Phillip Huber, Bookseller/Geologist
PO Box 1036, Faribault, Minnesota 55021


Bogvad R. and Rosenkrantz A. 1934 BEITRAGE ZUR KENNTNIS DER UNTEREN KREIDE OSTOGRONLANDS wps with presentation fromauthor to Marshall Kay, light wear vg 26 pp., 5 plts of lower Cretaceous fossils including ammonites. Scarce. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM134)

Clarke A. H. Jr. 1962 ANNOTATED LIST AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE ABYSSAL MARINE MOLLUSCS OF THE WORLD National Museum Canada Bull. #181 wps with stamps else light wear, vg, 114 pp., maps at front and rear, signed by author. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM155)

Flower R. H. 1957 PART 1: THE ORDIOVICIAN DEVEOPMENT OF THE ACTINOCERATIDA, WITH NOTES ON ACTINO-CERATIDA MORPHOLOGY AND ORDOVICIAN STRATIGRAPHY PART 2: MACROLOXERAS, A DEVOINIAN HOMEOMORPH OF THE ACTINOCERATIDA New Mexico Bureau of Mines Memoir #2 wraps with old tape repair along spine, faded signature, some external wear, contents very good with 101 pp., 13 plates, 5 figures on various fossil corals and organisms found attached to them. Price: $25.00 (stock#NMBMmem2)

Flower R. H. 1968 PART I: BOTRYCERAS, A REMARKABLE NAUTILOID FROM THE SECOND VALUE OF NEW MEXICO; PART II: AN ENDOCEROID FROM THE MOWHAWKIAN OF QUEBEC; PART III: ENDOCEROIDS FROM THE CANADIAN OF ALASKA; PART IV: A CHAZYAN CEPHALOPOD FAUNA FROM ALASKA New Mexico Bureau of Mines Memoir #21 4to, wraps with signature, light wear, contents very good with 36 pp., 5 plates on the systematic paleontology of various fossil nautiloids from various locales in North America. Price: $15.00 (stock#NMBMmem21)

Foerste A. F. 1928 AMERICAN ARCTIC AND RELATED CEPHALOPODS offprint Dennison Unv. Bulletin wps with signature, some wear, short tears, contents vg with 109 pp., 28 plates, mostly on Paleozoic ammonoids and nautiloids. Scarce. Price: $25.00 (stock#IPM109)

Girty G. H. 1915 FAUNA OF THE WEWOKA FORMATION OF OKLAHOMA USGS Bull. #544 wps with chips, ex-lib, contents vg, with 353 pp., 35 plts of fossils. Price: $20.00 (stock#USGSB544)

Haas O. 1946 INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION IN, AND ONTOGENY OF, PRIONOTROPIS WOOLLGARI AND PRIONOCY AMNH Bull. 86(4) wraps lighh wear, contents vg, 103 pp., 13 plates, 108 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#AMNHB86-4)

Haas O. 1949 ACANTHOCERATID AMMONOIDEA FROM NEAR GREYBULL, WYOMING AMNH Bull. 93(1) wraps light wear, contents vg, 40 pp., 15 plates, 17 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#AMNHB93-1)

Haas O. 1953 MESOZOIC INVERTEBRATE FAUNAS OF PERU PART I- GENERAL INTRODUCTION; PART 2- LATE TRIASSIC GASTROPODS FROM CENTRAL PERU AMNH Bull. 101 wraps light wear contents vg, 328 pp., 18 plates, map, chart. Price: $25.00 (stock#AMNHB101)

Haas O. and Miller A. K. 1952 EOCENE NAUTILOIDS OF BRITISH SOMALILAND AMNH Bulletin 99(5) wraps with some external wear, contents vg, 41 pp., 12 plates, 9 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#AMNHB99-5)

Lycett J. 1879 A MONOGRAPH OF THE BRITISH TRIGONIAE PART V published by the Palaeontographical Society, London 4to, no wraps light wear, contents good, light stain to corner of plate, 40 pp., 1 finely engraved plate of Cretaceous fossil Mollusca. Price: $25.00 (stock#PStrig5)

Lycett J. 1883 A MONOGRAPH OF THE BRITISH TRIGONIAE Supplement No. 2, published by the Palaeontographical Society, London 4to, no wraps light wear, contents clean and very good with 15 pp., 4 finely engraved plates of Cretaceous fossil Mollusca. Price: $35.00 (stock#PStrigsuppl)

MacClintock C. 1967 SHELL STRUCTURE OF PATELLOID AND BELLEROPHONTID GASTROPODS (MOLLUSCA) YPM Bull. #22 8vo, wraps with stamp else light wear, vg, 140 pp., 32 plates, 128 figs. One of the key references on gastropod shell microstructure. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM145)

Miller A. K. and Furnish W. M. 1940 PERMIAN AMMONOIDS OF THE GUADALUPE MOUNTAIN REGION AND ADJACENT AREAS GSA Special Paper #26 8vo, wraps with some signature and private ownership notations else light wear, contents vg with 242 pp., 44 plates Price: $35.00 (stock#GSASP26)

Miller A. K. et al. 1954 ORDOVOCIAN CEPHALOPODS FROM BAFFIN ISLAND GSA Memoir #62 8vo, gilt cloth, fine copy, 234 pp., 63 plates of fossils, 20 figures. Price: $30.00 (stock#GSAM62)

Palmer, K. V. W. 1958 MARINE MOLLUSCA DESCRIBED BY P. P. CARPENTER GSA Memoir #76 8vo, gilt cloth, light wear very good clean copy, 376 pp., frontis plate 35 plates of fossils, 2 figs.
Price: $30.00 (stock#GSAM76)

Pojeta J. Jr. and Runnegar B. 1976 THE PALEONTOLOGY OF ROSTROCONCH MOLLUSKS AND THE. EARLY HISTORY OF THE PHYLUM MOLLUSCA USGS Prof. Paper #968 wps light wear vg 88 pp., 54 plates of fossils. A classic treatise. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM573)

Stanton T. W. 1947 STUDIES OF COMANCHE PELECYPODS AND GASTROPODS USGS Prof. Paper #211 wps, light wear, vg, 256 pp., 67 fossil plts, 1 fig., mostly on fossils from Texas and adjacent States. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP211)

