Phillip Huber, Bookseller/Geologist
PO Box 1036, Faribault, Minnesota 55021

Boyce H.L. and Frye L.A. 1986 RADIOCARBON DATING OF ARCHEOLOGICAL SAMPLES FROM MARYLAND MD Archeol. Sutdies #4 wps light wear vg 44 pp., 2 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#MD12)

Cloos E. et al. 1950 GUIDEBOOKS TO THE GEOLOGY OF MARYLAND Johns Hopkins Unv., Studies in Geology #16 wps, light wear, vg, three guidebooks bound together which are: Guidebook 1: THE GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH MOUNTAIN ANTICLINORIUM, 28 pp., 11 figs. ; Guidebook 2: THE GEOLOGY OF BEAR ISLAND, POTOMAC RIVER, 13 pp., 4 figs.; and Guidebook 3: THE COASTAL PLAIN GEOLOGY OF SOUTHERN MARYLAND 56 pp., 17 figs. Scarce. Price: $30.00 (stock#MD11)

Darton N. H. 1896 NOMINI FOLIO MARYLAND U. S. Geological Survey Atlas Folio #23 wraps with marginal soiling to upper edge, contents overall very good, light soiling to outer blank sheet margins but not obtuse and hard to see. With 4 pp. Descriptive Text, TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, AREAL (bedrock) GEOLOGIC MAP, ARTESIAN WATER MAP. Nice maps and good stratigraphic information on the various Cretaceous-Tertiary formations of the region. Price: $30.00 (stock#AF23)

Darton N. H. and Kieth A. 1901 WASHINGTON FOLIO, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, MARYLAND-VIRGINIA U. S. Geological Survey Atlas Folio #70 bound in stiff archival boards, wraps worn with short tears/chips, ex-Yale lib. copy. Overall contents good with some edge wear or slight soiling to wide blank margins aside from the Structure Section Sheet, which does have some short tears and chips, but well away from printed map border. Contents include 7 pp. of Descriptive Text, double page Topographic map sheets, double page Historical (bedrock) Geology map sheets; double page Economic Geology map sheets; single page Structural Geology map sheet; single page Physiogeographic map sheet. Price: $60.00 (stock#AF70)

Glaser J. D. et al. 1976 ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY ATLAS MD Geol. Surv. County Atlas #1 4 map sheets in printed sleeve, light wear, vg, includes: 1. GEOLOGY; 2. MINERAL RESOURCES AND MINED LAND INVENTORY; 3. LAND MODIFICATIONS; 4. SHORELINE CONDITIONS, Scale 1:62,500. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSCA01)

Keyes C. R. 1895 THE ORIGIN AND RELATIONS OF CENTRAL MARYLAND GRANITES from 15th USGS Annual Report, spine with archival tape, contents vg with 91 pp., 22 plates (some of which are colored thin sections) and 7 figures. One of the harder to find of nineteenth century Maryland geology references. Also included is Williams G. H. 1895 THE GENERAL RELATIONS OF THE GRANITIC ROCKS IN THE MIDDLE ATLANTIC PIEDMONT PLATEAU from 15th USGS Annual Report, spine taped, contents vg with 34 pp., plates, figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#MD41)

Marshall R. B. 1914 RESULTS OF SPIRIT LEVELING IN MARYLAND 1896 TO 1911 INCLUSIVE USGS Bull. #563 wps, ex-lib else light wear, contents vg, 80 pp., 1 plt. Includes bench markand elevation data for the State by quadrangle or county with mention of many now-obscure place and business names and railroad lines.
Price: $15.00 (stock#USGSB563)

Miller B. J. 1917 TOLCHESTER FOLIO MARYLAND U. S. Geological Survey Atlas Folio #204 wraps with light wear, small crease to upper outer blank page margins else very good clean copy. With 14 pp. Descriptive Text; TOPOGRAPHIC MAP; AREAL (bedrock) GEOLOGY MAP; Illustration Sheet. Nice maps and good stratigraphic information on the various Cretaceous-Tertiary formations of the region.
