Price: $10.00              (stock#PP221G)

#223  Lovering T. S. and GoddardE. N. 1950 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE FRONT RANGE COLORADO wps worn, spine taped, overall good+ but contents clean, lacking the map case of plates. With 319 pp., some plts, 90 figs.                                                                          Price: $40.00               (stock#PP223)

#225  Jahns R. H. and Lancaster F. W. 1950 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMERCIAL SHEET MUSCOVITE IN THE SOUTHERN UNITED STATES 4to, wps, ex-lib else vg copy, 110 pp., 9 plts, 16 figs.                                                                                                                                 Price: $25.00                (stock#PP225)

#228  Hunt C. B. et al. 1953 GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY OF THE HENRY MOUNTAINS REGION UTAH spine taped, some wear, ex-lib.  234 pp. 16 plts (mostly maps), 116 figs.             Price: $30.00               (stock#PP228)

#230  King P. B. 1953 GEOLOGY OF ELKTON AREA VIRGINIA wps with signature, light wear, vg, 82 pp 6 plts 19 figs.                                                                                                          Price: 25.00                 (stock#PP230)

#232  Cushman J. A. 1951 PALEOCENE FORAMINIFERA OF THE GULF COASTAL REGION OF THE UNITED STATES AND ADJACENT AREAS wps with inked notation else vg copy with 75 pp., 24 plts.                             

                                                                                                                     Price: $15.00                (stock#PP232)

#233-C  Kirk E. and Amsden T. W. 1952 UPPER SILURIAN BRACHIOPODS FROM SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA wps with a few smudges, contents vg, 14 pp., 4 plts of fossils and 6 figs.    Price: $10.00          (stock#PP233C)

#233-D  Huddle J. W. and Dobrovolny E. 1952 DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA wps, light wear,vg, copy, 46 pp 3 plts, 19 figs.                           Price: $15.00             (stock#PP233D)

#233-E  Moore R. C. and Volkes H. E. 1953 LOWER TERTIARY CRINOIDS FROM NORTHWESTERN OREGON wps with private stamp else vg copy. With 35 pp., 11 plts, 13 figs. A classic Oregon Paleontology report. 

                                                                                                                     Price: $20.00             (stock#PP233E)

#234-A  Swain F. M. 1952 OSTRACODA FROM WELLS IN NORTH CAROLINA PART 1- CENOZOIC OSTRACODA 58 pp., 7 plts, 3 figs stamp to wps else fine.                         Price: $8.00              (stock#PP234A)
#234-B  Swain F. M. 1952 OSTRACODA FROM WELLS IN NORTH CAROLINA PART 1- MESOZOIC OSTRACODA wps with stamp else vg, 35 pp., 2 plts.                                 Price: $8.00              (stock#PP234B)


                                                                                                                      Price: $10.00            (stock#PP236A)

#236-B  Tappan, H. 1951 FORAMINIFERA FROM THE ARCTIC SLOPE OF ALASKA PART 2- JURASSIC FORAMINIFERA wps, light wear, ex-lib else vg, 69 pp., 21 plts.                  Price: $10.00            (stock#PP236B)

#236-C  Tappan H. 1951 FORAMINIFERA FROM THE ARCTIC SLOPE OF ALASKA PART 3- CRETACEOUS FORAMINIFERA wps, light wear, ex-lib, vg, copy 109 pp., 30 plts and 9 figs.   Price: $10.00      (stock#PP236C)

#237  Postel A. W. 1952 GEOLLOGY OF THE CLINTON COUNTY MAGNETITE DISTRICT NEW YORK USGS Prof. Paper #237 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 88 pp., 3 plts, 38 figs.               Price: $30.00              (stock#PP237)

#238  Mansfield G. R. 1952 GEOLOGY GEOGRAPHY & MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE AMMON AND PARADISE VALLEY QUADRANGLES IDAHO wps, light wear, vg, 92 pp., 2 plts 27 figs.         

