Phillip Huber, Bookseller/Geologist
PO Box 1036, Faribault, Minnesota 55021
#126 Deussen A. 1924 GEOLOGY OF THE COASTAL PLAIN OF TEXAS WEST OF THE BRAZOS RIVER USGS Prof. Paper #126 wps with cloth tape along spine, ex-lib with notation, faded stamps and smudge to front wrap, contents vg with 139 pp., plts, figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP126)
#134 Reeside J. B. Jr. and Knowlton F. H. 1924 UPPER CRETACEOUS AND TERTIARY FORMATIONS OF THE WESTERN PART OF THE SAN JUAN BASIN COLORADO AND NEW MEXICO AND FLORA OF THE ANIMAS FORMATION USGS Prof. Paper #134 wraps with corner tear, private ownership stamp, some external wear, contents vg with 117 pp., 19 plts. 5 figs. One of the key historical references in defining the K-T boundary in the San Juan basin. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP134)
#159 Smith P. S. 1939 AREAL GEOLOGY OF ALASKA U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper #192 wraps with ownership signatures else some wear, contents clean, good to very good with corner bump/crease, all the folding maps are present. With 100 pp., 18 plts. A concise synthesis of Alaska geology with large fold out pocket maps. Price: $25.00 (stockPP159)
#174 ALDEN W. C. 1931 PHYSIOGRAPHY AND GLACIAL GEOLOGY OF EASTERN MONTANA AND ADJACENT AREAS U. S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper #174 wraps with some wear, archival repair along spine, contents vg with 132 pp., 51 plts, 19 figs. incl. large fold out pocket map. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP174)
#197-A Larsen E. S. Jr. 1942 ALKALIC ROCKS OF IRON HILL, GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO wps light wear, ex-lib, vg, 64 pp. 3 plts, 9 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP197A)
#102 Clarke F. W. and Wheeler W. C. 1917 THE INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF MARINE INVERTEBRATES orig. wps with name stamps, a bit of wear, spine with cloth tape, contents clean and vg, 56 pp.
Price: $15.00 (stock#PP102)
#103 Gilmore C. W. 1917 BRACHYCERATOPS - A CERATOPSIAN DINOSAUR FROM THE TWO MEDICINE FORMATION WITH NOTES ON ASSOCIATED FOSSIL REPTILES wps with stamp, cloth tape along spine else vg copy, contents with fold out plates of dinosaurs, 62 pp., 4 plts, 57 figs. Price: $40.00 (stock#PP103)
#106 Alden W. C. 1918 THE QUATERNARY GEOLOGY OF SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN WITH A CHAPTER ON THE OLDER ROCK FORMATIONS wraps worn, chipped, ex-lib, contents with some wear but good-vg, pocket maps present. With 365 pp., fold out pocket maps, plts and figs. Price: $50.00 (stock#PP106)
#108 White D. (ed.) 1918 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GEOLOGY 1917 bound in archival boards, contents vg, light wear. With 235 pp., 66 plts 31 figs and a host of papers including those that follow this listing and other classic reports on forams by Cushman. Price: $35.00 (stock#PP108)
#108-C Darton N. H. 1917 A COMPARISON OF PALEOZOIC SECTIONS IN SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO 4to, small tears to wps, rear wp soiled, small perforations along spine else contents clean, good copy, 26 pp., 9 plts, 14 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP108-C)
#108-H Shaw E. W. 1918 THE PLIOCENE HISTORY OF NORTHERN AND CENTRAL MISSISSIPPI wps light wear, vg,39 pp., 16 plts, 5 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP108-H)
#108-J Collier A. J. and Thom W. T. 1918 THE FLAXVILLE GRAVEL AND ITS RELATION TO OTHER TERRACE GRAVELS OF THE NORTHERN GREAT PLAINS wps with small label, name stamp else vg, 6 pp., 4 plts, 1 fig. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP108-J)
#108-K Reeside J. B. 1917 HELDERBERG LIMESTONE OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA 4to in archival wps, some wear, else good with 40 pp. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP108-K)
#108-L Bowen C. F. 1918 STRATIGRAPHY OF THE HANNA BASIN WYOMING wps with small label else vg copy, 9 pp., 1 plt, 1 fig, the plate being a nice fold out map. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP108-I)
#109 Leffingwell E. De K. 1919 THE CANNING RIVER REGION NORTHERN ALASKA cloth tape on spine, wps with some wear, ex-lib, contents vg, 251 pp., 35 plts, 33 figs. Price: $50.00 (stock#PP109)
