Phillip Huber, Bookseller/Geologist
PO Box 1036, Faribault, Minnesota 55021

Meyer C. and Lockley M. 2000 DINOSAUR TRACKS AND OTHER FOSSIL FOOTPRINTS OF EUROPE 8vo, cloth with dust jacket,light wear, a vg copy with 323 pp., scores of figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#EUR120)

Park C. F. and MacDiarmid 1983 GIACIMENTI MINERARI (in Italian) wps light wear vg, The Italian translation of the author’s classic text on ORE DEPOSITS. Scarce. Price: $25.00 (stock#MC165)

Kaliciak M. et al. no date but 1990s GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE SLANSKE VRCHY MTS AND KOSICKA KOTLINA DEPRESSION- NORTH PART 2 large folding map sheets in printed folding sleeve.
Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR86)

Paul C. R. C. 1967 THE BRITISH SILURIAN CYSTOIDS British Museum Nat. Hist. Bull. 13(6) wraps light wear, vg, 57 pp., 10 plates, 44 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#IPE136)

Rankama K. 1965-1967 THE QUATERNARY Volumes I and II complete, in publishers cloth, ex-lib else light wear vg. Volume 1 with 300 pp., figs. covering Scandinavia; Volume II with 477 pp., figs, covering United Kingdom, France, Germany and The Netherlands. Price: $40.00 (stock#GLAC67)

Regnell G. 1945 NON-CRINOID PELMATOZOA FROM THE PALEOZOIC OF SWEDEN Medd. Lunds Geol. Min. #108 8vo, in wraps with presentation from author to G. W. Sinclair, some external wear, short tear, soiling to wraps, contents overall good with corner bump, light adhesion wear on a few of the plates from corners being stuck together. A good research/reading copy with 255 pp., 15 plates. Price: $30.00 (stock#IPE137P)

Sacco F. 1904 I MOLLUSCHI DEI TERRENI TERZIARI DEL PIEMONTE E DELLA LIGURIA wps with some wear,chips, presentation to H. S. Williams on wrap, 23 pp., small fold out on alpine tectonics.
Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR96)

Sacco F. 1913 LES ALPES OCCIDENTALES Turin, folio, wraps with marginal chips, presentation from author to H. S. Wiliams on wrap, contents with some wear though generally good, rear map separated from back of binding, and other fold out map in text separated at fold creases. With 196 pp., 2 maps. On geology of the southern Alps and adjacent regions. Price: $30.00 (stock#EUR95)

various authors, 1847 ANNALES DES MINES OU RECUEIL DE MEMOIRES SUR L’EXPLOITATION DES MINES 8vo, in older buckrum with bright gilt spine title, contents with light wear, vg, 806 pp., 14 plates, some folding. Volume 11 of this important French mining and economic minerals journal. Price: $50.00 (stock#EUR13)

Zalanyi B. 1929 MORPHO-SYSTEMATISCHE STUDIEN UBER FOSSILE MUSCHELKREBSE Geological Hungarica Series Palaeontologica Fasc. 5 royal 4to sized, some wear, wraps badly chipped, loose, ex-lib, contents overall good with 152 pp., 4 plts, figs. On fossil Ostracoda. Scarce. Price: $25.00 (stock#IPAR61)
Andrussow N. 1909 BEITRAGE ZUR KENNTNIS DES KASPISCHEN NEOGEN Mem. Com. St. Petersboug New Ser. #40 some wear, wps a bit soiled by dust, disbound or coming so, contents with some wear good only, 177 pp., 6 plates of fossil Mollusca from the Caspian Sea region. Price: $60.00 (stock#MCGns40A)
Azema C. et al. 1972 DES MIOSPORES DU CENOMANIEN MOYEN In PALEOBIOLOGIE CONTINENTALE Vol. 8(4) whole issue, 4to, wps, vg, on the Cretaceous palynofloras of Europe and the United States. With 54 pp., 26 plts of pollen and spores. Price: $25.00 (stock#PBp09)
Bailey E. B. 1935 TECTONIC ESSAYS MAINLY ALPINE Oxford Unv. Press 8vo, ownership markings inside front board else vg, 200 pp., many figs, several folding plts. Price: $25.00 (stock#EUR17)
Balchin G. V. 1952 THE EROSION SURFACES OF EXMOOR AND ADJACENT AREAS offprint Geographical Journal in wraps with signature, light corner bump else light wear, vg, 23 pp., several plates and figs.
Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR46)
Balchin G. V. 1952 THE EROSION SURFACES OF NORTH CORNWALL offprint Geographical Journal in wraps with signature, light corner bump else light wear, vg, 12 pp., several plates and figs.
Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR47)
Bate R. and Robinson E. (eds.) A STRATIGRAPHICAL INDEX OF BRITISH OSTRACODA Geol. Journal Special Issue #8 8vo, dust jacket worn ex-lib else contents vg with 538 pp., scores of specimen plates and range charts. A classic ostracod work and scarce. Price: $40.00 (stock#IPAR27)
Bisat W. S. and Hudson R. G. S. 1943 THE LOWER RETICULOCERAS (R1) GONIATITE SUCCESSION IN THE NAMURIAN OF THE NORTH OF ENGLAND offprint Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc. 8vo, wps ex-lib with stamps crossed out, contents vg with 62 pp., plts, figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM118)
Blake D. H. 1962 A NEW LOWER ORDOVICIAN GRAPTOLITE FAUNA FROM THE TRONDHEIM REGION offprint Norsk Geol. Tid. 42(3) 8vo, wps, ex-lib, vg, 16 pp., 2 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPA62)
Braga, G. P. 1968 BRYOZOA FROM THE MARNE ROSSE OF SPILECCO LESSINI MOUNTAINS, VERONA offprint from IT. SC. NAT. 108 9 pp., 3 figs. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPA12)
Briquet A. 1907 LA VALLEE DE LA MEUSE offprint Bull. Soc. Belge Geol. 8vo, ex-lib, creased else good, 17 pp., 1 fig. Price: $8.00 (stock#EUR23)
Briquet A. 1908 SAMBRE ET OISE : UNE CAPTURE offprint, 8vo, wps, ex-priv. library with period markings, vg, 10 pp., 2 figs., on the Sombre River of the Ardennes region. Price: $8.00 (stock#EUR24)
Brood, K. 1980 LATE ORDOVICIAN BRYOZOA FROM RINGERIKE NORWAY offprint from NORSK. TIDSSK. GEOL. 8vo, stamp on 1st page else vg with 14 pp., 6 pls, 1 fig. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPA13)
Bulletin du Service Geol. De Pologne [Poland] 1934 Vol. 8 8vo, wps, some wear, contents vg, 199 pp., 10 plts. Whole issue, scarce as the backstock was destroyed during the war. Price: $30.00 (stock#EUR25)
Bulletin du Service Geol. De Pologne [Poland] 1935 Vol. 9 8vo, wps, some wear, contents vg, 223 pp., 19 plts. Whole issue, scarce as the backstock was destroyed during the war. Price: $30.00 (stock#EUR26)
Campo-Duplan M. Van 1950 RECHERCHES SUR LA PHYLOGENIEDES ABIETINEES D’APRES LEURS GRAINS DE POLLEN 8vo, bound in buckrum author presentation copy, vg, 177 pp., appendices figs.
