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Aitken J. D. and Glass J. D. 1973 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC 8vo, in cloth as issued, former owners stamp on free end paper else light wear, contents good with 368 pp., many figures amongst the score of reports contained by the volume, which covers diverse aspects of the geology of the Arctic Archipelago.                                                                                   Price: $25.00                                (stock#CAN12)


Alberta Soc. of Petroleum Geologists 1959 MOOSE MOUNTAIN - DRUMHELLER Field Guidebook 4to, in cloth as issued, cloth faded, some external wear, contents good with 196 pp., figures, large folding maps and charts in rear pocket. Contents include diverse reports, such as "ALBERTA AND FOSSIL VERTEBRATES By Langston; Geology of the western Front Ranges; papers on Cambrian through Cretaceous strata, oil and gas, structure, and much more.        

                                                                                                                              Price: $30.00                        (stock#AB11)


Caley J. F. 1941 PALAEOZIC GEOLOGY OF THE BRANTFORD AREA ONTARIO Geological Survey of Canada Memoir #226 wraps light wear, very good clean copy with 176 pp., folding maps in rear pocket.                 

                                                                                                         Price: $35.00                           (stock#GSCMem#226)


Caley J. F. 1943 PALAEOZOIC GEOLOGY OF THE LONDON AREA ONTARIO Geological Survey of Canada Memoir #237 8vo, wraps light wear, very good clean copy with 171 pp., 5 plates, 4 figs., folding maps in rear pocket.     

                                                                                                            Price: $35.00                              (stock#GSCMem237)


Caley J. F. 1945 PALAEOZOIC GEOLOGY OF THE WINDSOR-SARNIA AREA ONTARIO Geological Survey of Canada Memoir #240 wraps light wear, very good clean copy with 227 pp., 9 figures, folding maps in rear pocket.    

                                                                                                              Price: $40.00                      (stock#GSCMem#240)


Campbell R. B. and Tipper H. W. 1971 GEOLOGY OF BONAPARTE LAKE MAP AREA BRITISH COLUMBIA Geological Survey of Canada Memoir #363 8vo, in wraps as issued, some external wear, contents good with 100 pp., 6 figures and large folding colored map in rear pocket. The region covered by the report is approx. 20 miles north of Kamloops in a largely undeveloped but mineral-rich region.                                Price: $25.00                    (stock#GSCM363)


Christie A. M. 1953 GOLDFIELDS - MARTIN LAKE MAP-AREA SASKATCHEWAN Geological Survey of Canada Memoir #269 8vo, wraps with signature, some wear, contents good, 126 pp., 6 plts, 15 figs, folding map in rear pocket and discussion of the region's gold and uranium mineral ore deposits.        Price: $30.00                   (stock#GSCMem269)


Clapp C. H. and Cooke H. C. 1917  SOOKE AND DUNCAN MAP AREAS, VANCOUVER ISLAND Geol. Surv. Canada Mem. #96 wps, ex-lib, light wear, vg, 445 pp., figs, maps.                          Price: $45.00                    (stock#GSCM96)


Cockfield W. E. 1921 SIXTYMILE AND LADUE RIVERS AREA YUKON Geological Survey of Canada 8vo, signed and dated by former owner Chester Reeds, some wear, corner tear to wrap, contents with some wear but good with 60 pp., 1 plate (folding map in rear pocket), 6 figures. With good discussion of gold bearing gravels for placers and mining.      

                                                                                                          Price: $25.00                                 (stock#GSCMem123)

Cockfield W. E. 1936 LODE GOLD DEPOSITS OF YMIR - NELSON AREA BRITISH COLUMBIA Geological Survey of Canada Memoir #191 8vo, wraps, faded stamp on wrap else light wear, 78 pp., 9 figs including the folding map in rear pocket.                                                                                               Price: $35.00                             (stock#GSCMem191)

Dresser J. A. 1916 GEOLOGY OF PART OF THE DISTRICT OF LAKE ST. JOHN QUEBEC Geological Survey of Canada Memoir #92 8vo, wraps with former owner Charles Park's stamp else overall light wear and a very good copy with 88 pp., 5 plates and frontis plate, 1 map in rear pocket.                              Price: $30.00                      (stock#GSCMem92)


Geological Survey of Canada 1913 SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO Guidebook No. 4 of the GSC Transcontinental Excursion series, 8vo, in wraps, light wear, vg, 142 pp., small, folding colored maps, figs., covering the region’s geology with emphasis on Ordovician to Devonian strata and fossils, and Quaternary geology of Niagara Falls region. 

                                                                                                                          Price: $30.00                            (stock#ONT15)


Hume G. S. 1933 OIL AND GAS IN WESTERN CANADA Geol. Surv. Canada Economic Geology Series #5 8vo, wraps with stamp, some external wear, contents vg, 359 pp., 26 figs. Scarce.      Price: $35.00              (stock#GSCEG05)

Kerr J. W. 1974 GEOLOGY OF BATHURST ISLAND GROUP AND BYAM MARTIN ISLAND, ARCTIC CANADA Memoir #378 8vo, wraps, some external wear, contents good with with 152 pp., 19 plates, folding map in rear pocket.   

                                                                                                          Price: $25.00                            (stock#GSCMem378)


Liberty B. A. 1963 GEOLOGY OF TWEED, KALADAR AND BANNOCKBURN MAP-AREAS, ONTARIO Geol. Surv. Canada Tech. Paper 63-14 wraps light wear, vg, 15 pp., 3 folding maps in rear pocket.   Price: $20.00             (stock#GSCTP63-14)

Malcolm W. and Faribault E. R. 1916 REGIONS AURIFERES DA LA NOUVELLE-ECOSSE Geological Survey of Canada Memoir #20 large 8vo, wraps with some wear, short tears, old stamp of Charles Park, and was his personal copy, cloth tape along spine, rear wrap loose but large folding maps present, contents with some, but generally light wear and overall the contents are very good with 384 pp., 42 plates, 24 figures and two large folding maps in the map packet at the rear of volume. Focused on the gold mining regions of Nova Scotia, text in french. This volume was the precursor to Malcolm's 1929 classic GOLD FIELDS OF NOVA SCOTIA, and contains as much, if not more data, site and deposit descriptions and other general to technical data and details on the Nova Scotia gold deposits.                                                                                                                                                           Price: $100.00                          (stock#GSCM20)


McLearn F. H. and Kindle E. M. 1950 GEOLOGY OF NORTHEASTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Geol. Surv. Canada Memoir #259 wraps with small stamp, some exterior wear, contents vg with 236 pp., 8 plates, 16 figs. and pocket map.

                                                                                                             Price: $30.00                     (stock#GSCMem259)


Quebec Bureau of Mines 1927 GEOLOGICAL SKETCH AND ECONOMIC MINERALS OF THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC 8vo, in wraps as issued, wraps with former owner's signature, creased corner else overall light wear and a very good copy with 92 pp., un-numbered plates scattered throughout text as well as maps at front and rear, and frontis plates. Scarce.                                                                                                                 Price: $40.00                    (stock#QB32)


Quirke T. T. 1917 ESPANOLA DISTRICT ONTARIO Geological Survey of Canada Memoir #102 8vo, in wraps as issued, older ownership name inked on front wrap else overall light wear, contents very good with 92 pp., 6 plates, 8 figures and folding map in the rear pocket.                                                    Price: $30.00                         (stock#GSCMem102)


Sanford B. V. and Brady W. B. 1955 PALAEOZOIC GEOLOGY OF THE WINDSOR-SARNIA AREA ONTARIO Geological Survey of Canada Memoir #278 wraps light wear, very good clean copy with 65 pp., folding maps in rear pocket.      

                                                                                                                          Price: $35.00              (stock#GSCMem278)

Canada, Spec. Paper #22 8vo text, printed cloth light wear, ownership name inside front cover else contents vg, 350 pp., scores of figs and the accompanying slip case of maps. The definitive volume on the Buchan’s mines and geology of Newfoundland. Scarce.                                                                              Price: $40.00                         (stock#NWF02)


Walker J. F. 1926 GEOLOGY AND MINERAL DEPOSITS OF WINDERMERE MAP AREA, BRITISH COLUMBIA Geol. Surv. Canada Mem. #148 wps, ex-lib, light wear, vg, 69 pp. figs.                     Price: $30.00                        (stock#GSCM148)


Washburn A. L. 1947 GEOLOGY OF VICTORIA ISLAND AND ADJACENT REGIONS Geological Society of America  Memoir
#22 8vo, in cloth with gilt spine title as issued, light wear, contents good with 142 pp., 32 plts, 4 figs.  