                                                                                                                      Price: $15.00               (stock#PP238)

#240-A  Israelsky M. C. 1951 FORAMINIFERA OF THE LODO FORMATION OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA; GENERAL INTRODUCTION AND PART 1- CALCAREOUS FORAMINIFERA lightwear, vg copy, 29 pp, 11 plts, 2 figs.                                                                                                               Price: $8.00              (stock#PP240A)

#240-B  Israelsky M. C. 1955 FORAMINIFERA OF THE LODO FORMATION OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA PART 2 ARENACEOUS FORAMINIFERA wps, light wear, vg, 48 pp., 8 plts, 1 fig.    Price: $8.00              (stock#PP240B)

#241  Todd R. 1952 VICKSBURG OLIGOCENE SMALLER FORAMINIFERA FROM MISSISSIPPI wps with some wear, contents vg, 47 pp., 6 plts of fossils + fold out chart.                        Price: $10.00                (stock#PP241)

#243-A  Swain F. M. and Peterson J. A. 1952 OSTRACODES FROM THE UPPER PART OF THE SUNDANCE FORMATION OF SOUTH DAKOTA WYOMING AND SOUTHERN MONTANA light wear, vg, 17 pp., 2 plts, 1 fig.                                                                                                                        Price: $8.00               (stock#PP243A)

#243-C  Stephenson W. L. 1953 PROBABLE REKLAW AGE OF A FERRUGINOUS CONGLOMERATE IN EASTERN TEXAS in wps, vg, 14 pp., 3 plts.                                                 Price: $8.00               (stock#PP243C)

#243-F  Haas W. H. 1953  CONODONTS FROM THE BARNETT FORMATION OF TEXAS light wear, vg, 26 pp 3 plts 1 fig.                                                                                                       Price: $10.00             (stock#PP243F)
#243-H  Whitmore F. C. 1953 CRANIAL MORPHOLOGY OF SOME OLIGOCENE ARTIODACTYLA wps light wear, vg, 33 pp., 18 figs.                                                                              Price: $10.00             (stock#PP243H)

#244  Cole C. W. 1952 EOCENE AND OLIGOCENE LARGER FORAMINIFERA FROM THE PANAMA CANAL ZONE AND VICINITY wps with small tear else vg copy with 41 pp., 28 plts, 2 figs.      

                                                                                                                     Price: $15.00                (stock#PP244)

#248-E  Griffits W. R. and Olson J. C. 1953 MICA DEPOSITS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN PIEDMONT PART 7 – HARTWELL DISTRICT GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA; PART 8- OUTLYING DEPOSITS IN SOUTH CAROLINA wps light wear, vg, 29 pp., 2 plts, 10 figs.                                 Price: $20.00            (stock#PP248E)

#248-F  Heinrich E. W. et al. 1953 MICA DEPOSITS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN PIEDMONT PART 9 – THOMASTON-BARNESVILLE DISTRICT GEORGIA; PART 8- OUTLYING DEPOSITS IN GEORGIA wps light+ wear, vg, 74 pp., 16 plts, 30 figs.                                                                 Price: $20.00             (stock#PP248F)

#248-G  Heinrich E. WM. And Olson J. C. 1953 MICA DEPOSITS OF THE SOUTHEASTERN PIEDOMONT PART 11. ALABAMA DISTRICT wps small tape across spine, some wear, contents good, 62 pp., 8 plts, 20 figs. Focuses on the Mica and associated Pegmatite deposits of northern Alabama.  

                                                                                                                      Price: $20.00           (stock#PP248G)

#249 Imlay R. W. 1953 CALLOVIAN (JURASSIC) AMMONITES FROM THE UNITED STATES AND ALASKA no wps, contents vg, 108 pp., plts, figs.                                                             Price: $20.00             (stock#PP249)


                                                                                                                       Price: $15.00           (stock#PP249A)


                                                                                                                       Price: $15.00           (stock#PP249B)

#250 Kummel B. 1953 AMERICAN TRIASSIC COILED NAUTILOIDS wps, fine copy, 104 pp., plts, figs. 

