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Buckley E. R. and Buehler H. A. 1905 GEOLOGY OF THE GRANBY AREA Missouri Geological Survey 2nd Series Bulletin #4 original cloth, gilt spine title faded, corner bump to cloth but does not affect text block or contents, blank book plate inside front board and a notation else very good clean copy with 120 pp., 42 plates., 3 figures and much on the Lead and Zinc Mining region and ores. Scarce.                               Price: $30.00                          (stock#MO2ndB4)


Buehler H. A. 1907 THE LIME AND CEMENT RESOURCES OF MISSOURI MO Geol. Surv. Bull. 6, 2nd Series, 8vo, cloth with some scuffing, chips to spine ends, some exterior wear and soiling, contents vg aside from occasional marginal notations,  255 pp., 34 plts.                                                                            Price: $30.00                        (stock#MO2ndB6)


Buehler H. A. 1929 BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE STATE GEOLOGIST 1929 MO Geol. Surv. 8vo, wps with signature, light wear, last few pages with soiling else vg, 112 pp.                           Price: $20.00                          (stock#MOGSBiR1929)


Cullison J. S. 1944 THE STRATIGRAPHY OF SOME LOWER ORDOVICIAN FORMATIONS OF THE OZARK UPLIFT Unv. Missouri School of Mines Bull. 15(2) wraps with small notation short tears to paper spine cover, contents vg, 112 pp., 35 plates, chart in rear pocket.                                                 Price: $25.00                                (stock#MO106P)


Dake C. L. 1921 PROBLEM OF THE ST. PETER SANDSTONE Unv. MO Bull. 6(1) wps with tear and wear, signed by author, spine chipped, tear, corner bumps, ex-lib., contents good with 229 pp., 30 plts. Rather scarce, and one of the more important works on the St. Peter Sandstone, a very clean quartz sandstone of Cambrian-Ordovician age that extends from Minnesota to Illinois to Oklahoma.                       Price: $25.00                 (stock#MO21)


Gentile R. J. 1968 INFLUENCE OF STRUCTURAL MOVEMENT ON SEDIMENTATION DURING THE PENNSYLVANIAN PERIOD IN WESTERN  MISSOURI cloth, in original publishers shrink wrap, vg to fine clean copy, 84 pp., 8 plts, figs.

                                                                                                             Price: $20.00                               (stock#MO105)


Krey F. 1924 STRUCTURAL RECONNAISSANCE OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY AREA FROM OLD MONROE MISSOURI TO NAUVOO ILLINOIS MO Geol. Surv. Bull. #18 8vo cloth, light wear, vg, 86 pp., 18 pls.                                                                                                                     Price:  $20.00                             (stock#MOGSB18)


Keyes C. R. 1898 MISSOURI GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, VOLUME 12 AREAL GEOLOGY 8vo, original cloth as issued with gilt design on cover and spine title, front hinge cracked, ex-lib. from the Franklin Institute with presentation indicated from the Missouri Survey, contents overall are very good with 409 pp., 13 plates, 37 figures and 6 maps.    

                                                                                                                                          Price: $60.00                    (MOv12)


McCauley J. R. et al. 1998 BEDROCK GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE JOPLIN 1° X 2° DEGREE QUADRANGLE KANSAS AND MISSOURI USGS Map I-2426-B large folding map in printed sleeve.             Price: $10.00            (stock#MapI2426B)


Pumpelly R. 1873 ATLAS ACCOMPANYING THE REPORT ON IRON ORES AND COAL FIELDS Missouri Geological Survey, engraved by Julius Bien, NY. Folio, not bound as issued, original wraps, though some wear, tears to front wrap, more so to rear wrap. All 14 plates present, plate 1 has marginal tears and creases, the rest have a few mm area of rough margins along some map sheet edges but overall are very good. Note the plates are numbered 1-9, with several sheets numbered for example, like Plate 7, Plate 7A, Plate 7B, for a total of 14 sheets. Extremely rare, infact this is the only copy I've seen in 20+ years, and could not find any copies either for sale, or scanned for reference, online.                                                                                                       Price: $450.00                       (stock#PumpATL)


USGS ca. 1950 GEOLOGIC MAP OF MISSOURI large folding colored map measuring approx. 48 x 60 inches, no date but constrained by inclusion of then Gov. Forrest Smith's name as presiding, light wear, vg.
                                                                                                            Price: $25.00                     (stock#MO1950map)


Williams J. S. 1943 STRATIGRAPHY AND FAUNA OF THE LOUISIANA LIMESTONE OF MISSOURI USGS Prof. Paper #203 wraps with stamp, light wear, contents vg, 133 pp. 9 plts, 9 figs. on the Devonian-Mississippian age fossils of this unit.                                      Price: $20.00                                   (stock#PP203)


White D. 1893 FLORA OF THE OUTLYING CARBONIFEROUS BASINS OF SOUTHWESTERN MISSOURI USGS Bull. #98 wps with some wear, gentle corner bump, pages unopened, untrimmed, plates with tears/loss to outer page margins but not affecting the fossil plant engravings. With 139 pp., 5 plts, figs.    Price: $20.00                  (stock#USGSB98)