Price: $25.00 (stock#PBp01)
Cheetham A. H. 1971 FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY AND BIOFACIES DISTRIBUTION OF CHEILOSTOME BRYZOA IN THE DANIAN STAGE (PALEOCENE) OF SOUTHERN SCANDINAVIA Smithsonian Cont. Paleobiology #6 4to, light dust soiling to wps, light wear, contents vg, 87 pp., 17 plts.
Price: $10.00 (stock#IPA76)
Cholnoky E. V. 1912 DIE OBERFLACHENGESTALT DES ALFOLD offprint, 23 pp., 5 plts including folding map, on the region east and southeast of, and including Budapest. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR27)
CNRS (France) LA CHAINE VARISQUE D’EUROPE MOYENNE ET OCCIDENTALE 4to, in original printed stiff wraps and also archival covers, vg copy, 654 pp. many figs and many reports.
Price: $35.00 (stock#EUR69)
Cobb C. 1910 LANDES AND DUNES OF GASCONY offprint Jour. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 8vo, wps, vg, 11 pp., 16 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR28)
Cobbold E. S. 1935 LOWER CAMBRIAN FAUNAS FROM HIRAULT, FRANCE offprint from Ann. and Mag. of Natural History, in plain wraps with USNM stamp and notations, contents vg, 23 pp., 3 plates of fossils.
Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR55P)
Cole G. A. J. 1900 ON METAMORPHIC ROCKS IN EASTERN TYRONE AND SOUTHERN DONEGAL Trans. Royal Irish Acad. 31(9) royal 4to, no wps, partly disbound, some wear, light soiling to plates, text pages untrimmed and unopened. With 40 pp., 2 plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR69)
Currie E. D. et al. 1937 THE FAUNA OF SKIPSEY’S MARINE BAND offprint Trans. Roy. Soc. Glasgow 8vo spine perforated else vg, light corner bump. With 43 pp., 4 plts, figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM114)
Dahlerus C.-G. 1905 EXPOSE DE L’INDUSTRIE MINIERE ET METALLURGIQUE DE LA SUEDE 4to, ex-AMNH lib. copy in marbled boards, some exterior wear, contents vg, on the mining and metallurgy industries of Sweden. Price: $45.00 (stock#EUR01)
Daly R. 1915 ORIGIN OF THE IRON ORES AT KIRUNA 8vo, wps with notation, corner bump else vg, 31 pp., 4 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR29)
Davidson T. 1851 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #17] A MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH OOLITIC AND LIASIC BRACHIOPODA 4to, ex-lib with institutional and Curt Teichert’s stamps, title wps, overall good, last pp with a slight crease and chip to margin. With 64 pp. 13 plts of various taxa including Orbicula, numerous Terabratulids. Price: $40.00 (stock#PGS17)
Davidson T. 1857 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #41] A MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH PERMIAN BRACHIOPODA PART 4, pp. 1-51, plates #1-4, 4to, a few, removed from annual issue for that year, contents clean and vg, covering Spirifera, Athyris, and other taxa.
Price: $35.00 (stock#PGS41)
Davidson T. 1857 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #42] A MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH CARBONIFEROUS BRACHIOPODA PART 5, pp. 1-48, plates #1-8, (being the first part of Volume 2 of the six volume work). 4to, a few, removed from annual issue for that year, contents clean and vg, covering Terebratula and Spirifera. Price: $40.00 (stock#PGS42)
Davidson T. 1860 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #54] A MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH CARBONIFEROUS BRACHIOPODA PART 5, pp. 81-120, plates #17-26, (being the third part of Volume 2 of the six volume work). 4to, removed from annual issue for that year, contents clean and vg, covering Athyris, Rhynchonella, Camarophoria, Strophomena. Price: $40.00 (stock#PGS54)
Davidson T. 1861 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #55] A MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH CARBONIFEROUS BRACHIOPODA PART 4, pp. 121-210, plates #27-47, (being the fourth part of Volume 2 of the six volume work). 4to, removed from annual issue for that year, small tear to outer margin of fep and title pages, small institutional stamp else contents clean and vg, pages unopened, covering Strophomena, Productus, Crania, Lingula and other taxa. Price: $60.00 (stock#PGS54)
Davidson T. 1862 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #59] A MONOGRAPH OF BRITISH CARBONIFEROUS BRACHIOPODA PART 5, pp. 211-280, plates #48-55, (being the last part of Volume 2 of the six volume work). 4to, a few, removed from annual issue for that year, contents clean and vg, covering Terabratulids, Spiriferids and Rhynchonellids, and with locality and stratigraphic data and appendix. Price: $40.00 (stock#PGS59)
Davidson T. 1862 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph] PERMIAN AND CARBONIFEROUS SPECIES - title page for Volume 2 of the complete work only. 4to, light wear, short marginal tear but closed, vg. Price: $10.00 (stock#PGSbrachv2)
Davidson T. 1874 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #122] SUPPLEMENT TO THE RECENT, TERTIARY AND CRETACEOUS SPECIES 4to, ex-lib with institutional and Curt Teichert’s stamps, title wps, overall good, some light soiling to half title front wrap. With 72 pp., 8 plts.