Price: $35.00 (stock#AF204)

Stose G. W. 1912 PAWPAW-HANCOCK FOLIO, MARYLAND-WEST VIRGINIA-PENNSYLVANIA USGS Atlas Folio #179 front wrap with short marginal tear else light wear, very good, 24 pp. Descriptive Text, two Topographic Maps, two Areal Geology Maps, two Structural Geology Maps, Columnar Section Sheet, two Illustration Sheets of outcrop photos. Price: $35.00 (stock#AF179)
VOLUMES 1-14 (1897-1942)
VOLUME ONE By Clark W.B. et al. 1897 large 8vo, gilt cloth as issued, light wear, 539 pp., 17 plts. Contents include Establishment and plan of operation of the Survey; Historical sketch concerning the physical resources and natural resources of Maryland; Outline of the physical features of Maryland; Bibliography and cartography of Maryland; First report upon magnetic work in Maryland. Price: $45.00 (stock#MDGSV1)
VOLUME TWO By Clark W.B. et al. 1898 8vo, gilt cloth, light wear, vg 509 pp., 40 plts, 34 figs. Contents include The building and decorative stones of Maryland; The cartography of Maryland.
Price: $55.00 (stock#MDGSV2)
VOLUME THREE By Clark W.B. et al. 1899 8vo, gilt cloth as issued overall light wear, with 461 pp., 35 plts, 38 figs. Contents cover the construction and administration of Maryland's road and highway network and include Highway legislation in Maryland; The present condition of Maryland highways; Construction and repair of roads; Qualities of good road metal and methods of testing them; The administration of roads; The advantages of good roads. App: Maryland laws relating to highways. Price: $40.00 (stock#MDGSV3)
VOLUME FOUR By Willis B. et al. 1902 8vo, gilt cloth, light wear, vg, 524 pp., 69 plts, 34 figs. Contents include History of Maryland during Paleozoic time; Second report on the highways of Maryland; Report on the clays of Maryland. Price: $45.00 (stock#MDGSV4)
VOLUME FIVE By Bauer, L.A. et al., 1905 8vo, gilt cloth as issued, small nick to spine, some edge wear to cloth, else light wear, With 656 pp., 35 plts, 55 figs. Contents include Second report on magnetic work in Maryland; Final report on the survey of the boundary line between Allegany and Garrett Counties; Third report on the highways of Maryland; Report on the coals of Maryland. Price: $40.00 (stock#MDGSV5)
VOLUME SIX By Clark W.B. et al. 1906 8vo in gilt cloth as issued, light wear, 578 pp., 51 plts, 19 figs. Contents include The physical features of Maryland; Exhibits of Maryland mineral resources; Fourth report on the highways of Maryland; First report on State highways construction; The counties of Maryland, their origin, boundaries, election districts. Price: $40.00 (stock#MDGSV6)
VOLUME SEVEN By Clark W. B. et al. 1908 8vo, gilt cloth, light wear vg copy with 412 pp., 82 plts, 8 figs. Volume pertains to the resurvey of the Mason-Dixon Line. Price: $75.00 (stock#MDGSV7)
VOLUME EIGHT By Crosby W.W. et al. 1909 8vo in gilt cloth, light wear with 486 pp., 26 plts and 27 fig. Contents include Second report on State highway construction; Maryland mineral industries; Report on limestones of Maryland. Price: $45.00 (stock#MDGSV8)
VOLUME NINE By Crosby W.W. et al. 1911 8vo, gilt cloth, light wear with 348 pp., 26 plts and 8 figs. Contents of the volume are: Third report on State highway construction; Summary final report on the work of the highway division; Report on the iron ores of Maryland; Report on the lines of equal magnetic declination in Maryland for 1910. Price: $35.00 (stock#MDGSV9)
VOLUME TEN By Clark W.B. et al. 1918 8vo in gilt cloth as issued, light wear, with 563 pp. and 96 figs. Contents of the volume are: The geography of Maryland; The surface and underground water resources of Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia. Price: $40.00 (stock#MDGSV10)
VOLUME ELEVEN By Swartz C.K. et al. 1922 8vo gilt cloth as issued with 549 pp., 11 plts, 117 figs. Contents of the volume are: Part 1: Second report on the coals of Maryland. Part 2: The fire clays of Maryland.