                                                                                                                       Price: $20.00            (stock#PP250)

#251  Kennedy G. C. 1953 GEOLOGY AND MINERAL DEPOSITS OF JUMBO BASIN SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA wps, light wear, 46 pp., 41 figs, vg.                                                                Price: $25.00               (stockPP251)

#254-G  Weiss L. 1954 FORAMINIFERA AND ORIGIN OF THE GARDINERS CLAY  (PLEISTOCENE) EASTERN LONG ISLAND NEW YORK ex-lib, some wear, contents clean and vg with 21 pp., 2 plts, 4 figs.

                                                                                                                       Price: $10.00           (stock#PP254G)

#254-H  Kummel B. 1954 TRIASSIC STRATIGRAPHY OF SOUTHEASTERN IDAHO AND ADJACENT AREAS wps, light wear, vg, 30 pp., 7 plates, 4 figs.                                                 Price: $15.00            (stock#PP254H)

#256  Schwartz G. M. 1954 GEOLOGY OF THE SAN MANUEL COPPER DEPOSIT ARIZONA wps light wear, vg copy, 65 pp., 17 plts, 8 figs.                                                                         Price: $30.00               (stock#PP256)
#257-B Bissell H. J. 1963 LAKE BONNEVILLE: GEOLOGY OF SOUTHERN UTAH VALLEY, UTAH wps, vg, 30 pp., plts, figs.                                                                                               Price: $20.00             (stock#PP257B)

#257-C  Williams J. S. 1962  LAKE BONNEVILLE GEOLOGY OF SOUTHERN CACHE VALLEY UTAH wps, light wear, vg, 21 pp., 2 plts 10 figs.                                                                    Price: $15.00              (stock#PP257C)

#262  Flint R. F. 1955  PLEISTOCENE GEOLOGY OF EASTERN SOUTH DAKOTA rear wrap with small tear else vg, 173 pp. 7 plts, 36 figs.                                                                            Price: $20.00               (stock#PP262)

#263  Read C. B. 1955 FLORAS OF THE POCONO FORMATION AND PRICE SANDSTONE IN PARTS OF PENNSYLVANIA MARYLAND WEST VIRGINIA AND VIRGINIA 4to, wps with notations, stamp else vg, 32 pp., 20 plts, 1 fig.                                                                                                Price: $15.00                (stock#PP263)

#264-C Cooke C. W. 1954 PLIOCENE ECHINOIDS FROM OKINAWA wps, fine copy, 10 pp., plts, figs.  

                                                                                                                    Price: $10.00               (stock#PP164C)

#264-E Cooke C. W. 1955 SOME CRETACEOUS ECHINOIDS FROM THE AMERICAS wps, ex-lib, vg, 26 pp., plts, figs.                                                                                                      Price: $20.00             (stock#PP264E)

#264-G  Ruwalds J. P. and Lewis G. E. 1955 NEW SPECIES OF MERYCHIPPUS wps, some wear, vg, 6 pp., 5 plts.                                                                                                              Price: $10.00             (stock#PP264G)

#264-I  Applin E. R. 1954 A BIOFACIES OF WOODBINE AGE IN SOUTHEASTERN GULF COAST REGION wps with label, light wear, vg 11 pp., 2 plts, 1 fig covering northern Florida Georgia and southeastern Alabama.    

                                                                                                                     Price: $10.00               (stock#PP264I)

USGS Prof. Paper #265 wps loose, some external wear contents vg, 111 pp., 8 plts (including folding pocket maps), 36 figs. Scarce.                      Price: $25.00               (stock#PP265)


#266  Gilluly J. et al. 1954 LATE PALEOZOIC STRATIGRAPHY OF COCHISE COUNTY ARIZONA wps, light wear, vg copy with 49 pp.,1 plt, 4 figs including pocket map.                     Price: $20.00              (stock#PP266)

#267-A  Hack J. T. 1955 GEOLOGY OF THE BRANDYWINE AREA AND ORIGIN OF THE UPLAND OF SOUTHERN MARYLAND wps, ex-lib., light wear, vg, 41 pp., 2 plts, 34 figs.     Price: $10.00       (stock#PP267A)
#267-B  Nikiforoff C. C. 1955 HARDPAN SOILS OF THE COASTAL PLAIN OF SOUTHERN MARYLAND wps with stamp, light wear, ex-lib, 18 pp., 1 fig.                                                  Price: $6.00               (stock#PP267B)

#268 Cady W. M. 1955 THE CENTRAL KUSKOKWIM REGION, ALASKA wps, light wear, vg, 132 pp., plts, figs.