#113 Harder E. C. 1919 IRON-DEPOSITING BACTERIA AND THEIR GEOLOGIC RELATIONS no wps, ex-lib, vg, 89 pp., 12 plts, 14 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP113)
#117 Rogers G. S. 1919 THE SUNSET – MIDWAY OIL FIELD CALIFORNIA PART 2- GEOCHEMICAL RELATIONS OF OIL GAS AND WATER no wps some, but generally light wear, tape on spine, ex-lib, contents vg with 103 pp., 2 plts, 8 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP117)
#118 Reeside J. B. Jr. 1919 SOME AMERICAN JURASSIC AMMONITES OF THE GENERA QUENSTEDTICERAS, CARDIOCERAS, AND AMOEBOCERAS, FAMILY CARDIOCERATIDAE wps, tape repairs to spine, contents vg, 64 pp., plts, figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP118)
Gilmore G. C. 1919 REPTILIAN FAUNAS OF THE TORREJON, PUERCO, AND UNDERLYING UPPER CRETACEOUS FORMATIONS OF SAN JUAN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO U. S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper #119 front wrap with wear, short tear, wrinkle, stamps, rear wrap with torn portion, contents vg with 71 pp., 26 plts of fossil reptiles, 33 figs.
Price: $25.00 (stock#PP119)
#120 White D. (ed.) 1919 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GEOLOGY 1918 wps with tape on spine, ex-lib, contents vg, 206 pp., plts, figs, maps. Price: $35.00 (stock#PP120)
#120-D Chapin T. 1918 THE STRUCTURE AND STRATIGRAPHY OF GRAVINA AND REVILLAGIGEDO ISLANDS ALASKA wps, ex-lib, stamps and signature, contents vg, 18 pp., 1 plt, 3 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP120D)
#120-I Cockerell T. D. A. 1916 SOME AMERICAN CRETACEOUS FISH SCALES WITH NOTES ON THE CLASSIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF CRETACEOUS FISHES USGS 4to, archival wps, contents vg, 41 pp., 7 plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP120I)
#120-121 bound together. Contains #120 White D. (ed.) 1919 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GEOLOGY 1918 wps with tape on spine, ex-lib, contents vg, 206 pp., plts, figs, maps, and #121 Rogers G. S. 1921 HELIUM BEARING NATURAL GAS wps with stamp else vg, 113 pp., 4 plts,16 figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#PP120-121)
#122 Paige S. 1922 COPPER DEPOSITS OF THE TYRONE DISTRICT NEW MEXICO no wps, vg, 53 pp., plts, figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP122)
#123 Murray W. S. et al. 1921 A SUPER POWER SYSTEM FORTHE REGION BETWEEN BOSTON AND WASHINGTON wps with stamp, light wear, vg, clean copy with 261 pp., plts and figs. Unusual and of historical significance. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP123)
#124 Clark F. W. and Wheeler W. C. 1922 THE INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF MARINE INVERTEBRATES 4to, wps, spine repaired, contents vg,62 pp. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP124)
#125 White D. 1920 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY 1919 bound in archival bds, contents vg, 108 pp., 35 plts, 3 figs. and includes papers on Eocene fossil plants from Texas, Cenozoic fossil Mollusca from Alaska, Judith River beds of Montana, a classic Foraminifera monograph by Cushman.
Price: $30.00 (stock#PP125)
#126 Deussen A. 1924 GEOLOGY OF THE COASTAL PLAIN OF TEXAS WEST OF THE BRAZOS RIVER 4to, cloth, vg, 139 pp., plts, figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP126)
#127 Clark F. W. and Washington H. S. 1924 COMPOSITION OF THE EARTH'S CRUST wps loose, contents vg, 117 pp. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP127)
#128 White D. (ed.) 1921 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY wps spine with chips else contents vg, 146 pp., 22 plts, 16 figs and contains papers on the Cannonball Member of the Lance Formation in the Dakotas, Miocene forams from Florida, and a pair of classic Cushman papers on Foraminifera from the Gulf Coast region in addition to more. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP128)
#129 White D. (ed) SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GEOLOGY 1920 brown cloth as limited edition issue, vg and clean copy with 231 pp., 61 plts, 11 figs. and includes some of the papers following this listing.