Price: $35.00 (stock#MDGSV11)
VOLUME TWELVE By Trainer D.W. Jr. et al. 1928 8vo, wps some external wear, contents very good. With 336 pp., 16 plts, 9 figs. Contents include The molding sands of Maryland; Notes on feldspar, quartz, chrome, and manganese in Maryland; The serpentines of Harford County; The gabbros and associated rocks of Harford County; Report on location of boundary line along Potomac River between Virginia & Maryland.
Price: $40.00 (stock#MDGSV12)
VOLUME THIRTEEN By Cloos E. et al. 1937 8vo gilt cloth as issued light wear, with 295 pp., 46 plts and 37 figs. Contents focus on crystalline rocks of Maryland and include Structure and age of the Port Deposit Granodiorite Complex; The structure of the gneiss domes near Baltimore; The structure and age of the volcanic complex of Cecil County; Structure of the metamorphosed gabbro complex at Baltimore; The Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal of Maryland & Delaware. Price: $35.00 (stock#MDGSV13)
VOLUME FOURTEEN 1942 8vo, gilt cloth, light wear, with 242 pp. Contents: Gazetteer of Maryland.
Price: $30.00 (stock#MDGSV14)
#1 SUMMARY OF RECORDS OF SURFACE WATERS OF MARYLAND AND THE POTOMAC RIVER BASIN, 1892-1943 cloth light wear, ex-lib, vg, 296 pp. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB1)
#2 CRETACEOUS AND TERTIARY SUBSURFACE GEOLOGY-THE STRATIGRAPHY PALEONTOLOGY AND SEDIMENTOLOGY OF THREE DEEP TEST WELLS ON THE EASTERN SHORE OF MARYLAND By Anderson, J.L. et al. 1948 gilt cloth light wear, ex-lib, vg, with 456 pp., 39 plts, 30 figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#MDGSB2)
#3 EOCENE STRATIGRAPHY AND FORAMINIFERA OF THE AQUIA FORMATION By Shifflett E. 1948 gilt cloth ex-lib else light wear with 93 pp., 5 plts, 21 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB3)
#5 THE WATER RESOURCES OF ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY By Bennion V.R. and Brookhart, J.W. 1949 gilt cloth, ex-lib else vg, 149 pp., 7 plts, 10 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB5)
#6 SHORE EROSION IN TIDEWATER MARYLAND By Singewald J.T., Jr. and Slaughter T.H., 1949 gilt cloth, light wear, ex-lib else vg, 141 p., 35 plts, 10 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#MDGSB6)
#8 THE WATER RESOURCES OF CALVERT COUNTY By Bennion V.R., et al. 1951 gilt cloth, light wear, ex-lib else vg, 100 pp., 3 pls., 5 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB8)
#9 REFRACTORY CLAYS OF MARYLAND COAL MEASURES By Waagé K.M. 1950 cloth, ex-lib else light wear, vg, 182 p., 8 pls., 26 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB9)
#11 THE WATER RESOURCES OF ST. MARY'S COUNTY By Martin R.O.R. and Ferguson H.F. 1953 gilt cloth, light wear, ex-lib, 195 pp., 7 plts, 5 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB11)
#13 GEOLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES OF GARRETT COUNTY By Amsden T.W. et al. 1954 gilt cloth light wear ex-lib else 349 pp., 11 plts, 24 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#MDGSB13)