Stephenson W. L. 1947 NEW UPPER CRETACEOUS FOSSILS FROM MISSISSIPPI AND TEXAS wps with faded stamp, some wear, contents vg, 36 pp., 3 plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP210E)

Stephenson W. L. 1947 NEW UPPER CRETACEOUS FOSSILS FROM MISSISSIPPI AND TEXAS wps with faded stamp, some wear, contents vg, 36 pp., 3 plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP210E)

Tegland N. M. 1929 CORRELATION AND AFFINITIES OF CERTAIN SPECIES OF PITARIA Unv. Calf. wps with stamps contents vg, 16 pp., 3 plts Price: $10.00 (stock#UC18-10)

Twenhofel W. H. 1938 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE MINGAN ISLANDS QUEBEC Geol. Soc. America Special Paper #11 wraps, light wear, vg, 132 pp., 24 plts, many of fossils 1 fig. Price: $40.00 (stock#GSASP11)

Waage K. M. 1965 THE LATE CRETACEOUS COLEOID CEPHALOPOD ACTINOSEPIA CANADENSIS WHITEAVES YPM Postilla #94 title wps vg, 32 pp., 4 plts, 4 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM153)

White C. A. 1883 A REVIEW OF THE NON-MARINE FOSSIL MOLLUSCA OF NORTH AMERICA from extracted from USGS 3rd Annual Report. 4to, cloth tape to spine, light wear, light occasional foxing else very good, 147 pp., 32 plates of fossils. Scarce. Price: $20.00 (stock#Nwhite3rd)

Williams J. S. 1943 STRATIGRAPHY AND FAUNA OF THE LOUISIANA LIMESTONE OF MISSOURI USGS Prof. Paper #203 wraps with stamp, light wear, contents vg, 133 pp. 9 plts, 9 figs. on the Devonian-Mississippian age fossils of this unit. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP203)

