Phillip Huber, Bookseller/Geologist
PO Box 1036, Faribault, Minnesota 55021
Kobayashi T. 1934, THE CAMBRO-ORDOVICIAN FORMATIONS AND FAUNAS OF SOUTH CHOSEN Jour. Faculty Science Imperial Unv. Tokoyo, vol. III, Parts 8 and 9 (two volumes), both 4to, wraps with light crease, light edge wear or gentle bump else light wear, vg copies. Part 8 with 202 pp., 44 plates heavy on trilobites and nautiloids; Part 9 with 66 pp., 8 plates. Scarce. Price: $75.00 (stock#SEA101)
Kozu S. PETROLOGICAL NOTES ON THE IGENOUS ROCKS OF THE OKI ISLANDS (Japan) and other papers. Folio bound in marbled boards some exterior wear, contents vg, signature on free end paper, several folio sized reports bound together on igneous rocks of Japan with numerous plates and figures. Price: $40.00 (stock#SEA35)
Allen, G. and Miller V. 1949 THE JAPANESE ALUMINUM INDUSTRY U. S. Bur. Mines Info. Circ. #7496 4to, wps, light wear, vg, 55 pp., figs. Price: $15.00 (stock#USBMIC7496)
Bain H. F. 1927 ORES AND INDUSTRY IN THE FAR EAST 8vo, cloth, light wear vg, 229 pp., figs. A Rather scarce title published by the Council on Foreign Relations, mostly on China. Price: $40.00 (stock#SEA29)
Bain H. F. 1927 MINERALS IN RELATION TO POSSIBLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE FAR EAST offprint from Economic Geology wps, light wear, vg. Price: $8.00 (stock#SEA04)
Berry W. B. N. and Boucot A. J. 1972 CORRELATION OF SOUTHEASTERN ASIAN AND NEAR EASTERN SILURIAN ROCKS Geol. Soc. America Special Paper #137 8vo, light wear, fine copy, 65 pp., plt in pocket, figs.
Price: $10.00 (stock#GSASP137)
Cheng Y. C. 1941 ON THE OCCURRENCE AND METAMORPHISM OF LATE PALAEOZOIC EXTRUSIVE ROCKS OF TAOFU SIKANG offprint from Geol. Soc. China Bull., signed by author, light wear, vg.
Price: $10.00 (stock#SEA05)
Dao-Yi et al.1989 ASTROGEOLOGICAL EVENTS IN CHINA Van Nostrand, publ., 8vo, cloth with dust jacket as issued, light wear, vg copy, 264 pp., numerous figs. Covers impact events in geologic history including the Precambrian-Cambrian, Permo-Triassic and K-T Boundaries. Price: $25.00 (stock#SSG04)
Fukutomi T. 1942 ON THE CONSTANT BOILING SPRINGS IN IZU PENINSULA Jour. Hokkaido Unv. offprint in wps, name and author stamp else vg, 38 pp., figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#SEA11)
Guzman E. J. (ed.) 1956 SYMPOSIUM SOBRE YACIMIENTOS DE PETROLEO Y GAS TOMO II – ASIA Y OCEANIA 20th International Geol. Congress, Mexico City, signature on wrap else light wear, vg, 240 pp., figs.
Price: $20.00 (stock#OIL40)
Hayashi S. 1961 COSALITE FROPM THE HAGIDAIRA MINE GUN’MA PREFECTURE JAPAN offprint Min. Jour. 8vo, title wps, vg, 8 pp. Price: $6.00 (stock#SEA12)
Hirano H. et al. 1978 LOWER JURASSIC AMMONITES FROM THE HIGUCHI GROUP SOUTHWEST JAPAN Paleont. Soc. Japan, offprint, wps, vg, 7 pp., 1 plt. Price: $5.00 (stock#IPM49)
Huang Y. 1940 GEOLOGY OF THE IRON ORE DEPOSITS OF IMEN, YUNNAN offprint from Bull. Geol. Surv. China 8vo, title wps, some wear, 22 pp., folding maps, in chinese. Price: $10.00 (stock#SEA01)
Inst. Geol. Palaeont., Nanjing 1981 CHINESE-WESTERN LANGAUGE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CHINESE PALAEO-BOTANY (UP TO 1980) 8vo, wps, light wear, name stamp and signature else vg, 139 pp., in English and Chinese (both versions in same volume). Price: $15.00 (stock#PB037)
Iwasaki C. 1924 ON THE DEPOSITION OF GOLD AND SILVER IN THE OMUI GOLD MINE offprint, Japan. Jour. Geol. Geog., 8vo, wps, some wear, 7 pp., 1 plt, figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#SEA03)
Journal Japanese Assoc. Mineralogists, Petrologists and Economic Geologists Six (6) issues dating from Jan-June inclusive, 1937, in japanese with english Tables of contents, covering diverse topics, mostly mining and mineralogy. Price: $30.00 (stock#SEA37)
Kato T. 1921 NOTES ON THE BANDED CHROMITE ORE FROM THE AKAISHI MINE IN THE PROVINCE OF IYO JAPAN wps, small stamps from J. C. Branner library else good copy, 6 pp. 1 plt. Price: $5.00 (stock#SEA173)
Kato T. 1924 THE MINERALIZATION IN THE SUSAKI MINE IN THE PROVINCE OF IDZU offprint Japanese Jour. Geol. & Geog., wps, stamps from J. C. Branner library else vg, 10 pp 1 plt 5 figs. Price: $6.00 (stock#SEA174)
Kato T. 1925 ON THE PECULIAR ORE DEPOSITS OF THE ASAKAWA MINE IN THE PROVINCE OF AWA SHIKOKU offprint from Japanese Jour. Geol. & Geog. 8vo, in authors wps, small stamps else vg, 11 pp. 3 plts.