                                                                                                               Price: $25.00                       (stock#GSAM22)



Falke H. (ed.) 1972 ROTLIEGEND - ESSAYS ON EUROPEAN LOWER PERMIAN 8vo, cloth as issued light wear, vg clean copy with 299 pp., 66 figs.                                                                      Price: $25.00                           (stock#EUR81P)


GEOGRAFIA DE LA REPULICA ARGENTINA 1959, published by the Sociedad Argentina De Estudios Geograficos Gaea, Volumes 1 and 2 (rough translation: GEOGRAPHY OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC but is more the Geology of the Argentina content-wise), three volumes total as Volume 2 consists of two parts, all in wraps as issued, some external wear, contents good, H. E. Vokes discrete name stamp to wraps of both volumes, and a very good set. Voume 1 with 218; Volume 2, Part 1 with 218 pp.; Part 2 with 165 pp. and numerous illustrations throughout the three books. Scarce.    

                                                                                                                        Price: $45.00                           (Stock#SA90)


Ginsburg R. N. (ed.) 2001 SUBSURFACE GEOLOGY OF THE PROGRADING CARBONATE PLATFORM MARGIN GREAT BAHAMA BANK: RESULTS OF THE BAHAMAS DRILLING PROJECT SEPM Spec. Publ. #70 4to, in cloth with dust jacket as issued, some wear to dust jacket else contents very good with 271 pp. and scores of figures, on the geology and geologic history and origin of the Pliocene to recent age Great Bahama Bank and adjacent areas.    

                                                                                                                  Price: $25.00                         (stock#SEPMSP70)


Haq B. U. and Milliman J. D. (eds.) 1984 MARINE GEOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY OF ARABIAN SEA COASTAL PAKISTAN published by Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. for the National Institute of Oceanography, 8vo, in cloth with dust jacket, light wear, contents good, 382 pp., numerous figures, maps.         Price: $25.00                 (stock#CSEA12)


James N. P. and Ginsburg R. N. 1979 THE SEAWARD MARGIN OF BELIZE BARRIER AND ATOLL REEFS published by the International Assoc. of Sedimentologists, large 8vo, in wraps as issued, some wear, former owner’s name on front wrap, contents very good with 191 pp., numerous figures.                  Price: $25.00                        (stock#SED80)


Khudoley K. M. and A. A. Meyerhoff  PALEOGEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OF GREATER ANTILLES Geological Society of America Memoir #129 8vo, cloth with gilt title, some external wear, ex-library copy else contents very good with 199 pp., 30 figs.                                                             Price: $30.00                          (stock#GSAMem129)


Kobayashi T. 1937 THE CAMBRO-ORDOVICIAN SHELLY FAUNAS OF SOUTH AMERICA Jour. Imperial Unv. Tokyo wraps, some external wear, contents vg, 154 pp., 8 plates of fossils including trilobites.    

                                                                                                                       Price: $30.00                         (stock#SA22P)


Kummel B. and Teichert C. (eds.) 1970 STRATIGRAPHIC BOUNDARY PROBLEMS PERMIAN AND TRIASSIC OF WEST PAKISTAN royal 8vo, dust jacket with some wear else vg copy,  474 pp., figs, maps.   

                                                                                                                     Price: $30.00                           (stock#CSE32)


Kupper H. (ed.) 1964 GEOLOGISCHER FUHRER ZU EXKURSIONEN DURCH DIE OSTALPEN Vol. 57, #1 8vo, wraps light wear, vg, 375 pp., scores of figs. on the Triassic and younger strata fossils and rocks of the Austrian Alps. A classic reference on the Alpine Triassic - Jurassic realm and hard to find.                    Price: $30.00                   (stock#EUR31)


Lemos M. J. and Oliveira J. T. 1983 THE CARBONIFEROUS OF PORTUGAL published by the Portugal Geological Survey, in english, 4to, in wraps as issued, some external wear, contents good with 211 pp., a score of figures including some of fossil plants, folding map in rear pocket.                                                       Price: $25.00                     (stock#EUR63)


Logan B. W. et al. (eds.) 1974 EVOLUTION AND DIAGENESIS OF QUATERNARY CARBONATE SEQUENCES, SHARK BAY, WESTERN AUSTRALIA AAPG Memoir #22 8vo, in cloth with gilt titles as issued, light wear, contents clean with light wear and a  very good copy with 358 pp., scores of figures.            Price: $40.00                 (stock#AAPGMem22)


Mexico Paricutin Volcano Region, two (2) reports on the noted Volcano and geomorphology of the region, both are U. S. Geological Bulletins, both with some wear, ex-lib, contents good. They are as follows: (1) Segerstrom K. 1950 EROSION STUDIES AT PARICUTIN, STATE OF MICHOACAN, MEXICO USGS Bull. #965-A with 164 pp., 7 plates, 73 figures, and (2) Williams H. 1950 VOLCANOES OF THE PARICUTIN REGION MEXICO USGS Bull. #965-B with 114 pp., 2 plates, 21 figures. Scarce.                                                                                                   Price: $30.00                             (stock#USGSB965x2)


Miller A. K. et al., 1954 ORDOVOCIAN CEPHALOPODS FROM BAFFIN ISLAND Geological Society of America Memoir #62 8vo, gilt cloth, fine copy, 234 pp., 63 plates of fossils, 20 figs.              Price: $25.00                   (stock#GSAM62)


Muir-Wood H. M. et al. 1948 MALAYAN LOWER CARBONIFEROUS FOSSILS British Museum 8vo, cloth light wear, very mild ex-lib else clean, vg copy, 118, 17 plates, 3 figs. Scarce.               Price: $25.00                              (stock#SEA22)


Naqvi S. M. and Rogers J. J. W. 1987 PRECAMBRIAN GEOLOGY OF INDIA Oxford University Press Geology and Geophysics Monograph #6. 8vo, in cloth as issued light wear, contents very good with 223 pp. and scores of figures, on the crystalline rocks of the Indian sub-continent, adjacent regions and their geologic history. A classic reference.                                                                                                 Price: $20.00                              (stock#CSEA21)


Perkins B. F. 1960 BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC STUDIES IN THE COMANCHE (CRETACEOUS) SERIES OF NORTHERN MEXICO AND TEXAS Geological Society of America Memoir #83 8vo, red cloth as issued, ex-lib else light wear vg copy, 138 pp., 34 plates mostly of fossils, 26 figs.                                                      Price: $25.00                            (stock#GSAMem83)


Peyrt T. M. (ed.) 1987 THE ZECHSTEIN FACIES IN EUROPE published by Springer-Verlag, 8vo, in wraps as issued, light wear, contents good with 272 pp, numerous figures and consists of invited papers that cover the Permian and basal Triassic of Europe.                                                                                      Price: $20.00                            (stock#EUR37)


published by Springer-Verlag, 8vo, in pictoral cloth as issued, light wear, contents very good with 471 pp., numerous figures and large folding maps in the rear pocket. A classic text on modern carbonate sedimentology.                                                                                                      Price: $30.00                      (stock#SED76)

Rode K. P. et al. 1958 COMISION PARA LA CORRELACION DEL SISTEMA KAROO volume from the Proceedings of the 20th International Geological Congress, Mexico City 1956, in wraps as issued, some wear, stamp to wraps, contents good with 256 pp., numerous figures throughout text which is nearly all in English and focused on the latest Permian and early to middle Triassic systems of Gondwana across Africa, India, South America and Australia. Hard to find.       

                                                                                                                                Price: $20.00                 (stock#AFR29)


Salem M. J. and Busrewil M. T. (eds.) 1980 THE GEOLOGY OF LIBYA 3 volumes. All 4to, dust jackets with light+ wear contents clean and vg, and extremely scarce. With 1,155 pp. scores of figs. Scarce to find all three vols together. 

                                                                                                                     Price: $100.00                             (stock#AFR18)


Simons F. S. 1956 GEOLOGY AND ORE DEPOSITS OF THE ZIMAPAN MINING DISTRICT STATE OF HILDAGO MEXICO U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper #284 in wraps as issued, overall some wear but contents good with 128 pp., 14 plates, 69 figures. One of the more important and hard to find reports on Mexico mining districts studied and published by the USGS.                                                                         Price: $30.00                                 (stock#PP284)


Stomer L. 1953 THE MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN OF THE OSLO REGION NORWAY wraps with institutional stamp else light wear, vg, 141 pp., 6 plates, 16 figs. A classic report on one of the classic locales for Ordovician fossils.  

                                                                                                            Price: $25.00                                (stock#EUR117P)


Toomey D. F. (ed.) 1981 EUROPEAN FOSSIL REEF MODELS SEPM Spec. Publ. #30 8vo, in cloth with gilt- embossed design as issued, light wear, contents clean with 546 pp., scores of figures.      Price: $30.00              (stock#SEPMSP30)


Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Bulletin #82 8vo, text and accompanying map volume, complete, in stiff wraps as issued, some wear to edges, discrete Library of Congress surplus stamp to free end paper else contents clean with 304 pp., 32 plates, 38 figures, including the 5 large folding geological maps contained in Volume 2. Scarce.  