Wood S. V. 1861 A MONOGRAPH OF THE EOCENE MOLLUSCA OR DESCRIPTIONS OF SHELLS FROM THE OLDER TERTIARIES OF ENGLAND PART I BIVALVES published by the Palaeontographical Society, London 4to, no wraps some wear, last dozen or so pages with creased or folded over corners else contents good with 74 pp., 13 finely engraved plates of fossil molluscs. Scarce. Price: $45.00 (stock#PSwood)
Price: $10.00 (stock#USGSB1362)
Afshar F. 1969 TAXONOMIC REVISION OF THE SUPER SPECIFIC GROUPS OF THE CRETACEOUS AND CENOZOIC TELLINIDAE GSA Memoir #119 8vo gilt cloth, light wear, ex-lib. else fine, 215 pp., 45 plts.
Price: $25.00 (stock#GSAM119)
Anderson F. M. 1958 UPPER CRETACEOUS OF THE PACIFIC COAST GSA Memoir #71 8vo, bookplate on pastedown else vg, 378 pp., 75 plates of fossils (mostly Mollusca), 3 figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#GSAM071)
Andrussow N. 1909 BEITRAGE ZUR KENNTNIS DES KASPISCHEN NEOGEN Mem. Com. St. Petersboug New Ser. #40 some wear, wps a bit soiled by dust, disbound or coming so, contents with some wear, good only, 177 pp., 6 plates of fossil Mollusca from the Caspian Sea region. Price: $60.00 (stock#MCGns40A)
Beecher C. E. 1900 CONRAD’S TYPES OF SYRIAN FOSSILS offprint from Amer. Jour. Sci. wps torn, contents vg, 3 pp. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM038)
Branson, E. B. 1948 BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX OF PERMIAN INVERTEBRATES GSA Memoir #26 8vo, light stain to page corner and foredge but minor, very good. A classic and massive essential reference for anyone interested in Permian fossils. With 1049 pp. Price: $35.00 (stock#GSA#21)
Broadhead T. W. 1985 MOLLUSKS NOTES FOR A SHORT COURSE Unv. TN, Stud. Ser. Geol. #13 4to, wps, light+ exterior wear, contents vg, 305 pp., figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#IPM065)
Clark B. L. et al. 1923 FAUNA OF THE SOOKE FORMATION VANCOUVER ISLAND Unv. Calf. pub. #14(5) wp with notation else light wear, vg, 112 pp., plt, figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#UC14-5)
Clark and Durham 1946 EOCENE FAUNAS OF BOLIVAR COLUMBIA GSA Memoir #16 8vo, gilt cloth, private ownership signature else fine with 126 pp., 28 plates mostly of fossils and 1 figure mostly on Cenozoic Mollusca . Scarce. Price: $30.00 (stock#GSAM16)
Chubb L. J. 1956 THYRASTYLON A NEW RUDIST GENUS FROM THE UPPER CRETACEOUS OF GUATEMALA, THE ANTILLES AND PERSIA WITH A DISCUSSION OF THE FUNCTION OF RUDIST OSCULES AND PILLARS Palaeont. Amer. #IV(27) royal 4to, wps with stamp and corner tears, contents vg, 13 pp., 2 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM063)
Cowper Reed F. R. 1929 TRIASSIC FAUNAS OF BRAZIL Monographias Serv. Geol. Mineral. Brasil #9 4to, wps with some wear, stamp, ex-lib, contents with some wear but overall vg, and in both English and Spanish. With 97 pp., 6 plates of fossils. Scarce. Price: $30.00 (stock#SA154)
Currie E. D. et al. 1937 THE FAUNA OF SKIPSEY’S MARINE BAND offprint Trans. Roy. Soc. Glasgow 8vo spine perforated else vg, light corner bump. With 43 pp., 4 plts, figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM114)
Cvancara A. M. 1966 REVISION OF THE FAUNA OF THE CANNONBALL FORMATION (PALEOCENE) OF NORTH AND SOUTH DAKOTA Unv. Mich. Cont. Paleont. 20(10) title wps, vg, 96 pp., 7 plts, 7 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#UMCP20-10)
Elder W. P. and Box S. E. 1993 LATE CRETACEOUS INOCERAMID BIVALVES OF THE KUSKOKWIM BASIN SOUTHWESTERN ALASKA AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR BASIN EVOLUTION Paleont. Soc. Memoir #26 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 39 pp., 15 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM075)
Fisher D. W. 1957 MOHAWKIAN (MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN) BIOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE WELLS OUTLIER HAMILTON COUNTY NEW YORK NYSM Bull. #359 wps, ex-lib copy else fine, 33 pp., 6 plts. Price: $20.00 (stock#NYSMB359)
Fleming C. A. 1962 TWO NEW GENERA OF TRIASSIC TRIGONIIDAE FROM NEW ZEALAND Malacological Soc. London, offprint, wps stamped ex-lib else good, 4 pp., 1 fig. Price: $6.00 (stock#IPM052)
Gardiner J. 1939 NOTES ON FOSSILS FROM EOCENE OF THE GULF PROVINCE USGS Prof. Paper #193-B wps with signature and stamp else light wear, vg, 28 pp., 3 plts, 6 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP193B)
Gardiner J. and Bowles E. 1939 THE VENERICARDIA PLANICOSTA GROUP IN THE GULF PROVINCE USGS Prof. Paper #189-F wps with stamp light wear else vg, 73 pp., 18 plts, 1 fig. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP189F)
Girty G. H. 1903 THE CARBONIFEROUS FORMATIONS AND FAUNAS OF COLORADO USGS Prof. Paper #16 archival wraps with original wraps retained, contents clean with light wear, vg, 546 pp., 10 plts. One of Girty’s classic studies. Price: $50.00 (stock#PP16)
Harrington 1955 THE PERMIAN EURYDESMA FAUNA OF EASTERN ARGENTINA offprint from Jour. Paleont. 29(1), 8vo, wraps, light wear, 17 pp., 4 pls of fossils. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPM007)
Hill R. T. and Vaughn T. W. 1898 THE LOWER CRETACEOUS GRYPHEAS OF THE TEXAS REGION U. S. Geological Survey Bull. #151 archival wps, some repair, overall g+ copy, 139 pp., 35 plts, 2 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#USGSB151)
Hutchinson and Stumm 1965 UPPER DEVONIAN AND LOWER MISSISSIPPIAN PECTINOID PELECYPODS FROM MICHIGAN, OHIO, INDIANA, IOWA AND MISSOURI Unv. Michigan, Cont. Paleontology 20(1) 8vo, wraps, little to no wear, like new, 48 pp., 7 pls, 2 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM001)
Isberg O. 1934 STUDIEN UBER LAMELLIBRACHIATEN DES LEPTAENAKALKES IN DALARNA large 8vo, orig. wps with some wear, short tears and small stamp, contents vg pp. unopened aside from a occasional stain to margin of some pages. It comes and goes, is not frequent and not obtuse. With 428 pp., 32 plts + figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#IPM039)