Price: $35.00 (stock#PP129)
#129-D Reeside J. B. Jr. and Bassler H. 1922 STRATIGRAPHIC SECTIONS IN SOUTHWESTERN UTAH AND NORTHWESTERN ARIZONA 4to no wraps as issued, fine copy, 24 pp., 5 plts, 1 fig.
Price: $15.00 (stock#PP129D)
#129-E Cooke C. W. and Cushman J. A. 1922 THE BYRAM CALCAREOUS MARL OF MISSISSIPPI AND ITS FORAMINIFERA 4to no wps, some wear, contents vg, 44 pp., 15 fossil plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP129E)
#129-F Cushman J. A. 1922 THE FORAMINIFERA OF THE MINT SPRING CALCAREOUS MARL MEMBER OF THE MARIANNA LIMESTONE 4to, no wps, soiling and stains, fair copy but good for reading/research. With 29 pp., 7 fossil plates. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP129F)
#129-I Berry E. W. 1922 THE FLORA OF THE CHEYENNE SANDSTONE OF KANSAS no wps, crease to title, blind stamp,overall g+ copy, contents clean, 26 pp., 16 plts of fossil plants. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP129I)
#130 Knowlton F. H. 1922 THE LARAMIE FLORA OF THE DENVER BASIN WITH A REVIEW OF THE LARAMIE PROBLEM archival wps, vg, 168 pp., 28 plts, 1 fig. Price: $35.00 (stock#PP130)
#131 Berry et al. (eds) 1923 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY 4to, brown cloth with gilt spine title as issued by Survey, vg copy, 212 pp., 50 plts, figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#PP131)
#131-F Knowlton F. H. REVISION OF THE FLORA OF THE GREEN RIVER FORMATION WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES 4to, no wps else light+ wear, clean and good copy with 50 pp., 5 plts.
Price: $20.00 (stock#PP131F)
#131-H Reeside J. B. Jr. 1923 THE FAUNA OF THE SO-CALLED DAKOTA FORMATION OF NORTHERN CENTRAL COLORADO AND ITS EQUIVALENT IN SOUTHEASTERN WYOMING 4to, no wps as issued, light wear, vg, 9 pp., 6 fossil plates. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP131H)
#132 Longwell et al. (eds.) 1925 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY 1923-24 wps with signature else light wear, vg, 149 pp., 44 plts, figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#PP132)
#132-A ROCK FORMATIONS IN THE COLORADO PLATEAU OF SOUTHEASTERN UTAH AND NORTHERN ARIZONA By Longwell C. R. et al. 1925 4to, archival wraps light wear, vg with 23pp., 9 plts most of which are photos of such classic locales as Lee's Ferry , Cataract Canyon. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP132A)
#132-B Reeside J. B. Jr. 1923 A NEW FAUNA FROM THE COLORADO GROUP OF SOUTHERN MONTANA 4to, no wps, light wear, vg copy, 9 pp., 11 plates of fossils. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP132B)
#133 Cooke C. W. and Cushman J. A. 1923 THE CORRELATION OF THE VICKSBURG GROUP AND THE FORAMINIFERA OF THE VICKSBURG GROUP 4to, wps with stamps, ex-lib copy else vg, 71 pp., 8 fossil plts.
Price: $20.00 (stock#PP133)
#134 Reeside J. B. Jr. and Knowlton F. H. 1924 UPPER CRETACEOUS AND TERTIARY FORMATIONS OF THE WESTERN PART OF THE SAN JUAN BASIN COLORADO AND NEW MEXICO AND FLORA OF THE ANIMAS FORMATION 4to,wraps with corner tear else light wear and a vg copy containing 117 pp., 19 plts. 5 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP134)
#135 Clarke F. W. 1924 THE COMPOSITION OF THE RIVER AND LAKE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES wps with faded stamp, short tears to paper spine else vg copy, 199 pp. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP135)
#136 Berry E. W. 1925 THE FLORA OF THE RIPLEY FORMATION 4to, wps light wear, vg copy, 94 pp., 23 fossil plts 6 figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#PP136)
#140 Mendenhall W. C. (ed.) 1926 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY 1925 4to, wps with some wear, chips, rear wrap coming loose, ex-lib, contents vg, 143 pp., 62 plts, 8 figs. Contains a number of scarce reports on K-T paleobotany and stratigraphy as well as fossil elephants from Arizona.