Price: $35.00 (stock#PGS122)
Davidson T. 1878 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #146] SUPPLEMENT TO THE JURASSIC AND TRIASSIC SPECIES pp. 145-241, plates #17-29, 4to, removed from annual issue for that year, contents clean and vg. Price: $40.00 (stock#PGS59)
Davidson T. 1880 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA (Vol. 4, part 3) SUPPLEMENT TO THE PERMIAN AND CARBONIFEROUS SPECIES [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #159] 4to, stiff wps and PRESENTATION from author to H. S. Williams on title page, along with William’s stamps, else contents good, front hinge cracked, prelim. pages holding but want to loosen otherwise contents clean with pp. 243-316, supplemental plates #30-37. Price: $40.00 (stock#PGS163)
Davidson T. 1881 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA (Vol. 4, part 4) ON DEVONIAN AND SILURIAN BRACHIOPODA THAT OCCUR IN THE TRIASSIC PEBBLE-BED OF BUDLEIGH-SALTERON, NEAR EXMOUTH, IN DEVONSHIRE [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #163] 4to, stiff wps and PRESENTATION from author to H. S. Williams on title page, along with William’s stamps, else contents vg with pp. 317-368, supplemental plates #38-42, one with small annotations in William’s hand. Price: $40.00 (stock#PGS163)
Davidson T. 1883 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #177] SILURIAN SUPPLEMENT, pp. 135-242 with text figures (being Volume 5, part 2) 4to, in period stiff wps, from H. S. Williams library With his stamps else contents clean and vg. Scarce. Price: $40.00 (stock#PGS59)
Davidson T. 1884 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #183] 4to, removed from annual issue for that year, contents clean and vg, pp. 243-476, plates #18-21 being a summary of his extended treatise with stratigraphic and phylogentic evaluations. Price: $65.00 (stock#PGS183)
Davidson T. 1886 BRITISH FOSSIL BRACHIOPODA [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #187] BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE BRACHIOPODA (Volume 6 of the six volume work, complete). 4to, in boards that have some wear, from H. S. William’s library with his, and institutional stamp, contents, vg. With pp. 1-163. Price: $45.00 (stock#PGS87)
Davis W. M. 1914 SONDERABRUCK AUS DER ZEITSCHRIFT DER GESELLSCHAFT FUR ERDKUNDE 8vo, corner bumped else wps, 68 pp., 7 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR30)
De Saporta 1886 NOUVEAUX DOCUMENTS RELATIFS A DES FOSSILES VEGETAUX ET A DES TRACES D’INVERTEBRES ASSOCIES DANS LES ANCIENS TERRAINS Bull. Geol. Soc. France 3rd Series, Vol. 14 (6) whole issue included). Report is pp.407-30, 5 lithographed plts, some tinted.
Price: $25.00 (stock#PB28)
Donovan D. T. and Forsey G.. F. 1972 SYSTEMATICS OF LOWER LIASSIC AMMONITINA Unv. KS Paper #64 wps, fine copy, 18 pp., 4 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM571)
Dons J. A. and Henningsmoen G. 1949 TWO NEW MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN OSTRACODS FROM OSLO wps, ex-lib, vg, 4 pp., 1 plt. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPAR30)
Dorn P. 1951 GEOLOGIE VON MITTELEUROPA royal 8vo, publishers cloth, some external light wear, dust soiling, 474 pp., figs, plates bound in at rear, and also in rear pocket. Price: $25.00 (stock#EUR07)
Dorofeev P. I. 1966 THE PLIOCENE FLORA OF THE MATANOV GARDEN ON THE RIVER DON [in Russian], 8vo, wps, light wear, 86 pp., 6 plts, 32 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#PB13)
Downes W., The Rev. ON THE CRETACEOUS BEDS AT BLACK VEN, NEAR LYME REGIS extracted from Quat. Jour. Geol. London 1885 8vo, disbound, 5 pp., some wear. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR15)
Elles G. L. 1922 THE GRAPTOLITE FAUNAS OF THE BRITISH ISLES Geol. Assoc., London, 8vo, wraps with some wear, notation, short tear, contents vg, 32 pp., 14 figs, folding table. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPA124P)
Feyling-Hanssen R. W. 1954 LATE PLEISTOCENE FORAMINIFERA FROM THE OSLO FJORD AREA SOUTHEAST NORWAY Norsk Geol. Tidss. 33(1-2) wps with stamp else light wear, vg, 43 pp., 2 plts.
Price: $10.00 (stock#IPF43)
Flett J. S. 1913 GEOLOGY OF THE LIZARD offprnt Proc. Geol. Assoc. 8vo, wps, ex-lib, vg, 16 pp., 4 plts.
Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR31)
Foord A. 1897-1903 MONOGRAPH OF THE CARBONIFEROUS CEPHALOPODA OF IRELAND [Palaeonto-graphical Society Monographs #241, 246, 254, 259, 269] 4to, all in blue paper wps with original label affixed per part, corner bump else clean aside from Curt Tiechert’s small discrete. Scarce to find complete. Price: $150.00 (stock#PGSFoord)
Fourmarier P. 1959 LE GRANITE ET LES DEFORMATIONS MINEURES DES ROCHES Memoires Bruxelles Palais des Acad. #1693 8vo, wps with signature and owner’s label else pages uncut, unopened vg, 101 pp., figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#MIN139)
Gass I. G. and Cockbain A. E. 1962 NOTES ON THE OCCURRENCE OF GYPSUM IN CYPRUS 8vo, wps with name stamp else vg, 9 pp., 1 fig. Price: $7.00 (stock#EUR33)
Geijer P. 1931 THE IRON ORES OF THE KIRUNA TYPE offprint Sver. Geol. Undersok. Vol. 24(4) wraps with notation else light wear, vg, 39 pp. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR45)
Geikie A. 1894 ON THE RELATIONS OF THE BASIC AND ACID ROCKS OF THE TERTIARY VOLCANIC SERIES OF THE INNER HEBRIDES offprint Quat. Jour. Geol. Soc. Title wps light+ wear, mild foxing, contents vg, 17 pp., 2 plts, 4 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR74)
Geological Institute of Poland 1972 GEOLOGY OF POLAND, VOLUME 2 CATALOGUE OF FOSSILS, PART 1, PALEOZOIC 8vo, dust jacket with some wear, contents clean and vg with 292 pp., folding charts in rear pocket. Price: $25.00 (stock#EUR80)
Gospodaric R. 1970 SPELEOLOSKE RAZISKAVE CERKNISKEGA JAMSKEGA SISTEMA (SPELEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF THE CERKNICA CAVE SYSTEM) offprint Acta Carsologica 8vo, wps, signed by author, ex-lib., vg, 61 pp., figs, map in pocket. Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR34)
Grabau A. W. 1916 COMPARISON OF AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN LOWER ORDOVICIC FORMATIONS offprint GSA Bull. wps with stamp, label, ex- lib, some external wear, contents vg, 67 pp., 1 fig.
Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR53)
Grant R. E. 1993 PERMIAN BRACHIOPODA FROM KHIOS ISLAND GREECE Paleont. Soc. Memoir #33 4to, title wps, light wear, vg, 21 pp., 14 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPB44)
Green J. F. N. 1936 THE TERRACES OF SOUTHERNMOST ENGLAND offprint Quart. Jour. Geol Soc. London 8vo, wps with stamp and inscribed by author, light wear vg, 30 pp. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR35)
Gregory J. W. 1896 CATALOG OF THE FOSSIL BRYZOA IN THE DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM 8vo, original cloth with some wear short tear/fraying to spine ends, presentation book plate from Trustees of British Museum and small catalog or inventory sticker on front paste down, 239 pp., 1 plt. Price: $30.00 (stock#IPA57)
Gregory J. W. 1926 THE SCOTTISH KAMES AND THEIR EVIDENCE ON GLACIATION OF SCOTLAND Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh large quarto, wraps with wear, page corner tips with some chips, overall good copy with 37 pp., 12 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#GLAC06)
Grunau H. R. 1959 MIKROFAZIES UND SCHITCHTUNG AUSGEWAHLTER, JUNGMESOZOISCHER, RADIOLARIT FUHRENDER SEDIMENTSERIEN DER ZENTRAL ALPEN 8vo, cloth, gilt titles, private name stamp else vg, 179 pp., 11 plts, figs, some fold out sections. Price: $25.00 (stock#EUR83)
Hadding A. 1926 THE PRE-QUATERNARY ROCKS OF SWEDEN parts 1-3 bound together with several other offprints by the author in marbled boards with linen spine, ex-lib. Parts 1 and 2with 170 pp., 45 figs; Part 3 with 287 pp., 138 figs. Price: $30.00 (stock#EUR53)
Hanssen R. W. F. 1954 LATE PLEISTOCENE FORAMINIFERA FROM THE OSLOFJORD AREA SOUTHEAST NORWAY offprint Norsk Geol. Tidd. 33 (1-2) wps, ex-lib, vg, 44 pp. 2 plts, 5 figs.
Price: $6.00 (stock#IPF40)
Harris T. M. 1938 THE BRITISH RHAETIC FLORA Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist. 8vo, cloth, signature on fep else clean fine copy, 84 pp., 5 plts, 26 figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#PB15)
Hart and Carter 1975 SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE CRETACEOUS FORAMINFERIDA OF SOUTHEAST ENGLAND offprint JOUR. FORAM. RES. 5(2) light wear, 13 pp., 10 figs. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPF03)
Hedstrom H. 1923 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE FOSSIL FAUNA OF GOTLAND I wraps light wear, vg, 15 pp., 5 plates of spiriferid brachiopods and trilobites. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR97)
Helblring R. 1902 DIE ERZLAGERSTATTEN DES MONT CHEMIN 8vo, wps, ex-lib, vg, 39 pp., folding colored section and colored map at rear, figs in text. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR36)
Henrichsen I. G. C. 1972 A CATALOGUE OF FOSSIL VERTEBRATES IN THE ROYAL SCOTTISH MUSEUM EDINBURGH 4to, wraps, light+ wear (cornerbumps), vg, 26 pp. Price: $10.00 (stockVPF110)
Henningsmoen G. 1953 CLASSIFICATION OF PALEOZOIC STRAIGHT-HINGED OSTRACODS 8vo, wps, vg, 100 pp., 2 plts, 12 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPAR031)
Henningsmoen G. 1954 LOWER ORDOVICIAN OSTRACODS FROM THE OSLO REGION NORWAY 8vo, vg, 28 pp., 2 plts, 1 fig. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPAR032)
Henningsmoen G. 1954 UPPER ORDOVICIAN OSTRACODS FROM THE OSLO REGION NORWAY wps, vg, 40 pp., 6 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPAR33)
Henningsmoen G. 1954 SILURIAN OSTRACODS FROM THE OSLO REGION NORWAY 1. BEYRICHIACEA. WITH A REVISION OF THE BEYRICHIIDAE 8vo, vg, 71 pp., 8 plts, 5 fig. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPAR34)
Henriksen G. 1902 ON THE IRON ORE DEPOSITS IN SYDVARANGER, FINMARKEN NORWAY AND RELATIVE GEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS offprint with wraps, signed by author, very good, 8 pp.
Price: $8.00 (stock#EUR77)
Henwood W. J. 1852 OBSERVATIONS ON THE PROVIDENCE MINES offprint from Trans. Royal Geol. Soc. Cornwall (vol. 7) 8vo, title wps, signed presentation by author on wp, along with several library stamps, contents vg, 8 pp., folding mine plan and folding table. Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR13)
Hill D. 1938 A MONOGRAPH ON THE CARBONIFEROUS RUGOSE CORALS OF SCOTLAND Part 1 [Palaeonto-graphical Society Monograph #] 4to, plain blue wps, light wear, vg, contains pp. 1-78, plates 1-2; and Part 2 containing pp. 79-114, plates 3-5, in same condition both vg. Price: $30.00 (stock#PGSHill)
Hill D. 1953 SOME RUGOSE AND TABULATE CORALS FROM THE MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN OF THE OSLO REGION, NORWAY, PART 2 8vo wraps, light wear, very good, 26 pp., 5 plates of fossils.
Price: $10.00 (stock#IPA10)
Histon K. 1999 CEPHALOPODS- PRESENT AND PAST, CARNIC ALPS Excursion Guidebook 4to, cover soiled, bottom of pages rubbed, worn else good copy, 84 pp., 2 plts, 23 figs. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPM66)
Hofer H. 1893 DIE ENTSTEHUNG DER BLEI-, ZINK- UND EISENERZLAGERSTATTEN IN OBERSCHLESIEN 8vo, wps with chip, crease, some wear, contents vg, 29 pp. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR37)
Hogbom A. G. FENNOSKANDIA Handbuch der regional Geologie 1913 Bd.W. 3. bound in newer buckrum clean very good copy with 197 pp., folding map at rear, 56 figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#EUR75)
Holtedahl O. 1909 STUDIEN UBER DIE ETAGE 4, DES NORWEGISCHEN SILURSYSTEMS BEIM MJOSEN wraps with some short marginal and spine tears, E. O. Ulrich and Smithsonian stamps, contents with light+ wear (light corner bump), 76 pp. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR10)
Hubbard G. D. 1934 UNITY OF PHYSIOGEOGRAPHIC HISTORY IN SOUTHWEST NORWAY offprint GSA Bull. 8vo, wps with small Signature, vg, 18 pp., 5 plts. Price: $8.00 (stock#EUR38)
Isberg O. 1934 STUDIEN UBER LAMELLIBRACHIATEN DES LEPTAENAKALKES IN DALARNA large 8vo, orig. wps with some wear, short tears and small stamp, contents vg pp. unopened aside from a occasional stain to margin of some pages. It comes and goes is not frequent and not obtuse. With 428 pp., 32 plts + figs.
Price: $25.00 (stock#IPM39)
Jenkins T. B. H. 1962 THE SEQUENCE AND CORRELATION OF THE COAL MEASURES OF PEMBROKESHIRE offprint Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc. London 8vo, wps, ex-lib, vg, 37 pp., folding section.