Leonard A. B. and Frye J. C. 1960 WISCONSIN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS OF THE ILLINOIS VALLEY REGION ILGS Circ. #304 ex-lib, vg, 32 pp., fig. Price: $10.00 (stock#ILC304)
Leitch D. THE CARBONICOLA FAUNA OF THE MIDLOTHIAN FIFTEEN FOOT COAL: A STUDY IN VARIATION offprint from Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow wps, vg, 14 pp., 1 plt, 2 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM042)
Kegel W. and Costa, M. T. 1951 ESPECIES NEOPALEOZOICAS DO BRASIL DA FAMILIA AVICULOPECTINIDAE, ORNAMENTADAS COM COSTELAS FASCICULADAS Dept. Nac. Prod. Mineral, Brazil 8vo, wps, ex-lib, contents vg, 48 pp., 6 plts, 2 folding charts. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM034)
Leitch D. 1942 NAIADITES FROM THE LOWER CARBONIFEROUS OF SCOTLAND: A VARIATION STUDY offprint Trans. Geol. Soc. lib, 14 pp., 3 plts, figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM115)
Leonard A. B. 1952 ILLINOIAN AND WISCONSINIAN MOLLUSCAN FAUNAS IN KANSAS Unv. Kansas Paleont. Contrib. Mollusca Article 4 4to, ex-lib, vg, 38 pp., 5 plts, 15 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM105)
Leonard A. B. and Franzen D. A. S. 1944 MOLLUSCA OF THE LAVERNE FORMATION (LOWER PLIOCENE) OF BEAVER COUNTY OKLAHOMA Unv. Kansas Science Bull. #30(2) wps light+ wear, vg, 14 pp., 2 plts.
Price: $8.00 (stock#IPM083)
Lycett J. 1879 A MONOGRAPH OF THE BRITISH TRIGONIAE PART V published by the Palaeontographical Society, London 4to, no wraps light wear, contents good, light stain to corner of plate, 40 pp., 1 finely engraved plate of Cretaceous fossil Mollusca. Price: $25.00 (stock#PStrig5)
Lycett J. 1883 A MONOGRAPH ON THE BRITISH FOSSIL TRIGONIAE SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 INDEX [Palaeontographical Society Monograph] 4to no wps, removed from bound annual volume of that years issue, vg, with 18 pp., 4 plts. Price: $35.00 (stock#PGSLycetttrig)
McAlester A. L. 1968 TYPE SPECIES OF PALEOZOIC NUCULOID BIVALVE GENERA GSA Memoir #105 8vo, cloth with dust jacket, fine copy, 143 pp., 36 plts of fossils. Price: $25.00 (stock#GSAM105)
MacNeil F. S. 1938 SPECIES AND GENERA OF TERTIARY NOETINAE USGS Prof. Paper #189-A wps, ex-lib., light wear, vg, 46 pp., 6 plts fossil Mollusca. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP189A)
Mansfield W. 1932 PLIOCENE FOSSILS FROM LIMESTONE IN SOUTHERN FLORIDA USGS Prof. Paper #170-D no wps as issued, stamp and creased corner to title page, spine taped else light wear, vg, 14 pp., 5 plts of fossils including Mollusca and Echinodermata. Price: $15.00 (stock#USGSPP170d)
Marincovich L. Jr. 1993 DANIAN MOLLUSKS FROM THE PRINCE CREEK FORMATION NORTHERN ALASKA AND IMPLICATIONS FOR ARCTIC OCEAN PALEOGEOGRAPHY Paleont. Soc. Memoir #35 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 35 pp., 16 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM074)
Meek C. E. 1923 NOTES ON STRATIGRAPHY AND PLEISTOCENE FAUNA FROM PEARD BAY ARCTIC ALASKA Unv. California Geol. Bull. 14(13) wps with marginal Chip else light wear, vg, 13 pp., 5 plts, 1 fig. Price: $10.00 (stock#UC14-3)
Newell N. D. et al. 1953 THE UPPER PALEOZOIC OF PERU GSA Mem. #58 8vo gilt cloth, light wear, contents clean, vg to fine, 276 pp., 44 plts of fossils 43 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#GSAM58)
Newton C. R. et al. 1987 SYSTEMATICS AND PALEOECOLOGY OF NORIAN (LATE TRIASSIC) BIVALVES FROM A TROPICAL ISLAND ARC: WALLOWA TERRANE, OREGON Paleont. Soc. Mem. #22 8vo, wps, fine copy, 83 pp., 60 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM053)
Noda H. THE GEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GENUS PECTEN FROM THE PLIOCENE HAIZUME FORMATION NIIGATA PREFECTURE JAPAN article in Japanese Jour. Geology and Geol. vol. 32(1), complete issue, article with 8 pp., 1 plt, another article on fossil pectens, and more. Price: $10.00 (stock#SEA26)
Price: $15.00 (stock#NYSMB342)
Pilsbry H. A. 1944 MOLLUSCAN FOSSILS FROM THE RIO PACHITEA AND VICINITY EASTERN PERU offprint from ANSP Proceedings, 4to, wps, light wear, 17 pp., 3 plts mostly on gastropoda. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM70)
Reeside J. B. Jr. 1923 A NEW FAUNA FROM THE COLORADO GROUP OF SOUTHERN MONTANA USGS Prof. Paper #132-B 4to, no wraps as issued, light wear, vg copy, 9 pp., 11 plates of fossils. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP132B)
Reeside J. B. 1929 EXOGYRA OLISIPONENSIS SHARPE AND EXOGYRA COSTATA SAY IN THE CRETACEOUS OF THE WESTERN INTERIOR USGS Prof. Paper #154-I no wps as issued, some wear, private owner marks to title, contents vg, 12 pp., 5 plts of Cretaceous fossil Mollusca. Price: $15.00 (stock#PP154I)
Reinhart P. W. 1943 MESOZOIC AND CENOZOIC ARCIDAE FROM THE PACIFIC SLOPE OF NORTH AMERICA GSA Spec. Paper #47 wps with small stamp else fine copy, 117 pp., 15 plts, 3 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#GSASP47)
Richards H. G. 1941 POST-WISCONSIN FOSSILS FROM THE WEST COAST OF HUDSON BAY Notulae Naturae #84 light wear, vg, ex-museum library, 10 pp., 1 plt, 2 figs. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPM082)
Sahni M. R. (M. A. Davies, ed.) 1929 A MONOGRAPH OF THE TEREBRATULIDAE OF THE BRITISH CHALK [Palaeontographical Society Monograph] 4to, in blue wps with original title label affixed as issued, Light wear, vg with Curt Teichert’s and institutional stamp, else clean. Contains 62 pp., 10 plts. Price: $40.00 (stock#PGSSahni)
Sardeson F. W. 1939 EARLY PELECYPOD VANUXEMIA IN MINNESOTA offprint from Pan-American Geologist, front wrap with author’s compliment notation and signature, contents vg, 11 pp., 1 plate, on a fossil from Minnesota. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPM171P)
Schenck H. G. 1936 NUCULID BIVALVES OF THE GENUS ACILA GSA Spec. Paper #4 front wp loose, rear wp lacking, contents proper vg with light+ wear, clean, 146 pp., 18 plts, 15 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#GSASP#4)