Wilson M. E. 1922 THE OCCURRENCE OF OIL AND GAS IN MISSOURI MO Geol. Surv. Bull. #16 8vo, cloth, light wear, very good with 284 pp., 11 pls (mostly maps in rear pocket). Covers origin, accumulation, exploration, and production of oil and gas in Missouri. The report also describes geology of oil and gas in different rock formations and asphaltic sandstone, and limestone.                          Price: $35.00                                 (stock#MOGSB16)

                                          BIENNIAL REPORTS

FIRST BIENNIAL REPORT 1891 8vo, wps, light wear, small stain to pp. corners else vg, 53 pp., 2 plts.
                                                                                                              Price: $25.00                   (stock#MO1stBirpt)

SECOND BIENNIAL REPORT 1891 8vo, wps, light wear, small stain to pp. corners else vg, 37 pp., 3 plts. Scarce.                                                                                                  Price: $25.00                (stock#MO2ndBirpt)

THIRD BIENNIAL REPORT 1891 8vo, wps, light wear, small stain to pp. corners else vg, 60 pp. Scarce.  
                                                                                                              Price: $25.00                 (stock#MO3rdBirpt)

FOURTH BIENNIAL REPORT 1897 By Keyes, 8vo, text block loose from binding else light wear, very good, clean and still in original wraps. With 63 pp., 1 pl.                           Price:  $25.00                (stock#MO4thBirpt)
FIFITH BIENNIAL REPORT 1898 8vo, blue gilt cloth, light rubbing to extremities else fine copy with 67 pp. Scarce.                                                                                                   Price:  $25.00               (stock#MO5thBirpt)
BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE STATE GEOLOGIST 1933 8vo, wps, light wear, approx. 200 pp. paginated into separate chapters on diverse topics including GEOLOGY OF THE SILVER MINE AREA MADISON COUNTY; OIL AND GAS POOLS OF WESTERN MISSOURI.                            Price: $35.00               (stock#MO1933Birpt)

62nd BIENNIAL REPORT, APPENDIX 6- MANGANESE DEPOSITS OF MISSOURI By Grawe 1943 8vo, wraps, light wear, very good with 77 pp., 1 pl., 33 figs. Scarce.                 Price:  $20.00              (stock#MO62ndbirpt)

                                               ANNUAL REPORT SERIES

VOLUME 1  Winslow A. 1891 SPECIAL REPORT ON COAL 8vo, gilt cloth, fine copy with private label on pastedown. With 227 pp., map, figs. Scarce.                                   Price: $45.00                            (stock#MOv1)
VOLUME 2  Nason 1892 IRON ORES 8vo, gilt cloth, fine copy with 366 pp., 8 pls, 62 figs.  

                                                                                                                Price: $40.00                          (stock#MOv2)
VOLUME 3  Schweitzer and Woodward 1892 REPORT ON THE MINERAL WATERS OF MISSOURI 8vo, gilt cloth, light wear, vg, with 256 pp., figures. Scarce.                         Price: $30.00                          (stock#MOv3)
VOLUME 8  ANNUAL REPORT 1894 8vo, gilt cloth, rubbing/fraying to extremities, ex-library else very good, contents clean with 405 pp., plates and maps.                     Price:  $60.00                         (stock#MOv8)
VOLUME 9 AREAL GEOLOGY SHEETS 1-4 1896 8vo, gilt cloth, some wear to extremities, ex-library else very good, clean with geological surveys of Higginsville Sheet in Lafayette County, Bevier Sheet in Macon, Randolph and Chariton Counties, Iron Mountain Sheet in Francois and Madison Counties, and Mine La Motte Sheet in portions of Madison, St. Francois and Ste. Genevieve Counties. Each survey is complete with maps/charts/folio plates geological sections. Each survey is page numbered separately and is indexed.                                                                                                   Price:  $60.00                       (stock#MOv9)
VOLUME 10  SURFACE FEATURES 8vo, gilt cloth, light wear very good copy with 533 pp., 22 pls, 24 figs., nice maps.                                                                                                Price: $60.00                      (stock#MOv10)

VOLUME 11  CLAY DEPOSITS cloth with wear, frayed spine ends, hinges cracked with boards coming loose, one page loose but present, contents clean, overall good. With 633 pp., 34 plts, 15 figs. Scarce.   

                                                                                                                  Price: $40.00                      (stock#MOv11)
VOLUME 12 AREAL GEOLOGY 1898 8vo, gilt cloth, rear hinge with some separation but boards firm, fraying to spine else vg, contents clean, 409 pp., 13 plts, 37 figs, 6 maps.        Price: $60.00              (MOv12)


BULLETIN #1  PRELIMINARY CATALOG OF FOSSILS OCCURRING IN MISSOURI (and other papers) 1890 8vo, wraps loose, chipped, contents very good aside from small corner stain. With 85 pp. Very scarce.   