Price: $8.00 (stock#EUR39)
Jessen H. 1968 MOYTHOMASIA NITIDA Gross UND M. cf. STRIATA Gross DEVONISCHE PALAEONISCIDEN AUS DEM OBEREN PLATTENKALK DER BERGISCH GLADBACH-PAFFRATHER MULDE offprint Palaeonto-graphica Vol. 128, Band A. royal 4to size, perforated along spine by 3 binder holes else light wear, vg, 27 pp., 7 plates, 2 figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#VPF115)
Jonas F. 1952 ATLAS ZUR BESTIMMUNG REZENTER UND FOSSILER POLLEN UND SPOREN 8vo, bound in buckrum, vg copy, 60 pp., 57 plts. A historically-significant work. Price: $40.00 (stock#PBp03)
Jones C. R. 1986 ORDOVICIAN (LLANDEILO AND CARADOC) BEYRICHIOCOPE OSTRACODA FROM ENGLAND AND WALES PART 1 Palaeont. Soc. [publ.] 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 76 pp., 22 plts.
Price: $20.00 (stock#IPAR65)
Jones T. R. 1885 ON THE OSTRACODA OF THE PURBECK FORMATION WITH NOTES ON THE WEALDEN SPECIES extracted from Quarter. Jour. Geol. Soc. London 8vo, partly disbound else vg, light wear, 45 pp., 2 plts. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPAR035)
Jukes J. B. 1859 THE SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE COAL FIELD (2nd ed.), Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain and the Museum of Practical Geology, tall 8vo, rebound in fine quarter leather with marbled boards spine with gilt title and raised bands (a really fine binding), period inscription on title page to “Benjamin Smith, Boston….(I can’t decipher the rest), contents clean, small surface tear on title page expertly repaired, no paper loss, hard to see, hand colored frontis map folding stratigraphic chart, another plate at rear, scattered figures in text, 241 pp. Price: $150.00 (stock#GSGBJukes)
Kirklady J. F. and Bull A. J. 1940 offprint Proc. Geol. Assoc. THE GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE RIVERS OF THE SOUTHERN WEALD 8vo, wps with signature else vg, 36 pp., figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR40)
Kjellstrom G. 1971 ORDOVICIAN MICROPLANKTON (BALTISPHAERIDS) FROM THE GROTLINGBO BOREHOLE #1 IN GOTLAND SWEDEN Sver. Geol. Und. 65(1) wps ex-lib, vg, 75 pp., 4 plts + figs. Price: $5.00 (stock#PBp04)
Kjellstrom G. 1971 MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN MICROPLANKTON FROM THE GROTLINGBO BOREHOLE #1 IN GOTLAND SWEDEN Sver. Geol. Und. 65(15) wps ex-lib, vg, 35 pp., 22 figs. Price: $5.00 (stock#PBp05)
Kler J. 1932 THE CORAL FAUNA OF THE KALSTAD LIMESTONE IN MELDALEN in wraps with period Smithsonian stamps and signature, small tape along lower spine, contents vg, 10 pp., 6 plates, 1 fig. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPA14)
Koninck L. G. De 1847 MONOGRAPHIE DES GENRES PRODUCTUS ET CHONETES Imprimerie de H. Dessain, Liège. royal 4to, newer cloth, ex- library copy and very good, contents clean aside from small oval stamp and blind stamp on title and light+ foxing to plates. A nice copy with xvii, 246 pp., 20 fine engraved, tinted plates. Scarce. Price: $125.00 (stock#IPB24)
Kuenen P. H. 1948 SLUMPING IN THE CARBONIFEROUS ROCKS OF PEMBROKESHIRE offprint Quat. Jour. Geol. Soc. London wraps with signature contents vg, 20 pp., 6 plts, 9 figs with some underlining and marginal notatins by a critical geologist reader. Price: $8.00 (stock#EUR100)
Legraye M. and Goffinet A. 1955 ETUDE GEOLOGIQUE ET METALLOGENIQUE DE GISEMENT DE WOLFRAM DE MONTREDON-LABESSONNIE (TARN, FRANCE) Ann Soc. Geol. Belq. 8vo, wps with signature else light wear, vg, 44 pp., map. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR41)
Leitch D. THE CARBONICOLA FAUNA OF THE MIDLOTHIAN FIFTEEN FOOT COAL A STUDY IN VARIATION offprint from Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow wps, vg, 14 pp., 1 plt, 2 figs. Price: $6.00 (stock#IPM42)
Leitch D. 1942 NAIADITES FROM THE LOWER CARBONIFEROUS OF SCOTLAND: A VARIATION STUDY offprint Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow 8vo, margin perforated else good, ex-lib, 14 pp., 3 plts, figs. Price: $6.00 (stock#IPM115)
Loewinson-Lessing F. and Turcev A. 1928 RECHERCHES EXPERIMENTALES SUR L’AIMANTATION PERMANENTE DE ROCHES SOUMISES AU CHAUFFAGE offprint, 4to, wps with marginal chips, wear, presen-tation Signature to T. C. Chamberlain on wrap, contents are several offprints. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR42)
Lycett J. 1883 A MONOGRAPH ON THE BRITISH FOSSIL TRIGONIAE SUPPLEMENT NO. 2 INDEX [Palaeonto-graphical Society Monograph #] 4to no wps, removed from bound annual volume of that years issue, vg, 18 pp., 4 plts. Price: $30.00 (stock#PGSLycetttrig)
MacGregor M. and MacGregor A. G. 1948 THE MIDLAND VALLEY OF SCOTLAND BRITISH REGIONAL GEOLOGY 8vo, wps with priv. name stamp else some wear, good copy, 92 pp., 8 plts, figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR44)
Macko S. 1957 LOWER MIOCENE POLLEN FLORA FROM THE VALLEY OF KLODNICA NEAR GLIWICE (UPPER SILESIA) bound in buckrum, vg, 314 pp. total that include approx. 80 un-numbered plates. Price: $30.00 (stock#PBp06)
Macko S. 1959 POLLEN GRAINS AND SPORES FROM MIOCENE BROWN COALS IN LOWER SILESIA. I. 8vo, wps signed by some wear, copy got wet at some point, some of the plate pp. are adhered at lower margins, overall fair copy but usable for research and quite scarce. Price: $10.00 (stock#PBp07)
Macko S. 1963 SPOROMORPHS FROM UPPER CRETACEOUS NEAR OPOLE (SILESIA) AND FROM THE LONDON CLAYS 8vo, wps, signed by author on cover, 136 pp., 50 plts. Price: $25.00 (stock#PBp08)
Marussi A. 1947 PER L’UNIFICAZIONE GEODETICA DEL BACINO MEDITERRANEO Inst. Geog. Militare 8vo, rear wp loose, ex-lib, some wear, contents vg and complete with pocket folding maps. With 61 pp., folding maps and charts. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR45)
Monsen A. 1937 DIE GRAPTOLITHENFAUNA IM UNTEREN DIDYMOGRAPTUSSCHIEFER (PHYLLOGRAPTUSS-CHIEFER) NORWEGENS, Nord. Geol. Tidss., wraps with wear and damage, contents vg, 209 pp., 20 plates of fossil graptolites, 8 figs. Scarce. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPA133)
Naylor D. et al. 1982 GEOLOGY OF OFFSHORE IRELAND AND WEST BRITAIN large 8vo, cloth, ex-oil company library else light wear, vg 161 pp., many figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#EUR75)
North F. J. 1926 COAL AND THE COALFIELDS IN WALES National Museum of Wales 8vo, in wraps in old archival binding which is worn, ex-library else vg, 175 pp., 9 plates, 32 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR82)
Novojilov N. and Stormer L. 1963 A NEW SCORPION FROM THE UPPER CARBONIFEROUS OF SIBERIA wps, ex-lib, vg, 5 pp., 2 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPAR21)
Owen R. 1884 NOTES ON REMAINS OF ELEPHAS PRIMIGENIUS FROM ONE OF THE CRESWELL BONE-CAVES 8vo, disbound chip to margin, 4 pp. 2 figs. disbound from Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London.