Stanton T. W. 1947 STUDIES OF COMANCHE PELECYPODS AND GASTROPODS USGS Prof. Paper #211 wps, light wear, vg, 256 pp., 67 fossil plts, 1 fig., mostly on fossils from Texas and adjacent States. Price: $25.00 (stock#PP211)
Stephenson W. L. 1936 NEW UPPER CRETACEOUS OSTREIDAE FROM THE GULF REGION USGS Prof. Paper #186-A no wps as issued, signatures on title page else light wear, vg, 12 pp., 2 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP186A)
Stauffer C. R. 1937 A DIMINUTIVE FAUNA FROM THE SHAKOPEE DOLOMITE (ORDOVICIAN) AT CANNON FALLS MINNESOTA with MOLLUSCA FROM THE SHAKOPEE DOLOMITE (ORDOVICIAN) AT STILLWATER MINNESOTA offprint Jour. Paleont. spine taped along margin, mark on wrap, stamped “compliments of the author”, contents vg, 14 pp., 5 plts, figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM124)
Skwarko S. K. 1963 AUSTRALIAN MESOZOIC TRIGONIIDS Austral. Bur. Min Res. Bull. #67 8vo, wps, ex-lib, vg, 34 pp., 6 plts, figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM064)
Taylor D. W. 1975 INDEX AND BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LATE CENOZOIC FRESHWATER MOLLUSCA OF WESTERN NORTH AMERICA Unv. Michigan, Claude Hibbard Memorial Vol. #1 large 8vo, wraps, light wear, vg, 384 pp. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM23)
Tegland N. M. 1929 CORRELATION AND AFFINITIES OF CERTAIN SPECIES OF PITARIA Unv. Calf. pub. #18(10) wps, ex-lib, vg, 16 pp., 3 plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#UC18-10)
Trueman A. E. 1938 ON CERTAIN ANTHRACOMYAS FROM THE SIMILIS-PULCHRA ZONE OF THE COAL MEASURES offprint, Geol. Mag. 8vo, perforated along margin else vg, 11 pp., 3 figs. Price: $6.00 (stock#IPM113)
Trueman A. E. 1940 THE LAMELLIBRANCH ZONES OF THE SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE COALFIELD offprint Geol. Mag. 8vo, title wps, perforated along spine else vg, 14 pp., 7 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM117)
Vermeij G. J. 1993 A NATURAL HISTORY OF SHELLS 8vo, dj, light wear, vg-fine copy, 207 pp., scores figs, some colored. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM068)
Vogel K. 1961 CARDINIEN (LAMELLIBR.) IM RHAT offprint, in german, ex-lib, 7 pp., 4 figs.
Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM054)
Weir J. 1950 RECENT STUDIES OF SHELLS OF THE COAL MEASURES [Great Britain] 8vo, wps, vg, 14 pp., 8 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM040)
White C. A. 1883 A REVIEW OF THE NON-MARINE FOSSIL MOLLUSCA OF NORTH AMERICA from from USGS 3rd Annual Report. 4to, cloth tape to spine, light wear, light occasional foxing else very good, 147 pp., 32 plates of fossils. Price: $25.00 (stock#Nwhite3rd)
White C. A. 1884 A REVIEW OF THE FOSSIL OSTREIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA; AND A COMPARISON OF THE FOSSIL WITH THE LIVING FORMS from 4th USGS Ann Rpt, 4to, extracted with no wps, light wear, vg clean copy, 156 pp., 11 plts. Price: $25.00 (stock#IPM578)
Whitfield R. P. 1897 DESCRIPTIONS OF SPECIES OF RUDISTAE FROM THE CRETACEOUS ROCKS OF JAMAICA WEST INDIES COLLECTED AND PRESENTED BY MR. F. C. NICHOLAS offprint from AMNH Bulletin v. 9(6), pp. 185-196, in original wps, spine bound with acid-free cloth tape, from H. S. Williams library. With 17 plts of fossils, light stain to wps, contents clean. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM031)
Whitfield R. P. 1902 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW TEREDO LIKE SHELL FROM THE LARAMIE GROUP AMNH Bulletin 16(6), 4 pp., 1 plt., 1 fig., in orig. wps, slightly clipped presentation signature on wp, from H. S. Williams library and on a mollusk that bored into fossil wood near Edgemont South Dakota in the Black Hills. Scarce. Price: $7.00 (stock#IPM026)
Whitfield R. P. 1903 NOTICE OF SIX NEW SPECIES OF UNIOS FROM THE LARAMIE GROUP AMNH Bulletin 19(15), 5 pp., 3 plts, in orig. wps signed “With Compliments of the Author” and from H. S. William’s library, spine rebound with acid-free archival cloth tape, vg. On specimens collected by Barnum Brown at Snow Creek, MT. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM025)
Woodring W. P. AMERICAN TERTIARY MOLLUSKS OF THE GENUS CLEMENTIA USGS Prof. Paper #147-C 4to, somewhat worn copy but good with 23 pp., 1 plt, 4 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#USGSPP147c)
Woodring R. P. 1982 GEOLOGY AND PALENTOLOGY OF CANAL ZONE AND ADJOINING PARTS OF PANAMA DESCRIPTION OF TERTIARY MOLLUSKS (PELECYPODS)... 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 227 pp., 44 plts of fossils, 1 fig. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP306F)
WOOD S. V. 1861 A MONOGRAPH OF THE EOCENE BIVALVES OF ENGLAND PART 1 BIVALVES [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #58] 4to, no wps, extracted from the annual volume of Palaeont. Soc. Monograph issues for the year, light wear, clean, vg, contains 74 pp., 13 plts on various bivalve Mollusca. Scarce. Price: $45.00 (stock#PGS51)
Woods H. 1911 - 1912 A MONOGRAPH OF THE CRETACEOUS LAMELLIBRANCHIA OF ENGLAND Volume 2, Parts 7 and 8 INOCERAMUS [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #314 and 321] 4to, blue wps with label affixed, contents clean, vg with pp. 261-340 and plates 45-54 of this well-regarded treatise and standard reference on Cretaceous bivalves, many pages are unopened. Nice set on this most common of Cretaceous molluscan taxa. Price: $45.00 (PGSwoods7-8)
Woods H. 1913 A MONOGRAPH OF THE CRETACEOUS LAMELLIBRANCHIA OF ENGLAND Volume 2, Part 9 OSTREIDAE, RADIOLITIDAE, ADDITIONS, DISTRIBUTION, BIBLOGRAPHY AND INDEX [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #325] 4to, blue wps with label affixed, contents clean, vg with pp. 341-73 and plates 55-62, being the final part of this well-regarded treatise and standard reference on Cretaceous bivalves Price: $30.00 (stock#PGSwoods9)