                                                                                                                              Price: $40.00                    (stock#SEA47)


Wiese J. H. and Cardenas S. 1945 TUNGSTEN DEPOSITS OF THE SOUTHERN PART OF SONORA MEXICO USGS Bull. #946-D wps light wear vg 28 pp., 6 plts (pocket maps), 1 fig.                 Price: $15.00               (stock#USGSB946D)


Winchester J. A. (ed.) 1988 LATER PROTEROZOIC STRATIGRAPHY OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC REGIONS published by Chapman and Hall, 4to, in cloth with dust jacket as issued, some wear to dj, notation to half title else contents clean and vg, 279 pp. and many figures on the geology of later Precambrian rocks of the North Atlantic, ranging from Canada to Greenland, Scotland, Norway and North Atlantic Islands.                                Price: $30.00                          (stock#EUR57)


Ziegler A. M. et al. 1974 CORRELATION OF THE SILURIAN ROCKS OF THE BRITISH ISLES GSA Spec. Paper #154 8vo, printed wraps light wear, vg to fine copy, 154 pp., folding chart in rear pocket.    Price: $15.00              (stock#GSASP154)



Azaroff L. V. 1968 ELEMENTS OF X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 8vo, in cloth as issued, small corner bump to cloth, contents not affected, ex-mining company lib. copy else contents good with 610 pp., scores of figures.

                                                                                                                 Price: $25.00                             (stock#MIN43)


Beyschlag F. et al. 1914 THE DEPOSITS OF THE USEFUL MINERALS AND ROCKS - THEIR ORIGIN, FORM AND CONTENT published by MacMillian and Company, London, Volume 1 (only, of 3 vols.). 8vo, in publishers cloth as issued, some external wear, crease/bump to lower outer corner of front cover, hinge cracked but board holding well enough, ex-lib copy with the usual markings, contents clean aside from the stamp to title page though two pages at the rear in the Index have rough margins. Scarce.                                                                    Price: $35.00                        (stock#MIN43)


Boggild O. B. 1953 THE MINERALOGY OF GREENLAND published for Meddelelser Om Gronland, Vol. 149, #3, bound in brown cloth with gilt spine title, some wear, contents with bookplate to pastedown, perforated stamp to title page else good, and text in English. With 442 pp., 88 figs and folding map and covers all the major groups of minerals, from iron to gold and more, known at the time of publication to occur in Greenland. Scarce.    Price: $40.00      (stock#ARCT23)


Braithwaite C. J. R. et al. (eds.) 2004 THE GEOMETRY AND PETROGENESIS OF DOLOMITE HYDROCARBON RESERVOIRS Geological Society of London Spec. Publ. #235 8vo, in pictoral cloth as issued, light wear, contents very good with 413 pp., numerous figures.                                                 Price: $30.00                                 (stock#SED77)


Brush G. J. and Penfield S. L. 1898 MANUAL OF DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY WITH AN INTRODUCTION ON BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS published by Wiley & Sons, NY, later (16th) ed. and a good copy. Light external wear, remnants of small label on spine cloth, former owner's signature on front free end paper, the corner/top of page 9 and 30 have a short tear and wrinkle from old paper clips used as a bookmark else contents are clean and very good. With 312 pp., and  375 figures. A good copy of a classic Mineralogy volume.                      Price: $35.00                       (stock#MIN49)


Buerger M J. 1960 CRYSTAL - STRUCTURE ANALYSIS 8vo, in cloth, light wear overall, perforated stamp on title page else contents very good with 668 pp., scores of figures, and a great reference on mineralogy crystallography and crystal structure.                                                                                                                Price: $25.00                    (stock#MIN101)


Busch D. A. (ed.) 1974 STRATIGRAPHIC TRAPS IN SANDSTONES – EXPLORATION TECHNIQUES AAPG Memoir #21 8vo, in gilt-titled cloth as issued, some wear, contents with former owner’s signature inside front cover else good with 174 pp., scores of figures.                                                                Price: $25.00                             (stock#AAPGMem21)


Codell M. 1959 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY OF TITANIUM METALS AND COMPOUNDS published by Interscience Publishers, NY 8vo, in cloth as issued, some wear, mostly being a light bowing to the volume due to sitting in a box for 30 years, perforated stamp to title page else contents good with 378 pp., numerous figures throughout text. A good reading/research copy.                                                                                Price: $25.00                            (stock#MC33)


Crawford J. T. III and Hustrulid W. A. 1979 OPEN PIT MINE PLANNING AND DESIGN AIME 4to, cloth, light wear, owner name on bottom edges of pages, visible when book is closed else vg, 367 pp., scores of figs.    

                                                                                                                         Price: $35.00                          (stock#MC113)


Cumming J. D. and Wicklund A. P. 1975 DIAMOND DRILL HANDBOOK published by Smit & Sons, Toronto 8vo, in decorated cloth as issued, some external wear, mining company stamp to free end paper else contents clean with 547 pp. and 134 figures including the fold out in rear pocket.                            Price: $30.00                         (stock#MIN57)


Eberli G. P. et al. (eds.) 2004 INTEGRATION OF OUTCROP AND MODERN ANALOGS IN RESERVOIR MODELING AAPG Memoir #80 4to, in cloth as issued, light wear and a very good copy with 394 pp., scores of figures.
                                                                                                             Price: $40.00                      (stock#AAPGMem80)


Eberli G. P. et al. (eds.) 2004 SEISMIC IMAGING OF CARBONATE RESERVOIRS AND SYSTEMS AAPG Memoir #81 4to, in cloth as issued, light wear and a vg copy with 376 pp., scores of figs.     Price: $40.00             (stock#AAPGMem81)


Edson F. A. 1926 DIAMOND DRILLING WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO OIL-FIELD PROSPECTING AND DEVELOPMENT U. S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin #243 8vo, wraps as issued, old ownership stamp and signature to front wrap, some external wear contents good with 169 pp., 30 figs. Still an important work for exploration on the cheap.              

                                                                                                                          Price: $20.00                   (stock#USBMB243)


Elwell W. T. and Wood D. F. 1961 THE ANALYSIS OF TITANIUM - ZIRCONIUM AND THEIR ALLOYS published by Wiley and Sons, 8vo, in dark cloth as issued, some external wear, perforated stamp (ex-lib copy) to title page else contents good with 198 pp., scattered figures.                                                             Price: $25.00                          (stock#MIN06)


Emmons S. F. and Hayes C. W. (eds.) CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY 1903 U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #225 8vo, in wraps as issued, wraps with wear, tears, somewhat obtuse tape repairs across spine, contents with some wear, overall good with 527 pp. and diverse reports on western and Alaskan gold mining districts as well as mineral deposits in other parts of the United States. Contents for gold silver and copper mining include: QUARTZ VEINS IN MAINE AND VERMONT By Smith G. O.; THE JUNEAU GOLD BELT By Spencer A. C.; PLACER MINING IN ALASKA IN 1903 By Brooks A. H.; THE PORCUPINE PLACER DISTRICT by Wright C. M.; GOLD PLACERS OF THE FAIRBANKS DISTRICT By Prindle L. M.; THE KOTZEBUE PLACER GOLD FIELD OF SEWARD PENINSULA by Moffit F. H.; PRELIMINARY REPORT ON ORE DEPOSITS OF TONOPAH By Spurr J. E.; ORE DEPOSITS OF THE SILVER PEAK QUADRANGLE By Spurr J. E.; NOTES ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE GOLDFIELDS DISTRICT By Spurr J. E.; REPORTED GOLD DEPOSITS OF THE WICHITA MOUNTAINS By Bain H. F.; ORE DEPOSITS OF THE NORTHERN BLACK HILLS By Irving J. D.; PROGRESS REPORT ON THE PARK CITY MINING DISTRICT By Boutwell J. M.; MINING AND MINERAL RESOURCES IN THE REDDING QUADRANGLE [California] By Diller J. S., and more. Scarce.                      Price: $40.00                      (stock#USGSB225)


Gale H. S. 1912 NITRATE DEPOSITS U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #523 8vo, in wraps as issued, light wear, contents very good with 36 pp., 2 plates, 2 figures with good discussion on the Nitrate mineral deposits of California and Utah, and elsewhere.                                                                                           Price: $20.00                        (stock#USGSB523)


Gale H. S. et al. 1921 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, 1920 PART I, METALS AND NONMETALS EXCEPT FUELS USGS Bull. #715 8vo wraps with wear, short tears, old tape along spine ends, loose or coming so. Contents have a few folded corners and a crease to preliminary pages (mostly table of contents) else are good, 230 pp., 24 plts, 40 figs. With diverse gold silver and other metal mining content including: PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE DEPOSITS OF MANGANESE ORE IN THE BATESVILLE DISTRICT, ARKANSAS By Miser; THE DIVIDE SILVER DISTRICT, NEVADA By Knopf; THE MOGOLLON DISTRICT, NEW MEXICO By Ferguson, and more.        Price: $30.00                (stock#USGSB715)


Garland J. et al. (eds.) 2012 ADVANCES IN CARBONATE EXPLORATION AND RESERVOIR ANALYSIS Geological Society of London Spec. Publ. #370 8vo, in pictorial cloth as issued light wear, contents very good with 311 pp., and numerous figures. A nice volume.                                                              Price: $30.00                       (stock#SED75)

Gavin M. J. 1924 OIL-SHALE, AN HISTORICAL, TECHNICAL, AND ECONOMIC STUDY U. S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin #210 8vo, in wraps as issued, light wear, contents good with 201 pp., 18 plates, 4 figures. Provides a useful inventory of both global and U. S. oil shale resources, a history of their explotation, and techniques and methods for doing so.    