                                                                                                                    Price: $30.00             (stock#MOGS1stB1)
#5  Haworth 1891 THE AGE AND ORIGIN OF THE CRYSTALLINE ROCKS OF MISSOURI 8vo, wps loose, chipped, else vg with 85 pp., several pls and figs.                             Price:  $25.00            (stock#MOGS1stB5)


#3  Van Horn F. B. 1905 THE GEOLOGY OF MONITEAU COUNTY 8vo, cloth, light rubbing to extremities else fine. With 104 p., 13 pls., 25 figs. Covers the stratigraphy structure & minerals of Moniteau County.

                                                                                                                   Price: $35.00                (stock#MO2ndB3)
#4  Buckley E. R. and Buehler H. A. 1905 GEOLOGY OF THE GRANBY AREA 8vo, cloth, rubbing to extremities, contents fine, 120 pp., 42 pls., 3 figs.                              Price: $30.00                (stock#MO2ndB4)
#5  Buckley E. R. 1907 PUBLIC ROADS, THEIR IMPROVEMENT AND MAINTAINENCE 8vo, cloth light wear, very good with 124 pp., 30 pls. Includes a lengthy discussion of materials used in highway construction and methods of constructing different kinds of pavement. Also contains a classification of highways and appraises the condition of existing rural highways and city streets in Missouri at the time of publication.                                                                                               Price:  $20.00              (stock#MO2ndB5)

#6  Buehler H. A. 1907 THE LIME AND CEMENT RESOURCES OF MISSOURI 8vo, cloth with some scuffing, stamp on FEP and title page else contents vg, 255 pp., 34 plts.      Price: $30.00               (stock#MO2ndB6)

#9 Buckley E. R. 1908 GEOLOGY OF THE DISSEMINATED LEAD DEPOSITS OF ST. FRANCOIS AND WASHINGTON COUNTIES 8vo, cloth as issued, some external wear, contents very good with with 121 pp., 82 pts, 3 figs (Note this is volume 2 only).                                            Price: $60.00                     (stock#MO2ndB9v2)

#12  Lee W. 1913 GEOLOGY OF THE ROLLA QUADRANGLE MISSOURI 8vo, cloth with some wear, rubbing to spine, ex-lib else vg, 111 pp., 10 plts incl.  map, 17 figs.                   Price: $35.00              (stock#MO2ndB12)
#13  Hinds H. and Greene F. C. 1915 THE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE PENNSYLVANIAN SERIES IN MISSOURI 8vo, cloth, a few spots on cloth, front hinge partly separated but boards holding firm, contents very good, clean with 407 pp., 33 pls., 5 figs. Nice fossil plates.                          Price:  $35.00            (stock#MO2ndB13)
#14  McCourt F. 1917 GEOLOGY OF JACKSON COUNTY 8vo, cloth, light wear, vg and clean copy with 157 pp., 19 pls.                                                                                                  Price: $30.00             (stock#MO2ndB14)
#16  Wilson M. E. 1922 THE OCCURRENCE OF OIL AND GAS IN MISSOURI 8vo, cloth, light wear, very good with 284 pp., 11 pls (mostly maps in rear pocket). Covers origin, accumulation, exploration, and production of oil and gas in Missouri. The report also describes geology of oil and gas in different rock formations and asphaltic sandstone, and limestone.                          Price: $35.00               (stock# MO2nd16)
#18  Krey F. 1924 STRUCTURAL RECONNAISSANCE OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY AREA FROM OLD MONROE MISSOURI TO NAUVOO ILLINOIS 8vo, cloth, some external wear, contents vg, ex-lib., w/ 86 pp., 18 pls.                                                                                                          Price: $20.00             (stock#MO2ndB18)

#20  Beckman H. C. 1927 WATER RESOURCES OF MISSOURI 1857-1926 cloth, ex-lib else light wear, vg, 424 pp., 12 plts.                                                                                         Price: $35.00           (stock# MO2ndB20)
#23  Dake Cl. L. 1930 THE GEOLOGY OF THE POTOSI AND EDGEHILL QUADRANGLES 8vo, cloth, light wear, fine copy with 233 pp., 26 pls. including geologic and tophgraphic maps of the Potosi and Edgehill Quadrangles. Also includes discussion of mineral resources of the area (barite, lead, and zinc).                                                                                                            Price: $30.00           (stock# MO2ndB23)

#24  Bridge J. 1930 GEOLOGY OF THE EMINENCE AND CARDAREVA QUADRANGLES cloth with light wear, ex-priv. library copy with stamp else contents vg, 228 pp., 22 plts, many of fossils, 10 figs. Scarce.                                                                                                        Price: $30.00            (stock#MO2ndB24)
#25 McQueen H. S. and Greene F. C. 1938 THE GEOLOGY OF NORTHWEST MISSOURI 8vo, wraps light wear, vg, with 217 pp., 7 pls, 10 figs. Scarce.                                         Price: $25.00            (stock#MO2ndB25)

#28  McQueen H. S. and Herold P. L. 1943 GEOLOGY OF THE FIRE CLAY DISTRICTS OF EAST CENTRAL MISSOURI cloth mottled at epine and edges, ex-lib with stamps else contents vg, 250 pp., 34 plts,
6 figs.                                                                                                           Price: $25.00          (stock# MO2ndB28)

#30  Grawe O. 1945 PYRITES DEPOSITS OF MISSOURI 8vo, cloth light wear, vg, 181 pp., 17 pls., 18 figs. With detailed mine, quarry and prospect information, a great resource for the mineral collector and  mineralogist.                                                                                               Price: $30.00          (stock# MO2ndB30)
#31 Greger D. K. 1945 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY OF MISSOURI 8vo, cloth, vg copy, 294 pp.