Zullo V. A. 1992 REVISION OF THE BALANID BARNACLE GENUS CONCAVUS NEWMAN 1982 WITH A DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SUBFAMILY, TWO NEW GENERA AND EIGHT NEW SPECIES Paleont. Soc. Memoir #27 4to, wps light wear, vg, 46 pp., 23 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM76)
Andrews, 1974 MORPHOMETRICS AND FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY OF TURRITELLA MORTONI offprint from Jour. Paleont. 48(6), 15 pp., 1 pl, 7 fig. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM004)
Bartsch P. 1928 A NEW WEST INDIAN FOSSIL LAND SHELL USNM Proc. #2254 8vo, wps,
ex-lib, vg, 2 pp., 1 plt. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPM107)
Batten R. L. 1972 PERMIAN GASTROPODS AND CHITONS FROM PERAK MALAYSIA AMNH Bull. #147(1) wps, vg, 44 pp., 52 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM573)
Cooke C. W. 1922 ORTHAULAX A TERTIARY GUIDE FOSSIL USGS PP 129-B no wraps, spine neatly bound with archival tape, very good with 15 pp., 4 plates of fossil gastropod Mollusca .
Price: $8.00 (stock#PP129b)
Donaldson 1962 A PATELLIFORM GASTROPOD, PALAELOPHACMAEA CRIOLA: A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES FROM THE LOWER ORDOVICIAN OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA offprint from Proc. West Virginia Acad. Sci, 34, 6 pp., 1 pl., 1 fig., 8vo, wraps with stamp else very good. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM005)
Edwards F. E. 1858 A MONOGRAPH OF THE EOCENE MOLIUSCA, OR DESCRIPTIONS OF SHELLS FROM THE OLDER TERTIARIES PART 3 PROSOBRANCHIATA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #51] 4to, no wps, extracted from the annual volume of Palaeont. Soc. Monograph issues for the year, light wear, clean, vg, contains 91 pp. 6 plts on various Gastropoda. Price: $35.00 (stock#PGS51)
Grabau A. W. 1902 STUDIES OF GASTROPODA I offprint from American Naturalist #432 no wps else vg, 29 pp. + figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM024)
Grabau A. W. 1903 STUDIES OF GASTROPODA II FULGAR AND SYCOTYPUS offprint from American Naturalist #440, bound in Cont. from Geol. Dept, Columbia Unv. wps, vg, H. S. Williams copy, 25 pp., figs.
Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM023)
Grabau A. W. 1907 STUDIES OF GASTROPODA III. ON ORTHOGENETIC VARIATION IN GASTROPODA offprint from American Naturalist, front wrap with dept. stamp, rear wrap lacking else light+ wear, contents vg, 39 pp., 3 plates, 1 fig. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM169P)
Guppy and Dall 1896 DESCRIPTIONS OF TERTIARY FOSSILS FROM THE ANTILLEAN REGION USNM Proc. 19, pp. 309-331, 4 pls of fossils. 8vo, wraps stamped, some wear, Roy Moodie’s copy with signature on wrap. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM006)
Ladd H. S. 1966 CHITONS AND GASTROPODS (HALIOTIDAE THROUGH ADEORBIDAE) FROM THE WESTERN PACIFIC ISLANDS USGS Prof. Paper #531 wps with stamp else vg, 98 pp., 16 plts, 2 figs.
Price: $15.00 (stock#PP531)
MacClintock C. 1967 SHELL STRUCTURE OF PATELLOID AND BELLEROPHONTID GASTROPODS (MOLLUSCA) YPM Bull. #22 8vo, wraps, name across bottom of page fore edges (visible only when vol. is closed) else light wear, vg, 140 pp., 32 plates, 128 figs. One of the key references on gastropod shell microstructure. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM145)
Shuto T. and Ueda Y. 1963 NEW OLIGOCENE TURRIDS FROM NORTH KYUSHU in Japanese Jour. Geology and Geog. Vol. 34(1), complete issue, 17 pp., 1 plt in addition to other reports. Price: $10.00 (SEA27)
Sohl N. F. 1960 ARCHEOGASTROPODA, MESOGASTROPODA AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE RIPLEY OWL CREEK AND PRAIRIE BLUFF FORMATIONS U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper #331-A, 4to, in wraps, some wear, crease to wraps, contents with small nick to edge else good with 151 pp., 18 plates of fossils, 11 figures; and Sohl N. 1964 NEOGASTROPODA , OPISTHOBRANCHIA AND BASOMMATOPHORA FROM THE RIPLEY OWL CREEK AND PRIAIRIE BLUFF FORMATIONS U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper #331-B wraps with stamps, some wear, contents good with 191 pp., 34 plates of fossils, 7 figures. Price for set: $40.00 (stock#PP331A-B)
Sohl N. 1964 GASTROPODS FROM THE COFFEE SAND (UPPER CRETACEOUS) OF MISSISSIPPI USGS Prof. Paper #331-C in wraps, some external wear, contents good with 50 pp., 5 plates of fossils, 2 figures.
Price: $20.00 (stock#PP331C)
Thomas E. G. 1940 REVISION OF THE SCOTTISH CARBONIFEROUS PLEUROTOMARIIDAE offprint, Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 8vo, wps, four small perforations from binding else vg, 40 pp., 4 plts.
Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM106)
Weller J. M. 1929 THE GASTROPOD GENUS YVANIA: CONTRIBUTION TO THE PALEONTOLOGY OF ILLINOIS ILGS Rpt. Inv. #18 wps, light wear, ex-lib, 44 pp. + figs. Price: $8.00 (stock#ILRI18)
Woodring R. P. 1959 GEOLOGY AND PALENTOLOGY OF CANAL ZONE AND ADJOINING PARTS OF PANAMA DESCRIPTION OF TERTIARY MOLLUSKS (GASTROPODS) 4to, ex-lib, vg, 94 pp., 15 plts of fossils. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP306B)
Yen T.-C. 1948 ON SOME BATHONIAN MOLLUSCA FROM SKYE offprint Geol. Mag. 8vo, wps, 5 pp., 1 plt.
Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM044)
Yochelson E. L. 1962 EARLY ORDOVICIAN GASTROPODS FROM THE OSLO REGION NORWAY offprint Norsk Geol. Tid. 8vo, wps with stamp, ex-lib vg, 14 pp., figs. Price: $7.00 (stock#IPM121)
Yochelson E. L. 1963 GASTROPODS FROM THE OTTA CONGLOMERATE offprint Norsk Geol. Tid. 8vo, wps with stamp, ex-lib vg, 7 pp., figs. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM120)
Yochelson E. I. and Jones C. R. 1968 TEIICHISPIRA, A NEW EARLY ORDOVICIAN GASTROPOD GENUS USGS Prof. Paper #613-B 4to, wraps with Curt Teichert's library stamp (for whom the fossil described is named), light wear, vg, 15 pp., 2 plates. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP613B)