                                                                                                                  Price: $25.00                             (stock#USBMB210)


Groth P. 1874 TABELLARISCHE UBERSICHT DER EINFACHEN MINERALIEN NACH IHREN KRYSTALLOGRAPHISCH-CHEMISCHEN BEZIEHUNGEN 8vo, wraps loose or coming so, contents vg, 60 pp.    Price: $40.00            (stock#MIN58P)


Harder E. C. 1910 MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF THE UNITED STATES U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #427 wraps with some exterior wear, contents very good with 298 pp., 2 plts, 33 figs.           Price: $20.00                (stock#USGSB427)


Heyl  A. V., 1961-1964 OXIDIZED ZINC DEPOSITS OF THE UNITED STATES in three (3) volumes as issued, and a complete set published as U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #1135. The set consists of: PART 1. GENERAL GEOLOGY (Bull.# 1135A); PART 2. UTAH (Bull.#1135B); and PART 3. COLORADO (Bull.#1135C). All the volumes in wraps as issued some ownership signatures or mining company stamp, contents of all are good with a total of 254 pp., 16 plates, and 31 figures. A classic report on mining and minerals of Colorado and Utah. Hard to find complete with all three volumes.
                                                                                                                      Price: $40.00                    (stock#USGSB1135set)


Horbury A. D. and Robinson A. G. 1993 DIAGENESIS AND BASIN DEVELOPMENT AAPG Study Series in Geology #36 4to, in wraps as issued, some external wear, contents very good with 274 pp., and scores of figures.  

                                                                                                                              Price: $25.00            (stock#AAPGSG36)


Jackson M. P. A. and Galloway W. E. 1984 STRUCTURAL AND DEPOSITIONAL STYLES OF GULF COAST TERTIARY CONTINENTAL MARGINS: APPLICATION TO HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION AAPG Course Notes #25 4to, wraps, light external wear, contents vg, 226 pp., scores of figs.                               Price: $25.00                           (stock#AAPGCN25)


Johanssen A DESCRIPTIVE PETROGRAPHY OF IGNEOUS ROCKS volumes 1 through 4 complete, all tall 8vo, cloth as issued, light external wear, contents fine set, pencilled notes on flyleaf of volume 1 and former owner's name stamp on free end paper of Volume 4 else a fine clean set. Note the volumes come from different printings. Volume 1- Introduction, Textures, Classifications and Glossary with 318 pp., scores of figs; Volume 2 - The Quartz-Bearing Rocks with 428 pp., scores of figs.; Volume 3- The Intermediate Rocks with 360 pp., 178 figures; and Volume 4 - The Feldspathoid Rocks and Part II-The Peridotites and Perknites with 523 pp., 80 figures and frontis plate. Scarce to find a complete set of this classic work and standard reference for igneous petrology.                         Price: $140.00                       (stock#MIN70)


Karrick L. C. 1926 MANUAL OF TESTING METHODS FOR OIL SHALE AND SHALE OIL U. S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin #249 8vo, in wraps as issued, some external wear, faded stamp and old ownership signature to wraps, contents good with 70 pp., 24 figs.                                                                                                    Price: $20.00                      (stock#USBMB249)


Koschman A. H. and Bergendahl M. H. 1968 PRINCIPAL GOLD PRODUCING DISTRICTS OF THE UNITED STATES USGS Prof. Paper #610 cloth as issued, fine copy with 283 pp. and 28 figs. Long of out print.  

                                                                                                                            Price: $35.00                        (stock#PP610)

Kosolapova T. Y. 1971 CARBIDES - PROPERTIES, PRODUCTION AND APPLICATIONS published by Plenum Press, 8vo, cloth with dust jacket as issued, some wear to dust jacket else contents vg, 298 pp., numerous figs, and is the English translation of the original Russian printing.                                                  Price: $25.00                              (stock#MC37)


Kranack E. H. and Eakins P. R. 1965 GEOLOGY OF GRANITE published by Wiley & Sons, 8vo, dust jacket with some wear, contents good, clean copy with 314 p., 49 figures.                            Price: $25.00                     (stock#MIN54)


Levorsen A. L. 1941 STRATIGRAPHIC TYPE OIL FIELDS published by the American Association of Petroleum Geologist, 8vo, in cloth as issued, former owner's signature on free end paper else contents clean and a very good, sound copy of this classic volume that covers the geology of numerous oil fields across the United States including Kern County California, Weld County Colorado, much on Kansas, a contribution on Michigan Gas Fields, many reports on Texas and Oklahoma, and more regions.                                                                     Price: $40.00                           (stock#AAPG12)


Lovering T. G. 1972 JASPEROID IN THE UNITED STATES - ITS CHARACTERISTICS ORIGIN, AND ECONOMIC SIGNIFICANCE wps, light wear, ex-lib, vg, 164 pp., 50 figs.                                      Price: $20.00                 (stock#PP710)


Meshri I. D. and Ortoleva P. J. (eds.) 1990 RESERVOIR QUALITY PREDICTION IN SANDSTONES AND CARBONATES AAPG Memoir #49 4to, in cloth with dust jacket as issued, some wear to dust jacket else very good copy with 175 pp., scores of figures.                                                                                  Price: $30.00                       (stock#AAPGMem49)


90th Congress, 1967 HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND RADIATION OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY, CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES Parts 1 and 2, complete, 8vo, wraps, some wear, vg, 1373 pp. Scarce.                                                       Price: $40.00                           (stock#MC82)


Pearl R. M. 1964 GEMS MINERALS CRYSTALS AND ORES 8vo, in cloth as issued, light wear, contents good with 320 pp., scores of figures, some color photos of various mineral species. A nice book.           Price: $25.00             (stock#MIN32)


Peyton C. E. (ed.) 1977 SEISMIC STRATIGRAPHY - APPLICATIONS TO HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION AAPG Memoir #26 cloth as issued, light+ wear signature on paste down else vg, 516 pp., scores of figs. The volume that is the landmark beginning of sequence stratigraphy.                                                   Price: $35.00                 (stock#AAPGM26)


Robie E. H. (ed.) 1959 ECONOMICS OF THE MINERAL INDUSTRIES Seeley W. Mudd Series of the American Institue of Mining Engineers, in pebbled red cloth, bright gilt spine and cover title, mining company ownership stamp on front free end paper else very good clean copy with 755 pp., figures.                        Price: $25.00                           (AIMEmuddvol)


Roehl P. O. and Choquette P. W. 1985 CARBONATE PETROLEUM RESERVOIRS published by Springer-Verlag, in cloth as issued, prior owner's signature on title page else light wear, contents very good with 622 pp., 386 figures and one of the more authoratative texts on the subject.                                                       Price: $30.00                (stock#OIL34)


Schlegel D. M. 1957 GEM STONES OF THE UNITED STATES USGS Bull. #1042-G wps, very good copy, 50 pp.
                                                                                             Price: $20.00                                     (stock#USGSB1042G)


Economic Geologists 8vo, in cloth as issued, light wear, small spot on cover else contents good with 246 pp., numerous figures, and includes reports on diverse ore-host rock settings including Mississippi Valley type Lead-Zinc deposits, Metals from marine black shales of the Western Interior (Wyoming, Idaho, Montana), Metalliferous brine deposits, Deep-Sea Manganese nodules, precious metals in Asteroids, and more.    Price: $35.00            (stock#MC81)


Shipley R. M. et al. 1946 DICTIONARY OF GEMS AND GEMOLOGY INCLUDING ORNAMENTAL, DECORATIVE AND CURIO STONES published by the Gemological Institute of America 2nd. ed., 8vo, in cloth with dust jacket as issued, some wear, short tears to dust jacket else volume proper is very good, signature of a former owner on free end paper else contents unmarked and clean with 258 pp.                                 Price: $30.00                           (stock#MIN45)


Short M. N. 1940 MICROSCOPIC DETERMINATION OF THE ORE MINERALS USGS Bull. #914 wraps with some wear, contents vg with 314 pp., 14 plts, 33 figs.                                         Price: $20.00                         (stock#USGSB914)


Theobold P. K. Jr. 1957 THE GOLD PAN AS A QUANTITATIVE GEOLOGIC TOOL U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #1071-A 8vo, in wraps as issued, some wear, contents good with 54 pp., 4 figures and on estimating gold and other heavy mineral yields with the simple gold pan.                                   Price: $20.00                            (stock#USGSB1071A)

ReservoirSedimentology SEPMws.gif

Tillman R. W. and Weber K. J. (eds.) 1987 RESERVOIR SEDIMENTOLOGY SEPM Spec. Publ. # 40, large 4to, in cloth with gilt-embossed design as issued, light wear, contents clean and very good with 357 pp., scores of figures. 