                                                                                                                     Price: $20.00            (stock#MO2ndB31)

#32  Beveridge T. R. 1951 THE GEOLOGY OF THE WEAUBLEAU CREEK AREA MISSOURI 8vo, cloth, light wear, fine copy with 111 pp., 12 pls, 5 figs with nice maps.                  Price: $25.00          (stock#MGS2ndB32)
#33   Unklesbay A. G. 1952  THE GEOLOGY OF BOONE COUNTY 8vo, cloth, light wear, fine copy with 159 pp., 13 pls, 1 fig. A scarce volume sought after by spelunkers with good coverage of the area’s geology.      

                                                                                                                     Price: $40.00       (stock#MOGS2ndB33)
#35  Heller R. L. 1954 STRATIGRAPHY AND PALEONTOLOGY OF THE ROUBIDOUX FORMATION MISSOURI 8vo, cloth, light wear, vg with 118 pp., 19 plates including many of fossils. Scarce.                  

                                                                                                                     Price: $25.00      (stock#MOGS2ndB35)
#36  Hendriks H. E. 1954 GEOLOGY OF THE STEELVILLE QUADRANGLE MISSOURI 8vo, cloth, light wear, very good, with 88 pp., 9 pls., 1 fig.                                                         Price: $25.00      (stock#MOGS2ndB36)
#37  Grohskopf J. G. 1955 SUBSURFACE GEOLOGY OF THE MISSISSIPPI EMBAYMENT OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI  8vo cloth light wear, vg with 133 pp., 9 pls., 3 figs.          Price: $20.00       (stock#MOGS2ndB37)

#40  Howe W. B. and Koenig J. W. 1961 THE STRATIGRAPHIC SUCCESSION IN MISSOURI 8vo, cloth, light wear, fine copy with 185 pp., 1 pl., 27 figs. A must have for anyone interested in Missouri geology.        

                                                                                                                     Price:  $25.00     (stock#MOGS2ndB40)

                                         REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS

#2  Mather W. B. THE MINERAL DEPOSITS OF MORGAN COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo, cloth, vg, 206 pp., 6 plts, 2 figs.                                                                                                   Price: $30.00                   (stock#MORI2)

#16  Searight T. K. et al. 1954 THE STRUCTURE AND MAGNETIC SURVEYS OF THE SULLIVAN-BOURBON AREA MISSOURI 8vo, wps with stamp else vg, 14 pp., 4 plts.              Price: $10.00                  (stock#MORI16)

#20  Searight W. V. 1955 GUIDE BOOK FIELD TRIP SECOND ANNUAL MEETING ASSOCIATION OF MISSOURI GEOLOGISTS 4to, wps with corner tear, contents vg, 41 pp., 21 figs. On Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) strata.                                                                               Price: $15.00                 (stock#MORI20)

#25  Searight W. V. 1958 PENNSYLVANIAN (DESMOINESIAN) OF MISSOURI 4to, some external wear, contents vg, 46 pp., 2 plts, 30 figs.                                                          Price: $20.00                (stock#MORI25)

#31  Parizek E. J. and Gentile R. J. 1965 THE GEOLOGY OF THE KANSAS CITY GROUP AT KANSAS CITY 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 62 pp. + figs.                                                     Price: $15.00                   (stock#MORI31)

#34  Martin J. A. and Wells J. S. 1966 MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN STRATA ST. LOUIS AND CHARLES COUNTIES MISSOURI 4to, light wear, vg, 48 pp. + figs.                                           Price: $20.00                 (stock#MORI34)

#43  LAPILLI TUFFS AND ASSOCIATED PYRO-CLASTIC SEDIMENTS IN UPPER CAMBRIAN STRATA ALONG DENT BRANCH, WASHINGTON COUNTY MISSOURI wps light wear, vg, 86 pp., 2 plts, 27 figs.                                                                                                              Price: $15.00                  (stock#MORI43)

#54  Robertson C. E. MINEABLE COAL RESERVES OF MISSOURI wps with stamp else light wear, vg, 71 pp., 20 figs.                                                                                                         Price: $10.00                 (stock#MORI54)

#59  Gentile R. J. GEOLOGY OF BATES COUNTY MISSOURI stamp on wp else vg, 94 pp., 1 plt, 19 figs. + large geologic map.                                                                                   Price: $20.00                (stock#MORI59)

#68  Work D. M. et al. 1982  GEOLOGY OF POTENTIAL COAL STRIPPING AREAS: PRAIRIE HILL AREA MISSOURI MO Geol. Surv. Rpt Invest. #68 wps light wear, vg, 57 pp., 3 plts.   