Price: $30.00 (stock#PP140)
#142-A Gardiner J. 1926 THE MOLLUSCAN FAUNA OF THE ALUM BLUFF GROUP OF FLORIDA no wps, signature on title,some wear, contents good aside from lacking last page of index, 64 pp., 16 plts. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP142A)
#146 Roundy P. V. et al. 1926 MISSISSIPPIAN FORMATIONS OF SAN SABA COUNTY TEXAS wps, light wear, private ownership stamp to wrap else vg, 63 pp., 33 plts of fossils, photomicrographs of thin sections, outcrop pictures. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP146)
#147 Reeside J. B. et al. 1927 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1926 (complete volume) wps, light wear, ex-lib, vg, 48 pp., plts, figs. Contains papers on Cretaceous ammonites, the Montana earthquake of 1925, and more. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP147)
#147-B Pardee J. T. 1927 THE MONTANA EARTHQUAKE OF JUNE 27, 1925 archival wps, light wear, vg, 16 pp., plts, figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP147B)
#147-C Woodring W. P. AMERICAN TERTIARY MOLLUSKS OF THE GENUS CLEMENTIA some wear, g-vg, 23 pp., 1 plt, 4 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP147C)
#149-151 bound in buckrum, contains the following three Prof. Papers: #149 Lee W. T. 1927 CORRELATION OF GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS BETWEEN EAST-CENTRAL COLORADO CENTRAL WYOMING AND SOUTHERN MONTANA 80 pp., 35 plts, 5 figs; #150 Reeside J. B. Jr. et al. 1927 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GEOLOGY 1927; and #151 Reeside J. B. 1927 THE CEPHALOPODS OF THE EAGLE SANDSTONE AND RELATED FORMATIONS IN THE WESTERN INTERIOR OF THE UNITED STATES. Price: $40.00 (stock#PP149-151)
Price: $20.00 (stock#PP149)
#150 Reeside J. B. Jr. et al. 1927 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GEOLOGY 1927 complete vol., wps, light wear, vg, contains diverse papers, some of which are also sold as separates listed below. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP150)
#150-B Reeside J. B. Jr. 1927 THE SCAPHITES AN UPPER CRETACEOUS AMMONITE GROUP no wps, some wear contents vg, 10 pp., 3 plts of fossils. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP150-B)
#150-C Noble L. F. 1928 A SECTION THROUGH KAIBAB LIMESTONE IN KAIBAB GULCH UTAH no wps, cloth tape along spine, vg, 20 pp., 3 plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP150-C)
#150-D Gilluly J. and Reeside J. B. 1928 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS OF THE SAN RAFAEL SWELL AND SOME ADJACENT AREAS IN EASTERN UTAH no wps, spine with old tape, some soiling/wear, contents vg, clean, 51 pp., 7 plts, 2 figs. Another Utah and Colorado Plateau classic and standard reference. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP150-D)
#151 Reeside J. B. 1927 THE CEPHALOPODS OF THE EAGLE SANDSTONE AND RELATED FORMATIONS IN THE WESTERN INTERIOR OF THE UNITED STATES wps, light wear, vg, 87 pp., 45 fossil plates of ammonites & 1 fig. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP151)
#152 Mansfield G. R. 1927 GEOGRAPHY GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF PART OF SOUTH-EASTERN IDAHO wps soiled/dirty, overall some wear and a vg- copy content-wise 453 pp., 70 plts, 56 figs.