                                                                                                                      Price: $30.00                      (stock#SEPMSP40)


Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers Volume 49, 1914 8vo, in pebbled cloth with leather binding as issued, some external wear with rubbing to edges and a few scuff marks to covers, contents with some wear, good, and clean with 853 pp. and numerous plates and figures, and contain diverse reports, highlights of which include: THE MILL AND MINING PRACTICE OF THE  NIPISSING MINING CO., LTD., COBALT, ONTARIO, CANADA (By Clevenger, pp. 156-182); PLAYA PANNING ON THE CAUCA RIVER (By Ward, pp. 198-201); ANCIENT AURIFEROUS GRAVEL CHANNELS OF SIERRA COUNTY CALIFORNIA (By Alling, pp. 238-257); THE DRUMLUMMON MINE, MARYVILLE MONTANA (By Goodale, pp. 258-283); COPPER ORES OF THE NEW LONDON MINE (By Butler and McCaskey, pp. 284-291); MINING METHODS AT THE COPPER QUEEN MINES (By Hodgson, pp. 316-327); LEAD SMELTING AT EAST HELENA (BY Newhouse, pp. 525-531); THE AJO COPPER MINING DISTRICT (By Joralemon pp. 593-609); and more. 

                                                                                                                                Price: $40.00                 (stock#AIME49)


Trask P. D. and Patnode H. W. 1942 SOURCE BEDS OF PETROLEUM American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 8vo, cloth with gilt spine title, light rubbing edges of boards else very good and clean copy with 566 pp., 72 figures. A classic volume.                                                                              Price: $25.00                                    (stock#AAPGNS19)


Venable F. P. 1922 ZIRCONIUM AND ITS COMPOUNDS published as part of the American Chemical Society Monograph Series, 8vo, in blue cloth as issued, some external wear, perforated stamp to title page (ex-lib. copy) else contents very good with 173 pp. Scarce.                                                                             Price: $25.00                               (stock#MIN03)


Wells R. C. 1914 ELECTRIC ACTIVITY IN ORE DEPOSITS U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #548 8vo, in wraps as issued, a somewhat worn copy though contents goodm 78 pp., 7 figs.                          Price: $20.00                  (stock#USGSB548)


Wells R. C. 1916 THE FRACTIONAL PRECIPITATION OF SOME ORE-FORMING COMPOUNDS AT MODERATE TEM-PERATURES U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #609 8vo, in wraps as issued, some external wear, stamps to wrap, contents good with 46 pp., 2 figures.                                                 Price: $15.00                        (stock#USGSB609)


Wells R. C. 1925 CHEMISTRY OF DEPOSITION OF NATIVE COPPER FROM ASCENDING SOLUTIONS USGS Bull. #778 wps, light wear, vg, 71 pp., 2 figs.                                                              Price: $20.00                        (stock#USGSB778)


Willimans H. et al. 1958 PETROGRAPHY - AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ROCKS IN THIN SECTIONS 8vo, in cloth as issued, former owner's signature to free end paper else light wear, contents good with 406 pp. and 133 figures. A nice text on the subject.                                                                    Price: $25.00                           (stock#MIN122)

Wills G. 1964 JADE - A COLLECTORS GUIDE 8vo, in publishers cloth with dust jacket as issued, dust jacket with some wear else contents very good, clean with no former ownership markings, and contains 121 pp. and 19 illustrations.           

                                                                                                                           Price: $25.00                       (stock#MIN37)


Works Progress Administration 1940 TECHNOLOGY, EMPLOYMENT, AND OUTPUT PER MAN IN COPPER MINING 8vo, in wraps as issued, short tears to spine paper else contents good with 260 pp., 49 figures. Scarce. 

                                                                                                                                   Price: $40.00                      (stock#MC25)

TOPICAL GEOLOGY (Sed-Strat, Tectonics, Glacial, etc...)


American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1973 PALEOECOLOGY AAPG Reprint Series #6 8vo, in wraps as issued, some wear, light dust soiling to wraps, contents good, approx. 300 pages of reports and figs. (each report is separately paginated) focused on paleoecology of diverse depositional environments and fossils, from Cretaceous Ammonites of Texas to Gulf Coast Sedimentary Facies and more.                               Price: $20.00                        (stock#AAPGmisc2)


American Association of Petroleum Geologists 1976 ANCIENT DELTAS AAPG Reprint Series, 8vo, in wraps as issued, some external wear, contents good with 226 pp., and scores of figures focused on deltaic sedimentation.                   

                                                                                                                   Price: $20.00                             (stock#SED109)


Balk R. 1948 STRUCTURAL BEHAVOIR OF IGNEOUS ROCKS (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INTERPRETATIONS BY H. CLOOS AND COLLABORATORS) in cloth as issued, some wear but overall a good solid copy with 177 pp., 24 plates, 38 figures (similar to the edition issued as a GSA Memoir, but an authorized reprint by a private publisher).       

                                                                                                                                     Price: $30.00              (stock#IGN14)


Balk R. 1948 STRUCTURAL BEHAVOIR OF IGNEOUS ROCKS (WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO INTERPRETATIONS BY H. CLOOS AND COLLABORATORS) in cloth as issued, some wear but overall a good solid copy with 177 pp., 24 plates, 38 figures (similar to the edition issued as a GSA Memoir, but an authorized reprint by a private publisher).       

                                                                                                                               Price: $30.00                     (stock#IGN14)


Basilevsk A. T. and Volkov V. P. 1992 VENUS GEOLOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, AND GEOPHYSICS: RESEARCH FROM THE USSR published by University of Arizona Press, 8vo, in publishers cloth as issued and still in original shrink wrap! Hence, a volume with light exterior wear, contents fine with 421 pp. and numerous figures and illustrations. A nice volume, out of print for 30 years.                                                              Price: $25.00                              (stock#SSG31)


Becker G. F. 1904 EXPERIMENTS WITH SCHISTOSITY AND SLATY CLEAVAGE U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #241 8vo, in wraps as issued, front wrap with small torn/chipped area along margin, contents good with 34 pp., 7 plates. A classic reference on experimental metamorphism and tectonic deformation of sediments.
                                                                                                                    Price: $20.00                          (stock#USGSB241) 

Birkeland P. W. 1974 PEDALOGY WEATHERING AND GEOMORPHOLOGICAL RESEARCH published by Oxford Unv. Press, 8vo, in cloth as issued, some external wear, stamps to free end paper else content good, clean with 285 pp., numerous figures focused on the science of soils, how bedrock weathers into soils, and various of their gemorphic aspects.       

                                                                                                                                 Price: $20.00                    (stock#GEOM11)


Bishop W. W. and Miller J. A. 1972 CALIBRATION OF HOMINOID EVOLUTION published by Unv. Toronto Press 8vo, cloth covers with dust jacket, dust jacket with tears and wear else light wear to covers and contents which include 486 pp. and numerous figures, and a great volume for the time on the application of modern methods to dating and correlating fossil hominoids, the strata from which they were collected, and organizing them into a timescale that documents human evolution.                                                                   Price: $30.00                      (stock#EVOL23)

Blackwelder E. and Smith W. D. 1912 REGIONAL GEOLOGY OF THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA (and) PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 8vo, cloth as issued, some wear, contents good with 282 pp., 85 figures. A classic geology text that also includes a good overview of Philippine lsand geology as known at the time of publication. Hard to find. 