                                                                                                                      Price: $10.00            (stock#MOGSRI68)

#70  Thompson T. L. 1986 PALEOZOIC SUCCESSION IN MISSOURI PART 4 MISSISSIPPIAN SYSTEM 4to, wps, light wear, presentation by author on title page, 182 pp., 110 figs.    Price: $20.00         (stock#MORI70)

              USDA MISSOURI COUNTY SOIL SURVEYS 1901 - 1921

                              (Alphabetical by County & Region)
Mann C. J. and Krusekopf H. H. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF ATCHISON COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine, 41 pp., large folding map.        Price: $35.00           (stock#MO87)

Sweet A. T. et al. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF BARRY COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 40 pp., 2 plts, large folding map.                      Price: $35.00          (stock#MO86)

Krusekopf H. H. and Bucher F. S. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF BARTON COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 23 pp., folding map.         Price: $35.00         (stock#MO85)

Mann C. J. et al. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF BATES COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 41 pp., large folding map.                                   Price: $35.00          (stock#MO84)

Tilman B. W. et al. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF BUCHANAN COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored Soils map fine. With 41 pp., large folding map.                            Price: $35.00         (stock#MO83)

DeYoung W. and Jordan H. V. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF CALDWELL COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 25 pp., 2 plts, large map.   Price: $35.00       (stock#MO82)

Krusekopf H. H. et al. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF CALLAWAY COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 34 pp. and large folding map.              Price: $35.00         (stock#MO81)

Krusekopf H. H. and Lewis H. G. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF CAPE GIRARDEAU COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 44 pp., large map.     Price: $60.00        (stock#MO80)

Vanatta E. S. and Davis L. V. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF CARROLL COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 30 pp. and large folding map.    Price: $35.00         (stock#MO79)
Krusekopf H. H. and Bucher F. S. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF CASS COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 23 pp. and large folding map.   Price: $35.00          (stock#MO78)

Watson E. S. and Williams H. F. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF CEDAR COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 30 pp. and large folding map.   Price: $35.00          (stock#MO77)

Watkins W. I. et al. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF CHARITON COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 29 pp. and large folding map.                     Price: $35.00         (stock#MO76)

Sweet A. T. and Wildermuth R. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF COLE COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 30 pp. and large folding map    Price: $35.00          (stock#MO75)

Sweet A. T. et al. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF COOPER  COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 33 pp. and large folding map.                     Price: $35.00          (stock#MO74)

Hearn W. E. and Mann C. J.1905 SOIL SURVEY OF CRAWFORD COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 14 pp. and large folding map.    Price: $35.00         (stock#MO66)

Krusekopf H. H. et al. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF DEKALB COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 19 pp. and large folding map.                     Price: $35.00          (stock#MO67)

Sweet A. T. et al. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF DUNKLIN COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 41 pp., 3 plts and large folding map.                Price: $35.00          (stock#MO68)

Vanatta E. S. and Lewis H. G. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF FRANKLIN COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 30 pp. and large folding map. 
Price: $35.00          (stock#MO69)

Krusekopf H. H. and Hutton F. Z. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF GREENE COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 34 pp.,  large folding map. 
  Price: $35.00     (stock#MO70)

Sweet A. T. and Watkins W. I. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF GRUNDY COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 30 pp., 1 plt and large folding map.

                                                                                                                                 Price: $35.00          (stock#MO71)

Vanatta E. S. and Knobel E. W. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF HARRISON COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 31 pp. and large folding map.   

                                                                                                                                 Price: $35.00         (stock#MO72)

Sweet A. T. et al. 1905 SOIL SURVEY OF JACKSON COUNTY MISSOURI disbound, light wear, large fold out colored soils map fine. With 32 pp. and large folding map. Scarce.       Price: $35.00         (stock#MO73)

DeYoung W. and Jordan H. V. 1920 SOIL SURVEY OF LAFAYETTE COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, some wear to text else good, 24 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition. Scarce.

                                                                                                                                 Price: $35.00         (stock#MO40)
Long D. D. et al. 1911 SOIL SURVEY OF LACLEDE COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 41 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                                                    Price: $35.00          (stock#MO41)