#14 THE WATER RESOURCES OF HOWARD AND MONTGOMERY COUNTIES By Dingman R.J. 1954 gilt cloth, ex-lib else vg, 260 pp., 8 plts, 18 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#MDGSB14)
#16 THE WATER RESOURCES OF SOMERSET WICOMICO AND WORCESTER COUNTIES By Rasmussen W.C. et al. 1955 gilt cloth, light wear, ex-lib else vg, 533 pp., 17 plts, 53 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB16)
#17 WATER RESOURCES OF BALTIMORE AND HARFORD COUNTIES By Dingman, R.J. et al. 1956 8vo in gilt cloth, light wear with 233 pp., 11 plts and 26 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB17)
#18 THE WATER RESOURCES OF CAROLINE, DORCHESTER, AND TALBOT COUNTIES By Rasmussen, W.C. et al. 1957, 8vo in gilt cloth with 465 pp., 17 plts and 16 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB18)
#19 GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY OF MARYLAND By Vokes H.E., 1957 8vo in gilt cloth as issued, light wear, with 242 pp., 29 plts and 28 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB19)
#21 THE WATER RESOURCES OF CECIL, KENT AND QUEEN ANNE'S COUNTIES By Overbeck R.M. et al. 1958 8vo gilt cloth as issued, light wear with 478 pp., 13 plts and 18 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB21)
#22 THE WATER RESOURCES OF CARROLL AND FREDERICK COUNTIES By Meyer, G. and Beall, R.M. 1958 8vo in gilt cloth, light wear, 355 pp., 5 plts, 35 fig. Price: $20.00 (stock#MDGSB22)
#23 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF NONMARINE CRETACEOUS CLAYS IN THE MARYLAND COASTAL PLAIN By Knechtel M.M. et al. 1961 11 pp., 5 plts and 2 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#MDGSB23)
#24 THE WATER RESOURCES OF ALLEGANY AND WASHINGTON COUNTIES By Slaughter, T.H. and Darling, J.M. 1962 8vo, gilt cloth, light wear, 408 pp., 9 pls, 25 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#MDGSB24)
#25 MARYLAND STREAMFLOW CHARACTERISTICS By Darling, J.M. 1962 8vo in gilt cloth, light wear, with 136 p., 14 figs., Price: $15.00 (stock#MDGSB25)
#26 GROUND-WATER SUPPLIES FOR INDUSTRIAL AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY By Brenner GJ., 1963 gilt cloth, light wear, 90 pp., 22 pls, 13 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#MDGSB26)
#29 GROUND WATER IN PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY By Mack F.K. 1966 8vo in gilt cloth, light wear, with 101 pp., 2 plates and 40 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#MDGSB29)
#30 AVAILABILITY OF GROUND WATER IN CHARLES COUNTY, MARYLAND By Slaughter T.H. et al. 1968 light wear, 100 pp., 31 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#MDGSB31)
ALLEGHANY COUNTY By Abbe, C., Jr., et al., 1900 8vo in gilt cloth with map slipcase, text with light wear, slip case with some wear, maps are fine. With 323 pp., 30 plts and 15 figs. Price: $75.00 (stock#MDGSALLC)
CARROLL AND FREDERICK COUNTIES By Stose, J. A. and Others, 1946 8vo, some wear, clean, 312 pp., 23 pls, 31 figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#MDGSCFC)
CHARLES COUNTY By Dryden, L. et al., 1948 8vo text in gilt cloth, light wear. With 267 pp., 12 pl, 20 figs.