                                                                                                                                  Price: $35.00               (stock#RAR52)


Brock T. D. 1978 THERMOPHILIC MICROORGANISMS AND LIFE AT HIGH TEMPERATURES 8vo, pictorial cloth, some external wear, ex-lib else contents vg, 465 pp., scores of figs.        Price: $30.00                         (stock#IP10P)


Cohee G. V. et al. (eds.) 1978 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE GEOLOGIC TIME SCALE published by the AAPG 8vo, in wraps as issued, light corner bump, wraps with signature of former owner else light wear, contents good with 388 pp., folding chart bound in, numerous figures. A good volume, published as the Geologic Time Scale was coming of age due to advances on all fronts, from the introduction of cladistics to systematic paleontology and evolutionary trends, to advances in means and methods of radiometric dating.                                  Price: $25.00                        (stock#SED44)


Cook H. E. and Enos P. (eds.) 1977 DEEP-WATER CARBONATE DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS SEPM Spec. Publ. #25 cloth with gilt titles, ex-lib else light wear, vg, 336 pp., scores of figs.    Price: $25.00              (stock#SEPMSP25)


Corbett D. M. 1943 STREAM GAGING PROCEDURE - A MANUAL DESCRIBING METHODS AND PRACTICES OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper #888 8vo, in wraps as issued, some external wear, short tears to paper spine cover, contents good, 245 pp., 13 plts, 33 figs.         Price: $20.00                  (stock#WSP888)


Curran H. A. 1985 BIOGENIC STRUCTURES: THEIR USE IN INTERPRETING DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENTS Soc. of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publ. #35 8vo, gilt decorated cloth, no ownership markings and very good with 347 pp., scores of figs.                                                       Price: $25.00                       (stock#SEPMSP35)


Cys J. M. and Mazzullo S. J. 1978 DEPOSITIONAL PROCESSES IN ANCIENT CARBONATES SEPM Reprint Series #7 8vo, printed wraps with signature else light wear, vg, 235 pp., figs.             Price: $20.00              (stock#SEPMRS07)


Dall W. H. and Harris G. D. 1891 CORRELATION PAPERS: NEOCENE U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #84 8vo, wraps as issued, front wrap with corner tear, some wear, stamps to wraps, contents good, a bit toned from age, pages untrimmed/unopened, 349 pp., 3 pltsm 43 figs on Miocene, Pliocene & Pleistocene strata of the United States, which much on the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains as well as Pacific Coast. Scarce.       Price: $30.00           (stock#USGSB84)


Ekdale A. A. et al. 1984 ICHNOLOGY - TRACE FOSSILS IN SEDIMENTOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY published by the SEPM as Short Course #15 4to, in wraps as issued, some wear, short tear/rough area to top of wrap margin, contents else good with 317 pp. and numerous figures and is a great overview of trace fossils, their nature, origin and occurrence, as well as utility in interpreting depositional environments.            Price: $25.00                            (stock#IPT18)

Enzman R. D. (ed.) 1969 SECOND CONFERENCE ON PLANETOLOGY AND SPACE MISSION PLANNING published by the New York Academy of Science, 8vo, in wraps as issued, some wear, contents good with 588 pp. and numerous figures on various technologies both then-current and those with future potential, for planetary exploration by both earth-based and mission vehicles. Scarce.                                                                  Price: $30.00                           (stock#SSG11)

Enzman R. D. (ed.) 1969 SECOND CONFERENCE ON PLANETOLOGY AND SPACE MISSION PLANNING published by the New York Academy of Science, 8vo, in wraps as issued, some wear, contents good with 588 pp. and numerous figures on various technologies both then-current and those with future potential, for planetary exploration by both earth-based and mission vehicles. Scarce.                                                                             Price: $25.00                          (stock#SSG11)


Fladmark K. R. 1978 A GUIDE TO BASIC ARCHEOLOGICAL FIELD PROCEDURES published by Simon Fraser University, 4to, spiral bound as issued, some wear, volume a bit cocked from long storage in a box, contents good, 188 pp., 108 figs. A good volume for anyone interested in learning about field techniques.    Price: $20.00                 (stock#Misc12)

Frisi P. 1861 TREATISE ON RIVERS AND TORRENTS WITH THE METHOD OF REGULATING THEIR COURSE AND CHANNELS published by John Weale, London, smaller book rebound long ago in hardback, ex-Franklin Institute Library with their bookplate and blind stamp, contents with age toning but overall good and contain 226 pp. A rather scarce volume on what was a very important topic during the Victorian period of the Industrial Revolution, when canals and navigable water courses were essential.                                                Price: $60.00                              (stock#ENG42)


Fyfe and Others 1958 METAMORPHIC REACTIONS AND METAMORPHIC FACIES Geological Society of America Memoir #73 8vo, gilt cloth, signature on FEP else fine with 259 pp., 108 figs.      Price: $25.00              (stock#GSAM73)


Hamilton W. and Myers W. B. 1967 THE NATURE OF BATHOLITHS U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper #554-C 4to, in wraps as issued, wraps with former owner's name, some wear, contents good with 30 pp., 8 figs.

                                                                                                              Price: $15.00                                   (stock#PP554C)


Hedgepeth J. W. (ed.) 1957 TREATISE ON MARINE ECOLOGY AND PALEOECOLOGY Geological Society of America Memoir #57 2 volumes complete, in original cloth with gilt titles on spine, ownership marks else a very good set of a classic, and massive work with 2,273 pp., scores of plts including 16 that are folding, and additional figs.           

                                                                                                                    Price: $60.00                        (stock#GSAMem67)

Hobbs W. H. 1926 THE GLACIAL ANTICYCLONES - THE POLES OF THE ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION published by MacMillan Co., 8vo, in cloth as issued, light wear, contents good with 198 pp., colored frontis plate and numerous figures. A classic book by Hobbs, otherwise known for sometimes extraordinary geological theories on tectonics and processes. 

                                                                                                                     Price: $25.00                               (stock#GLAC22)

Holliday V. T. et al. 1995 STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEOENVIRONMENTS OF LATE QUATERNARY VALLEY FILLS ON THE SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS Geological Society of America Memoir #186 4to, in cloth with gilt spine title as issued, ex-lib copy else contents good, 136 pp., 37 figs.                                         Price: $25.00                            (stock#GSAM186)


Houseknecht D. W. and Pittman E. D. 1992 ORIGIN, DIAGENESIS AND PETROPHYSICS OF CLAY MINERALS IN SANDSTONES SEPM Spec. Publ. #47 4to, cloth with gilt embossment and title, light wear, vg-fine copy, 282 pp., scores of figs. A nice copy.                                                                   Price: $30.00                     (stock#SEPMSP47)


Johanson D. and Edey, M. 1981 LUCY - THE BEGINNINGS OF HUMANKIND 8vo in cloth with dust jacket, some wear to both, contents good with 409 pp. and numerous figures throughout the text that provides an account of the exploration and discovery of early fossil humanoids in the Afar Triangle of Ethiopia.           Price: $20.00                   (stock#EVOL66)

JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTOLOGY 1962-1964, first three volumes complete with four (4) issues per volume, for a total of 12 issues. All in wraps as issued,  former owner's stamp to wraps, some external wear, contents good and loaded with reports on diverse  aspects of Sedimentology, ranging from braided river deposits to offshore carbonates, and all in between.                                                                                                    Price: $35.00                        (stock#JSed)

Krynine P. D. 1947 SOIL MECHANICS ITS PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS published by McGraw-Hill, NY 8vo, in cloth as issued, some external wear, contents good with 511 pp. and scattered figures that build on the realization that during World War II, the properties of underlying soils were essential factors in the building of air strips and other installations, and that soil properties need to be essential concerns of most engineering projects.          

                                                                                                                Price: $25.00                                (stock#GEOM12)


Le Blanc R. J. and Breeding J. G. 1957 REGIONAL ASPECTS OF CARBONATE DEPOSITION SEPM Spec Publication #5 8vo, printed wraps, some wear, contents vg, 178 pp., figs including a few folding maps.  

                                                                                                                           Price: $20.00                  (stock#SEPMSP05)


Lerman A. 1979 GEOCHEMICAL PROCESSES WATER AND SEDIMENT ENVIRONMENTS 8vo, cloth, as new still in original publishers shrink wrap, with 479 pp., numerous figs.                     Price: $20.00                        (stock#SED12)


Longwell C. R. et al. 1964 SEDIMENTARY FACIES IN GEOLOGIC HISTORY GSA Memoir #39 8vo, gilt cloth, vg copy, 171 pp., numerous figures (contains individual papers which are paginated separately). With much on Colorado Plateau geology.                                          Price:  $20.00                             (stock#GSAM39)


Mabbut J. A. 1979 DESERT LANDFORMS vol. 2 of the “An Introduction to Geomorphology” series, 8vo, cloth, dust jacket with some wear, signature on free end paper else contents vg with 340 pp., 95 figs. A good reference for the processes and their results and interpretations that generate eolian landforms.     Price: $25.00                (stock#sed34)

Matthews R. 1974 DYNAMIC STRATIGRAPHY published by Prentice-Hall in cloth with dust jacket as issued, some wear to dust jacket, contents with former owner's name stamp to free end paper else good with 370 pp. and scores of figures. A great volume on the principles, theories and application of stratigraphy which in my experience, is something many geologist's remain a bit in the dark about.                                                Price: $25.00                   (stock#SED43)


Menard H. W. 1964 MARINE GEOLOGY OF THE PACIFIC published by McGraw-Hill, 8vo, in cloth with dust jacket, some wear to dust jacket, contents else good, clean with no former owner's markings, with 271 pp. and numerous figs focused on the geology of the Pacific Ocean basins.                                    Price: $20.00                      (stock#SEA32)


Milliman J. D. 1974 RECENT SEDIMENTARY CARBONATES - PART 1 MARINE CARBONATES Springer-Verlag, 8vo, some external wear, contents very good with 375 pp. and a score of figures on modern marine carbonates.                        