                                                                                                                     Price: $30.00               (stock#PP268)
#272-B  Harbeck G. E. et al. 1959 THE EFFECT OF THE ADDITION OF HEAT FROM A POWERPLANT ON THE THERMAL STRUCTURE AND EVAPORATION OF LAKE COLORADO CITY TEXAS wps with stamp else vg, light wear, vg, 44 pp 2 plts 22 figs.                                                                     Price: $8.00               (stock#PP272B)

#272-C  Magin and Randall 1960 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ON EVAPORATION SUPPRESSION label on wps, ex-lib, contents with light wear, vg, 17 pp.                                          Price: $8.00               (stock#PP272C)


                                                                                                                     Price: $10.00              (stock#PP272F)

#274-A  Houten F. B. Van 1955 VOLCANIC RICH MIDDLE AND UPPER EOCENE SEDIMENTARY ROCKS NORTHWEST OF RATTLESNAKE HILLS CENTRAL WYOMING 4to, ex-lib, some wear, vg, 14 pp., 3 plts, 3 figs.                                                                                                                        Price: $15.00             (stock#PP274A)

#274-B  Waage K. M. 1955 DAKOTA GROUP IN NORTHERN FRONT RANGE FOOTHILLS COLORADO wps, some pp. dog-ear folds else vg, with 35 pp., 15 figs.                                  Price: $15.00             (stock#PP274B)

#274-D Imlay R. W. 1955 CHARACTERISTIC JURASSIC MOLLUSKS FROM NORTHERN ALASKA wps, ex-lib., vg, 27 pp., plts, figs.                                                                                     Price: $15.00             (stock#PP274D)

#274-F Neumann R. B. 1955 MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN ROCKS OF THE TELLICO SEVIER BELT EASTERN TENNESSEE wps, light wear with private stamp to wrap else vg with 38 pp., 4 plts, 3 figs. A good reference on the Ordovician rocks of eastern Tennessee.                                          Price: $15.00             (stock#PP274F)

#274-G  Bandy O. L. 1956 ECOLOGY OF FORAMINIFERA IN NORTHEASTERN GULF OF MEXICO 4to, wps with label and cat.#, ex-lib with stamps, contents vg, 26 pp., 3 plts.          Price: $10.00             (stock#PP274G)

#274-H  Brown R. W. 1956 PALMLIKE PLANTS FROM THE DOLORES FORMATION (TRIASSIC) SOUTHWESTERN COLORADO 4to, stamp to wps else vg, 5 pp., 2 plts, 1 fig.   Price: $10.00     (stock#PP274H)

#274-J Stephenson L. W. 1956 FOSSILS FROM THE EUTAW FORMATION, CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER REGION, ALABAMA-GEORGIA wps, ex-lib, light wear, vg, 24 pp., plts, figs.              Price: $15.00             (stock#PP274J)

#274-K  Agnew A. F. et al. 1956  STRATIGRAPHY OF MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN ROCKS IN THE ZINC LEAD DISTRICT OF WISCONSIN ILLINOIS AND IOWA wps with some wear, contents vg, 63 pp., 24 figs.                                                                                                                                           Price: $20.00            (stock#PP274K)

#274-L  Yerkes R. F. 1957 VOLCANIC ROCKS OF THE EL MODENO AREA ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA 4to, wps with small stamp else fine, 22 pp., 2 plts, 12 figs.                         Price: $15.00             (stock#PP274L)