Price: $10.00 (stock#VPM201)
Passerini F. 1842 SOPRA I MINERALI, E ROCCE DI VINCIGLIATA title wps, blind stamp else light+ wear, vg, 15 pp. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR80)
Petrascheck W. E. (ed.) 1972 METALLOGENETIC AND GEOCHEMICAL PROVINCES Springer-Verlag, 8vo, wps, ex-lib else vg, 183 pp., figs, with several papers on various European metal districts, another on Philippine Islands. Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR05)
Playford G. 1962 LOWER CARBONIFEROUS MICROFLORAS OF SPITSBERGEN Parts 1 and 2, complete, buckrum, retaining orig. wps., some marginal notations by paleobotanist Felix whose library the volume came. With 119 pp., plts, figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#PBp11)
Pokorny J. 1967 SULPHIDE ORE DEPOSITS IN THE RANSKO BASIC MASSIF 8vo, offprint, light+ wear, contents vg, 46 pp., 8 plts, figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR04)
Prantl F. 1938 LOWER TURONIAN BRYZOA FROM PREDBOJ royal 4to wps with some wear, stamp, contents vg, pages unopened with 71 pp., 2 plates. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPA82)
Pringle J. and George T. N. 1937 BRITISH REGIONAL GEOLOGY – SOUTH WALES 8vo, wps, light+ wear, 115 pp., 8 plts, 29 figs. The 1st edition which is now hard to find. Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR70)
Ramsbottom M. A. 1952 CALCEOCRINIDAE FROM THE WENLOCK LIMESTONE OF DUDLEY, and Melville, R. S. ON A NEW SPECIES OF IRREGULAR ECHINOID (PLAGIOCHASMA COXWELLENSE) FROM THE LOWER GREENSAND OF FARINGDON, BERKS, both report contained in Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, No. 4, wraps with small area of soiling and impression of old paper clip that attached a presentation slip (included) else contents vg, 81 pp., 9 plates for the entire volume. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPE172)
Raven T. 1932 ETUDE GEOLOGIQUE DE LA REGION DE MOREZ – LES ROUSSES 8vo, stiff wps, 134 pp., map, plt, figs. Price: $15.00 (stock EUR47)
Reed F. R. C. 1932 REPORT ON THE BRACHIOPODS FROM THE TRONDHEIM AREA wrps with signature else light wear, vg, 42 pp., 5 plates. Price: $15.00 (stock#IPB59)
Rosa D. 1899 LA RIDUZIONE PROGRESSIVA DELLA VARIABILITA 8vo, wps chipped, old tape repairs, some wear, contents good, 133 pp., pages untrimmed, unopened. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR48)
Rutot A. 1920 LE QUATERNAIRE DU NORD DE LA FRANCE ET DA LA BELGIQUE 8vo, wps, light wear, vg, 12 pp., 1 fig. and 46 pp., (2 parts, bound together as issued as a separate). Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR049)
Sahni M. R. (M. A. Davies, ed.) 1929 A MONOGRAPH OF THE TEREBRATULIDAE OF THE BRITISH CHALK [Palaeontographical Society Monograph] 4to, in blue wps with original title label affixed as issued, light wear, vg with Curt Teichert’s and institutional stamp, else clean, 62 pp., 10 plts. Price: $40.00 (stock#PGSSahni)
Schmidt F. 1873 RUSSISCHEN SILURISCHEN LEPERDITIEN Memoires L’Acadamie Imperiale de Sciences de St. Petersbourg VII Serie, Tome XXI(2) 4to in marbled boards with original wraps retained, old binders notation on margin of wrap and stamp of H. S. Williams from whose library the volume originated. With 26 pp., 1 plate of fossils. Rare. Price: $45.00 (stock#IPAR37)
Scharff R. F. 1903 THE EXPLORATION OF THE CAVES OF KESH, COUNTY SLIGO Trans. Royal Irish Acad. royal 4to, wraps with light marginal chips, ex-lib, partly disbound but vg, 44 pp., 1 plt with map and photo, 2 plates of fossils. Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR81)
Schreyer W. et al. 1964 METAMORPHIC CONDITIONS OF ORE AND COUNTRY ROCK OF THE BODENMAIS BAVARIA SULFIDE DEPOSITS offprint Neues Jahr. Min. 8vo, wps with ownership stamp else vg, 26 pp., 4 plts, figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR30)
Semenow P. von and Moller V. V. 1863 UBER DIE OBEREN DEVONISCHEN SCHICHTEN DES MITTLEREN RUSSLANDS L'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de Saint-Petersbourg. royal 4to, extracted and bound in period boards, boards worn, chipped rubbed, from H. S. William's library with the usual markings. Contents good, light wrinkling but no stains, light foxing, 37 pp., 4 plates of fossil Devonian Brachiopoda. Scarce. Price: $45.00 (stock#IPB25)
Shaw F. C. 1995 ORDOVICIAN TRINUCLEID TRILOBITES OF THE PRAGUE BASIN CZECH REPUBLIC Paleont. Soc. Memoir #40 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 23 pp., 15 figs. On Cryptolithus and related genera.