Price: $6.00 (stock#SEA175)
Kato T. 1927 THE IKUNO-AKENOBE METALLOGENETIC PROVINCE offprint from Japanese Jour. Geol. & Geog. 8vo, in authors wps, small stamps, a worn but good copy, 12 pp. 1 plt 3 figs. Price: $8.00 (stock#SEA176)
Kato T. 1944 ON THE MOLYBDENITE DEPOSIT OF THE YOKAZYOSI MINE IN MANCHURIA offprint from Japanese Jour. Geol. & Geog. 8vo, wps w/ sign. light wear, vg, 3 pp. 5 figs. Price: $5.00 (stock#SEA178)
Kobayashi T. no date, but ca. 1930s) ON THE IZUMI SANDSTONE SERIES IN THE IZUMI MOUNTAIN RANGE offprint, 8vo, japanese and english, 11 pp., 2 plts of ammonite fossils, 1 fig, 1 table. Price: $10.00 (stock#SEA22)
Lee Y. Y. 1942 GEOCHEMICAL INTERPRETATION ON THE SALT DEPOSITS IN SZECHUAN offprint Bull. Geol. Soc. China 8vo, no wps, some wear, good, 12 pp., fig. Price: $10.00 (stock#SEA13)
Noda H. THE GEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE GENUS PECTEN FROM THE PLIOCENE HAIZUME FORMATION NIIGATA PREFECTURE JAPAN article in Japanese Jour. Geology and Geol. vol. 32(1), complete issue, article with 8 pp., 1 plt, another article on fossil pectens, and more. Price: $10.00 (stock#SEA26)
Shuto T. and Ueda Y. 1963 NEW OLIGOCENE TURRIDS FROM NORTH KYUSHU in Japanese Jour. Geology and Geog. Vol. 34(1), complete issue, 17 pp., 1 plt in addition to other reports. Price: $10.00 (stock#SEA27)
Sugimura A. and Uyeda, S. 1973 ISLAND ARCS – JAPAN AND ITS ENVIRONS Elsevier [publisher] 8vo, dust jacket with some wear, private bookplate on paste down else contents clean and very good, 247 pp., figs. Long out of print. Price: $20.00 (stock#SEA22)
Watanabe M. 1923 GEOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE IMPORTANT ORE DEPOSITS OF JAPAN offprint from Econ. Geology 18(2) 8vo, wps with stamp and presentation signature from author else vg, 17 pp., 1 fig.
Price: $10.00 (stock#SEA06)
Watanabe M. 1943 GEOLOGY AND MINERALIZATION OF THE SUIAN DISTRICT TYOSEN (KOREA). THE GEOLOGY OF THE SUIAN GOLD MINING DISTRICT Hokkaido Imperial Unv. 8vo, wps with minor chips, light+ wear, presentation from author on wps, contents vg and in English, with 97 pp., 40 plates. Exceedingly rare. Price: $75.00 (stock#SEA07)
Weigall A. R. 1905 GOLD MINING IN JAPAN offprint, ex-lib else vg. 22 pp. Price: $15.00 (stock#SEA02)
Whitford-Stark J. L. 1987 A SURVEY OF CENOZOIC VOLCANISM ON MAINLAND ASIA Geol. Soc. America Spec. Paper #213 4to, printed wps light wear, vg, 74 pp., figs. Price: $20.00 (stock#GSASP203)
Young C. C. 1936 ON THE CENOZOIC GEOLOGY OF ITU, CHANGLO AND LINCHO DISTRICTS (SHANTUNG) offprint, Bull. Geol. Soc. China wps light wear vg, 8 pp., 8 figs. Price: $10.00 (stock#SEA28)