Bisat W. S. and Hudson R. G. S. 1943 THE LOWER RETICULOCERAS (R1) GONIATITE SUCCESSION IN THE NAMURIAN OF THE NORTH OF ENGLAND offprint Proc. Yorkshire lib with stamps crossed out, contents vg with 62 pp., plts, figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM118)
Bogvad R. and Rosenkrantz A. 1934 BEITRAGE ZUR KENNTNIS DER UNTEREN KREIDE OSTOGRONLANDS wps with presentation from author to Marshall Kay, light wear vg 26 pp., 5 plts of lower Cretaceous fossils including ammonites. Scarce. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM134)
Crickmay C. H. THE DISCOVERY OF THE PROSIPHON IN CRETACEOUS AMMONITES FROM CALIFORNIA WITH REMARKS UPON THE FUNCTION OF THE ORGAN offprint Amer. Jour. Sci. 8vo, no wps, short tear, light+ wear, 4 pp., 1 fig. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM119)
Crickmay C. H. 1933 SOME OF ALPHEUS HYATT ‘S UNFIGURED TYPES FROM THE JURASSIC OF CALIFORNIA USGS Prof. Paper #175-B no wps, light wear, vg, 14 pp., 5 figs. Scarce.
Price: $10.00 (stock#PP175B)
Donovan D. T. 1954 UPPER CRETACEOUS FOSSILS FROM TRAILL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OER, EAST GREENLAND Medd. Gronland 72(6) wps light wear, pages uncut, vg, 33 pp., 3 plts, figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM523)
Flower R. H. 1941 NOTES ON THE STRUCTURE AND PHYLOGENY OF EURYSIPHONATE CEPHALOPODS Palaeont. Amer. #3(13) royal 4to, wps with stamp and corner tear, contents vg, pages unopened, 56 pp., 3 plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM062)
Flower R. H. 1947 CAYUGOCERAS, AN UPPER SILURIAN CEPHALOPOD offprint, Amer. Midland Naturalist wraps light wear, vg, 6 pp., 1 plate, on a Silurian fossil from New York. Price: $6.00 (stock#IPM45)
Flower R. 1955 NEW CHAZYAN ORTHOCONES offprint from Jour. Paleont. 8vo, title wps, vg, 25 pp., 6 plts mostly on nautiloids from the Champlain Basin of New York and Vermont. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPM071)
Flower R. H. and Gordon M. Jr. 1959 MORE MISSISSIPPIAN BELEMNITES offprint Jour. Paleont. wraps light wear vg, 34 pp., 5 plates. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM154P)
Foerste A. F. 1928 AMERICAN ARCTIC AND RELATED CEPHALOPODS offprint Dennison Unv. Bulletin wps with signature, some wear, short tears, contents vg with 109 pp., 28 plates, mostly on Paleozoic ammonoids and nautiloids. Scarce. Price: $25.00 (stock#IPM109)
Foord A. H. and Crick G. C. 1894 ON THE IDENTITY OF ELLIPSOLITES COMPRESSUS, J. SOWERBY, WITH AMMONITES HENSLOW J. SOWERBY offprint Geological Mag. signed “compliments of the writers” wraps with stamps else vg, 7 pp., 1 plt. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPM123)
Frebold H. 1964 THE JURASSIC FAUNAS OF ARCTIC CANADA - CADOCERATINAE Geol. Surv. Canada Bull. #119 8vo, wps, ex-lib else vg, 27 pp., 20 plts of fossils, 1 fig. on Middle Jurassic ammonites.
Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM047)
Gregorie 1959 A STUDY OF THE REMAINS OF ORGANIC COMPONENTS IN FOSSIL MOTHER-OF-PEARL Bull. Instit. Royal Sciences Nat. Belgium 35(13) 14 pp., 8 pls, 8vo, stamps to wraps and wraps loose, internally fine, pages unopened. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPM009)
Price: $10.00 (stock#USGSPP613A)
Haas O. 1945 INTRASPECIFIC VARIATION IN, AND ONTOGENY OF PRIONOTROPIS WOOLLGARI AND PRIONOCYCLUS WYOMINGENSIS AMNH Bull. #86(4) royal 8vo, wps, ownership signature else light wear, contents vg, 80 pp., 14 plts, 108 figs. On Cretaceous ammonites. Price: $20.00 (stock#AMNH86-4)
Haas O. 1949 ACANTHOCERATID AMMONOIDEA FROM NEAR GREYBULL, WYOMING AMNH Bull. 93(1) wraps light wear, contents vg, 40 pp., 15 plates, 17 figs. Price; $25.00 (stock#AMNHB93-1)
Haas O. 1953 MESOZOIC INVERTEBRATE FAUNAS OF PERU PART I- GENERAL INTRODUCTION; PART 2- LATE TRIASSIC GASTROPODS FROM CENTRAL PERU AMNH Bull. 101 wraps light wear contents vg, 328 pp., 18 plates, map, chart. Price: $25.00 (stock#AMNHB101)
Haas O. 1958-1967 RECENT LITERATURE ON MESOZOIC AMMONITES PARTS 1-8, title wrap a bit soiled else contents clean and a very good set and seldom found with all parts together. Scarce.
Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM048)
Haas O. and Miller A. K. 1952 EOCENE NAUTILOIDS OF BRITISH SOMALILAND AMNH Bulletin 99(5) wraps with some external wear, contents vg, 41 pp., 12 plates, 9 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#AMNHB99-5)
Hirano H. et al. 1978 LOWER JURASSIC AMMONITES FROM THE HIGUCHI GROUP SOUTHWEST JAPAN Paleont. Soc. Japan, offprint, wps, vg, 7 pp., 1 plt. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM049)
Histon K. 1999 CEPHALOPODS- PRESENT AND PAST, CARNIC ALPS Excursion Guidebook 4to, cover soiled, bottom of pages rubbed, worn else good copy, 84 pp., 2 plts, 23 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM066)
Imlay R. W. 1970 SOME JURASSIC AMMONITES FROM SAUDI ARABIA USGS Prof. Paper #643-D light wear, vg, 17 pp., 4 plts, 3 figs. Price: $8.00 (stock#PP643D)
Imlay R. W. 1976 MIDDLE JURASSIC (BAJOCIAN AND BATHONIAN) AMMONITES FROM NORTHERN ALASKA USGS Prof. Paper #854 4to, wps, light wear ex-lib, vg, 22 pp., 3 plts, 5 figs.
Price: $10.00 (stock#PP854)
Kindle E.. M. and Miller A. K.1939 BIBLIOGRAPHIC INDEX OF NORTH AMERICAN DEVONIAN CEPHALO-PODA GSA Special Paper #23 front wp with spot and notation, rear wp with torn lower corner else light wear to contents, vg, 179 pp. Price: $20.00 (stock#GSASP23)
Kummel B. 1953 AMERICAN TRIASSIC COILED NAUTILOIDS USGS PP#250 4to, wps, fine copy, 104 pp., 19 plts, 21 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP250)
Meischer D. 1968 PERNICIOSE EPOKIE VON PLACUNOPSIS AUF CERATITES offprint from Lethaia wps, ex-lib, contents vg, 18 pp., 10 figs. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM046)
Miller A. K. et al. 1954 ORDOVOCIAN CEPHALOPODS FROM BAFFIN ISLAND GSA Memoir #62 8vo, gilt cloth, fine copy, 234 pp., 63 plts of fossils, 20 figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#GSA049)