Sweet T. A. et al. 1917 SOIL SURVEY OF LINCOLN C OUNTY MISSOURI 8vo, text disbound, no map, text only. With 40 pp.                                                                                                   Price: $10.00         (stock#MO100)
Krusekopf H. H. and Bucher F. S. 1911 SOIL SURVEY OF MACON COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 24 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                        Price: $35.00         (stock#MO42)
Britton J. C. and Vanatta E. S. 1910 SOIL SURVEY OF MARION COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 22 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                           Price: $35.00         (stock#MO43)
Tillman B. W. and Deardorff C. E. 1914 SOIL SURVEY OF JOHNSON COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, some wear to text, 28 pp. + fine large fold out colored soils map.               Price: $35.00          (stock#MO44)
Lewis H. G. and Emerson F. V. 1912 SOIL SURVEY OF MILLER COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 24 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                          Price: $35.00        (stock#MO45)
DeYoung W. and Wildermuth R. 1921 SOIL SURVEY OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 31 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                 Price: $35.00       (stock#MO46)
Sweet A. T. et al. 1915 SOIL SURVEY OF NEWTON COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 37 pp., wear/chips to margin of 1st page else good, vg large fold out colored soils map.         Price: $25.00          (stock#MO47)
Vanatta E. S. et al. 1913 SOIL SURVEY OF NODAWAY COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 27 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                                    Price: $35.00          (stock#MO48)
Fippin E. O. and Drake J. A. 1901  SOIL SURVEY OF O’FALLON COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 29 pp., some pages creased, overall text good +, fold out colored soils map.
       Price: $35.00          (stock#MO49)
Marbut C. F. SOIL RECONNAISSANCE OF THE OZARK REGION OF MISSOURI AND ARKANSAS 8vo, disbound else vg copy of a Marbut classic with 146 pp., 1 figure.                 Price: $20.00          (stock#MO50)
Sweet A. T. et al. 1910 SOIL SURVEY OF PEMISCOT COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 28 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                                            Price: $35.00           (stock#MO51)
Tillman B. W. and Deardorff C. E. 1913 SOIL SURVEY OF PERRY COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 30 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                       Price: $35.00          (stock#MO52)
Krusekopf H. H. and Rogers R. F. 1914 SOIL SURVEY OF PETTIS COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 36 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                       Price: $35.00          (stock#MO66)
Sweet A. T. and Hall E. C. 1912 SOIL SURVEY OF PIKE COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 39 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                                    Price: $35.00          (stock#MO53)
Sweet A. T. et al. 1911 SOIL SURVEY OF PLATTE COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, light wear, vg, 25 pp. + large fold out colored soils map.                                                                       Price: $35.00           (stock#MO54)
Mann C. J. and Tharp W. E. 1906 SOIL SURVEY OF PUTNAM COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 18 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                         Price: $35.00           (stock#MO55)
Sweet A. T. and Watkins W. I. 1913 SOIL SURVEY OF RALLS COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 36 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                         Price: $35.00           (stock#MO56)
Krusekopf H. H. et al. 1918 SOIL SURVEY OF REYNOLDS COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 36 pp., 1 plate + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                     Price: $35.00             (stock#MO57)
Hutton F. Z. et al. 1915 SOIL SURVEY OF RIPLEY COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 32 pp. + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                                                                 Price: $35.00            (stock#MO58)
Krusekopf H. H. et al. 1918 SOIL SURVEY OF ST. FRANCOIS COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, 27 pp., 1 plate + large fold out colored soils map in fine condition.                            Price: $35.00           (stock#MO59)
Krusekopf H. H. and Pratapas D. H. 1919  SOIL SURVEY OF ST. LOUIS COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound 45 pp., 2 plates + large fold out colored soils map fine                                Price: $75.00            (stock#MO60)
Carr M. E. and Belden H. L. 1904  SOIL SURVEY OF SALINE COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound, soiling to 1st page margin, 25 pp. + fine lg. f/o colored soils   map.                             Price: $35.00            (stock#MO61)
Hearn W. E. and Mann C. J. 1914 SOIL SURVEY OF SCOTLAND COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo, disbound, wear, 14 pp. + lg.  map.                                                                                                 Price: $35.00            (stock#MO62)
Avon T. A. and Ruhlen L. M. 1903 SOIL SURVEY OF SHELBY COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo, disbound else vg, 14 pp. + lg. fold out soils map.                                                                               Price: $35.00            (stock#MO63)
Sweet A. T. et al. 1902  SOIL SURVEY OF STODDARD COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo disbound else vg, 34 pp. + lg fold out colored soils map.                                                                           Price: $35.00            (stock#MO64)
Drake J. A. and Strahorn A. T. 1904 SOIL SURVEY OF WEBSTER COUNTY MISSOURI 8vo, disbound, some wear to text, 14 pp. + huge fold out colored soils map.                                Price: $35.00            (stock#MO65)

                      U. S. BUREAU OF MINES PUBLICATIONS

                                   INFORMATION CIRCULARS

#6658  Coghill W. H. and O’Meara R. G. 1932 MILLING METHODS AND COSTS AT A FLAT RIVER (MISSOURI) MILL light wear, vg, 36 pp., 27 figs.                 Price: $20.00                          (stock#USBMIC6658)


                                                                                                  Price: $15.00                             (stock#USBMC7807)

                                   REPORTS OF INVESTIGATIONS

#4313  Ballinger H. J. 4313  CHURN DRILLING AT MARY ARNOLD ZINC-LEAD MINES CHRISTIAN COUNTY MISSOURI USBM Rpt. Invest. #4313 4to, title wps, light wear, vg, 8 pp., 3 plts.  