Price: $50.00 (stock#PP152)
#154-B Girty G. H. 1929 THE FAUNA OF THE MIDDLE BOONE NEAR BATESVILLE ARKANSAS no wps as issued, spine taped else good copy, 30 pp., 4 plts of fossils. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP154B)
#154-I Reeside J. B. 1929 EXOGYRA OLISIPONENSIS SHARPE AND EXOGYRA COSTATA SAY IN THE CRETACEOUS OF THE WESTERN INTERIOR no wps as issued, some wear, private Owner marks to title, contents vg, 12 pp., 5 plts of Cretaceous fossil Mollusca. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP154I)
#154-E Hoots H. W. 1929 OIL SHALE IN A PRODUCING FIELD IN CALIFORNIA no wps, cloth tape on spine, contents vg, 3 pp., 1 plt. Price: $6.00 (stock#PP154E)
#154-J Brown R. W. 1929 ADDITIONS TO THE FLORA OF THE GREEN RIVER FORMATION no wps, cloth tape on spine, contents vg, pp. and 7 fossil plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP154J)
#156 REVISION OF THE LOWER EOCENE WILCOX FLORA OF THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW SPECIES CHIEFLY FROM TENNESSEE AND KENTUCKY By Berry E. W. 1930 wp with private stamp, vg-fine copy, 196 pp., 50 plts of fossil plants, 32 figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#PP156)
#158 Mendenhall W. C. et al. 1929 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY 1929 wps with small stamp, short tear along paper spine cover, overall some wear, vg copy, 173 pp.,37 plts, 45 figs. including the classic papers in the following below. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP158)
#158-A Bradley W. H. 1929 THE OCCURRENCE AND ORIGIN OF ANALCITE AND MEERSCHAUM BEDS IN THE GREEN RIVER FORMATION OF UTAH COLORADO AND WYOMING no wps, spine with cloth tape, vg, 7 pp. and 3 plts on evaporates from Eocene lakebeds. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP158A)
#158-B Dobbin C. E. and Reeside J. B. Jr. 1929 THE CONTACT OF THE FOX HILLS AND LANCE FORMATIONS title wps, small stamp else vg copy, 17 pp., 2 plts, 4 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP158B)
#158-E Bradley W. H. 1929 THE VARVES AND CLIMATE OF THE GREEN RIVER EPOCH 8vo, title wps, light wear, vg, 24 pp., 4 plts, 2 figs. A classic report. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP158E)
#158-H Berry E. W. 1929 THE FLORA OF THE FRONTIER FORMATION title wraps, light+ wear and signature, contents vg, 7 pp., 2 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP158H)
#159 Hollick A. and Martin G. C. 1930 UPPER CRETACEOUS FLORAS OF ALASKA WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANT BEARING BEDS archival wps, vg, 123 pp., 87 plts mostly of fossils, 5 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP159)
#161 Leverett F. and Sardeson F. W. 1932 QUATERNARY GEOLOGY OF MINNESOTA AND PARTS OF ADJACENT STATES wps, light wear, ex-lib, vg copy. Price: $40.00 (stock#PP161)
#163 Thom W. T. Jr. et al. 1931 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS IN NAVAL PETROLEUM RESERVE NO. 3 WYOMING rear wp loose, corner bumped else contents vg with 64 pp., 30 plts, 19 figs. One of the harder to find Green River Formation references for Wyoming. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP163)
#164 Gregory H. E. and Moore R. C. 1931 THE KAIPAROWITS REGION A GEOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE OF PARTS OF UTAH AND ARIZONA 4to, wps some external wear, contents and maps vg, with 161 pp., 31 plts and 9 figs. Price: $40.00 (stock#PP164)
#165-A Rubey W. W. 1930 LITHOLOGIC STUDIES OF FINE GRAINED UPPER CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTARY ROCKS OFTHE BLACK HILLS REGION title wps, good, 54 pp., 5 plts, 3 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP165A)
#165-B Berry E. W. 1931 A FLORA OF GREEN RIVER AGE IN THE WIND RIVER BASIN OF WYOMING title wps, some wear, contents good, 26 pp., plts, figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP165B)
#166 Atwood W. W. & Mather K. L. 1932 PHYSIOGEOGRAPHY AND QUATERNARY GEOLOGY OF THE SAN JUAN MOUNTAINS COLORADO archival wps, vg, 176 pp., 34 plts, 25 figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP166)
#167 Smith J. P. 1932 LOWER TRIASSIC AMMONOIDS OF NORTH AMERICA wps, light wear, ex-lib, vg, 199 pp., 81 plts, 1 fig. Price: $55.00 (stock#PP167)
#168 Bradley W. H. 1931 ORIGIN AND MICROFOSSILS OF THE OIL SHALE OF THE GREEN RIVER FORMATION OF COLORADO AND UTAH wps with signature else light wear, vg, 58 pp., 28 plts, 3 figs. A classic on lacustrine paleoecology paleontology and limnology; a must have for anyone interested in the Green River Formation of Colorado Wyoming & Utah. Price: $30.00 (stock#PP168)
#170 Stanton T. W. et al. 1932 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY 1931 wps, light wear, vg, 69 pp., 23 plts and 3 figs. Includes some of the papers that follow this listing in addition to S. R. Capp ‘s classic short report on Alaska glacial geology. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP170)
#170-E Howe M. A. 1932 THE GEOLOGIC IMPORTANCE OF THE LIME-SECRETING ALGAE WITH A DESCRIPTION OF A NEW TRAVERTINE-FORMING ORGANISM no wps as issued, short tear to margin of title page, stamp and label on title else vg 10 pp., 5 plts. Price: $7.00 (stock#PP170E)
#175-A Cushman J. A. and Cahill E. D. 1933 MIOCENE FORAMINIFERA OF THE COASTAL PLAIN OF THE EASTERN UNITED STATES title wps, some wear but generally light, 50 pp., 13 plts.