Price: $20.00 (stock#IPAR56)
Spath L. F. 1941 ON THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE UPPER AND LOWER CRETACEOUS offprint, Geol. Mag., title wraps light wear, vg, 7 pp., focused on the U. K. Price: $6.00 (stock#EUR54)
Swiderski B. 1927 NOUVELLES RECHERCHES GEOLOGIQUES DANS LES KARPATES DES POKUCIE wraps with chips, soling, wear, contents much better and good to vg with 51 pp., folding map and colored section sheet at rear, on southern Poland geology. Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR11)
Singewald J. T. 1910 THE MT. ROUNDY GOLD DEPOSITS offprint from Economic Geology 8vo, wps, with stamps else vg, 8 pp., 2 figs, located 30 miles from Prague in the Czech Republic. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR06)
Slowanska B. and Wilczek M. 1972 SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY SYMPOSIUM GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE POLAND 8vo, cloth, dust jacket worn, private name stamp else vg, 201 pp., folding stratigraphic charts, some figs, in english. Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR82)
Sollas W. J. 1891 CONTRIBUTIONS TO A KNOWLEDGE OF THE GRANITES OF LEINSTER Trans. Royal Irish Acad royal 4to, front wp with chips/tears, rear wp lacking, overall some wear, 87 pp., figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR67)
Sollas W. J. 1894 ON THE VOLCANIC DISTRICT OF CARLINGFORD AND SLIEVE GULLION PART 1- ON THE RELATION OF THE GRANITE TO THE GABBRO OF BARNAVAVE, CARLINGFORD Trans. Royal Irish Acad. royal 4to, wps light wear, period ex-lib with stamp, 34 pp., 2 plts, figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR65)
Sollas W. J. 1896 ON A VOLCANIC NECK OF TERTIARY AGE IN THE COUNTY OF GALWAY Trans. Royal Irish Acad. royal 4to, wps, page margins with short tears, a bit rough of a copy but servicible. With 14 pp., 1 plt.
Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR66)
Sonnenfeld P. (ed.) 1981 TETHYS THE ANCESTRAL MEDITERRANEAN Benchmark Papers in Geology #53 8vo, cloth, rubbing to edges of covers in place else light wear, vg, 331 pp., numerous figs. Price: $25.00 (stock#EUR73)
Spath L. F. 1956 THE LIASSIC AMMONITE FAUNAS OF THE STOWELL PARK BOREHOLE reprint from Bull. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, title wraps, light wear, vg, 15 pp., 2 plates. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM181P)
Spjeldnaes N. 1957 THE MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN OF THE OSLO REGION, NORWAY PART 9. BRACHIOPODS OF THE FAMILY PORAMBONITIDAE wraps with stamp else light wear, vg, 14 pp., 1 plate, 3 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPB62P)
Spencer J. W. 1905 PROF. HULL’S SUB-OCEANIC TERRACES AND RIVER VALLEYS OFF THE COAST OF EUROPE American Geologist offprint 8vo, wps, fine copy, 15 pp. Price: $10.00 (stock#EUR51)
Spjeldnaes N. 1964 TWO COMPOUND CORALS FROM THE TRETASPIS BEDS OF THE OSLO-ASKER DISTRICT offprint Norsk Geol. Tid. 8vo, wps with stamp, ex-lib vg, 10 pp., figs. Price: $6.00 (stock#IPM66)
Stafford P. T. 1960 EXCURSION IN SICILY Petroleum Exploration Soc. Libya 4t0, wraps with name stamp, some wear, contents good, 93 pp., scores of figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR84)
Stormer L. 1925 ON A LOWER CAMBRIAN FAUNA AT USTAOSET IN NORWAY offprint from Fennia, 45(1) 22 pp., 2 plates, presentation copy to J. M. Clarke of the NYSM. 8vo, wraps loose, some wear, clean.
Price: $10.00 (stock#IPAR12)
Tarr R. S. 1908 GLACIAL EROSION IN THE SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS offprint Scottish Geog. Mag. 8vo, plain wps, vg, 12 pp., 4 figs. Price: $8.00 (stock#EUR32)
Thomas E. G. 1940 REVISION OF THE SCOTTISH CARBONIFEROUS PLEUROTOMARIIDAE offprint, Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 8vo, wps, four small perforations from binding else vg, 40 pp., 4 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM106)
Thomsen, E. 1977 PHENETIC VARIABILITY AND FUNCTIONAL MORPHOLOGY OF ERECT CHEILOSTOME BRYOZOANS FROM THE DANIAN (PALEOCENE) OF DENMARK offprint from PALEOBIOL. 3, 17 pp., 15 figs. foxing to margins of 1st page, vg. Price: $6.00 (stock#IPA16)
Thomson J. ON THE GENUS CYATHAXONIA AND SEVERAL NEW SPECIES FROM THE CARBONIFEROUS LIMESTONE OF SCOTLAND 8vo, wraps, offprint from Phil. Soc. Glasgow, presentation copy to J. B. Marcou, wps light wear, vg, 16 pp., 3 plts. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPA81)
Tiechert C. 1940 CEPHALOPODS FROM THE DRUMMOCK GROUP OF THE GIRVAN DISTRICT offprint Geol. Soc. Glasgow, wraps with notation else light wear, vg 13 pp., 2 plates. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPM152)
Tillyard M. A. 1923 TARSOPHLEBIOPSIS MAYI N.G. ET N.SP. A DRAGON-FLY, FOUND IN THE BODY CHAMBER OF A CORALLIAN AMMONITE offprint from Geol. Mag. 8vo, wps, light wear, 6 pp., 1 plt, 3 figs. Note this offprint is bound with the wrap of another title from the same journal-printers error. Price: $10.00 (stock#IPAR61)
Tollman A. 1963 OSTALPEN-SYNTHESE 2 vols (text and plates) 8vo, dust jacket with short tears else private owners book plate and stamp, light wear, vg, 256 pp., 11 plates in slip case. Price: $30.00 (stock#EUR68)
Trueman A. E. 1938 ON CERTAIN ANTHRACOMYAS FROM THE SIMILIS-PULCHRA ZONE OF THE COAL MEASURES offprint, Geol. Mag., perforated along margin else vg, 11 pp., 3 figs. Price: $6.00 (stock#IPM113)
Trueman A. E. 1940 THE LAMELLIBRANCH ZONES OF THE SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE COALFIELD offprint Geol. Mag. 8vo, title wps, perforated along spine else vg, 14 pp., 7 figs. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPM117)
Tshernyschew T. 1884 MATERIALEN ZUR KENNTNESS DER DEVONISCHEN ABLAGERUNGEN IN RUSSLAND MEMOIRES DU COMITE GEOLOGIQUE DE SAINT-PETERSBOURG royal 4to, in period boards retaining original wraps, boards loose, partly disbound, presentation from author to Koninck and then stamped by H. S. Williams, from his library and subsequently that of an Institution. contents are generally clean and vg with 82 pp., 3 plts.