Miller A. K. and Furnish W. M. 1940 PERMIAN AMMONOIDS OF THE GUADALUPE MOUNTAIN REGION AND ADJACENT AREAS GSA Special Paper #26 8vo, wraps with some signature and private ownership notations else light wear, contents vg with 242 pp., 44 plates Price: $35.00 (stock#GSASP26)
Miller and Garner 1955 LOWER MISSISSIPPIAN CEPHALOPODS OF MICHIGAN PART 3- AMMONOIDS AND SUMMARY Unv. Michigan, Cont. Paleontology 12(8) 8vo, wraps, little to no wear, 61 pp., 7 pls, 16 figs.
Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM002)
Macellari C. E. 1986 LATE CAMPANIAN-MAASTRICHTIAN AMMONITE FAUNA FROM SEYMOUR ISLAND (ANTARCTIC PENINSULA) Paleont. Soc. Memoir #18 8vo, wps, light wear, vg, 55 pp., 40 figs.
Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM077)
McCaleb J. A. 1968 LOWER PENNSYLVANIAN AMMONOIDS FROM THE BLOYD FORMATION OF ARKANSAS AND OKLAHOMA GSA Special Paper #96 wps, light wear, vg, 123 pp. 12 plts, 27 figs.
Price: $20.00 (stock#GSASP96)
MacKenzie G. Jr. 1986 LATE KINDERHOOKIAN (EARLY MISSISSIPPIAN) AMMONOIDS OF THE WESTERN UNITED STATES Paleont. Soc. Memoir #19 8vo, wps, light wear, vg, 36 pp., 12 figs.
Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM078)
Plummer F. B. et al. 1937 NOTES ON THE CORRELATION OF RUSSIAN AND MID-CONTINENT CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN AMMONITE ZONES AJS offprint, wps with signature, vg, 11 pp. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM069)
Reeside J. B. Jr. 1927 THE SCAPHITES AN UPPER CRETACEOUS AMMONITE GROUP USGS Prof. Paper #150-B no wps as issued, some wear contents vg, 10 pp., 3 plts of fossils. Price: $10.00 (stock#PP150B)
Reeside J. B. 1927 THE CEPHALOPODS OF THE EAGLE SANDSTONE AND RELATED FORMATIONS IN THE WESTERN INTERIOR OF THE UNITED STATES USGS Prof. Paper #151 4to wraps loose, contents vg, 87 pp., 45 fossil plts of ammonites, 1 fig. Price: $20.00 (stock#PP151)
Ruedemann R. 1903 PROFESSOR JAEKEL’S THESES ON THE MODE OF EXISTENCE OF ORTHOCERAS AND OTHER CEPHALOPODS offprint American Geologist, wraps with stamp, notation, presentation copy from author to Henri Ami, contents vg, 19 pp. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM151P)
Schenck H. G. 1931 CEPHALOPODS OF THE GENUS ATURIA FROM WESTERN NORTH AMERICA Unv. CA Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull. #19(19) wps with chipped margin else vg, 56 pp., 13 plts, 5 figs.
Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM570)
Spath L. F. 1956 THE LIASSIC AMMONITE FAUNAS OF THE STOWELL PARK BOREHOLE reprint from Bull. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, title wraps, light wear, vg, 15 pp., 2 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM181P)
Stanley G. D. and Teichert C. 1976 LAMELLORTHOCERATIDS (CEPHALOPODA, ORTHOCEROIDEA) FROM THE LOWER DEVONIAN OF NEW YORK Unv. Kansas Cont. Paleont. Paper 86 wps light wear vg 14 pp., 2 plts, 2 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM86)
Sweet W. C. and Miller A. K. 1957 ORDOVICIAN CEPHALOPODS FROM CORNWALLIS AND LITTLE CORNWALLIS ISLANDS, DISTRICT OF FRANKLIN, NORTHWEST TERRITORIES Geol. Surv. Canada Bulletin #38 wraps light wear, vg, 86 pp., 8 plts, 12 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#GSCB38)
Tiechert C. 1940 CEPHALOPODS FROM THE DRUMMOCK GROUP OF THE GIRVAN DISTRICT offprint Geol. Soc. Glasgow, wraps with notation else light wear, vg 13 pp., 2 plates. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM152P)
Tozer E. T. 1962 ILLUSTRATIONS OF CANADIAN FOSSILS TRIASSIC OF WESTERN AND ARCTIC CANADA GSC Paper 62-19 8vo, wps, vg, 26 pp., 12 plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPM050)
Tozer E. T. 1965 LOWER TRIASSIC STAGES AND AMMONOID ZONES OF ARCTIC CANADA wps, light wear, vg, 14 pp., 3 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM051)
Troedsson G. T. 1931 STUDIES ON BALTIC CEPHALOPODS 1. ON THE NAUTILOID GENUS ORTHOCERAS Lund Unv. 8vo, wps, some external wear, signed by author, pp. unopened/untrimmed, 36 pp., 4 plts.
Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM100)
Trueman A. R. 1941 THE AMMONITE BODY CHAMBER WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE BUOYANCY AND MODE OF LIFE OF THE LIVING AMMONITE offprint Quat. Jour. Geol. Soc. London 8vo, title wps, spine perforated, ex-lib, contents vg, 45 pp., 17 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM108)
Trumpy, R. 1969 LOWER TRIASSIC AMMONITES FROM JAMESON LAND (EAST GREENLAND) Medd. Gronland 168(2) wps, pages unopened, fine copy, also bound with LES CONCHOSTRACES TRIASSIQUES DU GROENLAND ORIENTAL By Defretin-Lefranc, S. and more. With 125 pp., 6 plts of fossils, folding map and chart. Scarce. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM036)
Twenhofel W. H. 1938 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE MINGAN ISLANDS QUEBEC GSA Spec. Paper #11 wps, light wear, vg, 132 pp., 24 plts. Price: $25.00 (stock#GSASP11)
Unklesbay A. G. 1954 DISTRIBUTION OF AMERICAN PENNSYLVANIAN CEPHALOPODS offprint, Journal of Paleontology, wraps with name stamp else light wear, vg, 12 pp., 1 fig. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPM137P)
Waage K. M. 1965 THE LATE CRETACEOUS COLEOID CEPHALOPOD ACTINOSEPIA CANADENSIS WHITEAVES YPM Postilla #94 title wps vg, 32 pp., 4 plts, 4 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM153)
Whitfield R. P. 1901 NOTE ON A VERY FINE EXAMPLE OF HELICOCERAS STEVENSONI PRESERVING THE OUTER CHAMBER AMNH Bulletin 14(16), 1 pp., 2 plts of a remarkable semi-coiled ammonite from the Pierre Shale at Chadron, NE. Spine bound with acid-free archival cloth tape, signed “from the author” and from the library of H. S. Williams. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM030)
Whitfield R. P. 1902 OBSERVATIONS AND EMENDED DESCRIPTION OF HETEROCERAS SIMPLICOSTATUM WHITFIELD AMNH Bulletin 16(5) in wps signed “From the Author” and from the library of Henry Shaler Williams, spine rebound with acid-free archival cloth tape, vg copy, 6 pp., 5 plts.
Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM029)