Price: $35.00 (stock#MDGSCHC)
GARRETT COUNTY By Abbe C. et al., 1902 8vo, cloth, map case with wear, maps fine, 340 pp., 26 pls, 12 figs. Price: $60.00 (stock#MDGSGARC)
HOWARD AND MONTGOMERY COUNTIES By Cloos, E., Fisher, G.W., Hopson, C.A., and Cleaves, E.T., 1964 8vo, text in wraps, light wear, with 373 pp., 45 plts and 71 figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#MDGSHOMTC)
WASHINGTON COUNTY By Cloos, E. and Others 1951 8vo, wraps, maps are fine, in folder, 333 pp., 28 plates, 45 figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#MDGSWAC)
#14 Otton E.G. 1970 GEOLOGIC AND HYDROLOGIC FACTORS BEARING ON SUBSURFACE STORAGE OF LIQUID WASTES IN MARYLAND wps, ex-lib else light wear, vg, 39 pp., 10 figs (including 2 pocket plts.
Price: $15.00 (stock#MDGSRI14)
#17 Mack F. K. et al. 1971 WATER RESOURCES OF DORCHESTER AND TALBOT COUNTIES, MARYLAND wps ex-lib else light wear, vg, 107 pp. 39 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#MDGSRI17)
#22 Mack F. K. 1974 AN EVALUATION OF THE MAGOTHY AQUIFER IN THE ANNAPOLIS AREA, MARYLAND wps light wear, ex-lib else vg, 75 pp. 2 plts, 34 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#MDGSRI22)
#32 Fisher G. W. eet al. 1979 GEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATIONS OF AEROMAGNETIC MAPS OF THE CRYSTALLINE ROCKS IN THE APPALACHIANS, NORTHERN VIRGINIA TO NEW JERSEY wps light wear ex-lib, vg, 43 pp., 3 plts in pocket, 18 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#MDGSRI32)
#37 Weigle J. M. and Achmad G. 1982 GEOHYDROLOGY OF THE FRESH-WATER AQUIFER SYSTEM IN THE VICINITY OF OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND WITH A SECTION ON SIMULATED WATER-LEVEL CHANGES wps ex-lib else light wear, vg, 55 pp. 29 figs (8 in pocket). Price: $15.00 (stock#MDGSRI37)
#38 Chapelle F. H. and Drummond D. D. 1983 HYDROGEOLOGY, DIGITAL SIMULATION, AND GEOCHEMISTRY OF THE AQUIA AND PINEY POINT-NANJEMOY AQUIFER SYSTEM IN SOUTHERN MARYLAND wps, ex-lib else vg, 100 pp. 13 plts in pocket, 56 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#MDGSRI38)
#39 Otton E. G. and Mandle R. J. 1984 HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY AREA, MARYLAND, WITH EMPHASIS ON AQUIFERS IN THE POTOMAC GROUP wps ex-lib else light wear vg, 62 pp. 19 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#MDGSRI39)
#179 Stose G. W. 1912 PAWPAW-HANCOCK FOLIO, MARYLAND-WEST VIRGINIA-PENNSYLVANIA USGS Atlas Folio #179 wps with chips, marginal tear, old tape repair to a few page tears, overall contents g+-vg, 24 pp. Descriptive Text, two Topographic Maps, two Areal Geology Maps, two Structural Geology Maps, Columnar Section Sheet, two Illustration Sheets of outcrop photos. Price: $35.00 (stock#AF179)
SERPENTINITE AND RODINGITE IN THE HUNTING HILL QUARRY MONTGOMERY COUNTY MARYLAND USGS BULL. 1283 8vo wraps light wear, ex-library with 34 pp., 2 plts, 13 figs, map. Price: $15.00 (stock#USGSB1283)
Crooks J. W. and O'Bryan D. 1967 WATER RESOURCES OF THE PATUXENT RIVER BASIN MARYLAND USGS Map HA-244 Price: $10.00 (stock#mapHA244)
Price: $10.00 (stock#mapHA365)
Bauer L. A. 1898 REPORT ON THE SURVEY OF THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN ALLEGANY AND GARRETT COUNTIES offprint from MD Geol. Surv. Vol. 5 wps, ex-lib, pages partly unopened, vg, 48 pp., 6 plts, folding map, 2 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#MD06)
Clark W. B. and Bibbins A. 1897 THE STRATIGRAPHY OF THE POTOMAC GROUP IN MARYLAND offprint Jour. Geol. 8vo, wrap with small chip, signed “with the compliments of the Author” 27 pp., 6 figs and pencil notations by later owner C. B. Read a USGS geologist and paleobotanist in the mid and late 20th century.