#274-M  Stevens T. A. 1957 METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS NORTHGATE DISTRICT COLORADO wps, light wear, small stamp else vg, 40 pp., 8 plts, 4 figs.    Price: $20.00           (stock#PP274M)

#276  Nolan T. B. et al. 1956 STRATIGRAPHIC SECTION IN THE VICINITY OF EUREKA NEVADA wps with signature, light wear, vg copy, 78 pp., 2 plts.                                               Price: $15.00              (stock#PP276)

#277  Bridge J. and Rodgers J. 1956 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE MASCOT JEFFERSON CITY ZINC DISTRICT TENNESSEE wps with signature, corner bumped, vg with 76 pp., 3 plts, 2 figs.  

                                                                                                                       Price: $25.00             (stock#PP277)

#278  Anderson C. A. et al. 1955 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITSOF THE BAGDAD AREA YAVAPAI COUNTY ARIZONA signature to wps, bumped corner  vg copy, 103 pp., 6 plts, 33 figs.  

                                                                                                                       Price: $35.00             (stock#PP278)

#280-A Could P. E. 1956 GEOLOGY OF SAIPAN MARIANA ISLANDS PART 1- GENERAL GEOLOGY 4to, wps with some wear, contents vg with 126 pp., 25 plts, 10 figs. with nice maps.   Price: $20.00       (stock#PP280A)

#280-B-D  Schmidt R. G. et al. 1957 GEOLOGY OF SAIPAN MARIANA ISLANDS PART 2- PETROLOGY AND SOILS wps, vg copy, 81 pp., 29 plts, 14 figs.                                                 Price: $15.00            (stock#PP280B)

#280-E-J  Johnson J. H. et al. 1957 GEOLOGY OF SAIPAN MARIANA ISLANDS PART 3- PALEONTOLOGY wps light wear, fine copy with 156 pp., 26 plts of fossils.                                    Price: $20.00           (stock#PP280E)

#281  Gilluly J. et al. 1956 GENERAL GEOLOGY OF CENTRAL COCHISE COUNTY ARIZONA WITH SECTIONS ON AGE AND CORRELATION short tear to rear wrap at spine else light wear, vg, 169 pp.,13 plts, 9 figs. 

                                                                                                                      Price: $25.00              (stock#PP281)

#283  Gorden M. Jr. 1957 MISSISSIPPIAN CEPHALOPODS OF NORTHERN AND EASTERN ALASKA wps, fine copy, 61 pp.,6 plts, 26 figs.                                                                           Price: $15.00              (stock#PP283)

#284  Simons F. S. 1956 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE ZIMAPAN MINING DISTRICT STATE OF HILDAGO MEXICO in brown cloth as issued, corner bumped, stamp, signed“compliments of the author” and vg, 128 pp., 14 plts, 69 figs.                                                                          Price: $25.00              (stock#PP284)

#285  Kinkel A. R. et al. 1956 GEOLOGY AND BASE METAL DEPOSITS OF WEST SHASTA COPPER ZINC DISTRICT SHASTA COUNTY CALIFORNIA wps with short tear else light wear, vg copy with 156 pp., 21plts and 64 figs. With many large fold out maps and charts in thick rear pocket.    Price: $45.00              (stock#PP285)

#286  Hass W. H. 1956 AGE AND CORRELATION OF THE CHATTANOOGA SHALE AND THE MAURY FORMATION wps with small corner tear else light wear, very good and focused on the Devonian and Mississippian rocks and System boundary. With 47 pp., 3 plts.                 Price: $15.00                (stock#PP286)

#288  Denny C. S. 1956 SURFICIAL GEOLOGY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY OF POTTER COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA wps with name stamp, light wear, vg copy, 72 pp., 8 plts, 30 figs.  