Price: $14.00 (stock#PP175A)
#175-B Crickmay C. H. 1933 SOME OF ALPHEUS HYATT ‘S UNFIGURED TYPES FROM THE JURASSIC OF CALIFORNIA title wps, light wear, vg, 14 pp., 5 figs. Price: $12.00 (stock#PP175B)
#175-C Gilluly J. 1933 REPLACEMENT ORIGIN OF THE ALBITE GRANITE NEAR SPARTA OREGON title wps, light wear, vg copy, 17 pp., 5 plts, 2 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP175C)
#175-D Goldman M. I. 1933 ORIGIN OF THE ANHYDRITE CAP ROCK OF AMERICAN SALT DOMES title wps as issued, stamp and small label to title else vg copy, 114 pp., 19 plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP175D)
#181 Cushman J. A. 1935 UPPER EOCENE FORAMINIFERA OF THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES wps with stamp, crease else vg copy, contents clean with 88 pp., 23 plts. Price: $24.00 (stock#PP181)
#183 Baker A. A. et al. 1936 CORRELATION OF THE JURASSIC FORMATIONS OF PARTS OF UTAH ARIZONA NEW MEXICO AND COLORADO wps, light wear, vg, 66 pp., 26 plts, 16 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP183)
#185-A Stevens R. E. 1934 STUDIES ON THE ALKALINITY OF SOME SILICATE MINERALS title wps, light wear, vg, 13 pp., 1 fig. Price: $7.00 (stock#PP185A)
#185-B Johnson J. H. 1934 PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS OF THE MOSQUITO RANGE COLORADO title wps, some wear, generally good clean copy with 29 pp., 6 plts, 1 fig. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP185B)
#185-E Berry E. W. 1934 MIOCENE PLANTS FROM IDAHO no wps, partly disbound with title page loose, contents clean, 29 pp., 6 plts of fossils, 2 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP185E)
#185-H Read C. B. 1936 THE FLORA OF THE NEW ALBANY SHALE PART 1 – DIICHINIA KENTUCKIENSIS A NEW REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CALAMOPITYEAE title wps, light wear, vg, 13 pp., 4 plts of fossil plants, 2 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP185H)
#186-A Stephenson W. L. 1936 NEW UPPER CRETACEOUS OSTREIDAE FROM THE GULF REGION title wps, signatures on title else light wear, vg, 12 pp., 2 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP186A)
#186-D Wells R. C. and Erickson E. T. 1937 SOME ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF A RECENT SEDIMENT CHINCOTEAGUE BAY VIRGINIA title wps, light wear, stamp to wps else vg, 11 pp., 1 plt.
Price: $8.00 (stock#PP186D)
#186-G Stephenson L. W. 1937 STRATIGRAPHIC RELATIONS OF THE AUSTIN TAYLOR AND EQUIVALENT FORMATIONS IN TEXAS no wps as issued else some wear, contents good, 14 pp.,1 plt, 1 fig.
Price: $10.00 (stock#PP186G)
#186-K Dane C. H. et al. 1937 THE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE UPPER CRETACEOUS ROCKS NORTH OF THE ARKANSAS RIVER IN EASTERN COLORADO title wps else vg copy, 25 pp., 2 plts, 3 figs.