Price: $10.00 (stock#MD02)
Clark W. B. and Mathews E. B. 1908 MARYLAND MINERAL INDUSTRIES 1896-1907 separate offprint from Maryland Geological Survey Vol. 8, pt 2. wps with some wear, ex-lib, light bump and sunning to wps, contents vg, 125 pp., 3 plts including fold out map of the Hoffman Mine Workings, 15 figs.
Price: $25.00 (stock#MD07)
Cloos E. and Hietanen A. 1941 GEOLOGY OF THE MARTIC OVERTHRUST AND THE GLENARM SERIES IN PENNSYLVANIA AND MARYLAND Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper #35 8vo, wraps with short tear at margin else light wear, vg, 207 pp., 28 plates, 58 figs. A classic study.
Price: $35.00 (stock#GSASP35)
Darton N. H. 1894 OUTLINE OF CENOZOIC HISTORY OF A PORTION OF THE MIDDLE ATLANTIC SLOPE offprint Jour. Geol. wps with presentation signature from Darton and later owner markings, light wear, vg, 20 pp., 6 figs. and on the Chesapeake Bay region Tertiary section. Price: $10.00 (stock#MD03)
Price: $10.00 (stock#MD08)
Keyes C. R. 1895 THE ORIGIN AND RELATIONS OF CENTRAL MARYLAND GRANITES from 15th USGS Annual Rpt 4to, spine neatly bound, very good with 90 pp., 22 plts and 9 figs covering the granites and pegmatites of Maryland. Price: $25.00 (stock#MD56)
Nutter L. J. 1977 Maryland Quadrangle Atlas 5 : 1977 : JARRETTSVILLE QUADRANGLE HYDROGEOLOGY MD Geol. Surv. Quad. Atlas #5, 3 pp. text, 4 folding maps, light wear, vg. Price: $10.00 (stock#MDGSQA05)
Singewald J. T. 1932 WEATHERING AND ALBITIZATION OF THE WISSAHICKON SCHIST AT THE PRETTY BOY DAM, BALTIMORE COUNTY, MARYLAND offprint GSA Bull, wps chipped, ex-lib, some external wear, corner bump else contents vg, 20 pp. Price: $10.00 (stock#MD09)
Swartz C. K. 1903 THE SUCCESSION OF FAUNAS IN THE PORTAGE AND CHEMUNG FORMATIONS OF MARYLAND offprint Jour. Geol. singed compliments of author, blind stamp and notation on wrap, 18 pp.
Price: $8.00 (stock#MD04)
Smith W. G. and Martin J. O. 1901 SOIL SURVEY OF HARFORD COUNTY MARYLAND U. S. Dept. Agriculture 8vo, disbound, 27 pp., and complete with large folding colored soils map. Map has a bumped corner which resulted in some creases but no tears, else vg. Price: $30.00 (stock#USDAMDHarford)
U. S. Dept. Agriculture FIELD OBSERVATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF SOILS 1900 (SECOND REPORT) Text volume only. 8vo, in brown cloth with gilt titles as issued, overall light wear, period bookplate on paste down, contents clean and vg with 473 pp., numerous figures and plates and includes Soil Survey Reports (each around 20-50 pp. in length) for Lancaster County, PA; Montgomery County, OH; Cecil, St. Marys, Calvert and Kent Counties, MD (all separate chapters); Raleigh to New Bern, NC; Weber and Sevier Valley, UT; Salt River Valley, AZ; Fresno and Santa Ana, CA. Price: $45.00 (stock#MD01)