Price: $70.00 (Stock#IPB22)
Valasek P. 1992 THE TECTONIC STRUCTURE OF THE SWISS ALPINE CRUST INTERPRETED FROM A 2D NETWORK OF DEEP CRUSTAL SEISMIC PROFILES AND AN EVALUATION OF 3D EFFECTS Ph.D thesis (published version), Swiss Federal Inst. Technology, Zurich. 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 195 pp., figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR71)
Van Beneden P. J. and De Koninck L. NOTICE SUR LE PALAEDAPHUS INSIGNIS offprint or removed from Bull. Academ. Royale 2nd series some wear, old labels across spine, partly disbound, both plates are present. With 8 pp., 2 folding plates. Price: $15.00 (stock#VPF133)
Various Authors 1981 METALLOGENIC MAP OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC two large folding colored sheets in plain envelope, vg to fine condition. Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR87)
Vaughn T. W. 1924 AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN TERTIARY LARGER FORAMINIFERA offprint in Paleo. Soc. wps, from GSA Bulletin, Vol. 35 8vo, wraps with stamps else vg, clean, 38 pp., 7 pls. Price: $8.00 (stock#IPF05)
Vaughn T. W. 1925 AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN TERTIARY CORALS offprint from GSA Bulletin 35, 4 pp. 8vo wraps, stamps else vg. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPA09)
Velicheko A. A. (ed.) translated by Wright H. E. and Barnosky C. W. 1984 LATE QUATERNARY ENVIRONMENTS OF THE SOVIET UNION royal 4to, cloth with dust jacket, vg, 327 pp., many figs. Price: $35.00 (stock#EUR72)
Vogel K. 1961 CARDINIEN (LAMELLIBR.) IM RHAT offprint, in german, ex-lib, 7 pp., 4 figs.
Price: $3.00 (stock#IPM54)
Vyalov O. S. (ed.) FOSSIL OSTRACODA Akad. Nauk Ukrainskol (in English) 8vo, stamp to wp else vg, 217 pp., plts, figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPAR41)
Ward P. D. and Kennedy W. J. 1993 MAASTRICHTIAN AMMONITES FROM THE BISCAY REGION (FRANCE, SPAIN) Paleont. Soc. Memoir #34 4to, title wps, light wear, vg, 58 pp., 45 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#IPM72)
Watts W. W. 1921 REPORT ON BRITISH PETROGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE offprint from Min. Mag. Vol. 19(92) 8vo, ex-lib with stamps on wps, contents vg, 11 pp. Price: $6.00 (stock#MIN92)
Weir J. 1950 RECENT STUDIES OF SHELLS OF THE COAL MEASURES [Great Britain] 8vo, wps, vg, 14 pp., 8 figs.
Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM40)
WOOD S. V. 1861 A MONOGRAPH OF THE EOCENE BIVALVES OF ENGLAND PART 1 BIVALVES [Palaeonto-graphical Society Monograph #58] 4to no wps, extracted from the annual volume of Palaeont. Soc. Monograph issues for the year, light wear, clean, vg, contains 74 pp., 13 plts on various bivalve Mollusca. Scarce. Price: $45.00 (stock#PGS51)
Woods H. 1911 - 1912 A MONOGRAPH OF THE CRETACEOUS LAMELLIBRANCHIA OF ENGLAND Volume 2, Parts 7 and 8 INOCERAMUS [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #314 and 321] 4to, blue wps with label affixed, contents clean, vg with pp. 261-340 and plates 45-54 of this well-regarded treatise and standard reference on Cretaceous bivalves, many pages are unopened. Nice set on this most common of Cretaceous molluscan taxa. Price: $45.00 (PGSwoods7-8)
Woods H. 1913 A MONOGRAPH OF THE CRETACEOUS LAMELLIBRANCHIA OF ENGLAND Volume 2, Part 9 OSTREIDAE, RADIOLITIDAE, ADDITIONS, DISTRIBUTION, BIBLOGRAPHY AND INDEX [Palaeontographical Society Monograph #325] 4to, blue wps with label affixed, contents clean vg with pp. 341-73 and plates 55-62, being the final part of this well-regarded treatise and standard reference on Cretaceous bivalves.
Price: $30.00 (stock#PGSwoods9)
Wright 1965 THE OCCURRENCE OF STREPTIS (BRACHIOPODA) IN THE ORODOVICIAN OF THE INNER OSLO FJORD offprint from Paleont. Cont. Unv. Oslo #166 8vo, no wraps, stamp, vg, 7 pp., 1 plt. Price: $3.00 (stock#IPB16)
Wright T. 1880 MONOGRAPH OF THE LIAS AMMONITES OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS PART 3- CLASSIFICATION [Palaeontographical Society Monographs #160] 4to, blue wraps with orig. label affixed, front wp and first few pp. loose else light wear, vg clean copy. Begins with a sketched measured section defining the Triassic-Jurassic boundary near Lyme Regis and includes of Ammonites of the planorbis, angulatum and other zones, mostly based on collections from the Dorset section which are lavishly illustrated by fine, engraved plates. This is Part 3 of Wright’s monumental, 8 part work and includes pp. 165-264 and plts 19-40. Scarce. Price: $80.00 (stock#PGS160)
Wright T. 1886 MONOGRAPH OF THE LIAS AMMONITES OF THE BRITISH ISLANDS PART 8- DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES [Palaeontographical Society Monographs #188] 4to, no wps, extracted from the annual volume of Palaeont. Soc. Monograph issues for the year, light wear, clean, contains pp. 481-503, plate 88, being the final issue for Wright’s classic treatise, and includes descriptions of species belonging to Lytoceras, Amaltheus as well as ammonite aptychi; Index to genera and species described in the whole work and general index. Price: $25.00 (stock#PGS188)
Yen T.-C. 1948 ON SOME BATHONIAN MOLLUSCA FROM SKYE offprint Geol. Mag. 8vo, wps, 5 pp., 1 plt.
Price: $4.00 (stock#IPM44)
Yochelson E. L. 1962 EARLY ORDOVICIAN GASTROPODS FROM THE OSLO REGION NORWAY offprint Norsk Geol. Tid. 8vo, wps with stamp, ex-lib vg, 14 pp., figs. Price: $7.00 (stock#IPM121)
Yochelson E. L. 1963 GASTROPODS FROM THE OTTA CONGLOMERATE offprint Norsk Geol. Tid. 8vo, wps with stamp, ex-lib vg, 7 pp., figs. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM120)
Yochelson E. L. 1963 THE MIDDLE ORDOVICIAN OF THE OLSO REGION lib else vg, 81 pp., 8 plts.
Price: $15.00 (stock#EUR54)
Zalucki H. 1968 DICTIONARY OF RUSSIAN TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC ABBREVIATIONS 8vo, cloth, light wear, vg, 387 pp. Scarce. Price: $30.00 (stock#EUR20)
Price: $20.00 (stock#EUR52)
Zerndt J. 1934 LES MEGASPORES DU BASSIN HOUILLER POLONAIS Polish Acad. Science 4to, bound in buckrum, light wear, vg, 56 pp., 32 plts (text in French). A good copy of a rather early palynology work.
Price: $25.00 (stock#PB102)
Ziegler A. M. et al. 1974 CORRELATION OF THE SILURIAN ROCKS OF THE BRITISH ISLES GSA Special Paper #154 wps light wear, vg, 154 pp., 7 figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#GSASP154)