                                                                                                                     Price: $20.00               (stock#PP288)

#290  Guild P. W. 1957 GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OFTHE CONGOHAS DISTRICT MINAS GERAIS BRAZIL rear wp loose else light wear+, ex-lib, 90 pp., 9 plts, 35 figs.       Price: $15.00                (stock#PP290)

#293  Wahrhaftig C. and Black R. F. 1958 QUATERNARY AND ENGINEERING GEOLOGY IN THE CENTRAL PART OF THE ALASKA RANGE 4to, wps with some spots on spine, some wear, contents vg with 118 pp., 8 plts, 29 figs.                                                                                                 Price: $15.00                (stock#PP293)

#294-A  Peck R. A. 1957 NORTH AMERICAN MESOZOIC CHAROPHYTA wps, perforated along spine, ex-lib, vg, 44 pp., 8 plts of fossils, 7 figs.                                                               Price: $10.00             (stock#PP294A)

#294-B  Hack J. T. 1957 STUDIES OF LONGITUDINAL STREAM PROFILES IN VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND signature on wp els evg, 53 pp., 2 plts, 40 figs.                                         Price: $8.00               (stock#PP294B)

#294-C  MacNeil F. S. 1957 CENOZOIC MEGAFOSSILS OF NORTHERN ALASKA wps, light wear, vg, 27 pp., 7 plts of fossils, 1 fig.                                                                                       Price: $15.00             (stock#PP294C)
#294-E  Keefer W. R. 1957 GEOLOGY OF THE DU NOIR AREA FREMONT COUNTY WYOMING wps, 67 pp., 2 plts, 25 figs.                                                                                                 Price: 20.00               (stock#PP294E)

#294-F  Todd R. 1957 FORAMINIFERA FROM CARTER CREEK NORTHEASTERN ALASKA wps, faded stamp else vg, 13 pp., 2 plts, 2 figs.                                                                       Price: $8.00               (stock#PP294F)

#294-G  Palmer A. R. et al. 1957 MIOCENE ARTHROPODS FROM THE MOJAVE DESERT CALIFORNIA 4to, wps, ex-lib, some wear, vg with 41 pp., 5 plts of fossil insects, 19 figs.      Price: $20.00            (stock#PP294G)

#294-H  Yochelson E. L. and Bridge J. 1957 THE LOWER ORDOVICIAN GASTROPOD CERATOPA wps, light wear, vg, 24 pp., 4 plts, 3 figs.                                                                     Price: $8.00              (stock#PP294H)

#294-I  Hunt C. B. 1958 STRUCTURAL AND IGNEOUS GEOLOGYOF THE LA SAL MOUNTAINS UTAH wps with signature else vg, light wear, 60 pp., 7 plts, 16 figs.                            Price: $15.00              (stock#PP294I)

#294-J  Haas W. H. 1959 CONODONTS FROM THE CHAPPEL LIMESTONE TEXAS wps, light wear, vg, 35 pp., 5 plts of fossils, 1 fig.                                                                                    Price: $8.00               (stock#PP294J)

#294-M  Smith P. B. 1960 FORAMINIFERA OF THE MONTEREY SHALE AND PUENTE FORMATION SANTA ANA MOUNTAINS AND SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO AREA CALIFORNIA perforated along spine else vg copy, ex-lib., 32 pp., 3 plts, 3 figs.                                                                         Price: $10.00            (stock#PP294M)

#295 Smith W. O. et al. 1960 COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY OF SEDIMENTATION IN LAKE MEAD 1948-1949 wps, ex-lib, light wear, vg, 254 pp., 29 plts, 65 figs.                                            Price: $25.00              (stock#PP295)

#297-F  Redden J. A. 1968 GEOLOGY OF THE BERNE QUADRANGLE BLACK HILLS SOUTH DAKOTA wps, ex-lib., vg, 56 pp., plts, figs.                                                                                Price: $25.00           (stock#PP297F)

#299  Mackenzie G. et al. 1958 GEOLOGY OF THE ARKANSAS BAUXITE REGION wps with name stamp, some wear to map slip case, overall vg copy, with 268 pp., 39 plts, 63 figs. The definitive monograph on the geology of this region of central Arkansas at, and southeast of Little Rock .   Price: $40.00        (stock#PP299)

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