                                                                                                                                Price: $25.00                  (stock#SED82)


Montanez  I. P. et al. (eds.) 1997 BASIN-WIDE DIAGENETIC PATTERNS – INTEGRATED PETROLOGIC, GEOCHEMICAL, AND HYDROLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS Society Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Paper #57 4to, dust jacket, light wear, ownership signature on blank free end paper else very good clean copy with 302 pp., scores of figures.                                                                                             Price: $30.00                             (stock#SEPMSP57)


Multer H. G. 1977 A FIELD GUIDE TO SOME CARBONATE ROCK ENVIRONMENTS - FLORIDA KEYS AND WESTERN BAHAMAS published by Kendall/Hunt publishers, 4to, printed wraps as issued, updated 1977 edition, overall light wear, contents very good with 415 pp., scores of figures throughout the text, and additional maps at the rear. Hard to find.                                                                                                        Price: $25.00                                  (stock#SED61)


Murphy E. C. et al. 1904 HYDROGRAPHIC MANUAL OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper #94 8vo, in wraps as issued, some wear, faded stamp and notation to wrap, short tears along paper spine cover, contents good with 76 pp., 3 plates and 10 figures. Another classic hydrology and ground water research title.                                                                                         Price: $20.00                      (stock#WSP94)


Osawa S. 1995 EVOLUTION OF THE GENETIC CODE Oxford University Press 8vo, in cloth with gilt titles as issued, light wear, contents very good with 205 pp., numerous figures.                    Price: $20.00                    (stock#EVOL21)

Ostrom J. H. and Orville P. M. 1975 TECTONICS AND MOUNTAIN RANGES, A SPECIAL VOLUME OF THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE DEDICATED TO JOHN RODGERS 8vo, bound in cloth, some wear, contents good with 515 pp. and scores of figures spread across the numerous contributed papers honoring John Rodgers, who did much to improve our understanding of Appalachain and global tectonics.             Price: $30.00                           (stock#Tect22)


Parkhomenko E. I. 1967 ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF ROCKS published by Plenum Press 8vo, in cloth with dust jacket some wear to dust jacket, ex-dept. library copy else contents good with 314 pp. and scores of figures.

                                                                                                                          Price: $25.00                         (stock#MC215)


Persons B. S. 1970 LATERITE - GENESIS, LOCATION, USE published by Plenum Press 8vo, in cloth as issued, ex-mining company library else contents good with 103 pp., 24 figs on clay-rich soils are prevalent in the southeastern United States and of economic value for bricks, ceramics, agriculture and other uses.              Price: $20.00                (stock#MC211)


TWO BOOKS ON THE PHANEROZOIC, both classic texts and make a good set put together. Both are soft cover with some external wear, contents with former owner stamp or signature else very good. They are as follows: (1) Valentine J. (ed.) 1985 PHANEROZOIC DIVERSITY PATTERNS - PROFILES IN MACROEVOLUTION, Princeton University Press, with 441 pp., numerous figures, and diverse contributed papers on fossils faunas and evolution; and (2) Hallam A. PHANEROZOIC SEA-LEVEL CHANGES Columbia University Press, with 266 pp., numrous figures. A nice set of two classic references.                                                                                      Price: $30.00                             (stock#SED42)


Randall C. A. Jr. (ed.) 1969 EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL MATTER N. Illinois Unv. Press cloth, still in publishers shrink wrap, fine copy, 331 pp., figs. Scarce. Note the bright spot in photo is glare from camera flash on shrink wrap.  
                                                                                                                 Price: $25.00                   (stock#SSG03)


Rankama K. 1965-1967 THE QUATERNARY Volumes I and II complete, in publishers cloth, ex-lib else light wear vg. Volume 1 with 300 pp., figs. covering Scandinavia; Volume II with 477 pp., figs, covering United Kingdom, France, Germany and The Netherlands.                                                                   Price: $40.00                          (stock#GLAC67)


Richards H. G. 1953 RECORD OF THE ROCKS - THE GEOLOGICAL STORY OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA 8vo in cloth as issued, overall light wear, PRESENTATION FROM AUTHOR on front free end paper, contents good with 413 pp. and 294 figures including fossils, strata, outcrops and more.                                 Price: $25.00                        (stock#MC77)

Schenk E. T. and McMasters J. H. 1936 PROCEDURE IN TAXONOMY published by Stanford University Press 8vo, in original publisher's cloth, light wear, contents with former owner signatures inside front cover and on free end paper else good with 72 pp. A nice historical work on the long struggle to establish uniform standards for the identification and formal erection of new genera, species and lower taxonomic ranks.            Price: $20.00                  (stock#HST56)


Schmidt C. J. and Chase R. B. 1993 LARAMIDE BASEMENT DEFORMATION IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAN FORELAND OF THE WESTERN UNITED STATES Geological Society of America Special Paper #280 4to, in wraps as issued, some external wear, contents good with 365 pp., scores of figures with the volume paginated to reflect the 17 reports contained by the volume much on Laramide (~Cretaceous to early Tertiary) deformation and structures of the western United States in Montana, Wyoming and elsewhere including Arizona and New Mexico.

                                                                                                           Price: $30.00                                (stock#GSASP280)

Slichter C. S. 1902 THE MOTIONS OF UNDERGROUND WATERS U. S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper #67 8vo, iwraps, some wear, faded stamp & notation to wrap, chips to paper spine cover, contents good, 106 pp., 8 plts, 50 figs. A classic hydrology & ground water reference.                                         Price: $20.00                        (stock#WSP67)


Snead R. E. 1981 WORLD ATLAS OF GEOMORPHIC FEATURES Springer-Verlag, 4to, in publishers shrink wrap, fine unopened copy with 301 pp., scores of maps and figs. In print for $109 from publisher, our copy is priced to sell. 

                                                                                                          Price: $40.00                                (stock#Geomorph12)


Strakhov N. M. 1967 PRINCIPLES OF LITHOGENESIS: VOLUME 1-3 Complete, translated from the orginal Russian, 8vo, cloth, dust jacket with some wear, contents vg. Mostly focused on rock weathering processes and products from different climatic zones and environments, a classic text.                 Price: $80.00                     (stock#SED65)


Stuntz S. C. and Free E. E. 1911 THE MOVEMENT OF SOIL MATERIAL BY THE WIND WITH A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EOLIAN GEOLOGY published by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Bulletin #68 8vo, in wraps as issued, wraps loose or coming so with 272 pp., 5 plates and 2 figures. One of the early works on eolian sediments and transport, and Scarce.   

                                                                                                                          Price: $25.00                         (stock#SED47)


BOUND VOLUME OF U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETINS SPANNING 1884 THROUGH 1886 AND INCLUDING BULLETINS #8-12, #14, #17, #20 and #28, most are focused on aspects of mineralogy and petrology though Walcott's classic report on the Cambrian Faunas of North America is also present. The volume is bound with quarter calf on period marbled boards, chips and splits to leather spine cover which is half loose and needs to be re-glued, ex-lib. copy with stamps from Anaconda Copper and Arco corporations as well as one F. Aug. Heinze of Butte Montana, contents with some wear but generally the bulletins are clean and very good with one exception which is Bull. #14 on Iron Carburets which is lacking title and preliminary pages but text is complete. A few of the better contents of the volume (9 Bulletins total) are: Bull. #10  ON THE CAMBRIAN FAUNAS OF NORTH AMERICA PRELIMINARY STUDIES By Charles Doolittle Walcott 1884 with 74 pp. and 10 plates of fossils including trilobites; Bull. # #11  Call R. E. and Gilbert . K. 1884 ON THE QUATERNARY AND RECENT MOLLUSCA OF THE GREAT BASIN WITH A DESCRIPTION OF NEW FORMS with 66 pp., 6 plates of fossils; Bull. #17  ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CRYSTALLIZATION IN THE IGNEOUS ROCKS OF WASHOE NEVADA WITH NOTES ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT By Hague and Iddings 1885 with 44 pp on the Comstock Lode and Washoe Mining District of Nevada; Bull. # #20  CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MINERALOGY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS By Cross and Hillebrand 1885 with 112 pp. and 1 plate; Bull. #28 Willimas G. H. 1886 THE GABBROS AND ASSOCIATED HORNEBLENDE ROCKS OCCURRING IN THE NIEGHBORHOOD OF BALTIMORE MD with 59 pp., 4 plates and 2 figures; and more.                                                                       Price: $60.00                                 (stock#USGSBbd)


Vacquier V. et al. 1963 INTERPRETATION OF AEROMAGNETIC MAPS Geological Society of America Memoir #47 in cloth with gilt spine title, light wear, ownership signature on free end paper else very good copy with 63 pp., 14 plates, 83 figures. A classic monograph on the subject.                     Price: $25.00                  (stock#GSAMem47)


Velicheko A. A. (ed.) translated by Wright H. E. and Barnosky C. W. 1984 LATE QUATERNARY ENVIRONMENTS OF THE SOVIET UNION royal 4to, cloth with dust jacket, vg, 327 pp., many figs.       