                                                                                                   Price: $15.00                            (stock#USBMRI4313)

#4314  Ballinger H. J. and Pesonen P. 1948 INVESTIGATION OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI SECONDARY LIMONITE DEPOSITS WAYNE, BUTLER AND RIPLEYCOUNTIES MISSOURI USBM Rpt. Invest. #4314 4to, title wps, ex-lib, vg, 46 pp., 15 plts.                                        Price: $20.00                          (stock#USBMRI4307)

#4318  Brichta L. C. and Needham A. B. 1948 CHURN DRILLING AT THE CAPITAL AND GREENLAND ZINC MINES LAWRENCE COUNTY MISSOURI USBM Rpt. Invest. #4318 4to, title wps, ex-lib else vg, 24 pp., 4 plts.                                                                                            Price: $20.00                          (stock#USBMRI4318)

#4325  Ballinger H. J. 1948  INVESTIGATION OF REX ZINC MINE HOWELL COUNTY MISSOURI USBM Rpt. Invest. #4325 4to, title wps, ex-lib else vg, 11 pp., 1 plt.      Price: $15.00                          (stock#USBMRI4325)

#4332  McMillan W. D. et al. 1948 INVESTIGATION OF THE DEMPSEY ZINC-LEAD MINE WASHINGTON COUNTY MISSOURI USBM Rpt. Invest. #4332 4to, title wps with some soiling, contents clean and vg, 16 pp., 5 plts.                                                                                  Price: $15.00                          (stock#USBMRI4307)

                                       U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PUBLICATIONS

                                                                            ATLAS FOLIOS

#206  LEAVENWORTH-SMITHVILLE FOLIO MISSOURI -KANSAS 1917 wps with light soiling, light marginal stain to contents, ex-lib, good+ copy, 13 pp. text, double page Topographic Maps, double page Areal (bedrock) Geology Maps, folio page of outcrop photos.          Price: $35.00                    (stock#USGSAF206)


#49  Woodward R. S. 1888 LATITUDES AND LONGITUDES OF CERTAIN POINTS IN  MISSOURI KANSAS AND NEW MEXICO orig. wps, untrimmed, small label on wp else vg copy with light wear, 133 pp.

                                                                                                          Price: $15.00                          (stock#USGSB49)

#98  White D. 1893 FLORA OF THE OUTLYING CARBONIFEROUS BASINS OF SOUTHWESTERN MISSOURI archival wps, light wear, vg, 138 pp., 5 plts.            Price: $25.00                         (stock#USGSB98)

#267  Bain and Ulrich 1905 THE COPPER DEPOSITS OF MISSOURI archival wps, ex-lib, contents vg, 52 pp., 1 plt, 2 figs. With much on the Ste. Genevieve and Shannon County mines including Mine La Motte & Sullivan Mines.                                                                                Price: $25.00                      (Stock#USGSB267)

#438  Fenneman N. M. 1911 GEOLOGY & MINERAL RESOURCES OF THE ST. LOUIS QUADRANGLE MISSOURI ILLINOIS archival wps else vg copy, 73 pp., 6 plts, 1 fig. incl. large fold out pocket map.

                                                                                                           Price: $30.00                      (stock#USGSB438)

#459  Marshall R. B. 1911 RESULTS OF SPIRIT LEVELING IN MISSOURI 1896 TO 1909, INCLUSIVE archival wps, contents vg, 48 pp., 1 plt.                                                       Price: $12.00                      (stock#USGSB459)

#568  Marshall R. B. 1915 RESULTS OF SPIRIT LEVELING IN MISSOURI 1896 TO 1914 INCLUSIVE archival wps else vg, 219 pp., 1 plt.                                                              Price: $16.00                       (stock#USGSB568)

#606  Siebenthal C. E. 1915 ORIGIN OF THE ZINC AND LEAD DEPOSITS OF THE JOPLIN REGION, MISSOURI, KANSAS & OKLAHOMA wraps with some archival tape repairs else vg copy containing 283 pp., 11 plts, 16 figs.                                                                            Price: $30.00                     (stock#USGSB606)

#916 A-D TRANSIT TRAVERSE IN MISSOURI Parts 1-4 complete and all 4 vols with light wear, vg and clean copies. Bull. #916-A with 124 pp., 1 plt, 2 figs; Bull. #916-B runs pp. 125-295 with 1 plt 3 figs; Bull. 916-C runs pp. 297-439 with 1 plt, 2 figs; and Bull. #916-D runs pp. 440-563 with 1 plt, 2 figs. Near impossible to find a complete set.                                                                                    Price: $35.00               (stock#USGSB916A-D)

#1942  Martin J. A. et al. 1991 GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT OF THE SPRINGFIELD 1 X 2 DEGREE QUADRANGLE MISSOURI. AN APPRAISAL IN SEPTEMBER 1985 4to wps light wear, vg,  115 pp., 2 plts, 49 figs.                                                                             Price: $15.00                   (stock#USGSB1942)

                                    PROFESSIONAL PAPERS

#203  Williams J. S. 1943 STRATIGRAPHY AND FAUNA OF THE LOUISIANA LIMESTONE OF MISSOURI wps, light wear and a vg copy with 133 pp. 9 plts and 9 figs.             Price: $25.00                    (stock#PP203)

#807  Ebens R. J. et al. 1973 GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALIES OF A CLAYPIT AREA CALLAWAY COUNTY MISSOURI AND RELATED METABOLIC IMBALANCE IN BEEF CATTLE wps, light wear, vg, 24 pp., 3 figs.                                                                                                              Price: $10.00                     (stock#PP807)


                                                                                                                      Price: $10.00                 (stock#PP954A)

#954-B  Tidball R. R. 1976 GEOCHEMICAL SURVEY OF MISSOURI wps, ex-lib, vg, 16 pp., 1 fig.