Price: $15.00 (stock#PP186K)
#186-M Bridge J. and Girty G. H. 1937 A REDESCRIPTION OF FERDINAND ROEMER‘S PALEOZOIC TYPES FROM TEXAS archival wps else vg copy, 33 pp., 4 fossil plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP186M)
#186-N Trask P. D. 1937 RELATION OF SALINITY TO CALCIUM CARBONATE CONTENT OF MARINE SEDIMENTS archival wps, light wear, vg, 26 pp.,1 plt, 8 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP186N)
#189-A MacNeil F. S. 1938 SPECIES AND GENERA OF TERTIARY NOETINAE wps, ex-lib., light wear, vg, 46 pp., 6 plts fossil Mollusca. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP189A)
#189-B Hunt C. B. 1938 IGNEOUS GEOLOGY AND STRUCTURE OF THE MOUNT TAYLOR VOLCANIC FIELD NEW MEXICO wps with stamp else vg, 80 pp., 13 plts, 12 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP189B)
#189-C Lohman K. E. 1938 PLIOCENE DIATOMS FROM THE KETTLEMAN HILLS CALIFORNIA wps with notation, ex-lib else fine copy. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP189C)
#189-D Cushman J. A. and McGlamery W. 1938 OLIGOCENE FORAMINIFERA FROM CHOCTAW BLUFF ALABAMA wps with signature else light wear, vg copy, 16 pp., 5 plts. Price: $8.00 (stock#PP189D)
#189-F Gardiner J. and Bowles E. 1939 THE VENERICARDIA PLANICOSTA GROUP IN THE GULF PROVINCE wps with stamp light wear else vg, 73 pp., 18 plts, 1 fig. One of Gardiner’s classic Mollusca treatises.
Price: $20.00 (stock#PP189F)
#189-G Henbest I. G. et al. 1939 FORAMINIFERA DIATOMS AND MOLLUSKS FROM TEST WELLS NEAR ELIZABETH CITY NORTH CAROLINA wps with stamp, small label else light wear, vg, 11 pp., 2 figs.
Price: $10.00 (stock#PP189G)
#191 Cushman J. A. 1939 A MONOGRAPH OF THE FORAMINIFERAL FAMILY NONIONIDAE wps with faded stamp else light wear, vg copy, 100 pp., 20 plts. A classic paleontology treatise
Price: $20.00 (stock#PP191)
#193-A Stephenson L. W. 1938 A NEW UPPER CRETACEOUS RUDISTID FROM THE KEMP CLAY OF TEXAS U. S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper #193-A wps with stamp, notation from the author, some wear contents vg, 15 pp., 5 plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP193A)
#193-B Gardiner J. 1939 NOTES ON FOSSILS FROM EOCENE OF THE GULF PROVINCE wps with signature and stamp else light wear, vg, 28 pp., 3 plts, 6 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP193B)
#193-C Girty G. H. 1939 SOME LINGULOID SHELLS FROM THE LATE DEVONIAN AND EARLY CARBONIFEROUS ROCKS OF PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO wps with signature else light wear, vg, 11 pp., 1 plt. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP193C)
#193-F Sears J, D. et al. 1941 TRANSGRESSIVE & REGRESSIVE CRETACEOUS DEPOSITS IN SOUTHERN SAN JUAN BASIN NEW MEXICO in wps, vg copy. With 19 pp., 7 plts, 5 figs. Price:$15.00 (stock#PP193F)
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Price: $45.00 (stock#PP196)
#196-A Piggot C. S. 1942 PART 1- LITHOLOGY & GEOLOGIC INTERPRETATIONS and PART 2- FORAMINIFERA wps with light wear else vg, 55 pp., 15 plts, 12 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP196A)
#196-B Lohman K. E. 1942 PART 3- DIATOMACEAE GEOLOGY AND BIOLOGY OF NORTH ATLANTIC DEEP SEA CORES wps with signature else vg, 32 pp. + 15 pp. prelim. text, 6 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP196B)
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#196-E Trask P. D. et al. 1942 PART 8 ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT GEOLOGY AND BIOLOGY OF NORTH ATLANTIC DEEP SEA CORES wps w/ small stamp, notation else vg, 12 pp. 15 prelim. pp., 2 plts + figs.
Price: $8.00 (stock#PP196E)
#196-F Edington E. and Byers H. G. 1942 SELENIUM CONTENT AND CHEMICAL ANALYSES wps, light wear, vg, 4 pp., 15 prelim. pp., 2 plts + figs. Price: $6.00 (stock#PP197F)
#197-A Larsen E. S. Jr. 1942 ALKALIC ROCKS OF IRON HILL, GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO wps light wear, ex-lib, vg, 64 pp. plts, figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP197A)
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