                                                                                                                    Price: $40.00                          (stock#EUR072)


Walker R. G. (ed.) 1984 FACIES MODELS 4to, wraps light wear, very good with 317 pp., scores of figs. and one of the better references on sedimentary facies and their interpretation from the rock record.         

                                                                                                                 Price: $25.00                                  (stock#SED74)


Weller J. M. 1960 STRATIGRAPHIC PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE cloth as issued, some edge wear,  ownership signature else vg, 725 pp., 273 figs. A classic strat. text.                                          Price: $25.00                             (stock#SED71P)

White, C. A. 1891 CORRELATION PAPERS: CRETACEOUS U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #82 8vo, in wraps,   issued, wraps with wear, stamps, lower outer corner area of volume with crease, contents with some age toning else overall good with pages untrimmed and unopened, and include 273 pp., 3 plates and 7 figures on the Cretaceous strata of the United States. Scarce.                                                                                  Price: $30.00                        (stock#USGSB82)


Williams H. S. 1891 CORRELATION PAPERS DEVONIAN AND CARBONIFEROUS U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #80 8vo, in archival wraps with spine neatly taped, contents good with 279 pp. that provide a comprehensive and historical perspective (at the time of publication) on the relationships of Devonian and Permo-Carboniferous strata across the United States.                                                                  Price: $25.00                              (stock#USGSB80)




Boas F. 1901 THE ESKIMO OF BAFFIN LAND AND HUDSON BAY American Museum of Natural History Bulletin 15 8vo, wraps loose with marginal or short tears, contents good, pages uncut/untrimmed and the volume is a very scarce Ethnology treatise that contains 370 pp., 6 plates, and scores of figures throughout the text of Indigenous artifacts, tools, implements, etc...                                                                                                   Price: $50.00                    (stock#AMNH15)


Bowlby J. 1990  CHARLES DARWIN – A NEW LIFE 8vo d/j, fine copy, 511 pp. figs.   Price: $25.00                   (stock#EV05)


Cazelles M. E. 1875 OUTLINE OF THE EVOLUTION PHILOSOPHY in cloth as issued, external wear with tears to spine cloth, period bookplate inside front cover with faded ink and blind stamps, contents good with 167 pp. and publisher advertisements at rear. Scarce.                                                                             Price: $40.00              (stock#EVOL39)


Champlin P. 1994 RAPHAEL PUMPELLY GENTLEMAN GEOLOGIST OF THE GILDED AGE Unv. Alabama Press, 8vo, dj, like new condition in original publishers shrink wrap. With 273 pp. + figs.            Price: $20.00                (stock#HST41)


EVOLUTIONARY THEORY published by Dept. Biology, Unv. of Chicago, broken run of 32 issues covering vols. 1-6 (1976-1983) and consisting of: Vol. 1, issues #7-9; Vol. 2, issues 1-3; Vol. 3, issues 1-5; Vol. 4, issues 1-6; Vol. 5, issues 3-5; and Vol. 6, issues 1-6. Hard to find and chock full of articles and reports on evolutionary theory and biology.
                                                                                                                             Price: $50.00                     (stock#ETset)


Desmond A. and Moore J. 1991 DARWIN – THE LIFE OF A TORMENTED EVOLUTIONIST 8vo, in dust jacket, light wear, vg, 808 pp., 91 figs.                                                                     Price: $30.00                                 (stock#EV006)


Emmons S. F. et al. 1893 CONGRES GEOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL COMPTE RENDU DE LA 5me SESSION, WASHINGTON, D. C. 1891 large 4to, no wraps, some wear, minor chips to some page margins or corners, disbound or coming so, contents clean with 529 pp., 21 plts including a few maps (one folding), 39 figs and diverse contents of this renowned international meeting of the then-world's most prominent geologists.  Price: $50.00                  (stock#HST44)

Freeberg J. H. 1966 TERRESTRIAL IMPACT STRUCTURES - A BIBLIOGRAPHY U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #1220 8vo, wraps with small labels, stamp, some external wear, contents good with 91 pp. and 1 plate which is a folding map showing most of the then-known impact structures.                                            Price: $15.00                               (stock#USGSB1220)


Gorgan, J. X. (ed.), 1982 THE GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES IN THE ANTEBELLUM SOUTH University of Alabama Press, small 8vo, h/b, no dust jacket, not sure if one issued, fine copy, 195 + figs.       Price:  $20.00               (stock#HST12)

Greene M. T. 1982 GEOLOGY IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY published by Cornell Unv. Press, 8vo, cloth with dust jacket, light wear, contents very good with 324 pp., scattered illustrations.       Price: $20.00                  (stock#HST22)


Hayes C. W. 1911 THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS OF THE UNITED STATES U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin #465 wraps with some wear, ex-lib., tear to corner, contents good with 177 pp. that provide a concise history of the formation, implementation and accomplishments of the various Geological Survey agencies and departments of the various individual States up until the time of publication. A nice historical reference for a few disciplines to have handy.                                                                                              Price: $20.00                                 (stock#USGSB465)


Kelley P. H. et al. 1999 THE EVOLUTION - CREATION CONTROVERSY II: PERSPECTIVES ON SCIENCE, RELIGON AND GEOLOGICAL EDUCATION Paper #5 of the Paleontological Society, 4to, in wraps as issued, some wear, contents good with 242 pp. and scattered figures and contains papers on various aspects of the controversial topic.

                                                                                                                       Price: $30.00                          (stock#EVOL99)


Laporte L. F. 1987 SIMPLE CURIOSOTY - LETTERS FROM GEORGE GAYLORD SIMPSON TO HIS FAMILY, 1921-1970 in cloth with dust jacket, light wear, vg, 340 pp.                                   Price: $20.00                            (stock#HST64)


Livingstone D. N. 1987 NATHANIEL SOUTHGATE SHALER AND THE CULTURE OF AMERICAN SCIENCE University of Alabama Press, 8vo, h/b, dust jack with a few light smudges else vg, clean copy, 395 pp.      

                                                                                                                 Price: $25.00                             (stock#HST08)


Manning T. G. 1967 GOVERMENT IN SCIENCE - THE U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1867-1894 8vo, in cloth as issued, light wear, the only significant flaw being the last blank free end paper were adhered to each other by a small spot of presumed binder's glue (from the printer) else contents clean and very good with 157 pp. A great read and fascinating account of the formation and initial organization of the U. S. Geological Survey as a goverment agency.  

                                                                                                                   Price: $20.00                                (stock#HST67)


Manning T. G. 1988 U. S. COAST SURVEY VS. NAVAL HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Unv. Alabama Press 8vo, cloth, dust jacket vg clean copy, 202 pp. A great read!                                                Price: $25.00                          (stock#HST88)


Mathew W. M. 1992 AGRICULTURE GEOLOGY AND SOCIETY IN ANTEBELLUM SOUTH CAROLINA – THE PRIVATE DIARY OF EDWARD RUFFIN Unv. Georgia Press dust jack, light wear vg clean copy, 368 pp., fig. 

                                                                                                            Price: $25.00                                     (stock#HST34)


Nickles J. M. 1924 GEOLOGIC LITERATURE ON NORTH AMERICA, 1785 - 1918; PART I,  BIBLIOGRAPHY with 658 pp.; and PART II, INDEX with 658 pp. Both published as U. S. Geological Survey Bulletins #746-747, professionally rebound in A scarce set and the ultimate basic bibliographic index  for pre-1918 North American geology references.     

                                                                                                       Price: $50.00                             (stock#USGSB746-747)

Ramsey R. H. 1973 MEN AND MINES OF NEWMONT A FIFTY YEAR HISTORY published by Octagon Books, 8vo, dust jacket with some wear, contents good with 344 pp., numerous figs. A classic read on one of the world’s most successful gold and metal mining corporations of the first half of the 20th century.         Price: $20.00                         (stock#MC041)


Siegfried R. and Dott R. H. Jr. 1980 HUMPHRY DAVY ON GEOLOGY THE 1805 LECTURES FOR THE GENERAL AUDIENCE University of Wisconsin Press, 8vo, dust jacket, light wear, 169 pp., many figs.  

                                                                                                             Price: $20.00                                    (stockHST02)


Strahler A. N. 1987 SCIENCE AND EARTH HISTORY – THE EVOLUTION/CREATION CONTROVERSY 4to, in pictorial cloth, light wear, vg clean copy with 552 pp., scores of figures.       Price: $30.00                           (stock#EVOL33P)


U. S. Geological Survey 1904 THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ITS ORIGIN DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION AND OPERATIONS USGS Bulletin #227 8vo, wraps, some wear, short tears to wrap margins and paper spine cover, light tidemark to front wrap and prelim. pp. else contents good, 205 pp., 9 plts, 5 figs. The official history of the USGS up to 1904. Interesting to read, good historical reference. Scarce.                   Price: $20.00                    (stock#USGSB227)

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