                                                                                                                      Price: $10.00                 (stock#PP954B)

                           U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY MAPS

                       HA (HYDROLOGIC ATLAS SERIES) MAPS


                                                                                                    Price: $10.00                              (stock#mapHA332)

Emmett L. F. and Jeffery H. G. 1969  RECONNAISSANCE OF THE GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF THE MISSOURI RIVER ALLUVIUM BETWEEN KANSAS CITY MISSOURI AND THE IOWA BORDER USGS Map HA-336                                                                                      Price: $10.00                              (stock#mapHA336)

                                                                                                   Price: $10.00                               (stock#mapHA340)


                                 '                                                                 Price: $10.00                               (stock#mapHA344)


                                                                                                   Price: $10.00                               (stock#mapHA372)

                                                  MF MAPS

#1097  Ketner K. B. 1979 MAP SHOWING HIGH PURITY SILICA SAND OF MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN AGE IN THE MIDWESTERN STATES map in sleeve, vg.                   Price: $10.00                            (stock#mapMF1097)

#1835-G  Mugel D. N. and Pratt W. P. 1991 LITHOLOGIC CROSS SECTIONS OF PHANEROZOIC ROCKS IN THE NORTHERN MIDCONTINENT U. S. A. chart in thick map sleeve, vg.  

                                                                                                    Price: $10.00                         (stock#mapMF1835G)


                                                                                                    Price: $10.00                         (stock#mapMF1994D)

#2115-E  Pratt W. P et al. 1993 ASSESSMENT OF THE JOPLIN 1 DEGREE BY 2 DEGREES QUADRANGLE KANSAS AND MISSOURI FOR MISSISSIPPI VALLEY-TYPE DEPOSITS AND OTHER MINERALS USGS Map MF 2115-E.                                                                                  Price: $10.00                          (stock#mapMF2115E)


Evans C. 1894 8TH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE STATE MINE INSPECTORS OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI 8vo, cloth, vg, clean copy with 289 pp., several plates and large fold out map loosely tucked in rear being the STATE LABOR COMMISSION MAP OF MISSOURI 1894 measuring approx. 45 x 45 inches, with engraved vignettes along bottom margin, showing all railroad lines in the State at the time, and in fine condition. The map is very scarce.                                                   Price: $100.00                         (stock#MO96)

Gentile R. J. 1968 INFLUENCE OF STRUCTURAL MOVEMENT ON SEDIMENTATION DURING THE PENNSYLVANIAN PERIOD IN WESTERN  MISSOURI cloth, in original publishers shrink wrap, vg to fine clean copy, 84 pp., 8 plts, figs.                                                          Price: $20.00                         (stock#MO105)

Kesling R. V. 1972 A NEW SPECIES OF POROCRINUS FROM THE MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN KIMMSWICK LIMESTONE OF MISSOURI Unv. Michigan Cont. Paleont. 24(1) title wps light wear, vg, 7 pp., 2 plts, 8 figs.                                                                                                        Price: $7.00                      (stock#UMCP24(1)

Lutzen E. E. 1968 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY OF THE MAXVILLE QUADRANGLE JEFFERSON AND ST. LOUIS COUNTIES MISSOURI large fold out colored map in sleeve, vg.     Price: $10.00           (stock#MO89)

Pratt W. P. 1997 BACKGROUND INFORMATION TO ACCOMPANY FOLIOS OF GEOLOGIC AND MINERAL RESOURCE MAPS OF ROLLA 1 X 2 DEGREE QUADRANGLE MISSOURI USGS Circ. #1068 4to, wps, vg.                                                                                                          Price: $6.00                  (stock#USGSC1068)

                                                                                                               Price: $6.00                   (stock#USGSC1140)

Winslow A. 1891 THE MISSOURI COAL MEASURES AND THE CONDITIONS OF THEIR DEPOSITION offprint GSA Bull., wps chipped, period notation by W. J. McGhee, a contemporary USGS geologist,  12 pp., several figures.                                                                                                   Price: $10.00                         (stock#MO102)

Wright C. A. 1913 MINING AND TREATMENT OF THE LEAD AND ZINC ORES IN THE JOPLIN DISTRICT MISSOURI U. S. Bur. Mines Tech. Paper #41 8vo, title wps, ex-lib with stamp crossed out, contents vg, 43 pp., 5 figs.                                                                                              Price: $20.00                         (stock#MO101)


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